Chapter 247 246. It Was Myself
(The previous chapter has been greatly changed, if the context does not match, please download it again)
Qi Yunche didn't really want to talk about his kidnapping, so he appropriately moved the topic to other places.

Her skin is very white, as thin as porcelain, and when she smiles a little, redness emerges from her cheeks; her neck and wrists are very thin, and even her hair is so thin that she looks like she will fall down when blown by the wind.

Her speech and behavior are very polite, and she has a well-rounded personality, or she has a good tutor, she tries to take care of everyone's feelings when chatting, and when Chen Ya doesn't speak, she will take the initiative to talk to him to prevent him from getting bored.

Before Lu Qingxuan said to take a hot spring together, Chen Ya was looking forward to it for a while, but seeing Qi Yunche, he felt a little relieved.Thinking about the relationship between the two of them now, it is not a relationship that allows them to soak in hot springs alone.

When Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan went to the locker room, Qi Yunche's expression became serious, and he turned around and asked the bodyguard:

"What happened to you before?"

The bodyguard couldn't get off the stage, and stammered, "That man, man has a problem."

"What's the problem?"

"His temperament is either a professional killer or an anatomist." The bodyguard said, "His eyes seem to be observing my bone structure."

Qi Yunche frowned, and said: "What are you talking about. Forget it, if you don't follow me today, just take half a day off."

The bodyguard felt very depressed.

In the name of maintenance, the hot spring hall specially set up a bathing pool, which was reserved for Lu Qingxuan and the three of them.

When he walked into the bath, Chen Ya almost thought he had entered a tropical rainforest.

The whole bath is foggy, with cobblestone pavement on the ground, palm trees planted along the roadside, and a blue translucent glass dome in the sky.

After seeing Lu Qingxuan and Qi Yunche, his eyes lit up.

Both of the girls had a different impression, wearing swimsuits that were completely different from their everyday styles.

Lu Qingxuan was wearing a pure white two-piece swimsuit, which was pure white and elegant, with a majestic bunny on her bodice, which gave off an evil feeling of contrast.

And Qi Yunche was wearing a black lace-trimmed tulle swimsuit, under the black gauze, a small navel and waistline were looming.

The outfits of the two of them were very satisfying, and it was not in vain.

The two girls were sitting by the pool, their straight long legs cutting through the waves, and they were smiling as they stared at Chen Ya as he walked over. When he approached, Lu Qingxuan said:

"Where did you buy your swimming trunks?"

"The front desk." Chen Ya said, "I don't have my own swimming trunks."

"The purchase was too short." Lu Qingxuan commented.

"It should be said that it is too small." Qi Yunche added to help her, "It seems a bit...weird."

Chen Ya looked down and said calmly, "Then I can't help it."

After getting into the water, Lu Qingxuan kicked him, and the sulfur-smelling hot spring water drew an arc in the air and fell into the pool a little in front of Chen Ya.

"Do you feel that this person has a mysterious feeling?" Lu Qingxuan turned to ask Qi Yunche beside him.

Qi Yunche stared at Chen Ya with bright eyes: "I don't feel it, he looks honest."

"Honestly, it's just his appearance. There are so many things hidden behind his back, and he's still rotten. Don't be fooled by him." Lu Qingxuan said.

Chen Ya smiled and said, "I can only say that you completely misunderstood me, I am very innocent."

"You are Chunliang, you are very scary," Lu Qingxuan said quickly, "If you were Chunliang, you would never pretend to be so weak in front of that Miao Aoxue. In fact, you are in control of everything. Tell me, you How much background does it have?"

Chen Ya said helplessly, "I don't have any background? I've been working alone since then, relying entirely on myself and earning hard-earned money."

Lu Qingxuan looked disbelieving.She believed in her heart that Chen Ya must have a big backer, but this backer is relatively low-key and doesn't want to show it.

As soon as Chen Ya had a conflict with Lin Yumeng, Lin Yumeng quickly became confused. How could it be such a coincidence!

Qi Yunche listened curiously, sizing up the two of them with big eyes.

Lu Qingxuan bent down with her soft waist, reached out to scoop up some hot water from the pool, and splashed it on her chest. After being soaked by the hot water, her skin became more rosy and elastic.

"What is that?" Lu Qingxuan looked at his abdomen.

"Abs." Chen Ya replied.

"Of course I can see the abs, I mean, what's that scar?"

On his flank, there is an obvious scar with a different color from the skin elsewhere.

And the shape of the scar is very strange.

Like a bullet hole.

Chen Ya got into the water and smiled at her: "Guess."

Lu Qingxuan rolled her eyes: "Can you guess or not?"

"I don't guess."

"Just to my liking."

Lu Qingxuan turned her head and looked at Qi Yunche angrily: "Did you see that? Is he not honest at all? Asking anything, he will be pushed out by Tai Chi."

Qi Yunche blinked twice: "I just think that you two have a really good relationship."

Lu Qingxuan's eyes widened: "Me and him? Are you right? If he drowns in this pool, I will wait until he is exhausted from struggling to save him."

Qi Yunche laughed "hehe". I don't know if my best friend has noticed that she has always been aloof and doesn't lie to any man. She even looks like a high-altitude flower in front of others. Only a little more.

But for such a girl, whenever Chen Ya was mentioned, she became very excited and chattered non-stop.Maybe she didn't realize it herself, but from Qi Yunche's point of view, she treated Chen Ya a little differently.

Lu Qingxuan saw the expressions of cockroaches and mice at the same time, and said to Chen Ya with a wrinkled face:
"What happened today? I was misunderstood by Miao Aoxue and Yun Che again, so I just came out with you. How could this happen?"

"It may have something to do with your diet."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, he dipped his body into the warm pool, the temperature was just right, and made a comfortable sound.

Qi Yunche laughed "chichi".

"I think he's very funny, completely different from the sinister and cunning you described." When Qi Yunche said, he kept looking at Chen Ya, "He's also handsome and has a good figure."

Lu Qingxuan pressed her arm narrowly: "What's the matter, is your heart moving?"

"A bit."

Chen Ya looked up at her, a little surprised, the girl he met for the first time today was a little bold.

Lu Qingxuan became a little anxious when he heard that, and quickly said, "Don't think he looks smart, but he didn't even finish junior high school."

"Really? But I think there is a pure and wild beauty in his eyes."

"What's beautiful? You're purely for sex."

Qi Yunche pouted and said, "Girls are not allowed to be lustful? Hey, Qingxuan, you're a bit weird. Are you protecting food?"

"Who protected the food?!"

Lu Qingxuan jumped into the water, raised a handful of water, and poured it on Qi Yunche. Qi Yunche was not to be outdone. Congeal fat, powder fragrant spring wet Yaoqin Zhen, spring amuse crisp melting white phoenix ointment.

After soaking for a while, the two girls couldn't hold it anymore, so they made an appointment to go ashore, but Chen Ya said to soak for a while longer.

Lu Qingxuan blushed and turned her head and said, "The bathroom is separate, don't make a mistake."

Chen Ya said slowly: "If I go wrong, there will be laws to punish me."

"How do you feel that what you mean is that you think it's worth being sanctioned," Lu Qingxuan sweated, "By the way, you should come up earlier too, soaking for a long time is not good for the heart, and... the man is right for soaking for a long time And it's not good for giving birth."

After speaking, she stopped immediately, turned around and left.

Fortunately, Qi Yunche had already withdrawn just now. If she heard it, she would definitely say something like "Why do you still care about his childbearing? Are you planning to give birth to monkeys for him..." or something like that.

After soaking and washing, the whole body was comfortable, and I felt a little sleepy. I ordered a fruit plate in the lounge, asked the waiter for a blanket, squinted for a while, and then I was not sleepy at all.

Chen Ya went to find Lu Qingxuan and Qi Yunche, and when he found them, the two girls were sitting there chatting.

"12 billion?!" Lu Qingxuan exclaimed, then hurriedly lowered her voice, and whispered, "Your family really spent 12 billion to buy a courtyard house?"

Qi Yunche nodded: "That's right, I thought it was too expensive to buy at first, but after taking a look in the past, I think it's really worth it."

"How much is it?" Lu Qingxuan asked.

Qi Yunche said: "It's more than 800 square meters, and it's not very big."

Lu Qingxuan said: "My house also has more than 800 square meters, why not 12 billion?"

Lu Qingxuan had an unbelievable look on his face, and Qi Yunche secretly covered his mouth and smiled.

"Siheyuan is like this. Not only is it comfortable and elegant to live in, but it also has cultural value. It is said that the roof of that area was borrowed from Jiang Wen to make a movie. Besides, it's not that your house has not returned to Hezhuang. How much more powerful is a courtyard house with a few hundred square meters?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "That's different. Guihezhuang belongs to the Lu family. Your family bought such a big yard by themselves. How can it be the same? And your family already has a villa in Yunshui Villa? Why did you suddenly think Change to a courtyard house?"

Qi Yunche smiled and said, "It's mainly because of my dad's work. He said that 12 million out of the 6 billion was used to buy neighbors."

Chen Ya came over, sat down beside him, and asked, "What does your father do?"

Qi Yunche said: "He is also a senior wage earner."

Lu Qingxuan said: "Don't listen to her modesty, her father is Qi Shiyan, who belongs to Beichen Company."

When Chen Ya heard this, he was a little surprised: "Your father is Qi Shiyan?"

Qi Yunche raised his eyes: "You know my dad?"

Chen Ya shook his head: "I just heard about it."

Then, he looked at Qi Yunche.

It does look a bit like Qi Shiyan.

Unexpectedly, you can meet the daughter of an old friend here.

Qi Shiyan and Young Master Xu's father, Xu Zhendong, joined Beichen in the same batch. He is very smart, good at managing contacts, and also excellent in ability, so he was promoted very quickly. Now in the company, he is half a level higher than Xu Zhendong.

Qi Yunche turned his head and said to Lu Qingxuan: "If you don't believe me, just follow me to have a look. There is no one else in the house now. Believe me, after you read it, you will definitely shout that it is worth it. That courtyard is really worth 12 yuan. [-] million."

Lu Qingxuan's eyes lit up: "Okay, then I must open my eyes."

She turned her head and asked Chen Ya: "Are you going with us this afternoon?"

Chen Ya thought that this could be regarded as inspecting the family life of his subordinates, so he nodded and said, "I will drive you."

Lu Qingxuan snorted: "If you want to open your eyes, just say it, as if you have to sell favors."

Qi Yunche snickered: "Why do you hate him so much? What he said is fine."

The three of them quickly got dressed and went to the underground garage together. Qi Yunche's bodyguards had also brought a car with them. Qi Yunche wanted to sit with Lu Qingxuan, so he got into Chen Ya's car together, and the bodyguards drove behind.

After the two girls sat in the back seat and put on their seat belts, Qi Yunche suddenly asked curiously, "How is your driving skill?"

Chen Ya said, "Ask Lu Qingxuan."

"How is he driving?"

Lu Qingxuan tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I didn't feel it, I didn't notice it."

"If you don't notice whether you're driving well, it means you're driving well," Qi Yunche said. "I'm prone to motion sickness when I'm in a car. I get dizzy when I step on the brakes too quickly. I get dizzy when I step on the accelerator too hard. I get dizzy when I take too many turns. I get dizzy easily. I hope I won’t get dizzy when you drive.”

Chen Ya laughed and said, "No wonder it's called 'Qi motion sickness'."

Qi Yunche laughed and said, "Hehe, I hope your driving level is a little higher than your level of telling bad jokes."

Followed the navigation and walked for a while, as Lu Qingxuan said, neither of the two girls felt that they were driving, and Qi Yunche didn't feel motion sickness at all, the two girls never stopped talking and laughed all the way.

Suddenly Qi Yunche asked: "Is the bodyguard's car following behind?"

Chen Ya glanced at the rearview mirror and nodded.

"You look very good at driving, if you don't try to see if you can get rid of him." Qi Yunche said suddenly.

"Why?" Chen Ya was a little surprised, "It's not necessary."

"Following me every day, it's so annoying. I just want to try to get rid of it."

Chen Ya drove the car calmly, with no intention of speeding up.

"It's his job to be considerate of others."

What he said was right, Qi Yunche couldn't refute it, he pouted and muttered: "Then who will forgive me?"

But she didn't continue to ask Chen Ya to speed up.

The three of them drove into the Yangchang Hutong, tested their driving skills for a while, and suddenly saw that there were neat courtyards on both sides. Qi Yunche directed them to stop at the gate of a courtyard, and waved his hands: "Roll down the window." !"

Then, she took out the key and pressed it lightly, and the entrance door of the basement next to the courtyard opened slightly.

Chen Ya turned the steering wheel and drove in, Lu Qingxuan's eyes lit up.

Inside the garage is a long downhill corridor. The ground is paved with anti-skid floor tiles with back-patterned patterns. There are ancient reliefs on the walls on both sides of the corridor. The stone pillars and bucket arches are all designed in an ancient style.

Qi Yunche said with a hint of showing off: "The walls are all designed in the style of the imperial garden of the Forbidden City. According to the master, this is a Fengshui corridor, which can attract wealth and suppress evil spirits. I don't know if it is true."

After Chen Ya's vehicle drove in, the spotlights on the top of the corridor lit up one by one, just like shooting Mission: Impossible.

After turning from the corridor to the garage, the scene in front of you is even more stunning. The garage underneath is also designed in an antique style, with two walls of blue bricks, a ceiling made of huanghuali wood brackets, wooden candlesticks and small lamps along the sides, hand-carved snow-patterned floor tiles, and super gaps between them. Wide-format landscape painting.

The most important thing is the size. Chen Ya counted it just now, and there are 22 parking spaces.

The basement alone, at a glance, cost over [-] million yuan.

When the three got out of the car, Lu Qingxuan watched the road silently for a long time before finally saying: "Yun Che, I believe it, this courtyard must be worth 12 billion."

Qi Yunche looked indifferent: "Actually, these decorations are not bad, the most important thing is that the renovation permission for the basement building is difficult to approve. The original owner of this courtyard house is very powerful, and only he can do it. If you go to buy it now If you want to repair the basement, you can't do it at all."

Lu Qingxuan nodded again and again: "That's true."

Qi Yunche led them to the alloy anti-theft door at the exit of the basement. After scanning the irises, the door opened automatically. Several people got on the elevator and went up to the courtyard, which was right next to the entrance.

After opening the elevator door, Lu Qingxuan was even more surprised, the design inside the basement was already amazing, who knew that the courtyard was even more beautiful than she imagined.

Qi Yunche did not speak on purpose, but arrogantly plucked the hair on his forehead, at this moment silence speaks louder.

After Lu Qingxuan finished drawing her breath, she said: "My house is only a third courtyard, and the next door is even worse. It is a fifth courtyard, and the estimated value is 21 billion."

Lu Qingxuan asked: "What are the third and fifth entrances?"

"There are as many doors as there are doors to enter the courtyard. Ordinary people only enter the courtyard once. Only the relatives of the emperor or high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen can afford to live in the fifth courtyard."

After Qi Yunche finished speaking, he said again: "You are not curious, who owns the fifth courtyard next door?"

Lu Qingxuan finally entered the alley and asked, "Who?"

"Beichen, the founder." Qi Yunche said loudly.

Chen Ya was shocked.

Good guy.

It turned out to be me next door.

(End of this chapter)

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