Chapter 254 253. Are you also a CTO?

Wei Mingzhe spoke freely to Chen Ya before, but now that he is really facing unemployment, he still regrets it a little.

After all, he had worked in that company for eight years, and he didn't have much work experience other than that company. Suddenly he was thrown into the crowd, and he was a little at a loss.

Seeing the call from the CTO, he still had some faint hope in his heart - if the other party came to save him, is there such a slight possibility that he can return to the company and get a promotion and salary increase?
With this slightly unrealistic idea in mind, he connected the phone, and a stinky and hard cold voice came from the other side:

"Hello? Wei Mingzhe, did you really leave like this?"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Mingzhe's mood turned cold: "What's wrong?"

"I heard that you are getting married recently, right?" said the other end of the phone, "You just quit at this critical moment? How dare you?"

Wei Mingzhe resentfully said: "I don't need to worry about that, I will figure out a way myself."

"From what you mean, have you found your next home?" The CTO's tone was a little sarcastic.

Wei Mingzhe was actually a bit short: "No."

"If not, you still say to find a way, what do you want to do?" The CTO sounded a little gloating, "Forget it, otherwise, the company will not give you a salary cut, or you will still be treated according to the original salary. When you come back to work, before Don't blame the past, what do you think?"

Wei Mingzhe was furious in his heart, but he still maintained his rationality and said very restrainedly:
"I don't think it's necessary. Thanks to the company's concern, I can find a new job myself."

"Hehe, what kind of job can you find?" The opposite CTO's tone was very rude, "You are the one with the lowest level in our company. I have communicated with some friends. With your level, 80% of the industry The company won't want you."

Wei Mingzhe's voice was a little weaker and said: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. I think you should always be able to find the job you want."

The CTO completely cooled down, and said, "Are you really so confident?"

"It's not a question of self-confidence, it's mainly..."

"That's all right, don't say that the company didn't give you a chance when the time comes," the CTO interrupted him, obviously he didn't want to know what Wei Mingzhe was thinking, "When you think about coming back, maybe it won't be like this now Well, let me let you know in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Mingzhe was in a daze for a long time.

"Fuck! After talking for a long time, I just mocked me and listened to a bunch of bullshit!"

He slapped the stone table with a slap, and his hands felt numb from the shock.

The young mother with the child next to her led the child away in a hurry, as if avoiding the plague, with a bit of fear in her eyes.

Wei Mingzhe smiled wryly.

Yes, in this world, people without jobs, like homeless people and mentally ill, are all monsters in the eyes of "normal people".

From ancient times to the present, there has been as much contempt for those who have no assets, and the contempt in this era is twice as high.

The ancients said that those who have property have perseverance, but now people can't wait to write "those without property have no perseverance, no perseverance, no dignity and moral standards" written on big-character posters and hung in the streets and alleys.

Thinking that he still had to face the matter of explaining to Chen Chi that he was unemployed, his heart became a little heavier, and he suddenly felt that a man's life was very tiring.

In the past, his father always told him how he chased his mother when he was paid 250 yuan. When he was a child, he didn’t think there was anything wrong. Now he seems to see the seemingly ordinary father with a heavy shoulder. heavy burden.

He called his father.

After the call was connected, a slightly vicissitudes of voice sounded on the other side of the phone:

"Son, why did you think of calling Dad, isn't it still working time?"

Wei Mingzhe slapped himself on the head, and only then remembered that he had done something wrong again and shouldn't have called the old man.

If they let him know that they are unemployed, they don't know how anxious they will be, and they are still anxious.

He could only smirk and say, "What's the matter, I can't call you when I go to work?"

"Don't be poor like here, work hard, earn money to support your family, Chen Chi is a good girl, you want her to live a good life, you know?"

Wei Mingzhe smiled miserably: "Of course I know."

"It's good to know," the old man said, and then he thought of something, and said, "Aren't you out of money again, kid?"

"If you have no money, you will always have no money, but you can't solve the problem," Wei Mingzhe said, "Don't think too much, I really just called you to chat."

The old man laughed over there: "Are you feeling a little uneasy because the wedding is approaching?"

"Of course, I've never been married before."

"Hey, don't worry, everyone is the same," the old man smiled and lit a cigarette, "You just need to stand there and find someone, and you don't need to do anything else."

"That was when you got married?"

"Yes, I was confused when I got married. I couldn't figure out anything. Your mother's natal family thought I was a silly uncle."


After chatting with his father for a while, Wei Mingzhe felt much better.

The nausea brought by the company's dislike of the CTO just now has also dissipated a lot.

He suddenly thought of something and asked, "Well, Dad, how did you and my mother raise me to such a big age when we were young?"

"What kind of problem is this?"

"Based on my family's economic level, I think it is like a miracle," Wei Mingzhe said, "I am not married yet, and I feel quite powerless. In the future, there will be pregnancy, childbirth, milk powder, education... It is just like 81 It seems difficult, so I am a little sigh."

The old man smiled and said, "You want to ask, how much money does it take to be a good husband and a good father, right?"

"Well, that's what it means."

"It doesn't matter how much money you have," he said, "you can support with a monthly salary of 500, and you can also support with a monthly salary of 3000."

"It's not your money that supports a home, but the steaming meals, the sheets that smell of sunshine, love, and responsibility, understand?"

Wei Mingzhe never thought that his father could say such philosophical words, so he nodded blankly.

Old Wei swallowed his clouds for a while, and finally said slowly: "However, your current era is different from ours at that time. The environment is too complicated, and people's hearts are also complicated. Young people live much more tired than we did at that time... ..."

Wei Mingzhe suddenly felt relieved: "I understand, Dad, I don't have any doubts anymore."

Old Wei opened his eyes and said, "It's good to know."


"By the way," Old Wei said, "I wish you a happy wedding in advance."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Mingzhe sat for a while, and suddenly found that 3000 yuan had arrived in his online wallet.

There is also a sentence from my father:

"No matter how difficult the work is, it can't defeat a real man. Come on son, Dad believes in you. Your dad still has some money. If you have any difficulties, just call me. I have the ability to help you deal with it."

Seeing this passage, Wei Mingzhe's eyes were wet.

He dialed Chen Chi's phone, and as soon as he got through, he said, "Hi, honey, I'm resigning."

"Ah? Really resigned?" Chen Chi opened his mouth slightly over there, and then immediately said, "It's okay, it's fine if you resign. I always think that the boss of your company is a bastard. We'll find a job later."

Her attitude was so good that Wei Mingzhe found it unrealistic, a little too smooth, which made Wei Mingzhe almost wince.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Hmm...Come on?" Chen Chi said with a smile, "You should go home and rest early today. You have been exhausted all these years. Before you get married, you should rest at home and recover your energy. After you get married, you will find a job. .”

Wei Mingzhe was moved.

"Chen Chi, you are indeed a good woman. My dad praised you today."

Chen Chi giggled over there: "What are you two talking about about me? Why do I feel that you are holding back?"

"how can that be possible?"

"Okay, are you still outside now? I heard the noise from your side. You must be out of work. I don't know what to do. You're wandering outside. Don't shake! Come home, I'll take you there after get off work at night Eat good food and celebrate your work graduation."

"Okay." Wei Mingzhe sniffed.

Chen Chi said angrily, "Why are you still talking about your nose?"

"I'm touched."

After the biggest problem in his heart was solved, he felt refreshed, picked up his bag and prepared to go home, when suddenly another call from an unfamiliar number came.

"Hello, is this...Mr. Wei Mingzhe?" The other party was a man, who seemed young from the business.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

"I read your resume and am very interested in you. Do you want to come to our company for an interview?"

Wei Mingzhe was stunned: "Huh? I haven't submitted a resume recently?"

The other party also seemed to be stunned: "You asked Brother Ya for a recommendation, right? Isn't it?"

"Brother Ya? Oh...You mean Chen Ya!" Wei Mingzhe didn't expect Chen Ya to be so reliable and find him a job so quickly, "That's right, it's me."

"Then why do you have time, can you come for an interview?" Shi Chuandong was a little more respectful when he heard him call Chen Ya's name directly.

"I can do it anytime, even today."

"Then let's do it today," Shi Chuandong said, "We will arrange an interview today. After you come, come directly to the 24th floor."

Wei Mingzhe wanted to laugh, the company Chen Ya recommended to him seemed too unreliable.

At least the person who called was definitely not a professional HR. He didn't tell Wei Mingzhe the address at all. He just said the floor when he came up. Who knows where the other party is?
Wei Mingzhe reminded: "Uh, you didn't tell me where the address is."

Shi Chuandong was surprised: "Don't you know where the Bailou is?"

"Uh, which white building?"

"It's that white building."

On both ends of the phone, the two inarticulate people were in a hurry.

Wei Mingzhe asked for a long time before he realized that the white building the other party was talking about was the Bailou Building in Jiangcheng, and he couldn't help but cry even more.

"No wonder your phone number is Yang Xia's number, I'm not in Jiangcheng."

Shi Chuandong was also a little depressed: "Then have you settled in the capital? Will you not come to work in Jiangcheng?"

Wei Mingzhe nodded: "Yes, I have no plans to work in Jiangcheng."

"Okay." Shi Chuandong nodded, a little disappointed.

If conditions permit, he still wants Wei Mingzhe to come to Jiangcheng.

Wei Mingzhe is more regretful than him.

Although judging from the various unprofessional behaviors of the other party, it looks a bit like a grassroots team, but now is a transition period, and finding a job first is more important than anything else.

It's a pity that Chen Ya is unreliable, so he recommended a company in Jiangcheng to him.

What do you mean, you think he can't stay in Jiangcheng?Tactfully persuade him not to drift north?

Wei Mingzhe felt it was very funny, he kind of wanted to invite Chen Ya to dinner tonight, and have a good chat with him at night.

"Then, it's a pity, we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future..."

Before he finished his polite words, the other party suddenly said: "It's okay, we also have a branch in the capital, you can go to the Beijing branch."


"Do you know the address of the Beijing branch? I'll send you the address, and then I'll say hello there, you can go now."

Then, the other party gave him an address and gave him a phone number.

"Well, by the way, may I take the liberty to ask who you are? You shouldn't be an HR, right? I'll save your number."

Shi Chuandong said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm the company's CTO. Because it was Brother Ya who found me directly, so I went to you directly and didn't tell HR."


Well, another CTO.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Mingzhe felt a little confused.

Say the other party is a grassroots team, the other party has branches in two places, say that the other party is strong, and let the CTO directly call him to recruit people, it is really a bit out of place.

He opened the map of the phone, entered the address given by the other party on it, and located it for a long time, only to find that the location was always pointing to Beichen's Daewoo Commercial Building.

As we all know, there is only one company in Daewoo Commercial Building, which is Beichen Company.The entire building is occupied by Beichen Company, there are no other companies around it, and there is only a commercial area around it.

"Strange, is there another company beside Beichen Company?..."

After thinking for a long time, he realized that he had entered a blind zone of thinking.

Is there such a possibility - the address given to him by the other party is Beichen? ?



Shi Chuandong hung up the phone, picked up his notebook, and rushed towards the crowd, saying sorry repeatedly.

Over there, all the leaders are waiting for him there.

The identities of these leaders are so scary that if you lift them up in other places, you can kill them all. But today is Beichen's home court, and Shi Chuandong has something to do, so everyone can only wait.

He trotted all the way over, and explained to everyone: "I'm really sorry, Brother Ya told me an important matter, and I have to arrange it quickly, without delay."

A female leader next to him said to the people around him: "Look, I said that it must be that one who has something to order, and that one is the only one who can direct President Shi like this."

The person next to him laughed, and someone said: "The matter that the person personally ordered must be an important matter related to the future development of the industry. It doesn't matter if we wait a while."

Another person said: "Mr. Shi, can you tell me what Mr. Chen has arranged? We can keep abreast of the latest trends in the industry?"

Shi Chuandong waved his hand and said with a smile, "I really can't say that."


A group of people walked away jokingly.

Wei Mingzhe followed the navigation all the way to the destination, looked down at the phone, and then looked up at the two big characters "Beichen" hanging under the blue sky.


 Recommend a new book "Tokyo: This role-playing game is not right".Tokyo stream.

  I heard that this is a very interesting role-playing game.

  I opened the game and saw teachers, leaders, plumbers, electricians, couriers
  wait!There's something wrong with this RPG!


(End of this chapter)

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