Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 256 255. He really has a sense of humor

Chapter 256 255. He really has a sense of humor

"Resigned? Why did Wei Mingzhe resign at this juncture? I'm afraid he didn't resign, he was fired, right?"

Chen Sheng was very upset, holding a bone cutter in his hand, he chopped the meat a little harder.

He did not approve of the marriage in the first place.The conditions of Wei Mingzhe's family are not good, they are not natives of the capital, and they don't even have a house.

Chen Chi stomped his feet and said, "Brother, what time is this, and you still say such things, I called you to find a way."

Chen Shengfa put down the knife in his hand and wiped his hands with his apron: "Think of a way, what can I think of? Tell me to kneel down to him and beg him not to fire him?"

"That's not what it means... Do you have any good jobs that you can introduce."

Chen Sheng said angrily: "I think of your brother at this moment? I told you to find a local one with a house. What did you say?"

Chen Chi's tone was firm: "Brother, if you say that, I won't ask you for help. I've already identified Mingzhe, and I believe he will be successful in the future. Besides, you always ask me to find a local, we None of them are local.”

Chen Sheng smiled weakly.Chen Chi is such an old man, and he is still playing with girlish feelings.

Wei Mingzhe is 35 years old, and he has already passed the age of not bullying the young and poor, but now he is not bullying the middle-aged and poor.He also said that he would be promising in the future, how could he have a future?From now on, don't bully the old and the poor, and the dead will be the last ones.

But he saw that Chen Chi was really impatient, so he couldn't say anything, so he sat down on the sofa in the living room, took the phone and said:
"How much money do you have?"

Chen Chi said: "There are still 23."

"What about him?"

"All his money is deposited with me, adding up to 23."

Chen Sheng nodded. Chen Chi had a stronger personality, and he rarely asked him for help before. The two of them together only had such a small deposit, so it's no wonder she came to him.

"That is to say, now you have a total of 23 on hand, have you spent all the money on the wedding and banquet?"

"Those have already been given, we just need to set aside [-] yuan to buy the old man's birthday gift."

"What's the rush? The car loan is 3000 yuan per month. After you pay the car loan with your salary, you shouldn't have to worry about life, right? As for buying a house, the current situation can only be postponed."

Chen Chi said: "There is no rush. The main reason is that Wei Mingzhe is old. I have heard that he is 35 years old. Many companies in this industry will not take him anymore, and there is also an age limit for the staff now. I told him not to use it." Panic, but now that I find a job one day later, I have less hope."

Chen Sheng sighed and covered his forehead: "It's really difficult to be fired at this age, let alone at this juncture."

"Brother, I said it, not dismissal!"

"Okay, resign, but it's not the same." Chen Sheng frowned and sighed again, "Okay, let me help you find a relationship and see if you can find a better job."

"Okay, I'll call to find someone else too. By the way, brother, don't tell Mingzhe about this, and don't mention it to him. If you tell him, I'll never end with you." Chen Chi was afraid of hurting Wei Mingzhe self-esteem.

Chen Sheng nodded: "Oh, what can't be known about this...Forget it, I know, I won't tell him."

After finishing speaking, Chen Chi hung up the phone, started a relationship again, and asked other friends if there was a way.

This day, she made more than a dozen phone calls, talking dry, of course, all of this was done without telling Wei Mingzhe,
And here, just as Chen Sheng hung up the phone, Chen Hai in pajamas came out of the room yawning, and said sleepily:

"It was early in the morning, and I was chopping meat and making phone calls, so I couldn't sleep well."

Chen Sheng stood up, helped him get a glass of water, and said, "It's still early in the morning? Look at the sun, the sun is shining on your buttocks."

Chen Hai drank alcohol last night and was still dizzy: "Didn't I stay up late last night? I only slept for three or four hours in total."

"I know you've worked hard, come, drink water."

Chen Sheng handed Chen Hai water, his doting expression was beyond words.

For Chen Hai, he is very satisfied with being a father recently.

Since Chen Hai joined Beichen's project, the people he made friends with became more and more high-end, and the people he drank with were all people he didn't dare to think of before.

"Oh, just now your sister-in-law called and said that your uncle-to-be has lost his job."

Holding the cup, Chen Hai stared wide-eyed and said, "Unemployed? Unemployed at this age? That's very dangerous."

Chen Sheng sighed and sat down: "Yeah, that's why I called and asked if we could think of a way."

Chen Hai also sat down beside him, muttering: "Then what can I do, his industry is not suitable for my factory."

While the two were chatting, Lu Qianzi also came out: "Have you seen my curling iron?"

"No, but sister-in-law's groom-to-be is unemployed." Chen Hai said.

"Ah? Are you unemployed at this time?" Lu Qianzi stood where she was, with Bai Shengsheng's legs exposed under her pajama pants, "Then what should I do?"

Chen Hai took out his mobile phone and said, "I met a friend recently. He has a lot of connections. I'll ask him."

"A friend you know? He can't be unreliable, right?" Lu Qianzi was full of doubts.

"Go, your friends are unreliable."

Chen Sheng watched Chen Hai go to the side of the phone, nodded and said, "Haizi has become more responsible."

"Uh, I always feel that he won't be very reliable." Lu Qianzi found her curling iron under the coffee table.

When he was a child, Chen Hai often did many surprising things with confidence, especially his poor vision of people.

After Chen Hai made the phone call there, his face was full of experts: "I have already contacted a friend for help, and that person promised to help recommend some jobs."


Chen Hai sat down and drank tea: "Guess who is that person?"

"I don't guess."

"His father is a cadre of Beichen," Chen Hai said, "and he is a student of Peking University, and he is starting a business outside, and the business scale is not bad."

Lu Qianzi was stunned: "Why do you feel that this person sounds familiar?"

How do you feel that the configuration is so similar to a certain Xu named "Young Master"?
When Chen Sheng heard that the other party's father belonged to Beichen, he had already lost his ability to think, and quickly said:

"Then this person is very affectionate, can you talk about moving people?"

"It's about the dinner," Chen Hai said, "and we will take care of each other in the business field in the future. It's okay."

Chen Sheng nodded. He felt that his son had really grown up.

He took out his mobile phone: "Let me invite you, I will set up a table at Ming Cui Ju, and I will also call Chen Chi and Wei Mingzhe."

Chen Hai nodded: "Alright."

After all, he was helping his father's sister as a favor, so it was more reasonable for him to treat her.

After Chen Hai sent a message to the other party and asked a few words, he raised his head and asked, "That friend of mine said he wants to bring a friend, is that okay?"

"Of course, there are many friends and many paths." Chen Sheng laughed.

Chen Hai thought for a while and said, "Oh, it's not good, does Wei Mingzhe don't drink alcohol?"

"Yeah, he doesn't drink, what's the matter?"

"You add me, our fighting strength is a bit weak," Chen Hai said, "That friend drinks a lot, and he has a very bold personality. If he doesn't get drunk, he won't feel comfortable drinking. How about putting my brother Also called?"

Chen Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said, "You are thoughtful!"

Chen Hai smiled and said, "Take him to have a few drinks with him."

Chen Sheng knew that of course he didn't want to take Chen Ya to drink, but he wanted Chen Ya to make friends too.

Before he often discussed with Lu Ruixiang, Chen Ya seemed to be restless and unwilling to settle down in the capital, Chen Hai obviously listened to this.

This time, he organized a bureau with some influential natives in the capital, and deliberately let Chen Ya go there, just to let Chen Ya also make friends with some local people, which would be beneficial to his future development in the capital.

Chen Hai thought more.He felt that the main reason why Chen Ya kept clinging to his Jiangcheng was because he didn't dare to break out of his comfort zone.

As long as he sees the prosperity here in the capital and gets to know a few more good people, he will surely change his mind soon.

Both of them understood each other's meaning, and the father and son cherished each other here, while Lu Qianzi frowned at the side:
"Didn't Chen Ya also drink alcohol?"

"He doesn't drink, so it's good to be with him in the past," Chen Sheng said, "At worst, if we get too drunk, let him drive."

Lu Qianzi said, "He doesn't seem to have a driver's license either."

"Then he should get a driver's license."

Chen Hai sent a message over there: "Master Xu, we have a table at Mingcuiju, come over for a meal when you are free."

The other party sent a message: "Okay, you must give it to save face. Then tomorrow night."

"He agreed, it's late." Chen Hai turned to Chen Sheng and said.

"Okay, I'll tell your brother." Chen Sheng nodded and dialed Chen Ya's phone number.

Lu Qianzi frowned, watching the two rush to form a game.

Subconsciously, she was always a little worried.She felt that their ideas were beautiful, but the reality may not be as good as they thought.

But she couldn't tell what was wrong, and she couldn't stop them, so she had to go to her room with the curling iron.

Today is the last day before New Year's Day, and many shops are on sale, so she made an appointment with Liu Ruying to go shopping.

After Chen Sheng dialed Chen Ya's cell phone, he said loudly, "Hey, Chen Ya, it's like this, your sister...do you understand, let's go drink together tomorrow."

"What? You have already solved the problem? How did you solve it? Cough, don't talk nonsense, anyway, you must come tomorrow."


After making the phone call, he looked back at Chen Hai and was immediately amused: "I told Chen Ya just now, guess what he said? He said that he has already helped Wei Mingzhe solve his work problems."

Chen Hai was puzzled: "How to solve it, wouldn't it be to let Wei Mingzhe move to Jiangcheng?"

"Yeah, I think so too." Chen Sheng felt annoyed and funny, "He has no contacts in the capital, how can he help Wei Mingzhe solve the problem? I think he is getting more and more good at talking nonsense now."

Chen Hai asked: "Isn't Yunshang Jinghua in his hands? Did he arrange Wei Mingzhe there?"

"That doesn't match Wei Mingzhe's major, and Yunshang Jinghua is only temporarily entrusted to him to operate. The grandma said that when the time comes, the control of Yunshang Jinghua will be taken back."

Chen Sheng didn't know that all the shares of Yunshang Jinghua had been taken over by Chen Ya. He thought that Chen Ya really only controlled Yunshang Jinghua for a while.

Chen Hai took a sip of tea: "Anyway, just pretend you didn't hear what he said. His sense of humor is very strange now, but at least he can't be said to be boring."



Wei Mingzhe felt like he was dreaming.

Today, within a day, he went from being a low-level employee of a small company to firing his boss angrily and becoming a full-time employee of Beichen.

This great change happened in the morning, and he didn't even have time to accept it.

The most frightening thing is that he is not an ordinary employee in Beichen. As soon as he came, he directly took over projects with a scale of [-] to [-] million yuan, and he directly took the leadership position by airborne.

What is this if it is not a dream?Within a day today, I pinched my face seven or eight times.

"Mr. Wei, this is the preliminary status of our project, you can take a look first."

The girl with light makeup in front of him smiled and put a stack of documents on his desk. Wei Mingzhe also nodded cautiously at the other party, then looked down at the stack of documents.

Zhao Yuanhai asked him if he had any requirements on when to go to work. Originally, what Zhao Yuanhai thought was that he would take a month off first and come back after dealing with his own affairs.

But Wei Mingzhe didn't have any personal matters to deal with at all. In order to leave a good impression on the other party, he announced that he could come to work on the same day, and the sooner the better.

So, he is sitting here now.

He didn't even know how to explain to Chen Chi when he went back.

"Mr. Wei, here is your badge, and here is the access control key. They are all in this box." A middle-aged woman came over and handed over a beautifully packaged box. "There is also Beichen's employee handbook inside. You can also take a look."

"Oh, oh, okay, thank you, Sister Wang." Wei Mingzhe opened the box, and immediately began to be shocked by Beichen's work efficiency.

He had only been here for two hours, and the work card was ready for him.

On the badge, there is not only his photo, but also his current level:
"LinkedIn level."

He had heard of the levels of employees in Beichen before, such as elite level, LinkedIn level, etc. He only knew that his level was not low.

He hung his badge around his neck.

Sister Wang reminded from the side: "Our company is the kind of pragmatic supremacy, there is no requirement for dress, and everyone usually wears badges less."

Wei Mingzhe said: "It's okay, I want to wear it myself."

Sister Wang covered her mouth and smiled: "You are the same as many new employees when they joined the company. You can't wait to wear Beichen's badge on your body when you go out."

"Hey, yes, it's quite face-saving." Wei Mingzhe chuckled, not hiding his vanity at all.

The probability of being included in Beichen is lower than that of Jinghua and Jingdu. Of course, it is something to be proud of.

Sister Wang said with a smile: "Salary is paid on the 15th of every month. Remember to get a card and remind you to follow up on finances."

Wei Mingzhe nodded, and then asked in a low voice: "Can I ask, how much is the salary?"

Sister Wang was a little surprised: "Didn't I tell you when you came in?"

"Boss Zhao didn't tell me, and I'm not ashamed to ask..." Wei Mingzhe whispered.

At Zhao Yuanhai's level, he would not be able to live on salary for a long time.

So he naturally forgot to talk to Wei Mingzhe about his salary.

Ms. Wang said in a low voice, "Your level is higher than ours. Generally speaking, the basic salary of this level is [-] to [-] yuan per month, plus performance, you can get [-] yuan per month, but the main thing is dividends..."

Hearing this, Wei Mingzhe almost fainted.

After finishing speaking, Sister Wang said again: "By the way, Mr. Wei, do you need to apply for a dormitory? The company's regulations are that if you don't have a room under your local name, you can apply for a staff dormitory."

Wei Mingzhe said, "Yes, I still rent a house."

Sister Wang was a little surprised.In her opinion, Wei Mingzhe was able to get Zhao Yuanhai to interview for this level in person. He should be a family with a house in the capital. She heard that he was still renting a house, which made her a little unbelievable.

"Are you single or..."

"I'm getting married soon."

"Then let me apply for a family dormitory for you." Sister Wang said, "Three bedrooms and one living room, the area is only 80 square meters, do you think it will work?"

Wei Mingzhe suddenly knew that he was not dreaming, because he felt that he could not have such a good dream even in his dreams.

Sister Wang said: "It just so happens that today you are still familiarizing yourself with the work, do you want to go to the dormitory together? You can pick any one you like."


Wei Mingzhe was about to go out with Sister Wang to see the dormitory when he received a call from Chen Chi.

"Didn't I tell you to come back quickly? Why haven't you come back yet?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Chi said cracklingly.

Wei Mingzhe apologized to Sister Wang, ran to an empty corner, and said in a low voice excitedly: "Chen Chi, you have no idea how legendary my experience today is?"

"Yeah, it's quite legendary, I know," Chen Chi rolled his hair, "You have reserved time tomorrow night, my brother will treat you to dinner."

Wei Mingzhe was a little surprised, Chen Chi's brother had always looked down on him, but he had never been invited to dinner.

"What did he invite me to dinner for?"

Chen Chi didn't want him to know that he was asking for help, so he said vaguely, "I'll introduce you to some friends, it will be good for you to find a job in the future."

"Still looking for a job..."

Wei Mingzhe was about to tell Chen Chi excitedly that he had found Beichen's job, but then he suddenly thought of something and stopped talking.

He decided to surprise Chen Chi without telling her that he had already joined Beichen.

However, what he said just now was misunderstood by Chen Chi.

"Why, you're not looking for a job anymore?" Chen Chi frowned on the phone, "I let you rest for a few days, and didn't let you let yourself go, Wei Mingzhe, I'm telling you, I didn't let you not be motivated, You must still be looking for a job."

"Of course, of course, I will definitely find a good job."

Chen Chi frowned slightly, and said: "Okay, you come back early, you must pay more attention to this situation tomorrow!"

Wei Mingzhe nodded absently: "Okay, of course."



After Chen Ya hung up Chen Sheng's phone call, he was a little puzzled, how did Chen Sheng know the news of Wei Mingzhe's unemployment so quickly?
However, he didn't think deeply about this question, and turned to look at Xia You: "I'm sorry, there are a lot of chores today."

With a straw in her mouth, Xia You said quietly, "It's okay, I'm not as important as your affairs, you can deal with me first and then take care of me."

 I recommend a book "Lu Mingfei Returning from the Return of the Curse", a colleague of the dragon clan + the return of the spell, the new book Seedling, has been polished for a long time, and the quality is guaranteed.Friends who like cursing back must not miss it.

  After eight years, Lu Mingfei, who swallowed all the fingers of the double-faced Su Nuo in the magic world, unexpectedly returned to his original hometown.

  When he raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror, what seemed to be endless magic power surged in the body of the poor boy in the mirror, and all of Su Nuo's spells were engraved on this body.


(End of this chapter)

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