Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 257 256. She is indeed 18 years old

Chapter 257 256. She is indeed 18 years old
"It's okay, I'm not as important as your business, you can deal with it first and then talk to me."

After Xia You finished speaking, Chen Ya nodded and said, "Okay, I just want to make arrangements for Zuo Wenzong..."

While talking, Chen Ya noticed that Xia You's eyes became sharper, and realized that he might have said something wrong.

I don't know exactly what I said wrong, but in short, it's better not to talk.

The two looked at each other for a while, Xia You said:
"You continue to arrange Zuo Wenzong, that is Taimei's big boss, it must be difficult to deal with it?"

"Ah, it's actually not that difficult..."

"You deal with it, I'm fine, I can wait."

"He can also wait, just think about how to trample him to death."

"Then step on him first."

From Xia You's tone, Chen Ya could tell that she was a little upset.

Why exactly, I don't know.But apart from this point, he also found that she looked a little different today.

What's different, I don't know.But it was right to praise her first.

"Why does it feel like you are prettier today than before?"

"Really? I'm the same as before?" Xia You tossed her hair away, and when she turned her face away, a faint smile appeared on her face.

The topic finally moved away from how to deal with Zuo Wenzong, Chen Ya said:

"No, I feel a little different from the past."

Xia You said, "It's boring, so tell me why it's different from the past? If you can't guess it in 20 seconds, let's change the subject."

"Then I can't guess it, let's change the subject."

"I won't talk to you anymore."

The girl stood up angrily and walked forward.

Looking at her back, Chen Ya realized that the reason why she felt more like a woman today was because the white fleece leggings she was wearing today looked like white silk.

Leg control benefits.

She seemed to have never worn silk stockings, just like Liu Lizi never had bare legs outside.

Today, Xia You is wearing a lake blue overalls loose jacket, with fat sleeves covering the hands to form cute sleeves, and a cute stick figure of a cat is drawn on the hem.

The lining is a simple white shirt with a V-neck college-style knitted sweater, and the lower body is a black skirt and white silk leggings. The hem of the skirt is the same length as the hem of the jacket, giving the effect of missing the lower body.

Wearing a pair of cool gray Martin boots on the feet, the legs are thin and straight, so the effect on the feet is excellent.

Although Xia You has been in Chen Ya's "Heartbroken Boys Exchange Group", Chen Ya has never seen her as a woman.

You know, when Chen Ya met Xia You for the first time, she was only 13 years old.It's a loli.

Although she doesn't have a loli sense, she has a maturity far beyond her peers.Stuffy personality, do not like to talk.He is good at computer technology, has an IQ of over 140, and only wears black clothes, which is very cool.

But in Chen Ya's eyes, she was still a little girl.

It wasn't until today that Chen Ya realized that Xia You, who was 18 years old this year, was like a sour green plum that finally bears fruit, verdant and plump.

Helping Xia You to hold the dropped milk tea, Chen Ya slowly followed and handed over the milk tea.

"What are you doing for me?" Xia You raised her head and gave him a blank look.

"Not finished."

"Girls never finish their milk tea." Xia You said.

"That girl is really a wasteful animal."

"I want you to manage."

"Then let me drink."

Chen Ya put the milk tea straw into his mouth.

Xia You watched his move helplessly.She used the straw just now, and she licked and bit it, but Chen Ya didn't care about it.

"give me back!"

She snatched back the milk tea including the cup and straw, put the straw back into her mouth, and swallowed the cow to drink. Soon there was a hollow sound of "gurgling" in the cup, and then she stretched out her hand, and the cup drew an elegant line in the air. Arc, into the trash.


Xia You clapped her hands, and left with her head held high in Chen Ya's sight. She walked to a gift shop on the side, picked up a heroic goose, Jia Jialuo, and pretended to watch it carefully.

Chen Ya didn't understand why.

Naturally, he couldn't figure out the little plan of the adolescent girl: just now it was just a one-way indirect kiss, but now it's a two-way indirect kiss.Rounding up, equals kissing.

Xia You turned her back to Chen Ya, looking as if she was watching the goose carefully, but behind her back she turned into a steam girl, her head was almost smoking.Today her first kiss is gone.If Chen Ya hadn't been watching closely, she would have hid in the toilet, laughed and cried.

Chen Ya only felt that she was a little strange today.

Xia You tied and took off the ribbon on her hair, and finally wrapped it in her hand, so she simply didn't wear it.Chen Ya didn't know that she was nervous, and thought her headband was broken, but when he saw a headband with cat ears on the shelf next door, he grabbed it casually.

"This is cute, you try this."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the headband on Xia You's head with his own hands.

Because of being touched suddenly, Xia You resisted desperately like a cat until Chen Ya hugged her from behind.

"It's me, it's me, don't worry."

Xia You used to suffer from bipolar disorder. She resisted sudden approach and physical touch from others, and then gradually improved.

So Chen Ya was more careful when getting along with her.

This prank triggered a fierce confrontation, and Xia You subconsciously struggled desperately, so Chen Ya quickly hugged her.

I don't know if it will work for other patients with similar symptoms, but for Xia You, a warm hug is very useful.

There were little tears in Xia You's eyes, and he asked dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing?"

"Look in the mirror."

Xia You stared at the mirror in front of her. In the mirror was a cat girl.

Chen Ya hugged her from behind, like the owner of a cat lovingly hugging her.

Xia You blushed instantly.

"elder brother?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind, Chen Ya let go of his embrace and turned around, seeing Lu Qianzi and Liu Ruying standing behind him.

The two girls were staring at her, with different eyes and the same shock.

Lu Qianzi was shocked that Chen Ya was dating a girl outside.

And Liu Ruying's eyes were still somewhat suspicious - she could see that the girl in Chen Ya's arms seemed a little younger.

"What a coincidence, why are you here?" Chen Ya asked.

"Today, go out shopping with Ruying today." Lu Qianzi stammered.

Looking at the eyes of the two of them, Chen Ya realized that they had misunderstood him, but now that he was smearing yellow mud on his crotch, nothing he could say could change their thinking, so he could only choose the safest way to say:
"She's turned 18."

"Brother, I think you're weird, brother." Lu Qianzi grabbed Liu Ruying's arm, "I, we'll go shopping next time, you, you should be more careful."

Liu Ruying wanted to chat with Chen Ya, but was forcibly dragged away by Lu Qianzi.

Looking at the backs of the two, Xia You raised her head speechlessly and rolled her eyes: "What did you just say?"

"But you did turn 18."



Lu Qianzi dragged Liu Ruying along the way, walking fast, and the more she thought about it on the way, the more angry she became.

"I said before that he was taken care of by a rich woman. I didn't believe it. I just found out today that he is even more powerful! There is such a young man outside..."

Liu Ruying was pulled by the arm, feeling a little helpless.

She secretly thought, Chen Ya did not agree to the marriage contract with herself.

However, she said, "Maybe it's not what you see..."

"Then what else do you want to see? Do you want to see the rape in bed with your own eyes? Ruying, you are really a bit nervous..."

Lu Qianzi looked left and right, then whispered to her: "Ruying, you know, I always wanted you to be my sister-in-law, but now that he is like this, I really don't want you to fall into the fire..."

Liu Ruying looked at the innocent and innocent Lu Qianzi, and was a little moved.

The innocent Lu Qianzi naturally didn't know that the marriage contract between Liu Ruying and Chen Ya was not simple.

She didn't know about Liu Ruying's gamble, let alone that without this marriage contract, Liu Ruying would lose her foothold.

Liu Ruying smiled helplessly, practiced Tai Chi and said, "After all, it was Mrs. Lu who ordered the marriage, so I can't go against it..."

"Then find a way to get him to break off this engagement." Lu Qianzi shook her arm, "My brother is indeed excellent in other aspects, but as you can see today, his private life is indeed a bit messy."

She glanced back at Chen Ya and Xia You's side, and found that after they had left the place, they dragged Liu Ruying, and whispered, "Come on, follow."


"Aren't you curious about what they're going to do next?"

"Curious, but, isn't this stalking?"

"Yes, it's tracking."

Lu Qianzi dragged Liu Ruying to follow behind Chen Ya and Xia You, and Lu Qianzi continued:
"Look, I don't want to destroy my relatives and spoil my brother's affairs. The main reason is that I can't see it. He is indeed excellent. As my brother, I can be very proud of him, but if I want you to be my sister-in-law, I will I think it's pushing you into the fire pit."

Liu Ruying said: "I think it's okay, many people are happy after marriage... Well, but I also think that my engagement with him may not be possible... I can't say that..."

"Why do you say that?" Lu Qianzi turned her head.

Liu Ruying was silent.

Before Chen Ya had shown some of his strength in front of her, she had guessed that he and she were not from the same world.

He wants to be one level higher, even five, six, seven or eight.

She still still remembers what Chen Ya said, if she behaved well enough, she would not look down on her future and her uncle's family property at all.

Because of his words, she once dreamed of tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

She sometimes has a vague thought: why can't I have it all?

If she could marry Chen Ya, wouldn't she have both her uncle's family property and Chen Ya's possession?

Of course, this idea is only a flash in the pan, and she herself is not very sure.

She can only hope that Old Master Lu can kiss him again.

I don't know if Mrs. Lu's identity can hold Chen Ya down.

She turned to Lu Qianzi and said in a low voice, "My uncle told me that this time at Old Master Lu's birthday banquet, he will propose an engagement with the old man again."

Lu Qianzi's eyes widened: "Then it's over? Hurry up and persuade him!"

"No," Liu Ruying shook her head, "How can I persuade you? This is something that the two families have decided on more than ten years ago."

When Lu Qianzi was still feeling sad for Liu Ruying, Liu Ruying said: "Also, if we get married, I will definitely let him take care of me."

Lu Qianzi was shocked when her mentality changed, and said blankly: "Ruying, your mentality is really strong."

"Cough cough."

The two muttered for a long time, suddenly there was a cough behind them, they turned their heads suddenly, only to see a slender girl in a slim white sweater, wearing sunglasses and a beret, holding a magazine in her hand. behind the two.

"What were you talking about just now?" The girl said coldly.

Looking at this girl, Lu Qianzi felt inexplicably familiar. After stammering for a long time, she faltered and asked, "Is it Sister Qingxuan?"

The girl pushed the sunglasses on her hair, revealing her bright eyes.It was Lu Qingxuan.

When Lu Qianzi saw it was her, she became even more flustered.

In the Lu family, as Lu Yuanbao's direct daughter, Lu Qingxuan's suppression of Lu Qianzi's bloodline has not diminished since she was a child.

Therefore, Lu Qianzi's respect for Lu Qingxuan came from her internal organs and the surrender from the depths of her soul. Seeing her following behind her so sneakily, she couldn't speak at all.

Lu Qingxuan said: "I heard you just said that it's a marriage contract and a marriage, what do you mean?"

Three women in one scene, Lu Qingxuan hugged her arms under her towering chest, her awe-inspiring demeanor was more like wrists.

"Uh, this is Liu Ruying, from the Liu family..." Lu Qianzi introduced to Lu Qingxuan stammeringly, "Old Master Lu has referred to my family since she was a child, and she and Chen Ya have referred to our family, and then Just now when we saw my brother... like that, we were very angry."

When Lu Qingxuan heard about the kissing, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "I know Liu Ruying, I know her. I also heard about the kissing, but why is it Chen Ya? Didn't he just come to the capital? No Did your family just recognize you?"

It was very disgraceful to say this, upon hearing this, Lu Qianzi blushed falteringly, unable to say anything.

Looking at her expression, Lu Qingxuan seemed to understand something, waved her hand, and said: "All right, I don't care what you think, what age is this, and you are still married with your fingertips, it's really terrible."

Lu Qianzi changed the subject and asked, "Sister Qingxuan, why are you here?"

Lu Qingxuan's face flushed slightly: "Me? I just came here for a casual stroll, and I happened to run into you."

This is a lie.

In fact, Lu Qingxuan's smart watch was dropped on Chen Ya's car yesterday, she followed here directly through the GPS location of her phone, and then saw Chen Ya and Xia You, and naturally found Lu Qianzi and Liu Ruying.

As the thoughtful Pearl of the Lu family, the reason why she dropped the smart watch on Chen Ya's car was because she did it on purpose.

Lu Qingxuan pointed in the direction of Chen Ya and Xia You, and said, "Do you know who that girl is?"


Lu Qingxuan said: "It belongs to the Xia family, Xia Longju's daughter."

"Xia Longju..." Lu Qianzi repeated.

This name is very popular, she has naturally heard of it.But I can't believe it.

"How did my brother know Xia Longju's daughter?"

"Where do I go?" Lu Qingxuan said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, I met her a few times at the clan meeting, so it's impossible to admit my mistake."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and saw Chen Ya and Xia You went upstairs, so without saying a word, she decisively abandoned Lu Qianzi and Liu Ruying, turned around and followed.

Lu Qianzi and Liu Ruying looked at each other.

Afterwards, the two of them followed suit at the same time.

 One more update today, one more update today, one more update today, one more update today, one more update today

(End of this chapter)

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