Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 264 263. I said I was going to the bathroom

Chapter 264 263. I said I was going to the bathroom
Although Wei Mingzhe liked Chen Chi very much, he adopted an attitude of "respecting and keeping a distance" from Chen Chi's brother.

As a North Drifter, Chen Sheng should be regarded as his "predecessor", and he was the one who landed smoothly and successfully landed.Not only did he get a permanent residence in the capital, but he also married a wealthy wife.

But this "senior" never seemed to be aware of the fact that he was once a Beidiao, and his attitude towards Wei Mingzhe was not as caring as he was towards the younger generation, but was always condescending.

This made Wei Mingzhe very reluctant to go to their house.

But due to Lu Ruixiang, he had to go again.

Even though Wei Mingzhe was well-informed, many of the Lu family's knowledge still left him dumbfounded.Such a wealthy family is really not to be looked up to for him, and it also makes the communication between the two families imperceptibly bring a sense of superiors and subordinates.

This time the other party was struggling to find a job for him. If it was in the past, he would definitely be flattered.But this time was different, this time he had a particularly headache.

Chen Ya has already helped him find the job he dreamed of, so if he refuses the job introduced to him here, it will seem that he will not give his uncle face.

After learning from Chen Chi that Chen Ya was also going, he was a little relieved.

In front of Chen Ya, it would be easier to explain.

At the same time as he hung up the phone, on the other side of the capital, Lu Qianzi also received a call from Chen Sheng, and she opened her mouth to ask her to send a message to Chen Ya and let them go to the banquet together.

"Dad, you didn't tell Chen Ya, how could I have the nerve to say so..." Lu Qianzi couldn't laugh or cry.

Chen Sheng said on the other end of the phone: "What's there to be embarrassed about, aren't you with him?"

Lu Qianzi turned her head and glanced quietly at Chen Ya next to her, and whispered while covering the phone, "He might not be going?"

It's okay not to know Chen Ya's identity, but after knowing that he is Jiang Lizhi's boss, Lu Qianzi now has a three-pointed awe towards Chen Ya.

Chen Sheng said impatiently: "If you don't go, force him to go. This is your sister-in-law's big business. Can he help?"

Her father pressed her too hard, so Lu Qianzi had no choice but to tell Chen Ya, and Chen Ya frowned upon hearing this.

"Help Wei Mingzhe find a job? Isn't he going to Beichen?"

Lu Qianzi was confused: "Why go to Beichen?"

Just as Chen Ya was about to push it down, Xia You got a call, saying that Xia's family had a dinner party and she had to appear.

Originally planned to spend New Year's Day with Xia You, but now the plan fell through. There was nothing to do in the afternoon, so Chen Ya had no choice but to promise Lu Qianzi that he would go to the banquet in the evening.

Lu Qianzi didn't dare to tell Chen Ya that Chen Sheng planned to ask him to accompany him for a drink.

Just kidding, Chen Ya is Jiang Lizhi's boss, unless Beichen's leader comes to the scene, who else does he need to drink with?

In the evening, Room 8 on the third floor of Mingcuiju Restaurant.

"Leader Beichen" has really arrived.

However, it was the son of the leader who came.

When Chen Ya and Lu Qianzi walked into the private room, everyone was already there. Xu Haoyu sat at the top of the door, Chen Sheng and Chen Hai accompanied each other, and Wei Mingzhe and Chen Chi separated their seats and sat further down. s position.


As soon as she entered the door, Lu Qianzi saw First Young Master Xu, and a dry white noise came out of her throat.

When she heard Chen Hai describe his new friend earlier, she thought of First Young Master Xu, but now she saw someone, and as expected, it was really this guy.

Lu Qianzi covered her face.If I had known that she would never bring Chen Ya here.

She was surprised, and Young Master Xu was even more surprised than her. The other party saw Chen Ya at a glance, and frowned quickly:
"What is it?"

Chen Ya also saw First Young Master Xu and squinted his eyes.

"Chen Ya, are you here?" Seeing Chen Ya, Wei Mingzhe rubbed his hands and stood up with a particularly enthusiastic attitude.He now has an infinitely high affection for Chen Ya.

However, Chen Sheng hadn't noticed the change in the atmosphere on the field. He put his hands on the table and said, "Why did you come? I'll just wait for the two of you. Come on, sit here."

He pointed to the seat below Chen Hai, meaning to tell Chen Ya to sit there quickly.

Chen Ya glanced at him twice, turned his head and planned to leave.

No matter where he went, Chen Ya had never had the experience of sitting under someone else's hands, let alone sitting under Xu Haoyu?He just didn't care about it during the family dinner before, so naturally he doesn't have to suffer this idleness for a meal now.

When Chen Sheng saw that Chen Ya was gone, he immediately became anxious: "Why are you going? Come back!"

Seeing Chen Ya leaving, Lu Qianzi hesitated for a while, whether she was considering whether to stay or go with Chen Ya.

If she went with Chen Ya, her father would definitely talk about it for many years afterwards, but she really didn't want to sit at the same table with Young Master Xu for dinner.

Chen Ya took the lead in running away, she didn't have to feel this kind of interpersonal pressure, and she was relieved.

After thinking for a while, she decisively followed Chen Ya and ran out.

The two children turned around and left. Chen Sheng was stunned and said loudly, "Where are you two singing?"

Chen Hai picked up the tea on the table and said slowly, "Perhaps he went to the bathroom."

Chen Sheng showed a reproachful look: "Why are you going to the bathroom at this time? Mr. Xu is sitting here without even saying hello."

Young Master Xu sat aside and just sneered: "No need, I've dealt with you before, so it's a greeting."

"You know each other?" Chen Sheng asked with a questioning look.

On the other side, Chen Chi moved closer to Wei Mingzhe, and whispered, "Chen Ya has conflicts with Mr. Xu?"

Wei Mingzhe quickly asked: "How do you know?"

"I'm too familiar with him. His expression just now can only be shown when he sees someone who makes him unhappy."

Wei Mingzhe looked up at the door, feeling a little anxious, if Chen Ya left, the meaning of his coming here would be gone, so he also got up and chased him out.

Chen Sheng was full of embarrassment, and said: "Why did you go here? What happened to this..."

Chen Hai still didn't realize the changes in the world, and said slowly: "They all went to the bathroom."

"It's okay, I'll wait for them." First Young Master Xu's tone was much lighter.

First Young Master Xu was extremely upset when he saw Chen Ya, but after thinking about it later, he felt a little pity.

He was invited here today, and he didn't come by himself, and he wanted to help their family members find jobs. This is a rare opportunity for him to manipulate Chen Ya. He could have used this matter to give Chen Ya a good run. To avenge the previous festival.

He thought in his heart that it might be because Chen Ya expected to be deflated, so he escaped smoothly.

It is also wise.

A wicked smile hung on the corner of Xu First Young Master's mouth.


Wei Mingzhe went downstairs in two steps in three steps, caught up with Chen Ya and Lu Qianzi, stopped them, and said out of breath:
"Chen Ya, Qianzi, why did you leave without saying hello? Did you really have a problem with Mr. Xu?"

Lu Qianzi turned her head to see him, curled her lips and said, "Young master? What kind of young master is he?"

Seeing Lu Qianzi's reaction, Wei Mingzhe slapped his head, yes, there is really a festival.

"It's a mess..." he murmured.

Chen Ya looked back at him and said, "Why are you still begging him to find a job? Why, are you not satisfied with Bei Chen's job?"

"How is that possible! I'm so satisfied!" Wei Mingzhe suddenly said loudly, and then lowered his voice, "But... Hey, let me tell you slowly... I didn't plan to come, it was your little aunt who told me, You're coming too, so I'm here."

Chen Ya was depressed.He heard that Wei Mingzhe was coming, so he came to see what was going on.

Wei Mingzhe said again: "I originally planned to tell Chen Chi that I asked you to introduce me. I have already found Beichen's job, but Chen Chi said that the Mr. Xu who came back to introduce the job this time has Beichen's background and also has a lot of inside information. , I just thought, it would be good to come here and get to know my colleagues.”

Chen Ya frowned: "Who made this up again? Besides Xu, his father Xu Xudong belongs to Beichen, so how can he have any Beichen background?"

Wei Mingzhe stared: "Isn't he from Beichen?"

"Beichen? Find a job in Beichen?" Lu Qianzi stood aside, not understanding what the two of them were talking about.

When did Wei Mingzhe go to Beichen to look for a job again?And it was introduced by Chen Ya?
If Chen Ya introduced the job, shouldn't it be Jiang Lizhi's company?
Chen Ya didn't have time to answer his question, so he frowned and said, "What I knew about Xu Haoyu before was that he used Beichen's name to make some small troubles. Now he publicizes his relationship with Beichen everywhere. Could it be that his father is behind his back to support him to use Bei Chen's name to make money?"

If this is the case, it means that there are signs of corruption within Beichen.

Beichen Company, founded by Chen Ya, was built in the ideal country style, and basically had no competitors in the country.

But powerful fortresses often fall from within, and his company fears nothing but corruption.

First Young Master Xu jumped up and down here, which made him smell a little bad.

After thinking for a while, Chen Ya said, "Let's go, let's go back and talk to that 'Mr. Xu'."

Wei Mingzhe touched his head: "...Huh?"

Chen Ya didn't explain, and directly led the team upstairs.

Lu Qianzi was stunned for a while, then trotted along behind: "Go back? Chen Ya, what exactly do you want to do?"

When the three of them returned to the private room, Chen Sheng was pulling Young Master Xu to have an awkward chat, but there was a generation gap, and they couldn't get in together by force, making the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

After Chen Ya came in, Chen Sheng felt that the savior had come, and he was greatly relieved.Xu Haoyu was a little surprised.

He thought that Chen Ya didn't dare to come.

Only Chen Hai was as calm as before, like a military adviser who must have his words: "I said I went to the bathroom."

(End of this chapter)

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