Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 255 254. Are there free work meals?

Chapter 255 254. Are there free work meals?
Wei Mingzhe had been looking for a job for a long time before leaving, and had submitted resumes to many companies, but he never thought of submitting to Beichen.

In their major, Beichen is undoubtedly the tallest pearl on the top of Mount Everest, just like the goddess that everyone is fascinated by but dare not approach.

In those days when he was not unemployed, one of the favorite entertainment activities of his colleagues was to discuss how good the company's treatment in Beichen was.

For example, dormitories for single employees are allocated, all working meals are free, you can choose your own commute time, you can apply for home office, and there is a playground for free childcare within the company...

In the past, his boss hated Beichen Company the most, because compared with other companies in the industry, the treatment of this company was like doing charity. The bosses didn't know whether the boss of Beichen Company came to make money.

According to that way of doing business, it is unimaginable to make money, but it is undoubtedly very, very profitable.

This has made countless bosses puzzled—we have racked our brains to squeeze employees to reduce costs, why we are still bankrupt, bankrupt and closed down, and Beichen is so lavish, but it is getting bigger and bigger?
After exploring the unsolvable, all that remains is hatred.

If the employees talked about Beichen's treatment, if the bosses heard it, they would not say anything on the surface. When they dreamed back at midnight, they would grit their teeth and burst into tears, clenched their fists and hated the injustice of the world.

This is one of the reasons why Wei Mingzhe did not dare to submit a resume to Beichen, because he felt that he was not worthy of such a good life.

Another thing that discouraged Wei Mingzhe from Beichen was his personal career.In his industry, Beichen will always represent the highest benchmark in the industry.

Whether it's normal work or self-recharging after work, when mentioning a specific job detail or requirement, everyone will always say Beichen.

For example, "We can think about what Beichen asked for this place." "Why don't we ask the almighty Beichen?" Even the boss who hates Beichen will grit his teeth and say "Why can't you Like Beichen employees?"

Various factors made Beichen in Wei Mingzhe's world view a big boss-level existence. He never thought that he would be able to enter Beichen one day.

So looking at the Beichen building in front of him, he felt a little nervous.

He took out his mobile phone, dialed the number given to him by the CTO surnamed Shi, revealed his identity, and told the other party that he was already outside, and the other party quickly invited him into the company.

The other party's tone was very respectful, which made Wei Mingzhe a little flattered, but on second thought, maybe he was used to being polite.

Walking into the building, one's eyes are full of magnificence, the energy and dress of the people passing by, it feels like they are in another world, and it is the world that Wei Mingzhe yearns for very much.

After staying in this building for less than 10 minutes, Wei Mingzhe had already started to scratch his heart.

After seeing Beichen with his own eyes, he knew how much he wanted to join Beichen.

According to what I said on the phone, I took the elevator upstairs and was led into an office by a very pretty girl at the front desk. I sat down and waited for less than 2 minutes before a line of people came in.

Originally, when Wei Mingzhe was waiting, he took out his mobile phone to read the news, but when he looked up and saw the group of people walking in, he couldn't hold the mobile phone steadily in his hand and almost fell to the ground.

If there is such a thing as a so-called idol group in his industry, then this group of people walking in from outside the door in front of him is undoubtedly the most popular idol group in Beijing.

Zhao Yuanhai, Xu Zheqing, Zhang Mingyuan...Wei Mingzhe has never seen these people in person. He has seen these people from news interviews, live lectures, speech videos, biography book covers, etc., and they are very familiar.

He never thought that one day he would meet these people with his own eyes and sit and talk with them, as if he did not expect that he would walk into Beichen Company as an interviewee.

In one day today, two unimaginable dreams happened. He felt like he was dreaming. He secretly squeezed his arm and felt his body tremble a little.

Suddenly he had a terrible idea: Is it possible that someone came in for a meeting, but he went to the wrong office and entered their meeting place by mistake?

It's right to think about it, I'm just a rookie, interviewing myself should be done by manpower, how can I let a team of this level in front of me do it?

He stood up, just about to apologize, but the other party spoke, and smiled very kindly.

"You are Mr. Wei Mingzhe, right?" Zhao Yuanhai, the leader, laughed when he saw him, and shook hands with him, "Hello, hello, sit down."

Wei Mingzhe opened his mouth, wanting to ask if the other party really came to find him, but he felt a little foolish, so he had to sit down and not speak.

Zhao Yuanhai put his hands on the table and said straight to the point:
"Mr. Shi has already told me about the matter, let me come to interview you. In fact, according to your relationship, there is no problem if you don't go through this process, but Mr. Shi has repeatedly emphasized that you must follow the normal process, so please forgive me. .”

After hearing his words, Wei Mingzhe was in a daze.

"According to your relationship", what relationship do I have?What relationship can I make Beichen skip the normal interview process?
And is it true that Beichen's normal interview process is to let the Tiantuan with the specification in front of him come for the interview?This is too unbelievable!
Moreover, why does it seem that the other party is calling himself like the second generation who throws his face at the slightest disagreement?If I can see this group of celestial groups, I can play with Chen Chi for a year when I go back. What the hell should I forgive?

If he didn't dare to make mistakes, he really wanted to say now: "What do you mean? What is the purpose of you saying this? You have admitted the wrong person!!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuanhai beckoned, and someone behind him came up with a bunch of resumes, and each person sent a copy.

Zhao Yuanhai added: "Mr. Shi has already sent a copy of Mr. Wei's resume to my mailbox. I have read it and called everyone over. The main purpose is to let everyone take a look together and check it out."

Wei Mingzhe thought that those resumes belonged to many people, but he didn't expect that they were all his own. He was being reviewed by a group of heavenly groups at the same time, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Zhao Yuanhai looked at Wei Mingzhe and nodded with a smile.

Ishi Chuandong had explained everything to him on the phone just now.

His first reaction after hearing this was: Damn, Mr. Chen's relative.

As we all know, one of the reasons for the rapid development of Beichen over the years is that the internal management is very clean, and there are basically no nepotism and private transactions.

Especially Beichen's top leader, Chen Ya, feels as if he just popped out of a rock. He really made the saying of meritocracy to the extreme. He has never seen him stuffing his own people inside the company.

In other words, it was the first time in history that he personally recommended a relative to come to the company.

What is the identity of the other party?

Wei Mingzhe only lamented the identity of the person who interviewed him. What he didn't know was that Zhao Yuanhai, who was sitting opposite him, had the same feeling when looking at him.

A little scared.

Both sides feel that the other party is not small.

That's why Zhao Yuanhai deliberately said hello in advance, "I'm going to interview you according to the normal procedure, please don't mind."

People who are related to Chen Ya's real self are doing something serious, if the other party thinks that he is embarrassing him, it will be fatal.

Several people opened Wei Mingzhe's resume in silence, looked down for a while, and then whispered, pointing to some interesting points, and exchanging opinions with each other.

Then, one of them asked him: "Have you really done all the front and back ends in the past few years?"

Wei Mingzhe nodded timidly, not knowing what he meant by asking him this.

"Did the project you mentioned here really participate in these parts you wrote?"

"I am very interested in the work experience you mentioned here, can you compile it on the spot for us to see?"

"You said that you are also familiar with JS, so I have a related question, can you answer it for me..."

Everyone on the other side was chattering, and Wei Mingzhe felt that he was out of breath. Fortunately, he withstood the pressure and answered each other's questions one by one in front of these people.

Although he felt that his level was limited and he might not be able to give a completely correct answer, but judging from the other party's expression, he seemed quite satisfied.

Then, he remembered something, suddenly lowered his head and took out a few thick notebooks from his pocket backpack, and said:
"This is the record of my work over the years. I wrote some memos and some technical thoughts. I think I can also read it."

After all, he handed over his own notebook, several of which were distributed to different people, like loose smoke.

The other party immediately took his notebook and began to read it.

Soon, there were bursts of exclamations from the other side.

They seem to be surprised that he has such a detailed work record, and at the same time, their satisfaction with him seems to have increased several levels.

The interview ended quickly, and Zhao Yuanhai stayed.

"Do you have any requirements for the company's position and salary?"

"Want, request?"

Wei Mingzhe was stunned, he didn't expect Zhao Yuanhai to ask him this.

This means that he passed?
As long as he can go to work in Beichen, he dares to ask for anything!

"Uh, I don't have any requirements, I can do anything." After Wei Mingzhe finished speaking, there was another sentence, "As long as there are free working meals, I am willing to sweep the floor."

Zhao Yuanhai was confused: "Don't you particularly like any aspect? Because you have rich work experience, you are competent in any aspect. We are short of people in several places here."

If he can say this, then his employment in Beichen is a certainty. The happiness came so suddenly that Wei Mingzhe was almost dizzy. He said dizzily:
"I'm really good at everything, I can do anything, I don't like anything in particular."

"That's it."

Zhao Yuanhai frowned.

No request is actually the biggest request. Wei Mingzhe has no desires and no desires, which makes Zhao Yuanhai a little embarrassed.

Chen Ya's relatives have various work experiences, so they definitely cannot be assigned a low-level position.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanhai suddenly felt that he understood Wei Mingzhe's meaning, that he could do everything, so wouldn't it be very suitable for him to be a leader?
It is very suitable for the overall management and overall planning of the project!

Zhao Yuanhai smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."

Recently, Beichen has a project with an investment of [-]-[-] million yuan, and he plans to let Wei Mingzhe be the head of that project.

The main reason is that when he first arrived, he was asked to manage too large a project as soon as he arrived. He was afraid that others would have opinions and he would not be able to suppress it. It was also reasonable to give him a small project to practice his skills.

After following Zhao Yuanhai for two steps, Wei Mingzhe still felt a little uneasy, and asked in a low voice, "Well, Mr. Zhao, can I ask, is there any free working meal for the position you arranged for me?"

Zhao Yuanhai: "..."

After a long silence, he said, "Yes."

"That's good." After Wei Mingzhe finished speaking, he realized that he was acting a little too unpromising, and quickly put away the smile on his face.

But after a while, he couldn't help but ask again: "Can you really choose your own commute time?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to arrange the work I'm going to arrange for you," Zhao Yuanhai said, "The management post always has to be a little tiring."


Wei Mingzhe thought he heard it wrong, so he didn't dare to speak.

Zhao Yuanhai added: "Tired is a bit tiring, but if the project is completed, the dividends will be large. Our company can be found everywhere in one or two small goals after a year of work."

Wei Mingzhe hesitated a bit.

It felt like the topic was starting to advance rapidly in his unbelievable direction.

Seeing that there was no one around, Zhao Yuanhai whispered, "However, you must not be short of money. I know that you must have come to realize it yourself."

Wei Mingzhe opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

He is short of money!

"By the way," Zhao Yuanhai asked again, "It's better not to let others know about your relationship with Mr. Chen, right?"

"Mr. Chen?" Wei Mingzhe was dumbfounded.



After Wei Mingzhe called Chen Chi in the morning, Chen Chi looked calm on the surface, talking and laughing, but when she hung up the phone, a cloud of sorrow came to her brow.

Before Wei Mingzhe acted briskly in front of Wei Mingzhe, it was just a fake, and he lost his job before getting married, no one can bear this.

Chen Chi has one less obstacle than other young couples, and there are not many obstacles in her family.

Chen Sheng brought her to the capital to work hard when she was very young, her parents didn't care about her marriage, and her brother took care of her a little bit, but since she fell in love with Wei Mingzhe and insisted on marrying him, Chen Sheng didn't care much about her .

They just bought a car, the car loan has not yet been paid off, and they fancy a house, and the down payment is 120 million short.

According to the salaries of the two before Wei Mingzhe resigned, he borrowed 50 from Chen Sheng, and then borrowed 50 from the bank, plus his own savings, barely enough for the down payment.

That is, the repayment pressure is very high, and the monthly interest is quite a lot.

Now that Wei Mingzhe is unemployed, the pressure of repaying the loan falls entirely on himself, and it is not certain whether the bank will get the money if he repays the loan.

So she was naturally worried.

She asked for leave that day, ran back to the rental house, sat on the sofa, and called her own brother Chen Sheng.

After connecting, she whispered: "Brother, Mingzhe has resigned."

"Resigned?" On the other end of the phone, Chen Sheng was doing housework, and when he heard this, he immediately frowned.

 Thank you Ye Yuyu for the reward of 7727 points~
  Thanks for the rewards of book friends 20220620133848923, Guilu, and the beautiful scenery of my hometown~
(End of this chapter)

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