Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 253 252. Since President Chen Arranged...

Chapter 253 252. Since President Chen Arranged...

"Go and get the laptop for me."

After hearing Mr. Shi's words, the newly recruited employee girl squinted at the government leader who was speaking nonchalantly.

The world is now talking about "Beichen's enterprising business attitude and how to build a relationship with Zhengzhou and Zhengzhou." Mr. Shi suddenly wants a computer at the moment, isn't it because he wants to use it in front of so many people?

But now that everyone has spoken, I have to do this for him. The employee's girl was so tired that her forehead was sweating, she trotted all the way, brought Mr. Shi's laptop to the venue, and handed it over to him in full view of everyone. gave him.

In this way, Shi Chuandong openly opened the laptop in front of many reporters.

At this time, Chen Ya's message came over: "Have you read it?"

Shi Chuandong's head was sweating, and he replied a message on his mobile phone: "I just touched the computer, and I haven't had time to look at it yet."

The message over there was sent again: "Look, look, I guarantee you won't be disappointed."

The founder of Beichen, Chen Ya, the only chairman of the board of directors, completely forgot the meaning of today.

Today is the ribbon-cutting day for the completion of Huaguo's third institute and Beichen's first supercomputing laboratory.

This laboratory is a cooperative project. Due to the large investment and significance, it has alarmed the high-level officials in Jiangcheng and even Yangxia Province.

They just cut the ribbon at the laboratory in the morning, and now they are directly borrowing Beichen's Bailou to develop a press conference. Not only important domestic media, but also foreign media such as BBS and Luside News have focused on Jiangcheng, witnessing the leapfrog development of Huaguo supercomputing milestone.

Now the government office in Yangxia Province is speaking on the stage, praising Beichen, and Shi Chuandong is also big-hearted, taking out his notebook in front of everyone, just because of Chen Ya's words.

In fact, he acquiesced that Chen Ya knew that today was the ribbon-cutting day for the Supercomputing Laboratory.

After all, this project was decided by him, how could he not know?But Chen Ya just forgot.

He only remembered that the successful completion of the laboratory was a certainty, and he had always been unimpressed with the ribbon-cutting, a symbolic ceremony that was more formal than actual.

However, in Shi Chuandong's view, if he can find himself with another matter on such an important day, it must be very important.

Shi Chuandong has already formed a path dependence. Anyway, what Chen Ya said is correct, and he must overcome all difficulties.

He finally turned on the computer, and after logging in to the user interface, a cute voice came from the notebook:

"Master, Ella has been waiting for you for 3 hours and 12 minutes, is Ella good?"

This cute sound resounded throughout the audience, and Futai, who was speaking next to him, twitched his eyebrows.

At the beginning, Shi Chuandong made a lot of moves, but today he is the protagonist, even if he jumped on the table, Futai wouldn't care.

But... he is a little too much now.

Futai continued to speak.

Sweat dripped down Shi Chuandong's forehead.

He whispered hurriedly to the computer: "Ella, shut up Ella." With a swipe of the finger on the touchpad, the AI ​​assistant process in the background was killed.

The girl on the table who didn't wear much clothes flew out of the screen with a "beep".


The female leader sitting next to Shi Chuandong witnessed the whole process and was silent for a long time.

Ella is an artificial intelligence, a desktop wizard, developed under the leadership of Shi Chuandong, but at this stage it is only a prototype, not an artificial intelligence, and can only be regarded as an artificial mental retardation. The most retarded thing is that it does not know how to look at the occasion.

However, as a technical nerd, Ishi Chuandong had experienced a lot of social death scenes, so he opened his thick skin and continued to open the mailbox with a blushing face to see what emails Chen Ya had sent him.

Not far away, Zheng Zijin frowned slightly.

Zheng Zijin is the director of Jiangcheng Radio and Television Station. Jiangcheng Radio and Television Station is a government-level media unit. There are a lot of leaders from the government and the station. As the local mouthpiece of Jiangcheng, they must follow the whole process of controlling the field, and they are still broadcasting live. .

The camera was facing the long table on the field just now, and Ishi Chuandong in the center made such a big movement, it must be difficult to cut the screen during the live broadcast, no one dared to say anything at the scene, and the barrage in the live broadcast room had already exploded.

"Who is that fat man sitting in the middle? Why is he so arrogant? Playing computer games in public?

"Yeah, I'm also very surprised. He still sits in the C position, and he is the first to sit in the government office. What is his identity?"

"It can't be the second generation of any leader, who is familiar with gold plating here?"


Zheng Zijin frowned.In her opinion, such a situation at the scene is a live broadcast accident, and she must be responsible.

She frowned and whispered to the people next to her: "Go and call their Manager Zhang over here."

She spoke in a harsh tone that could not be refuted.The people next to her knew that her work style was very strict, and if they dared to refute, they would be sprayed with blood, so they nodded and ran over to find someone.

Immediately, a man in a suit and leather shoes strode over and asked Zheng Zijin, "Director Zheng, what's wrong?"

Zheng Zijin crossed his arms and looked him up and down: "Manager Zhang, let me ask you, what's going on with you Beichen?"

"what happened?"

Zheng Zijin pouted on the stage, holding back his anger and said, "Didn't you see that the government is giving an important speech? Why is your leader still playing with the computer? How can he do such a thing on such an important occasion?"

Manager Zhang raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised, and said, "Is that why you called me here to tell me this?"

"Otherwise?" Zheng Zijin said, "Hurry up and remind him, let him avoid it for a while, or go down and use the computer, or if this is broadcast, what will the audience think? The leader will lose face at all."

Manager Zhang thought for a while and asked, "Are you finished?"

"What else do I need to say?" Zheng Zijin said angrily.

Manager Zhang said calmly: "Now that you have finished speaking, let me explain my reasoning.

"First, this is indeed a serious occasion, and our President Shi suddenly started using the computer on such an occasion, which means that he must have more urgent matters to deal with;
"Secondly, the significance of this solemn occasion is to commend Mr. Shi as the representative of Beichen. I don't know if you have listened to your speech. The main purpose of his speech is to commend Mr. Shi for his outstanding contribution.

"Maybe you are carrying out the live broadcast with a mission, but in Beichen, all publicity must be sidelined for the real thing. This is the creed set by our founder, so sorry, I can't meet your request."

Zheng Zijin was taken aback by what he said, and raised his eyebrows: "Why do you talk like this? Even if you are commending Mr. Shi, you must have basic manners?"

Manager Zhang shrugged: "Either you go to the stage to remind Mr. Shi, and see what your government will say."

Zheng Zijin froze for a moment.

What will the government say?Futai is most likely to give her two slaps.

As Manager Zhang said, today's protagonist is Ishi Chuandong. Unrelated people ran over to teach others. They were looking for extra scenes, and they would definitely be scolded. Even if they didn't scold on the spot, they would scold them afterwards.

Zheng Zijin has been working hard in the workplace for so many years, and has already developed a habit. Her leader is ignored by her opponents. Even if the leader doesn't say anything, the people below her will definitely stand up and bite each other. This is called protecting the leader's stove.

According to the usual practice, the other party must also guard the stove for their own leaders, but they should not be too sharp or too high-profile.

What he should do is not only to save face for his leader, but also to bow his head to himself, turn his head around the wine table, and toast himself in front of the leader, which can be regarded as resolving this small disturbance.

Who knows that the opponent doesn't play cards according to the routine!
He directly asked himself to stab the matter to Shi Chuandong, wouldn't that make things worse?If I was really confused for a moment and listened to him and ran to remind Shi Chuandong, I would definitely register with Futai!

Then do you still think about your future?

It was precisely because of the thought of this consequence that she was so angry.His shoulders trembled with anger.

She has been in the industry for ten years, and she has never seen a company with such a tough personality, such a straight-talking, and such a shameless company.

Just when she was thinking about how to not magnify the situation and show her attitude of protecting the stove in front of the leader, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It's the director.

Zheng Zijin stepped out of the door in high heels, and just as soon as he got on the phone, he changed his expression and tone, and said enthusiastically, "Director, what's wrong?"

"How did you schedule the live broadcast?" The station director was very aggressive, obviously angry, "Mr. Shi is busy working nearby, didn't you see?"

This question was right in his heart, Zheng Zijin's tone immediately became serious, and said in a low voice:
"Director, I'm negotiating with Beichen's people. I want their people to pass a message to Mr. Shi, but guess what they said? Their people actually said that they have an opinion and let me say it myself. It's too shameful. right?"

"You know it's outrageous?" The director over there was annoyed, "Are you stupid? Mr. Shi obviously has more important work? Wouldn't you point the camera at the government platform and do a close-up? That's not as good as Can you just watch him play on the computer in the center of the screen now?"

Zheng Zijin's expression froze, she really didn't expect it.

The director combed his hair, cursing and saying: "Zheng Zijin, everyone is aware of your work attitude, but your ability is really... Forget it, come back and educate, you hurry to deal with the scene."

Zheng Zijin stammered, "Yes, yes..."

"Wait a minute," the director suddenly called him, "No need, you can ask the host to insert a voice-over on the outside line, just say this: As Futai said, Shi Chuandong, the leader, has the fighting spirit to be the first. At work, even on such a festive occasion, I still worry about work..."

Zheng Zijin suddenly felt that his whole mind was opened.

"Director, you still have a way."

"Go, go, hurry up and execute it, you don't need to say flattery." The director urged repeatedly.

Zheng Zijin hastily went back to tell the host what the station director meant, and only after finishing it did she realize:

My director is... protecting Beichen's President Shi? ?
After the voice-over of the live broadcast was broadcast, the style of barrage in the live broadcast room changed, and "666" was brushed together.

"It's awesome, the leader said that I work, and it's true to be a workaholic."

"Is this Beichen's boss? Why are you so young?"

"The one in front, this is not Beichen's boss, this is just the younger brother of Beichen's boss."

"Laughing, from the fact that he is still busy with work, it can be seen that he is not considered a big shot. A real big shot is not so busy. He just leaves things to his subordinates. With all due respect, he shouldn't sit down. C position."

At this moment, a very long barrage floated into everyone's eyes at the right time:
"The full name of the 'Fat House' in the front and in the middle is Shi Chuandong, one of the three heroes of Beichen, one of the founding team of Beichen, the current CTO of Beichen, and he presided over the construction of Jiangcheng's supercomputing laboratory. The celebration party was just for him, if you say he doesn't sit in the C seat, who will sit in the C seat?"

After the last barrage was sent out, the live broadcast room, which had been criticizing just now, suddenly fell silent.

On the stage, Futai finally finished his speech. Amid the sparse applause, Futai turned sideways and asked Ishi Chuandong next to him:
"Boss Shi, are you still busy?"

Shi Chuandong stared at the computer screen intently, typed a message to Chen Ya in the dialog box, nodded and said: "Yes, I still can't move my hands now."

"But the next link requires you to speak." Futai was a little dumbfounded.

Or how to say that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, the young man in front of him doesn't even give him face.

Shi Chuandong said: "I'm sorry for the leader, I really can't talk about it now, our boss Chen Ya is currently arranging work for me."

After listening, Futai's body shook: "President Chen is back?"

"No, he arranged for me on WeChat."

Fu Tai nodded and said: "I have heard about the reputation of your company's President Chen for a long time, and I have always wanted to meet him, but I can't. Since he has important work arrangements, then you should be busy, and I will take care of the scene."

After finishing speaking, he cleared his throat into the microphone and said, "Uh, this is how it is. Our President Shi has an important job right now, which was personally arranged by Mr. Chen, the president of Beichen. He needs to deal with it urgently, so he can't speak for the time being. Then Let me speak for him for two more paragraphs."

The reporters present were obviously depressed.

Everyone is eager to come and hear Shi Chuandong say some industry news, who wants to listen to Futai's stinky and long speech!
And one more time to listen!
Shi Chuandong stared at the resume on the computer screen, and Wei Mingzhe smiled honestly in the photo.

Looking at the thick pile of work notes at the back, he suddenly understood why Chen Ya wanted to show him this so urgently.

Although this person's academic qualifications are not very good, but his working ability...

Really strong.

Just what I need here.

I just don't know how Chen Ya wants to use this person.

He tentatively sent a WeChat message to Chen Ya: "Brother Ya, this guy...is very good. He has a wide range of applications and can be used anywhere. What kind of position do you plan to give him?"

After a while, Chen Ya sent back a WeChat message: "Just give the position according to the normal procedure."

To Shi Chuandong's shame, Chen Ya personally recommends someone, which is not normal in itself.

Perhaps seeing Shi Chuandong's embarrassment, Chen Ya sent a message: "Actually, he is a relative of mine, and he is somewhat related, but you should follow the normal procedure. Don't break Beichen's rules and regulations."

When Shi Chuandong heard this, his confidence suddenly came.

With outstanding ability, he is also a relative of Chen Ya.

It's not justified to be promoted as a middle-level cadre and take charge of one party independently!


Wei Mingzhe sat in front of the stone table in the park, holding a big backpack in his arms, in a daze.

It was the last day of December, the weather was very cold, the park was very cold, and the stone chairs in the park were even colder, making his bottom itch from the cold, but he didn't know where else to sit except here.

After calling Chen Ya, he slapped himself twice with his backhand.

At what age, how can you still have such strong desires?Do not find someone to chat with!

It's not good to chat with anyone, but Chen Chi's eldest nephew!
If Chen Ya slipped up and told his sister-in-law about it, wouldn't it be a bad idea?

He didn't even know what expression to use to face Chen Chi.

After living to the age of 35, sitting in this small park in the capital, he suddenly felt that this world did not belong to him.

At first glance, my life is full of failures.

Maybe the moment he called Chen Ya, subconsciously, he just wanted Chen Ya to tell Chen Chi the truth.

Because he really didn't know how to confess to Chen Chi.

"Chen Chi, I have good news for you. I lost my job! But I lost it like a man!"

"Chen Chi, let me tell you, I won't go back to that company anyway, those guys, I won't serve you anymore! Whoever wants to go will go!"

"What about the money? Yes, what about the money?"

"I do not know either."


Wei Mingzhe repeated the scene of the showdown with Chen Chi over and over again, and finally heaved a sigh.

I really can't open my mouth.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it was the CTO of the previous company.

He suddenly had a thought.

Could it be that the company thought about his hard work and changed his mind a little bit, wanting to keep him back?

(End of this chapter)

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