Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 262 261. After all, he is the boss

Chapter 262 261. After all, he is the boss

"Chen Ya, what are you doing here?"

Miao Aoxue stared at Chen Ya with almond eyes, her lips parted slightly, and she was still a little angry after asking.

She felt that Chen Ya was pestering him all the time, which was annoying.

Not far away, there was a burst of applause, and Miao Aoxue turned her head to look, only to see a man in a suit and leather shoes approaching with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Guo, congratulations, the headlines of the major news media tomorrow may all be about you winning the ruby ​​crown."

After approaching, the man smiled and extended his hand to Guo Menglin: "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Jiang Lizhi's general manager, and my surname is Fan."

Holding a cigar in his hand, Guo Menglin squinted at him and said, "I don't care if I won't be in the newspaper. I won't win this crown for the sake of fame."

Manager Fan smiled and nodded: "Naturally, this way please."

Guo Menglin held his head high and walked in the direction where he stretched out his hand. Behind him, Manager Fan looked at Chen Ya with a questioning expression on his face.

Chen Ya simply nodded to him and said, "Finish your work first."

He immediately understood and followed Guo Menglin.His task is to smoothly land Jiang Lizhi's 6.5 million yuan.

Several lots were placed in a glass box in the backcourt, reflecting the bright light. Manager Fan explained the selling procedures to Guo Menglin, while introducing the value and historical significance of the ruby ​​crown.

"No matter what, you have created the history of the jewelry auction industry. The turnover of 6.5 million yuan is the highest in history for jewelry auctions, and you will definitely leave a mark in the industry."

Guo Menglin bit his cigar and smiled. This kind of words sounded very pleasant to his ears, and he liked to hear them.

After Chen Ya nodded to Manager Fan, he sat carelessly on the retro sofa next to him, patted the seat next to him, and said to Xia You:
"If you want to see what I'm talking about, you have to wait a while, come and have a seat first."

Xia You bit her lip, and slowly sat down beside him. When Chen Ya motioned for the other girls to also sit, the other girls looked at each other for a while, and said that it's better to stand.

Miao Aoxue kept looking back at Chen Ya.

The behavior of Chen Ya following him made her feel a little uncomfortable, because in her opinion, it was because Guo Menglin paid 6.5 million tickets that she was qualified to come to the backcourt.

And what about Chen Ya?She saw just now that Chen Ya didn't raise his sign at all during the whole process, and he was coming to the scene, but now he ran back with a shy face, which was simply unruly.

However, as the ruby ​​crown appeared in front of her eyes, she forgot about Chen Ya for the time being.

In this crown worn by the queen, hundreds of diamonds inlaid on the surface flow and dance with moving colors. Six rubies of uniform size are lined up on the crown, shining like fireballs.

The eyes of all the girls were attracted by this crown, even Xia You was firmly fixed on this crown.

"The ruby ​​crown, as we can see, is designed in the Tsarist Russian style. Like the famous Fife crown in history, it is also versatile. It uses a soft crown, which can be used as a crown or as a necklace."

Manager Fan stared at the crown with soft but serious eyes, and his tone was solemn, as if he was talking about the Queen himself, his tone was rigorous and urgent. His tone alone was enough to make people attach importance to this crown.

"At the same time, as an employee of Jiang Lizhi, I can proudly say that this crown is the queen's favorite collection. Therefore, Mr. Guo Menglin not only created history in the history of jewelry auctions, but you are also the Queen's queen in this world. The second person to own this crown."

Miao Aoxue looked at Guo Menglin with twinkling eyes: "Uncle Guo, did you hear that? You are the second one besides the Queen, you are so amazing!"

Guo Menglin nodded and said casually, "Wait a minute, do you want to wear it?"

His understatement caused Miao Aoxue to be hit by the sudden happiness, she covered her mouth with her hands, tears welled up in her eyes: "I, can I wear it?"

"Well, I'll wear it for you to play with."

Miao Aoxue took a deep breath, felt a little dizzy, and almost fell to the ground.

Is there a mistake?That's the queen's crown!No girl can keep calm in front of this thing, no!

At this moment, the image of Guo Menglin suddenly became extremely tall and majestic in her eyes. This old straight man in his 50s has become synonymous with romance in her mind.

"I want to wear it, just put it on for me, and it will be fine!"

Miao Aoxue nodded repeatedly, wishing her hair would fly.

Lu Qingxuan watched from the side, sighed, and pinched the center of her brows.

For a girl with such an independent personality like her, seeing Miao Aoxue fawning over Guo Menglin, she naturally disdains her and has no good impression of her.

But she had to admit that such a girl could become the second person besides the queen to wear the ruby ​​crown on her head. She couldn't help feeling a little sour, feeling very depressed, and lamented that Miao Aoxue was lucky.

Manager Fan smiled like a business aunt, took Guo Menglin to read several contracts, asked him to sign them one by one, and after transferring 6.5 million to the account and completing the procedures, he relaxed a little.

"Then, from now on, this crown is your property," Manager Fan said politely, "I hope you will have timeless fun and more calmness during your journey with this treasure."

Guo Menglin opened the lid, carefully held out the crown with both hands, and pouted at Miao Aoxue: "Come, come here."

Tears filled Miao Aoxue's eyes, her shoulders trembled like a rabbit, she stood in front of Guo Menglin and asked him to wear the ruby ​​crown for herself.

Even though the crown wasn't too heavy, she still felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Even her neck became stiff and she didn't dare to move, for fear that she might accidentally drop the crown on the ground and break it.

After taking two steps back, Guo Menglin looked at Miao Aoxue carefully, nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, it's very pretty."

Then, he turned around and asked Manager Fan next to him, "Isn't it pretty?"

Manager Fan nodded and said, "Well, it really sets off beautifully."

Miao Aoxue tugged at the hem of her skirt and said, "If I had known that I would have such an opportunity today, I would have changed to a more expensive dress. This one is not worthy of this crown."

Manager Fan smiled and said, "I think it's very pretty, this lady looks very elegant."

Miao Aoxue went to find the mirror, Guo Menglin pulled Manager Fan and said, "You Jiang Lizhi are indeed as rumored, very good, I thought about buying your company before, and I still have this intention now, you take your boss's Give me the contact information, maybe we can talk about something."

Manager Fan was a little confused. He thought Guo Menglin and Chen Ya were together, but now it seems that they are not.He glanced at Chen Ya from a distance, then turned his head and said to Guo Menglin:
"I'm sorry Mr. Guo, I may have to ask our boss for instructions on this matter."

Guo Menglin's face sank slightly, and he said, "You know my identity, right? Why, I want a contact information, isn't it qualified?"

Manager Fan wondered: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Guo, our boss has regulations on this, and he doesn't like his contact information being disclosed."

Guo Menglin's face was a little ugly, but thinking that Jiang Lizhi might have a great background behind him, he didn't dare to say anything to the mysterious boss, but raised his opinion of Jiang Lizhi's identity as the boss in his heart.

In his capacity, if he was just an ordinary jeweler, his manager would definitely not dare to talk to him like this.

He must have his own reasons for daring to be so stubborn.

After Miao Aoxue finished looking in the mirror, she ran back and walked up and down in front of Chen Ya arrogantly, but Chen Ya didn't respond at all, just seemed to be quietly waiting for something.

Finally she couldn't hold back any longer, walked up to Chen Ya, and said, "Aren't you embarrassed to just sit here?"

"What's so embarrassing about me?" Chen Ya laughed, pointed at the top of her head and said, "Wearing this crown, how do you feel?"

Miao Aoxue raised her eyes proudly, and said, "Besides the queen, I am the only one who has worn this crown in this world. How do you think I should feel about it?"

Chen Ya said with a smile: "Actually, not only the queen has worn it, but the two concubines of their family have also worn it."

Miao Aoxue choked up, almost speechless, and immediately said: "Even if I'm not the second to wear it, then besides me, everyone who wears it is also a member of the royal family."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Then you are considered a member of the royal family if you wear this?"

Miao Aoxue blushed and said, "Idiot! I didn't mean that."

She said she didn't mean that, but she actually wanted to show off her identity, but for some reason, talking to Chen Ya gave her a cerebral hemorrhage.

Chen Ya said solemnly: "Actually, this crown is not the best. As Jiang Lizhi's early work, it still has flaws. Otherwise, it would not have been sold at a relatively low price when it was sold to the Queen."

Miao Aoxue waved her hand, said with her mouth curled up, "You're still blowing, your nonsense skills are getting better and better, and your sour smell is about to come out, stop it."

Manager Fan finally got rid of Guo Menglin, walked over quickly, and whispered to Chen Ya: "The things have been overhauled, should we look at it now or..."

Chen Ya stood up resolutely and said, "Let's watch it now."

After finishing speaking, he strode along with Manager Fan to a counter covered with a black cloth, and stretched out his hand to lift the black cloth away.

All the girls followed curiously, only to see a bright crown lying in the crystal cabinet.

The sapphires shining on the crown are as deep and blue as the ocean.

Chen Ya lifted the lid of the crystal cabinet and took out the crown from inside. For a moment, under the light of the spotlight, it looked particularly eye-catching, and even the crown on Miao Aoxue's head seemed a little dim.

The eyes of the women were attracted to them like magnets that felt the magnetic force.

"The ocean sapphire crown, this crown is the work after the ruby ​​crown. The design is more ingenious and the production is more mature. At the same time, the purity of the gemstones used is one grade higher than that of the ruby ​​crown. There are two more gemstones of the same size. If the ruby ​​crown is worn by the queen, then the ocean sapphire crown should be worn by the queen."

Facing the shocked gazes of the girls, Chen Ya smiled slightly and said, "The queen actually wants this one, but unfortunately, she is not the queen, so I can't sell it to her."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Xia You and asked, "Do you think this would seem inappropriate if used in a wedding ceremony?"

This ocean sapphire crown was exactly what he was going to lend to Chen Chi for her wedding.

The only thing he worried about was whether the diadem would not match.

Xia You shrugged and said, "The wedding is too far away for me, I don't know much about it, but it's very beautiful."

Chen Ya asked Liu Ruying next to him, "What do you think?"

Liu Ruying's eyes were completely glued to the crown, and she whispered: "I'm afraid, any girl will not refuse this, let alone a wedding, it will be no problem to wear it on any occasion, so please rest assured."

Chen Ya calmed down a little, and placed the crown on top of Xia You's head beside him, making the girl's face a little red.

On the side, Miao Aoxue looked surprised, pointed at Chen Ya, and stammered: "You, how dare you touch casually?"

Even if she doesn't know whether what Chen Ya said is true or not (she prefers to believe it selfishly, it's still Chen Ya's bragging), but she can tell at a glance that this crown is not an ordinary thing, and it is not something that ordinary people can touch casually .

And Chen Ya just picked it up so generously, without disturbing his breathing.

So, she was quite shocked.

Chen Ya glanced at her, and said, "Nonsense, of course I can touch anything that belongs to me."

Miao Aoxue blurted out: "Your things are... strange!"

She almost swears.

She turned her head to look at Manager Fan beside her, and was about to let him come out to take care of it, but Manager Fan finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "This crown is indeed his."

After a pause, he smiled again: "Strictly speaking, all the treasures that Jiang Lizhi owns belong to him, including the crown that was sold to Mr. Guo just now. After all, he is Jiang Lizhi's boss."

(End of this chapter)

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