Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 258 258. The first kiss is gone, 2

Chapter 258 258. First Kiss Gone, Two

The rapid and fiery breath intertwined, and Chen Ya's mind went blank for a while.

Then he came to his senses, hugged Liu Ruying's shoulder, and pushed her away.

"My first kiss, here it is." Liu Ruying wiped the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand, her eyes fixed on Chen Ya, like fighters facing each other in the ring.

"what are you doing?"

Chen Ya was still immersed in shock.He thought that Liu Ruying pulled him in to say something, but he actually did this to him, which made him unable to understand.

"Don't let yourself regret it." The girl's gaze was firm.


Liu Ruying hugged Chen Ya's waist with both hands, feeling full of satisfaction in her heart.

She is a deep-minded girl who learned Wang Xifeng's tricks when she was just an adult, and planned her life in an absolutely calm way.

In her life, she had never deviated from the track, until she met Chen Ya, the chessboard of her life was overturned, the train completely lost control and derailed, and she was more or less giving up on herself.

So the girl subconsciously had the idea of ​​"since she's derailed, she should get off the rails more thoroughly".

"I don't understand." Liu Ruying had a faint smell of autumn osmanthus seeds on her body, which smelled good. Seeing her moist lips, she touched her own mouth and asked, "Is there any lipstick on my mouth? "


Chen Ya said, "Do you have toilet paper?"

Liu Ruying lowered her head, took out a piece of paper from her handbag, and handed it to Chen Ya.

After the passion in her heart faded, she suddenly began to feel a little chilly.Now she suddenly realized that her behavior just now was too impulsive.

Chen Ya took the paper, hugged her into his arms, and pressed her face against it again.


Liu Ruying groaned softly, a blush like sunset glow appeared on her cheeks, and her eyes widened.

The pupils trembled.

After a brief shock, she blinked her eyes twice quickly, then slowly closed them.The long eyelashes swept across the face, numb and itchy.

"Ahem...Chen Ya, are you in?" Lu Qingxuan's voice came from outside the curtain.


Outside the fitting room separated by a curtain, Lu Qingxuan crossed her arms suspiciously and walked slowly to the door of the fitting room.

She did see Liu Ruying coming over just now, and then disappeared here with Chen Ya.

She suspects they ran into the fitting room together, but isn't entirely sure.

At the door of the two fitting rooms, after looking suspiciously for a while, she leaned down.

The fitting room curtain is not completely covered, and part of it is exposed below.She bent down and could just see that two pairs of shoes seemed to be exposed under the door curtain.

One pair is women's boots, and the other pair is men's sneakers.

Lu Qingxuan's complexion immediately darkened, and she coughed twice.

"Cough cough!"

The small voice in the fitting room stopped immediately.

"Chen Ya," Lu Qingxuan's low voice sounded from outside, "are you inside?"

The air froze, and there was a silence inside and outside the curtain.

"I know you're inside," Lu Qingxuan said, "and I'm curious, what are you doing with a girl inside."

There was still silence in the fitting room curtain.

Lu Qingxuan is now 100% sure that there is definitely someone in the fitting room, and Chen Ya and Liu Ruying are definitely in there.

She couldn't even imagine what a man and a woman would do if they sneaked into the fitting room.

Her chest seemed to be inflated by a balloon. With sudden courage, she walked lightly, slowly approached the fitting room, grabbed the curtain and slammed it open.

A hand reached out and grabbed the door curtain.

The door curtain was only opened by Lu Qingxuan with a small gap, and Liu Ruying's face appeared in the gap.

"What do you want to do?"

Lu Qingxuan looked into Liu Ruying's eyes and said, "What are you doing?"

"What else can I do?" Liu Ruying said coldly, "Try on clothes."

"Really? But why are you trying on clothes, and Chen Ya is inside?"

"What Chen Ya?"

After seeing Liu Ruying, Lu Qingxuan pursed her lips tightly, her eyes rolled around, and she looked around for Chen Ya's figure in the fitting room.

It's a pity that Liu Ruying blocked the slit tightly, so she couldn't see clearly inside.

"You guys are so brave to do such a thing here." Lu Qingxuan whispered.

Liu Ruying said: "Did you misunderstand, I was really just trying on clothes."

"Then get out of the way and let me see if Chen Ya is inside."

Liu Ruying said: "I said, I'm trying on clothes, do you want me to be seen naked?"

"I do not believe."

"Believe it or not, but please get out." Liu Ruying said with a serious expression, "Otherwise I will call someone."

Biting her lip, Lu Qingxuan took two steps back, suddenly dodged, rushed into Liu Ruying's fitting room, and pulled the curtain behind her back.

Liu Ruying let out a small exclamation, leaned against the inner wall of the fitting room, frowned and stared at Lu Qingxuan.

In the fitting room, there were only Liu Ruying and Lu Qingxuan, without Chen Ya.

Lu Qingxuan looked at the disheveled Liu Ruying, and stammered, "Why, I just, I just saw Chen Ya here."

"I've already said, there's nothing like Chen Ya," Liu Ruying frowned, "Go out."

Lu Qingxuan blushed, said "I'm sorry" very vaguely, and exited the fitting room.

Standing outside the fitting room, she began to doubt life a little.

I clearly saw two pairs of shoes just now.

At this moment, the curtain of the fitting room next to it was pulled open, and Chen Ya came out from inside.

"Why are you here?" Chen Ya said while straightening the buttons of his clothes.

Lu Qingxuan stared at him, feeling something supernatural happened.


"Chen Ya, are you inside?"

When Lu Qingxuan's voice sounded outside the fitting room, Chen Ya was hugging Liu Ruying.

After hearing her voice, the two quickly separated, not daring to breathe.

Liu Ruying hurried to the door curtain, put her hands on the door curtain, turned her head and looked at Chen Ya anxiously, not knowing what to do.

The reason why she panicked was that she had the mentality of a mistress who was caught at the scene, and she didn't have time to think about it. In fact, she had nothing to do with Chen Ya, and Chen Ya and Lu Qingxuan didn't have that kind of relationship, so it didn't matter if she was discovered.

But she didn't think about these at all, everything happened too suddenly, she didn't have time to think, so she could only try her best to cover up, to prevent others from breaking through the residual warmth of passion that had just faded in this fitting room.

Chen Ya glanced left and right, and put his hands on the wall of the fitting room. The fitting room was open up and down, and the upper door panel was not sealed.He made a Jackie Chan-like movement, using both hands and feet, and after a while, he rolled over and fell into the fitting room next door.

So for Xia You, who was changing clothes next door and only had basic underwear on her body, it was Chen Ya who fell from the sky.

Her eyes widened slowly, then she took a deep breath, and was about to shout out when Chen Ya rushed up and covered her mouth with his hand.

Next door, the voices of Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying came.

"Chen Ya, are you in there? I know you are in there, and I'm curious, what are you doing with a girl in there?"

"what are you doing?……"

Chen Ya made a "shh" gesture with his fingers around his mouth, and said in a low voice, "Don't bark, or you'll be discovered."

Xia You still stared at him with frightened eyes.

"I let go, don't scream, okay?" Chen Ya whispered.

Xia You nodded, her lovely bangs dangling in front of her forehead.

Chen Ya let go of his hand slowly, and just as he let go, Xia You whispered, "What are you doing with that woman next door?"

"Uh, nothing..."

The girl's eyes became sharper.

"Also, you have lipstick marks on your mouth, you know that?"

"I know, keep your voice down."

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying had a little friction next door, but Xia You's voice began to be a little uncontrollable.

"Did you kiss her?" Xia You's voice trembled, "Here?"

"Yes, I will explain to you later, keep your voice down, I will be heard..."

Xia You cried a bit: "It's only been a few days, why did you meet a new girl..."

Chen Ya grabbed Xia You and covered her mouth with his mouth.

Xia You's mind started to heat up, like a thunderbolt ringing in his ears, and he instantly lost his ability to think.

Her first reaction was, it's over, it's over.

No more first kisses.

Her body became hot, her hands and feet became soft, she lost the strength to stand up, and she fell into Chen Ya's arms.

Chen Ya tried his best to hug her body so that she could maintain a standing posture.

Xia You closed her eyes. If this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up, at least not now.

After a while, the voice from next door disappeared, and Chen Ya put Xia You, whose hands and feet were weak, on the leather stool in the fitting room, and left here lightly.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lu Qingxuan standing at the door, he pulled the curtain of the fitting room behind his back, walked to Lu Qingxuan, and asked:

"Why are you here too?"

Lu Qingxuan stared at his face in disbelief, feeling that she had bumped into a supernatural event.

"Huh? I'm asking you something." Chen Ya said, leading her out calmly.

"I, uh, come and hang out..."

Lu Qingxuan felt guilty for a moment.After all, I followed him here, and my behavior was not decent.

"Come on, let's come out and talk." Chen Ya took Lu Qingxuan away while her mind was still in a mess.

In the fitting room behind him, Liu Ruying stood nervously behind the curtain, her heart was beating like a drum, and her tongue was gently licking her lips;
In the other room, Xia You was slumped on the stool with blank eyes, holding her clothes tightly in her arms, covering her hot body without clothes.



After a while, the four girls were all gathered, sitting in the coffee shop, each with their own thoughts, and the scene was terribly silent.

Lu Qianzi felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Holding a glass of iced lemon water in both hands, she turned to the left to look at Liu Ruying, without speaking; to the right, to look at Xia You, with her head lowered; Terrible.

And the only man on the table, who was also the focus of attention, was Chen Ya. He sat there, trying to make himself look calm.

Lu Qianzi felt that the air was about to become solid, which made her very uncomfortable.

Just now she secretly asked Liu Ruying if she found out anything, but Liu Ruying didn't tell her anything.

And she saw that Lu Qingxuan also passed by just now, and then came back with Chen Ya, the two chatted normally, they looked like ordinary friends, and began to doubt themselves again.

On the one hand, she felt that Lu Qingxuan, who suppressed her own blood, had a good relationship with Chen Ya, and on the other hand, she began to doubt her initial judgment.

Perhaps Chen Ya is very feminine and has a good relationship with many girls, maybe he and the little sister just now are just ordinary friends.

It's because I'm too sensitive.

Thinking of this, she felt a little ashamed that she had wrongly blamed Chen Ya, and then she thought that maybe she could take this opportunity to match up the relationship between Liu Ruying and Chen Ya, so she asked:
"Uh, wait a minute, where are you all going?"

Chen Ya immediately said, "Xia You and I plan to go to Jiang Lizhi's auction, how about you?"

"Oh! It's the Queen of Britain's jewelry auction, right?" Lucy's eyes fluttered. Girls are just like giant dragons, naturally interested in shiny things.

Hearing Chen Ya's words, Lu Qingxuan was slightly taken aback.

"Huh?" Lu Qingxuan looked up at him, "Do you have an invitation letter?"

"What invitation letter?" Chen Ya asked.

Lu Qingxuan said: "If you don't have an invitation letter, you don't have the qualification to enter. Otherwise, there must be many people who want to join in the fun and want to watch."

"Oh, no invitation letter is required." Chen Ya said.

"Need." Lu Qingxuan flipped her hair, "I'm sure I need an invitation letter."

Chen Ya said, "I don't need it."


Lu Qingxuan clapped her palms on the table and said, "I'm kind enough to tell you that you need an invitation letter. I'm very sure and sure. Why do you keep bickering with me?"

Chen Ya said helplessly, "No."

"You do." Lu Qingxuan folded her arms.

When she thought back, Chen Ya was indeed always contrary to her opinion.

Iron crush.

"Do you want to go? We can go together later." Chen Ya said.

"Really?" Lu Qianzi sat up straight.

"Well, we can go together." Chen Ya secretly glanced at Xia You, and found that she didn't respond.

It doesn't matter if Xia You didn't clearly express his objection.

In fact, Xia You was still immersed in the emotion of losing her first kiss, and her mind was still shaking.

Lu Qianzi asked Liu Ruying who was beside her, "Are you going too? Anyway, there's nothing to do, let's go and have a look together."

Liu Ruying said, "Didn't you say you need an invitation letter?"

Chen Ya said, "If I need an invitation letter later, I will take full responsibility."

Then, he said to Lu Qingxuan: "If you don't believe me, you don't have to go."

Since he said so, of course Lu Qingxuan has no reason not to go, and said with a smirk, "Of course I'm going to see how embarrassed you were when you were turned away, and I also want to take pictures to commemorate it and appreciate it."

The auction started at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the few people didn't have to wait long. At [-]:[-], they started to go to the top floor.

Jiang Lizhi's auction does require an invitation letter, and it is true that only a few people are eligible to have it. These people are all high-ranking high-ranking people, and they are all gathered on the top floor at this time, but they can only stand outside the venue in twos and threes to wait .

There was a direct elevator on the top floor, and few people took the escalator to the top floor like Chen Ya and his group. After arriving at the place, Lu Qingxuan and the others became a little confused, and they saw several familiar faces.

Chen Ya called the person in charge of Jiang Lizhi's company, and then followed behind everyone. Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice came from behind him.

"Chen Ya? Why are you here?"

Chen Ya turned his head, but saw Miao Aoxue in a gorgeous dress standing behind him.

Miao Aoxue was his old acquaintance at Peking University a few years ago, and she was also a pretty girl back then, and she got closer to him who was a good-looking librarian.

Later, the two parted ways, and now, Miao Aoxue has become the fiancée of Li Jiayi, the eldest son of Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Time has passed and time has passed. The two met once in the Fireworks Building, but now they meet again.

Miao Aoxue was holding a small handbag, and a sharp smile appeared on her lips painted with bright red lipstick:

"It's really fate, we met again."

 Thanks to Jenny Turtle for the 2000 point reward~
  Thank you for the 500 point reward from the book-loving Ji Ji~
  Thank you for getting lost, Yu Wufei, Long Gebu, and the beautiful scenery of my hometown for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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