Chapter 245.

Jia Shifei held up his mobile phone, with a planned smile on his face, swiped his finger smartly, and then turned on the speakerphone.

"Hey, Lao Jia, I heard that Mr. Chen has really returned to the capital? Have you seen anyone else?" Cao Kunguan spoke hurriedly on the other end of the phone.

Miao Aoxue and others didn't expect that, Cao Kunguan said this.

It was as if this "Mr. Chen" was far more important than his concubine.

Jia Shifei hugged his knees and said slowly, "Director Cao, did Mr. Chen call you?"

Cao Kunguan was silent for a while, and then said: "No, I learned about today's matter from other people's mouths."

"Mr. Chen called me and someone else, but he didn't call you. You pin, you pinch carefully. Think about the reason."


When Jia Shifei said this, he somewhat gloated, looking like a concubine who had successfully fought for favor in ancient times.

It took Cao Kunguan a long time to recover, and said, "Is Mr. Chen disappointed in me?"

"I don't know if I'm disappointed or not. Anyway, I definitely don't agree with your taste in finding a concubine." Jia Shifei glanced at Lin Yumeng and smiled playfully.

"Ah." Cao Kunguan sighed on the other side, "The last time I saw Mr. Chen was several years ago. The ancients said that if you don't see Huang Sheng within a few months, the stinginess will come back to your heart. I Now it can be regarded as stingy comeback."

After Cao Kunguan finished speaking, he suddenly said to Jia Shifei: "Old Jia, can you tell Mr. Chen for me, I want to meet him."

After he finished speaking, Li Jia gasped.

Cao Kunguan is one of the few directors in China, and his fame is no longer limited to China.

It can be said that when he coughed, half of the entertainment industry was shaken.

However, he actually wants to see that "Mr. Chen", begging to be so humble?
After hearing what he said, Jia Shifei shook his head and said, "No, no, I may not see it if I want to. If that person doesn't want to talk to you, he won't tell you. If he doesn't want to see you, you can just talk to him." If you don't see it, I advise you not to bother."

Cao Kunguan said angrily: "Then you mean that you can see people, but you just don't want to kick me? I did something wrong, and I can't even try to make up for it?"

Jia Shifei's tone also became irritable: "Who says I can see someone? I'm planning to squat him in the fireworks building, I don't know if he will come or not! If he doesn't come, I will squat for a day!"

"Then I will also come to the Fireworks Building."

"Don't come, you are not welcome in the Fireworks Building."

"Do you open the door for business and chase customers?"

The two bigwigs fought over this matter here, and they fought for a long time.

This scene opened Su Yeqing's eyes.

Although the style of the fireworks building is high, if a boss of Cao Kunguan's level comes, it will be a great thing for the shop's signboard if the news spreads.

But Jia Shifei didn't want him to come, but drove him out.

Now Su Yeqing is really curious, what did the Mr. Chen they have been vying to see all this time do?
After a long time, the two of them calmed down, and Cao Kunguan seemed to have just remembered the business.

"Give your phone to that Lin Yumeng." Cao Kunguan said on the other end of the phone.

"Why don't you call her on your own mobile phone?"

"I don't want to keep a record of this call."

Jia Shifei laughed and cursed, handed the phone to Lin Yumeng, and said, "Here."

Lin Yumeng looked at the phone, then at him, and said, "I won't answer it."

Jia Shifei raised his eyebrows: "You won't answer Cao Kunguan's call?"

"You asked him to call me." Lin Yumeng's face was ashen, "I don't know what to say on someone else's mobile phone."

Cao Kunguan's voice came from the phone: "Lin Yumeng, answer the phone! Are you unclear about your identity?"

Tears fell from Lin Yumeng's eyes, and she said hysterically to the phone:
"I really don't understand. Your woman has been bullied outside. That's the attitude you have! No man will let his woman be wronged like this. Don't you even want face?"

Cao Kunguan's voice on the phone suddenly became cold:
"Face? You woman also know what face is?"

He said: "I have always earned my own face. I have been filming for so many years, and my face has been won from the audience and killed in other movies. What are you, you deserve to talk to me about losing me face?
"Let me tell you, Lin Yumeng, that you really don't appear on a few shows, and you feel like a headache. Let me tell you, compared with the really awesome characters, you are nothing.

"From today, you have nothing to do with me. I will call the servants now and ask them to throw all your things out. Don't let me see you in the future."

Lin Yumeng only felt a urge to urinate, attacking her bladder fiercely, not only her, but Miao Aoxue, who was standing by the side, also felt shudder after listening to Director Cao's words.

When this famous director is usually seen on TV, he is full of artistic cells. Today, he has refreshed everyone's understanding. This famous director actually has a heroic side.

With just a few words, Lin Yumeng, who was invincible just now, was kicked out of the house. This lady is still staying where she is now, completely unexpected that the punishment would be so severe.

Jia Shifei crossed his legs, as if he didn't care about the sudden homelessness of the person in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Miss Lin, don't forget that you still have to pay the original price for the clothes you trampled."

Lin Yumeng suddenly panicked and stammered, "I, I... Director Cao, I have no money..."

"No money? The big star, Lin Yumeng, who knows, who doesn't know? How can you have no money?"

Lin Yumeng looked at the phone and said in a panic, "Director Cao, I..."

"Don't call me Director Cao Cao," the voice on the phone was extremely ruthless, "I said, you have nothing to do with me now."

"So, when did you lose money?" Jia Shifei tilted his head, "Or do you really have no money?"

Lin Yumeng stood among the crowd. Mr. Jia, Su Yeqing, Miao Aoxue, and the staff all focused on her.

She seemed to be the focus of the audience, the focus of embarrassment.

She slowly took out the card, and an employee took her card, swiped it twice on the POS machine, and then looked up and said, "Sorry miss, the balance is insufficient. There is only 3300 million in the card."

Lin Yumeng used to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars, and usually couldn't remember how much money she had in savings, so she was lavish when she spent it.

But the problem is that this single set of clothes is worth 7000 million, and her card really doesn't have that much money.

Jia Shifei raised his chin to Su Yeqing and said, "Xiao Su, go and get a piece of paper. It seems that our Miss Lin needs to write an IOU."

Su Yeqing ran away in a hurry, and after a while, all the paper, pen, and inkpad were brought over.

Mr. Jia scribbled an IOU on the paper, then handed the paper to her, saying:
"Miss Lin, put your fingerprint on it."

Lin Yumeng returned it in one go, knocked all the IOUs and ink pads to the ground, and then screamed hysterically.

Mr. Jia's face turned cold.

"Call the police if you are a rogue, we will see you in court, what do you think?"

Lin Yumeng shuddered.

If it goes to court, her star career will really be ruined.

Miao Aoxue started to get a little scared.

This thing seems to be really messed up.

She had fanned the flames on the side before, but now thinking about it, she still felt a little scared, so she quietly pulled Li Jiayi's clothes beside her, and whispered:
"Let's go."

Li Jiayi obviously had the same idea as her, nodded slightly, and the two of them joined hands, and slipped away through the gate while others were not paying attention.

After walking out the door, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back at the fireworks building. There was a sign saying no to welcome visitors hanging at the door.

"It's so strange," Miao Aoxue whispered, frowning, "You said Lin Yumeng, and Cao Kunguan... shouldn't it be?"

Her mind was full of the scene where Cao Kunguan made a phone call just now and kicked Lin Yumeng out without saying a word.

Out of the sadness of the rabbit and the fox, she is also a little... sad now.

"This Cao Kunguan, it shouldn't be like this from the beginning to the end, right? The feelings are gone, there is no need to trample people to death, right?"

After hearing Miao Aoxue's words, Li Jiayi secretly rolled his eyes.

This woman loves her brain, she really doesn't understand anything.

"Didn't you see it? This is not a conflict between Cao Kunguan and Lin Yumeng at all, it's because Lin Yumeng offended the 'Mr. Chen' they called!" Li Jiayi said.

"Is that so?" Miao Aoxue asked, "But who is that Mr. Chen? Chen Ya? Impossible?"

Li Jiayi was silent.

They just concluded a deal with Chen Ya. Judging from the communication with him and his conversation, he is not like the "Mr. Chen" that Cao Kunguan said.

But if it wasn't him, who else was the person Lin Yumeng offended today, plus the surname Chen?

The two sat in the car and didn't speak for a long time, and Miao Aoxue didn't rush.

She turned over and over in her mind, thinking of many reasons, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the so-called Mr. Chen could never be Chen Ya.

People generally only believe what they want to believe. The so-called suspicious neighbor steals the axe, and if you deliberate on the so-called clues a little bit, you will follow your own thinking logic more and more.

Li Jiayi was much more objective than Miao Aoxue, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure out the identity of "Mr. Chen".

Finally, he decided to call his father.

When the phone was connected, he immediately said to the voice box, "Dad, I want to ask you something. Do you know Mr. Chen?"

"Mr. Chen? Which Mr. Chen?"

"Such a thing happened today..."

Li Jia told his father Li Shihui everything that happened today. After listening, Li Shihui was silent for a while.

"You said that this person who is so valued by Cao Kunguan and Jia Shifei is also surnamed Chen. If you say that, I really know that there may indeed be such a person."

"Who is it?" Li Jiayi asked eagerly.

Miao Aoxue also came over.

Li Shihui said: "Jiayi, you have to know that some people's levels are too high for us to understand, and we haven't even heard their names. It's not because we are ignorant, but because their names are a secret."

He went on to say: "So, I advise you not to understand, if you insist, I can give you a name——

"Nine Heavens Project."

"You can search for this term on the Internet, and I won't say much about the others."

After finishing speaking, Li Shihui said again: "Finally, let me give you a suggestion, don't provoke Mr. Chen."

Li Jia took a look at Miao Aoxue, and then said: "But, Dad, I don't even know who Mr. Chen is, so why don't you provoke him?"

"Don't mess with anyone surnamed Chen, why not?"

After Li Shihui finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Miao Aoxue and Li Jia were left looking at each other.

"Quick search, what is Nine Heavens Project?" Miao Aoxue asked hastily.

As soon as Li Jia opened her mobile browser, she entered "Jiuxiao Project" in the search bar, and found a lot of content, but at a glance, she knew it was obviously not what she wanted to search for.

Suddenly, he saw a post on the unidentified forum of Beijing University.

The title of the post is exactly "The Nine Heavens Project is halfway through completion".

When I opened it, I found that all the Riddlers who spoke in the forum could not understand a word.

Only the first poem.

Miao Aoxue looked at the poem and read softly:

"28 years have passed,
With a flick of a finger.

You can reach the moon for nine days,

You can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles,

Talk about triumphant songs.

Nothing is difficult in the world,
As long as you are willing to climb. "



Chen Ya's Lexus was driving on the road, getting farther and farther away from the fireworks building.

Sitting next to him, Lu Qingxuan was a little puzzled.

"You really don't want to go back and have a look?" she asked.

Just now she thought that Chen Ya was going back to the Fireworks Building, but he just made a few phone calls, and she didn't know who he was calling.

After finishing the call, he continued to follow the navigation, as if he had completely forgotten about the wedding dress in the Fireworks Building.

Chen Ya concentrated on driving, and said, "You don't need to go back, someone will take care of it."


Chen Ya didn't answer.

At this moment, Chen Ya's phone rang again, and the caller ID was "Gao Jinliang".

Chen Ya let out a "tsk" and hung up immediately.

Lu Qingxuan turned to look at him: "Is it really okay to hang up the call of Commissioner Gao?"

"Anyway, it must be Lin Yumeng who filed the complaint again, and he called to put pressure on him again, so don't worry about him."

After a while, the phone rang again, and it was still Gao Jinliang.

Lu Qingxuan said: "It's better to pick it up, otherwise the high committee member may put pressure on Aunt Lu Ruixiang."

Chen Ya frowned and connected the phone.


"Hey, why did you hang up on me just now?" Gao Jinliang was aggressive as soon as he came up, "Miss Lin Yumeng called me again just now, why are you still holding on to her?"

Chen Ya didn't talk nonsense, and directly pressed the red hang up button.

Lu Qingxuan was dumbfounded.

"Chen Ya, it's really...not good for you to be like this," Lu Qingxuan stuttered a little, "Don't think that Committee Member Gao's surname is Gao, so you don't take him seriously?"

"so what?"

Lu Qingxuan continued to stammer: "Commissioner Gao used to be the old man's bodyguard. The old man admired him very much, and even thought of adopting him as a foster son. I have never seen anyone in the Lu family who dared to directly hung up on him."

"Then you will see it now." Chen Ya replied easily.

Lu Qingxuan sighed and covered her forehead.

Today, she has a brand new understanding of Chen Ya, that is - bad temper.

While the two were driving, two pieces of news made the entertainment circle boil.

One of them was a well-known variety show that announced that Lin Yumeng would be removed from the show without giving a reason for the removal.

Second, Xu Xiangxiao, who rarely posts on Weibo, suddenly posted a blog, announcing that Lin Yumeng was prohibited from covering her own songs again, and restricted the commercial use of the covered songs.

After the news spread to Double Star Entertainment, where Lin Yumeng signed a contract, the entire Lu family fell into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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