Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 246 245. He is the person who opened the curtain of the era

Chapter 246 245. He is the person who opened the curtain of the era
Guihe Manor was as clear and beautiful as ever, but Gao Jinliang was in a hurry, pacing back and forth by the lake.

Yu Shuning was helped over, and when she saw Gao Jinliang, she smiled and said, "I have found you. Today, I have half-solved a matter that has puzzled me for a long time."

After speaking, he came closer and saw Gao Jinliang's anxious face, and asked in surprise, "Old Gao, what's wrong with you?"

When Gao Jinliang saw Yu Shuning, as if he had found a savior, he hurried over and said:
"Grandma, alas, that Chen Ya is too worrying, I'm so anxious now, my hair is about to fall out."

Old Madam Yu asked in surprise, "Chen Ya? What's the matter?"

Today, the name Chen Ya appeared very frequently in front of her, that's why she was so surprised.

Gao Jinliang told about the conflict between Lin Yumeng and Chen Ya, and Yu Shuning listened carefully, then sorted it out:
"It means that Chen Ya's sister-in-law is going to get married, and Lin Yumeng has also taken a fancy to the wedding dress she likes. The two of them refuse to give in to each other. Is that the meaning?"

Gao Jinliang nodded: "That's right, that's what it means."

Old Madam Yu said: "Then let me tell you, that Lin Yumeng should back down a bit. First, she's not married. Can't she pick another one when she gets married? Second, there must be someone who comes first, and she is the one who comes later." It was just decided, if you rob Chen Ya again, it will be a mess, and you will deliberately disrespect Chen Ya, Chen Ya belongs to our Lu family anyway, so can she get away with it?"

Gao Jinliang nodded and said, "That's the truth, can I not understand? But that Lin Yumeng let her go, saying that if she swallows this breath today, she will terminate the contract with Double Star Entertainment tomorrow."

Yu Shuning frowned: "Although Chen Ya is a side branch, he is also a member of the Lu family. If it was released before, how would this little star dare to jump on top? Or is it that the reputation of the Lu family is not as good as before, and he was bullied like this by a little girl. "

Gao Jinliang said: "One more thing, after all, Lin Yumeng...has such a relationship with Cao Kunguan."

Yu Shuning thought for a while, and finally sighed, feeling a little depressed.

"Then tell Chen Ya, where is the wedding dress? Marriage is a celebration, and it's not worth spoiling a good marriage because of this. Tell Chen Ya, his sister-in-law's wedding banquet is held in Luzhou. The old man's birthday banquet is next door, so he should be satisfied."

Gao Jinliang said: "I also think the same way. They are not well-educated, so it's fine for us Lu family children to take a step back. We don't want to talk to others about this, but that Chen Ya is also a stubborn ass, and he just refuses. Now the two are in conflict. It has intensified, and no one is willing to let anyone else."

Old Madam Yu frowned: "This Chen Ya is talented and talented, but his character is still not mature enough, he is a bit of a teenager."

Gao Jinliang said: "Who said otherwise? I thought he must know the stakes. I didn't explain it to her on the phone. Who knew that he would call and threaten Lin Yumeng as soon as he turned his head."

The two were silent for a while, Gao Jinliang spread his hands and said, "Grandma, now Lin Yumeng is waiting for us to speak, what do you think should be done?"

Mrs. Yu said: "That's the only way to go. Call Lu Ruixiang and ask her to tell Chen Ya's sister-in-law that the person who unties the bell needs to tie the bell. Let the person in the wedding dress persuade him. He can always suppress it." own temper."

Gao Jinliang nodded: "This method is good."

At this moment, Lu Xiaojie hurried over.

"Grandma, it's not good, something serious happened."

Yu Shuning couldn't see that the children of the Lu family were frizzy, so she frowned and said, "What's the rush, just talk about it if you have something to say."

Lu Xiaojie was out of breath and took the chess game, handed the phone to the two old men, and said:
"Lin Yumeng was boycotted by the entire network! Double Star Entertainment's stock plummeted!"

Yu Shuning and Gao Jinliang called out at the same time: "What?"

"The two variety shows removed her. Xu Xiangxiao publicly issued a statement prohibiting her from covering the song again. Her net worth plummeted. The most important thing is——Cao Kunguan didn't say anything!"

The two leaned in front of the phone and looked at it for a while. When they came back to their senses, they looked at each other with surprise in their hearts.

Old Madam Yu frowned and said, "Is this the wall being pushed down by everyone? Why did they suddenly attack Lin Yumeng collectively? Could it be aimed at my Lu family?"

Lu Xiaojie nodded: "I think it's aimed at my Lu family. Otherwise, why are they so uniform? It's obvious that they want to lower Double Star's stock price."

Mrs. Yu said: "Hurry up and find out what's going on, and see if there is a pusher behind it. This matter is of great importance and must not be taken lightly."

Lu Xiaojie nodded and said: "I have already sent people to investigate, and the company is also sending people to connect with those variety shows, and now they are trying their best to reduce losses, but, our Double Star has fallen into a pillar, and there is no way to recover from this matter. "

Mrs. Yu frowned at what was said, she was overthinking, she sat on the chair in the gazebo next to her, and beat her legs, feeling exhausted physically and mentally.

What she inexplicably thought of at this time was Zhuge Liang thousands of years ago, time and fate, and the mood of the autumn wind Wuzhangyuan, she now half understands.

"The first emperor's business was not halfway established, but the middle road collapsed. Today, three points are lost, and Yizhou is exhausted. This is really a crisis of life and death..."

Gao Jinliang also saw that she was tired, so he sat down beside her and said, "Grandma, don't panic, as long as Mrs. Lu is still around, no one in our Lu family will dare to bully you."

"That's what I said, but the descendants of the Lu family are young and old, and there are not many capable ones. They are like urchins holding money and going through the busy market. Sooner or later, they will be treated as dinner and meat on the table by others..."

After sighing for a while, she said again: "However, since this happened, there is no need to choose between Chen Ya and Lin Yumeng. You should quickly make a phone call to appease Chen Ya."

She was afraid that Gao Jinliang would lose face and pay no attention to it, so she warned:
"You have to know, now our Lu family is talented and capable, Lu Qingxuan is one of the people who can take the lead in the future, and this Chen Ya is also there, so we can win over a lot."

Gao Jinliang nodded and said, "Grandma, don't tell me, I know what's good or bad."

After finishing speaking, he smiled again: "This Chen Ya is also very lucky. Just now he had a conflict with Lin Yumeng, and then Lin Yumeng's house collapsed. You said there is such a coincidence in the world."

The fact that Lin Yumeng was boycotted by the industry was too loud, and they didn't think of Chen Ya as the culprit.

From their point of view, no matter how you think about it, it must be a conspiracy by a powerful family, a joint strangulation of the Lu family by many parties, it is impossible for one person to do it in a few words.

So neither of them had any doubts.

Gao Jinliang suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Grandma, didn't you just say that you solved a big problem today, what is it?"

Yu Shuning patted her legs and said, "I almost forgot, it was also about Chen Ya. Do you still remember that day in Fushou Hall, he played a piano in front of everyone?"

"Remember, what happened?"

Mrs. Yu said: "At that time, everyone couldn't judge his level, and Master Li Siqing couldn't figure it out either, but didn't we shoot a video at that time? Master Li said yesterday that he would show that video to a piano master. .”

Gao Jinliang was stunned: "In this way, we can know what level Chen Ya is on the piano."

"Yes." Mrs. Yu nodded, "It's a pity that the piano master is busy and doesn't have time to read it yet. He will reply in two days."

Gao Jinliang nodded after listening, feeling a little disappointed in his heart,
Now the situation of the Lu family is in dire straits, he expected to hear very good news from the old lady, but he did not expect it to be such a trivial matter in his opinion.

Even if Chen Ya's piano is appraised to a tenth grade, it will not save the Lu family.

"I'd better call. Chen Ya really needs to win over." Gao Jinliang said.

Mrs. Yu said: "Go ahead, by the way, what I said before, about his sister-in-law's wedding banquet, also tell him about it."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Yu murmured again, as if saying to herself:
"Marriage is a major event in a woman's life. If you can treat her better on that day, she will remember it forever. This kind of favor has to be done no matter what."



Jia Shifei told Cao Kunguan that he was going to sit in the fireworks building and wait for Mr. Chen, but he really sat there and waited for two or three hours.

His cigarette butts were filled to the brim with the ashtray, but Chen Ya still didn't show up.

He sat there and waited, and Su Yeqing also sat beside him and waited until the sun slowly turned from golden to red.

Su Yeqing didn't dare to disturb him at first, and sat beside him while swiping his phone, watching the news about Lin Yumeng's ban for a long time, the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

In the beginning, Lin Yumeng took the initiative in terms of public opinion. Fans still had some resistance to Xu Xiangxiao's sudden ban on her cover song, and even many Xu Xiangxiao fans didn't understand.

However, in the midst of the "great situation", Lin Fan was a little confused about the situation, and Lin Fan started to dance wildly at Xu Xiangxiao, which finally aroused the anger of Xu Xiangxiao's fans and began to organize a counterattack.

Lin Yumeng's fan base of the new generation of small coffees is far inferior to Xu Xiangxiao's, so naturally he gave up his armor in an instant.

During the few hours Su Yeqing sat in the firework building, she saw her building collapse, and the melon eaters went from being confused about the situation to everyone yelling and beating Lin Yumeng, feeling as if she was in a dream.

"Mr. Jia, I want to know, is the Mr. Chen you mentioned really Chen Ya?"

Jia Shifei gave her a sad look and said, "If I say yes, so what?"

Su Yeqing felt a surge of turmoil in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "But, he is so young..."

Mr. Jia smiled and said nothing, as if there was no need to answer this question.

Su Yeqing sorted out his emotions, and said cautiously: "Is he... well-connected?"

"Background?" Jia Shifei extinguished the last cigarette butt in his hand, and said, "Little Su, remember, some people are the background themselves."

Su Yeqing didn't understand, but Su Yeqing felt that this sentence was very domineering.

"Chen Ya... who the hell is he? Why do you respect him so much? Even Director Cao wants to give him face?"

Jia Shifei smiled and said, "Some things, it's not good to know too much."

This sentence made Su Yeqing talk back.

Jia Shifei knew her emotions, and said with a smile: "I used to have a period of time, and I was just like you now, and I was thinking all day long, damn, why is this Mr. Chen so awesome...It's the same mood as you .”

He still had a smile on his face, as if seeing himself from Su Yeqing was a very interesting thing for him.

"Speaking of which, I'm also very lucky. If it wasn't for a few years ago, I ran into Mr. Chen because of an incident, and he happened to give me a few pointers. I wouldn't be sitting here now, and I am qualified to let you listen to my nonsense. "

The deep confusion in Su Yeqing's heart hovered in his heart, turning into a thick cloud that could not be dissolved.

Chen Ya...teaching Jia Shifei?

Is he wrong?
Isn't it the other way around?

Jia Shifei said: "Our current era is changing from the information age to the nuclear energy age. Under the background of this era, many of the giants in the past will collapse, and new gods will ascend to the throne one by one. Mr. Chen, Against the background of this era, he is a pivotal figure.”

Su Yeqing asked in a daze: "You mean, he is one of the new gods?"

"No," Jia Shifei shook his head, "He is the one who kicked off the curtain of the era."



There were no hot springs in the capital.The hot springs in Xiaonanguoli on the outskirts of Beijing were brought in from Lion Mountain, fifteen miles away, and the pipeline project alone cost a lot of money.

The owner here is Lu Yuanbao.Lu Qingxuan's father.

Unlike Japanese hot spring hotels, this is a large bath with mixed bathing, and there are not so rich resources for one person to enjoy leisurely.

However, this place is equivalent to a comprehensive playground, restaurants, private theaters, amusement parks, Internet cafes, video game rooms... except that you can't have children here, you can do everything.

Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan walked into this large bathing place, and he saw, in the hall, a girl wearing a white cardigan lined with a lace dress, sitting there reading a book.

As soon as he saw someone, Lu Qingxuan jumped up and ran up, hugging the girl from behind.

"Yun Che, have you been waiting for a long time?"

The girl closed the book, looked back at Lu Qingxuan, smiled slightly, and said: "No, this book is very good, I read it before I knew it, and forgot the time."

Chen Ya saw that on the cover of the book, it said "Dancing Girl of Izu", authored by Haruki Kawabata.

The girl's clothes are loose, and it can be seen that she has made great efforts in the pursuit of comfort. Although she doesn't have a brand all over her body, it can be seen that she is definitely a rich person.

He walked aside calmly, but a man in a black suit walked up to him and stopped him.

"Sorry sir, please stay away from here."

Lu Qingxuan turned her head and said hastily, "That's my friend."

The girl stood up: "What are you doing? We were together."

The bodyguard in black lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry."

Lu Qingxuan took Chen Ya's hand, made him sit at the table, turned around and gave the bodyguard a vicious look, and then said to the girl:

"Your family's bodyguards are very vigilant."

The girl was a little embarrassed: "They have been a little too sensitive recently, don't worry about it. By the way, this is your boyfriend?"

Lu Qingxuan laughed loudly and said, "Boyfriend? How is it possible!"

Chen Ya also said, "That's right, I'm very clean."

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about." Lu Qingxuan pointed at him and introduced, "Yun Che, this is Chen Ya, he can be regarded as a relative of mine. Chen Ya, this is Qi Yunche, my best friend."

Qi Yunche secretly looked at Chen Ya for a long time, probably because he thought Chen Ya was pretty good-looking, and said softly and sincerely:

"Recently, I received some rumors that someone may be watching my house, so the bodyguard is a little sensitive, don't worry about it."

Chen Ya said, "Is your family rich?"

"It goes without saying that she is not only rich." Lu Qingxuan said, "Actually, she was kidnapped before, and bodyguards followed her wherever she went."

 This chapter is almost equivalent to a rewrite, please reload

(End of this chapter)

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