Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 263 262. I don't think you know

Chapter 263 262. I don't think you know
"After all, he is Jiang Lizhi's boss."

Manager Fan said this in a relatively relaxed tone.

But in the ears of others, this sentence is a bit too breakthrough.Miao Aoxue had a puzzled expression on her face, like a student who was exposed to the wave-particle duality of light for the first time.

"What do you mean?" Miao Aoxue raised her eyes and looked at Manager Fan, "You mean, he is your big client, big customer?"

Manager Fan smiled: "No, Chen is always our Jiang Lizhi's boss, our entire company is solely owned by him, 100% controlling."

Miao Aoxue couldn't help but took two steps back, feeling absurd in her heart.

"How is it possible? This joke is not funny." She couldn't help but said in a broken voice.

Manager Fan said, "I'm not joking. I saw you guys coming in together just now. I thought you knew about it."

He originally thought that Miao Aoxue and Chen Ya had a good relationship, but now it seems that this is not the case.It seemed that Chen Ya had no intention of disclosing their identities.

He was also worried that he had slipped up and violated Chen Ya's intentions, so he didn't dare to speak for a while.

However, Chen Ya's attention is all on Xia You now, and he has no time to care about Miao Aoxue's inner theater.

"Chen Ya is Jiang Lizhi's boss? Is it true?" Lu Qianzi's eyes widened, her mouth opened exaggeratedly into an "o" shape.

She didn't usually see Chen Ya go out to work, and today she just came out for a casual stroll to see the excitement, and chanced upon an auction, and it turned out that Chen Ya happened to be his boss.

How can there be such a coincidence?
Moreover, Lu Qianzi also heard from Guo Menglin just now that Jiang Lizhi's company is very unusual, it must have an unfathomable background to be able to buy jewelry to the royal family.

In the end, the so-called big boss behind the scenes was Chen Ya?
Lu Qianzi felt that her worldview was undergoing a chaotic reconstruction, while Liu Ruying next to her was much calmer, but her restless feet in high heels rubbed back and forth, which fully exposed the wavering in her heart.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Miao Aoxue shook her head and stepped back slowly, "You said he was your boss? Him? Chen Ya?"

How could Chen Ya be Jiang Lizhi's boss?

Ever since Chen Ya was still in the library of Beijing University a few years ago, she had labeled Chen Ya as a straight man in her heart. She stuck it so firmly that she couldn't tear it off.

After getting in touch with Chen Ya, she found that this guy didn't take the initiative towards her at all, and he didn't understand the style.How could he become the boss of a jewelry company.

The crown on Miao Aoxue's head slid down a little with her movements.

"Who is Jiang Lizhi's boss?" Guo Menglin strode over not far away, reached out to help Miao Aoxue hold the crown on top of her head, and then locked her eyes on Chen Ya.

Manager Fan said: "Mr. Chen is indeed the boss of our Jiang Lizhi. In fact, the crown on your head, from the selection of materials to the design, was done by Mr. Chen himself. If it weren't for Mr. Chen's aesthetics, we couldn't have done it so quickly. Open up the luxury market.”

Guo Menglin narrowed his eyes and exhaled a mouthful of smoke rings. He was still immersed in the excitement of throwing a lot of money just now, but now he calmed down a little.

Chen Ya looked very young, a little too young.

According to the information he received from various sources, Jiang Lizhi's boss has a strong background, unlike his age who can hold on.

If what Manager Fan said was true, he reckoned that there should be something behind Chen Ya, or that Chen Ya himself had something to do with it.

He was thinking about how to get to the bottom of Chen Ya.

Xia You stared at Chen Ya, clenched his fists with both hands, and hurriedly said in a low voice, "Have you tried it? After you try it, quickly pick it off!"

Chen Ya looked her up and down, and said, "Why are you in a hurry, look in the mirror and help me take a look at the look."

Xia You supported the top of her head with both hands, and muttered: "It's heavy and expensive, and the pressure is as great as gravity when wearing it. The most important thing is that I'm not getting married..."

Chen Ya decided to ignore her feelings, snapped his fingers, and Manager Fan immediately stepped forward, without turning his head:

"Bring me that Harlan shawl."

Manager Fan nodded and left immediately. After a while, he came over with a red shawl covered with gold flakes.

Xia You curled her lips, this time Chen Ya didn't even bother to explain the origin of this treasure, and she didn't want to ask, anyway, it must have a terrific background anyway, and it's expensive as hell.

Guo Menglin thought for a while, his expression changed, and in an instant the spring breeze was blowing on his face, with a smile on his face, he strode over and said:

"Mr. Chen, it turns out that you are the owner of Jiang Lizhi. I'm sorry and disrespectful."

This time, he changed from his previous arrogant and domineering expression, and became much kinder.

Chen Ya was looking at Xia You, without turning his head, he stretched out his hand to block his approaching hand, and said, "Wait a minute...Xia You, turn around and take a look."

Xia You spun around in the air, raised Yixi Yichen's face: "Like this, looks good?"

"It's okay, but it's not suitable for you."

Xia You rolled her eyes: "Then help me choose a suit and wear it when I get married?"

"Let's talk about it when you grow up." Chen Ya passed away with a sloppy eye.

Guo Menglin stood at the side, his hand that was stretched out to shake Chen Ya was hanging in the air, the air dried up in silence, he put it down after a while, and wiped his pants.

The expression on his face that had been brimming just now sank again.He hasn't been so shameless in many years.

After trying on the clothes, Chen Ya handed over everything to Manager Fan and said, "Also, how are the preparations for the wedding ring I mentioned?"

"The raw diamond mine is currently on the plane. It is estimated that I will be able to return to China tonight. The master craftsman is already in place, and it is estimated to be shipped in fifteen days."

Chen Ya thought for a while, and said, "It's better to make a little advance, ten days."

Manager Fan nodded: "I will tell you."

Chen Ya nodded, showing a "that's it" expression, after finishing speaking, he led Xia You and said, "Okay, I've finished dealing with today's matters here, and you can arrange the itinerary next."

Xia You glanced at him: "You just made over a billion here, why don't you stay here to make arrangements or celebrate?"

Chen Ya smiled: "What is that? If I have to come to the scene to celebrate every time I earn more than one billion, ten clones are not enough for me."

Guo Menglin heard his words from the side, and wrinkled his face.

He suspected that this was what the young man told him on purpose, to show off his muscles in front of him.

Thinking about it this way, he was not in a hurry to make friends with Chen Ya.Chen Ya showing off his muscles in front of him must be asking for something from himself. Even if he didn't go to Chen Ya, Chen Ya would come to him.

So, he leaned on the side sofa leisurely, raised his legs high, and placed them on the tea table.

But what he didn't know was that Chen Ya didn't remember anything about him at all.

"Let's go."

Xia humorously and speechlessly followed behind him, a pair of soft little hands stretched out quietly, and took Chen Ya's hand.

The girl's heart beat a drum.In the past, she would never hold Chen Ya's hand, but today she gave this person her first kiss, and the relationship is a little more intimate, so it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Chen Ya was slightly taken aback, a little surprised, but he didn't let go, and grabbed her frail and boneless hand in his palm.

Liu Ruying walked over from the side and stood side by side with the two of them. She looked at the hands they were holding, feeling a little puzzled.

The relationship between the two didn't seem to be so good before?

At this time, Lu Qianzi had completely forgotten that their purpose of coming here was to "catch traitors", and she was still preoccupied with the fact that Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss.

Chen Ya walked to the entrance of the backcourt, and Lu Qingxuan was sitting on the sofa next to her, her long legs raised up and dangling in the air, and she rolled her eyes at Chen Ya.

Chen Ya didn't know if she just rolled her eyes at him when she came here by herself, or if she kept rolling her eyes at him all the time, anyway, judging by her expression, she seemed to be quite upset with him.

"Jiang Lizhi's Boss Chen, you are hiding very deeply."

Lu Qingxuan rubbed the instep of her white high-heeled shoes on Chen Ya's trouser leg, and said in a pretendingly relaxed tone.

For some reason, after learning that Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss, she felt a little frustrated.

"We are leaving, do you still want to follow?"

Lu Qianzi was still in a daze, so Lu Qingxuan rubbed her temples with her hands and said, "I want to stay here quietly."

"OK then."

When the group of people drifted away without leaving a trace, Guo Menglin was still lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, completely oblivious to the fact that they were all gone.

Miao Aoxue put the crown away, walked over with her hands tightly hugging her body, leaned against Guo Menglin and said, "Uncle Guo, where shall we go next?"

Without raising his head, Guo Menglin waved his sunglasses, "Wait a minute."

"How long?"

"Wait until that Chen Ya comes over."

"Huh?" Miao Aoxue glanced back, "He's already gone?"

Guo Menglin withdrew his legs and raised his head: "What? Gone? When did you leave?"

"It's been a while."


Guo Menglin looked at the door speechlessly. Could it be that the kid will come to showdown with him in a few days?

In his eyes, does his own image look so messy?

When he was doubting his life, Lu Qingxuan walked over, nodded slightly to him as a greeting, and then sat down beside Miao Aoxue.

Lu Qingxuan obviously came here with a purpose, the first sentence she said to Miao Aoxue made her a little overwhelmed:
"Miao Aoxue, let me ask you, did you and Chen Ya really fall in love before?"

Miao Aoxue hesitated a bit: "It's not considered...in love..."

"Really? I don't think you should have talked to him, otherwise, why don't you hold on to this treasure?"

Lu Qingxuan spoke too bluntly, so bluntly that Miao Aoxue felt a little ashamed.

"Miss Lu, you are wrong, I didn't go that far with him."

"Then how much do you know about him?" Lu Qingxuan leaned over and asked, "Do you know how he built Jiang Lizhi? According to the time calculation, the time when you knew each other was about the time when Jiang Lizhi was first established." .”

Miao Aoxue was speechless for a moment.

This was also the reason why she was unwilling to believe that Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss.

If Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss, how could he be a librarian at Beijing University?
Seeing that Miao Aoxue didn't speak for a long time, Lu Qingxuan said to herself again: "Well, you probably don't know. If you knew, you probably wouldn't pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelon. No, what you threw was a golden watermelon."

Lu Qingxuan's words were like arrows, piercing Miao Aoxue's chest one by one, and she was about to vomit blood.


After entering Beichen's staff dormitory, Wei Mingzhe deeply understood why Beichen was always superior to others.

If your company has a random dormitory, which is also a hardcover room with three bedrooms and one living room, in a high-quality location in the capital, close to the subway entrance, and only 10 minutes away from the company, you will not consciously be superior to others.

So superior.

"Basically, you just need to pack your bags and move in here. You just need to prepare basic daily necessities. This room has been renovated for a year, and all the environmentally friendly paint and panels are used. Don't worry about the impact on your health..."

Sister Wang who brought him here was very warm-hearted and introduced him to every detail.

Wei Mingzhe interrupted her, and asked in a low voice the question he was most concerned about: "Sister Wang, do you know how long this kind of dormitory can last?"

Sister Wang looked at him with a surprised expression on her face, as if she had never considered this question.

"How long do you live? Of course, you can live as long as you can. As long as you don't leave your job and the company doesn't close down, you can live for a lifetime."

Wei Mingzhe was a little surprised, but also a little excited: "Then, the company won't let me go in a year or two, right?"

Sister Wang was happy: "Don't worry, our company doesn't have the last one eliminated. If you don't play hard, you usually won't be fired. Also, why do you have to worry about it?"

She had a cheerful expression, she had obviously heard something and knew that Wei Mingzhe's relationship was not simple.

Wei Mingzhe himself was very naive and didn't understand what she meant.

"Oh, by the way, where's your household registration, Xiao Wei? Our company can apply for a household registration in the capital." Sister Wang said with a smile.

"Really?" Wei Mingzhe was shocked.

"Yes, but you have to work for one year, and you can't stop paying the provident fund," Sister Wang said. "Aren't you a local? It's better to have a Beijing hukou. It's convenient for children to go to school or do other things in the future. "

Wei Mingzhe wanted to say, that's more than just convenience.

He just wanted to go home quickly and share the good news with Chen Chi.

The things they worry about are nothing more than a house and a household registration.

Now, the two major problems are directly solved, and for him, it is like good news from heaven hitting him.


On the first day of work, Wei Mingzhe hardly did anything, just went to get familiar with the work, and when he got home from get off work, Chen Chi had already made dried noodles in the rental house.

Wei Mingzhe was still thinking about how to surprise Chen Chi, so that she could have a good time just like him. He hesitated not to tell Chen Chi about his joining Beichen, and Chen Chi urged:

"Remember, my brother will treat you to dinner tomorrow night."

Wei Mingzhe said: "It's about job introduction, right?"

"No, I just want to make more connections." Chen Chi held a bowl of noodle soup, fearing that it would affect Wei Mingzhe's self-esteem, "My brother, Chen Hai, and Chen Ya will all go there. Didn't you chat with Chen Ya last time?" Are you happy?"

"Oh? Chen Ya is going too?" Wei Mingzhe frowned, a little confused.

He had already realized that Chen Ya must have a position in Beichen, and it was not low, otherwise he wouldn't have asked someone of Zhao Yuanhai's level to interview him in person with just a phone call.

But even Chen Chi didn't know about it, which meant that he was definitely unwilling to talk about it, and he cooperated very well in not mentioning it in front of Chen Chi.

Moreover, if Chen Ya went to the banquet, he would have no choice but to go, even if he wanted to meet Chen Ya to express his thanks.

"Hey, do you know what Chen Ya likes? I'm thinking about what gift to give him."

Chen Chi looked at Wei Mingzhe in surprise, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Didn't you, did you chat with him so happily last time? You wanted to give him a gift right away? You and him really hit it off?"

Wei Mingzhe picked his head.

Not easy to explain.

"……forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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