Chapter 248 247. Whoever loses will kiss (thanks to the leader of Xsrk!)

Long memories hit Chen Ya's mind.

That was when he was still in the capital a few years ago.Once at the wine table, a certain boss waved his hand and said that he would give him a courtyard house to live and play.

At that time, he drank unconsciously on a rare occasion, and only remembered that there was indeed a room book on the hotel table when he woke up.

He seemed to have visited this courtyard once, but only once, and later, due to his busy schedule, he never came again.

Times have changed, and later, his memory was completely indifferent by the erosion of the years, until today when Qi Yunche reminded him, he couldn't remember it.

Oh, it turns out that the neighbor next door is myself.

Chen Ya secretly screamed in his heart, but fortunately no one knew about it, otherwise he would be laughed out of his mouth if he said it.

Lu Qingxuan's attention was no longer on the house, the news that the founder of Beichen lived next door greatly shocked her.

The mysterious founder of Beichen has left countless legends in the Jianghu, each of which is very attractive to her. She asked Qi Yunche in a low voice:
"Then have you seen him?"

Qi Yunche shook his head again and again: "I haven't seen it once. According to my observation, the courtyard next door is either unoccupied, or the person from Beichen only lives there occasionally. Anyway, when I lived here, I didn't see it once. I didn't see anyone coming in or out of the next door."

Lu Qingxuan frowned slightly: "Did the house seller lie to you? In fact, he doesn't live here at all."

Qi Yunche said: "No, it was my dad who told me, and I was wondering if he was cheated?"

Lu Qingxuan opened her eyes slightly: "As the leader of Beichen himself, it's impossible for him to receive wrong information, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. He told me that the founder of Beichen is quite mysterious even within the company. Only the core leadership team who followed him at the beginning often saw him. As a member of the BJ branch, he only met once. He It’s impossible to justify being lied to.”

Lu Qingxuan crossed her arms and said, "I heard that person is very young."

Qi Yunche nodded: "Yes, a young genius, a national treasure."

"Tsk, it's a pity that such a person doesn't see each other."

The two girls heaved a sigh of relief, regretting not being able to meet the founder of Beichen.

Especially Lu Qingxuan, this girl has a weird stamp collecting habit, and her life goal is to read all the outstanding talents in the world.

She likes to collect the contact information of excellent people, especially the excellent opposite sex.

She doesn't develop relationships with these people either, she just feels very satisfied when she often associates with excellent people.

Just like before Chen Ya played the piano in Fu Shou Tang, other older people may look down on Chen Ya because of Chen Ya's bad background.But because of that incident, Lu Qingxuan already treated him differently in her heart.

After all, not everyone has the right to bathe with her.

According to her evaluation system, the founder of Beichen meets all her definitions of "excellence".

It is a pity for her to be so popular.

Qi Yunche naturally knew this best friend's hobby, put his arms around her and said with a smile:
"It's okay. I'll be your eyeliner here. If I see someone, I will definitely help you stabilize him and let you come and catch him."

Lu Qingxuan teased and said: "'Kiss and hold'? Well, you are so bold, you will give it away for nothing as soon as you come up, and you have already kissed me, why should I come here to catch an adulterer?"

Qi Yunche patted her arm with a coquettish smile: "You are really bad, I obviously didn't mean that!"

The two girls laughed and made a scene, walking from the first courtyard to the second courtyard.

Suddenly Qi Yunche turned his head and asked, "Why is Chen Ya silent? Do you have any thoughts after reading it? Is my family big?"

Chen Ya had been preoccupied with thinking about his courtyard before, and didn't notice what the two were talking about. Hearing Qi Yunche's sudden question, he said casually:

"Your house is quite big, can you sleep directly when you are tired from playing?"

"It's ok, just go to bed when you're tired from playing, no problem, where do you want to sleep?"

"Ahem..." Lu Qingxuan coughed twice when he realized that the conversation between his best friend and Chen Ya was getting out of line, and then said, "Yun Che, don't underestimate him. With his ability, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be able to live in such a place." Big House."

Qi Yunche stood next to Chen Ya, and said with a smile, "I know, but if he doesn't want to work hard, he can live in such a big house sooner."

"You're so dirty today, have you hit puberty? Why do you keep having a yellow accent?"

Qi Yunche stared and pretended to be innocent: "What's wrong with me? If you don't want to work hard, go to the countryside and buy a house like this. Isn't it easy to get it for a few million? It's obviously because you have a problem with your own thinking. Do you want to buy a house like this? Shall I check your brain?"

The two women teased for a while, then Lu Qingxuan said to Chen Ya seriously: "Don't compete needlessly, the founder of Beichen belongs to a monster that only appears once in hundreds of years, you can't compare it."

"Xiong Jing?"

Qi Yunche also said to Chen Ya: "Yeah, it's good to have a challenging heart, but don't compare yourself with anyone else, that's a genius, you can't compare."

Chen Ya was a little dazed. It turned out that the two girls thought that he had been hit when they saw that he didn't speak just now, and they were comparing and comforting him now.

Before he came back to his senses, the two girls left Chen Ya, who was standing in a daze, with smiles and smiles. They held each other's arms. Qi Yunche continued to introduce:
"The beasts on the eaves are also particular. The higher the status, the more birds and beasts on the eaves. For our room, it is the princess level, and the next door is the prince level..."

"In addition, in this alley, there are four rooms in one room. There are five courtyard houses in total. The one in the middle is called Qianyuan, and the other four are called Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen. The inscriptions are very good in terms of Feng Shui."

"Our room is the Yuanyuan, and the next door is the Qianyuan. The four of us are all three-entry courtyards, and only the next door is five-entry courtyard. If you can go to the next door to have a look, you will feel more grand..."


The three of them wandered around the courtyard for a while, but they were tired, so Qi Yunche invited them to his room to play games and rest.

She's not lying, she does have a lot of fun in her house.

There is a game room here, which collects almost all types of game consoles from Nintendo to Sony, from Ninja Dragon to Mario, which can be called a boy's dream.

However, Chen Ya finally chose to play UNO with the two girls, and whoever loses has to choose one from Truth or Dare.

Chen Ya didn't take it too seriously at the beginning. He was the last one to go in two consecutive rounds, and was punished twice. He couldn't tell the truth. He chose to take big risks. Fortunately, the punishments for the two girls were not too excessive.

The three of them were a bit reserved at first, but after playing a few rounds, they let go of it completely. Whenever it was Chen Ya's turn to lose, the tricks of the big adventure became more perverted one by one.

In the end, it was the turn of the two girls to lose, and they kept choosing the truth.Both women were trained by a big family, and their relationship experience was like blank paper, lackluster, and they couldn't ask any interesting questions, so it was meaningless.

When Chen Ya lost in the last round, Qi Yunche proposed to let him go out and kiss the bodyguards, but Chen Ya refused on the spot, and after choosing the truth instead, Qi Yunche became furious, raised his hand and said:
"You guys don't agree with the big adventure that is too much, and the truth is boring, so let's just do it like this. In the next few rounds, No.3 will put his arms around No.2 and kiss."

Lu Qingxuan turned pale on the spot: "No! Absolutely not! If he becomes No.3, wouldn't that be a reward for him?"

Qi Yunche chuckled: "Think about the good, what if you win?"

Lu Qingxuan thought about it, if he was No.1, it would mean that Chen Ya kissed his best friend, that would be even worse, her head shook like a rattle.

Qi Yunche slapped his legs domineeringly: "Will you come or not? Anyway, I have already cast my vote. Now it is one vote for and one vote against. Chen Ya, do you agree? If you agree, you will win two-to-one. Agree, then this card will not be played!"

Lu Qingxuan turned her head and stared at Chen Ya: "How dare you agree!"

Chen Ya smiled lightly, picked up the card and said, "It doesn't matter, I will win."

Lu Qingxuan gritted her teeth: "Your level of poker skills, if you take the lead to win, I won't play anymore."

Qi Yunche sat cross-legged on the bed, and said, "Okay, then Chen Ya and I will have a bullfight, and whoever loses will put his arms around the other and give him a kiss."

Lu Qingxuan's face turned pale. This best friend of hers appeared to be quiet on the surface, but in fact she was very wild in her heart. She could do anything, and she was very likely to do what she said.

Chen Ya and Qi Yunche were playing cards and kissing with their arms around each other—this kind of image crashed into Lu Qingxuan's mind. Of course, she couldn't let such a tragedy happen before her eyes, so she had no choice but to join the battle.

Qi Yunche secretly smiled.She could see that the relationship between Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya was a bit ambiguous, but both of them had extremely sullen personalities, and they didn't seem to want to pierce the window paper, so she decided to help them both speed up.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, Chen Ya didn't fight seriously just now, but now he is serious, he fought twice, and he didn't even lose a single one.

In the third round, under tremendous psychological pressure, Lu Qingxuan was miraculously lucky. The cards in her hand were so good that they exploded. She didn't want to win at first, but when she was playing, she forgot that she couldn't win. The hand is out.

Chen Ya was the second to finish playing the cards. Qi Yunche threw away the cards in his hand and said in despair, "It's over, what should we do now?"

Qi Yunche became entangled, she wanted to match Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya together, if he kissed Chen Ya himself, the two of them would be embarrassed.

Lu Qingxuan bit her lip and said, "Who told you to play like this? This is called self-inflicted evil."

However, Lu Qingxuan didn't know what her best friend was thinking, and was sneering and sarcastic. Qi Yunche got angry when he heard this, and thought that he wouldn't suffer anyway, so he untied his hair rope and threw it on the bed next to him, then raised his head and said:
"Okay, then let's come and show Lu Qingxuan personally."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Forget it."

Qi Yunche tugged on Chen Ya's sleeve: "How can I do that? I want to bet and admit defeat."

"It's fine for you to play with each other. I'm not good at it. I just met you today. I can't do this kind of thing." Chen Ya said.

Qi Yunche gave a "tsk", curled his lips and said, "Coward."

"Let's keep it for now, and we'll talk about it after we meet a few more times."

Lu Qingxuan slapped Chen Ya hard, but his mood improved inexplicably.

After leaving the two of them in the room, Chen Ya went out and greeted the bodyguards.

"Are you tired? There is no danger now, let's sit in the house?"


The bodyguards stared at Chen Ya with a somewhat wary expression.

In his eyes, the fact that Chen Ya is a dangerous person has not changed.He has been guarding outside since just now.

Chen Ya didn't care either.

After strolling around the yard for a while, the spring water in the pond in the backyard was clear, and the carp seemed to be floating in the air. After feeding the fish for a while, Lu Qingxuan suddenly ran over and asked him if he would mind resting here at night.

"Yun Che has been alone for the past few days, and he was so suffocated. He finally caught me, so he must stay here for one night. Even if it is for her, I will stay here to accompany you. If you have something to do, you can go back by yourself. .”

Chen Ya himself had nothing to do, and he didn't care if Lu Qingxuan wanted to live here.

"I'll stay here for one night too, as long as there's room available."

"Heh, I won't let you sleep with Yun Che." Lu Qingxuan said sourly, after thinking about it for a while, "I'm afraid that's what you want?"

However, Chen Ya only thought that he could take time to visit his house next door at night.

I just don't know if I can get in.



At night, Chen Ya sneaked out of the courtyard door, but found Qi Yunche outside the door in embarrassment.

He wasn't afraid of his true identity being known, but he felt that if Qi Yunche really knew that he was the founder of Beichen, then her father would know too, and that would mean that the entire BJ branch would know.

I will invite endless troubles and spend a lot of time talking.

So it's better not to let her know.

Fortunately, Qi Yunche couldn't guess what he was out for, instead he nervously raised his fingers and said "shh" to Chen Ya.

"I sneaked out," Qi Yunche pulled him aside and whispered, "You must not say anything, especially don't let the bodyguards know."

Chen Ya said, "What are you doing out here?"

"Let's relax," Qi Yunche flipped the hair on the front of his forehead, "You don't know how annoying it is to be followed all day long."

"I know." Chen Ya replied sincerely.

"Are you with me?"

Chen Ya shook his head, and rejected the girl's invitation: "I have other things to do."

Qi Yunche nodded, then turned towards the street without street lights and said, "Then I'll go this way."

"You remember to come back early."

"I know." The girl replied with the same words, then turned her head and smiled at him.

After Chen Ya separated from her, he walked to the next door like a walk, stared at the "Qianyuan" in front of him, and found that the gate was an iris lock.

He clicked to unlock, and after scanning his iris, the door clicked softly, and the door opened.

Pushing open the door, a smell of dust wafts in. This courtyard, which has not been lived in for a long time, has been forgotten by its owner, and no one has come to clean it. The ground has long been covered with yellow leaves.

It seems that I have to find a cleaning company to clean it tomorrow.

Chen Ya walked in slowly with his hands behind his back, and finally went to the main room of the fifth courtyard, opened the door and lay down on the bed inside.

About 2 minutes later, he got up and sat on the bed in a daze.

Who said living in a courtyard house is comfortable?
...After quietly sneaking out from the courtyard next door, he walked to the street outside. Not far away, he saw Qi Yunche's figure half a street away.

The girl was squatting on the corner of the street at this time, gently stroking the cat's head of a stray cat with her hand, when two black shadows flashed by and walked towards Qi Yunche.

At first Chen Ya thought that those two people were Qi Yunche's friends, but then he realized that he was wrong.Those two people were left and right, one covered her mouth, the other cut Qi Yunche's hands behind her back, and dragged her to a van by the side of the road.

Then, the van quickly started the engine and drove away. It took no more than half a minute in total.

 Thanks to the lord of Xsrk~
(End of this chapter)

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