Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 265 264. What kind of high-level man is he?

Chapter 265 264. What kind of high-level man is he?

When Chen Ya sat down, First Young Master Xu fixed his eyes on him.

"You actually dare to come back and sit here carelessly."

Chen Ya glanced at him and said with a smile, "Why don't you dare? In my opinion, you are the one who didn't learn anything from Sister Hua."

Young Master Xu's face twitched for a while, and he said: "You are just relying on women to support you. We generally call this kind of behavior a little boy. What's there to be proud of?"

After hearing First Young Master Xu's words, Chen Ya smiled slightly and said, "Is that what you think?"

The last time Chen Ya had a conflict with Sister Hua, Xu Haoyu thought that he would not be able to get along in the capital.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ya was safe and sound, but Sister Hua called to ask for Liu Ruying's phone number and wanted to come to apologize.

Of course, he didn't believe that there was any background or influence behind Chen Ya. He thought it was Liu Ruying who had something to do with Pei Hu, and regretted that he had escaped on the spot instead of clinging firmly to Liu Ruying's thigh.

This incident can be said to be a great hatred in his life. He is the one who is close to the water, but Chen Ya is the first to get there. If he loses a hundred million, he will not regret it so much.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the table was a bit tense, even a dull child like Chen Hai could tell.

Holding the orange juice in both hands, Chen Hai poured it into Young Master Xu's cup. He poured a lot of fresh oranges in his bare hands, and said quietly, "Young Master, do you know each other?"

Young Master Xu picked up the cup and drank it down. The bottom of the cup knocked on the table with a "pop" sound, and said coldly, "It's more than acquaintance."

Chen Sheng watched his words from the side, secretly cursing that he knew that the two of them had a feud, so he should not have insisted on calling Chen Ya over.

However, as an old Jianghu, he was quite calm at this time, and waved and shouted: "Waiter, serve!"

Then he turned his head, smiled like a honey, and said: "It sounds like you have some stories between you, so it's not like you don't know each other."

Chen Hai echoed, "It's all fate."


Young Master Xu cursed inwardly, because of your mother's size.

Liu Ruying, whom I was chasing high-profilely, was taken away by Chen Ya. This green hat was worn vigorously and the whole school knew it. What kind of fate is this?This is enmity, this is an unforgettable enmity!

It was not easy for Chen Ya to fall into his hands today. If he didn't humiliate him well, he would have been called "the young master" for so many years in vain!

Steaming hot dishes were brought to the table one after another, the waiter helped to open the lid of the liquor, Chen Sheng gave his son a wink, Chen Hai immediately stood up and hugged the bottle: "I'll serve the wine."

With a smile floating on Chen Sheng's face, he said in a warm voice: "It's hard to invite Mr. Xu to be a guest, and they are all brothers and no outsiders. Then this time, we must let Mr. Xu feel the enthusiasm of my family."

Chen Hai graciously helped Xu Haoyu fill up the wine glass, and said: "Yes, Mr. Xu, I know you are a person who fights in the bar outside, you can completely let go today, we don't have so many twists and turns, put down the protection, and drink freely That's it!"

After Xu Haoyu listened, he looked at Chen Ya with eccentric eyes: "Drink freely? Then you have to be happy before you can drink freely."

Chen Hai was taken aback for a moment, then immediately nodded and said: "That will definitely make you happy!"

"Okay, that's what you said." Xu Haoyu smiled crookedly.

Holding the wine bottle, Chen Hai walked up to Chen Ya, and Chen Ya covered the glass with his hand: "I don't drink."

Who knew that Chen Hai had been prepared for a long time, he touched another cup out of nowhere, filled it up and put it in front of Chen Ya:
"Today is to help Uncle-to-be to support the scene, you, just be a green leaf with peace of mind, ha."

Before he left, he reached out and patted Chen Ya's shoulder, which meant that "the overall situation is the most important thing".

Chen Ya moved the cup aside without showing any face.

Chen Sheng stretched out his hand to greet First Young Master Xu: "Mr. Xu, no matter what festival you had with Chen Ya before, as the saying goes, we will use this drink today to talk about everything. Come on, let me toast you first."

Xu Haoyu didn't intend to drink. After Chen Sheng drank the wine in one gulp, his face was a little red, and he nodded to Chen Hai, who also stood up.

"Mr. Xu, I also offer you a toast. Don't talk too much. I will do it first. You can do whatever you want."

After all, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and showed him the bottom of the glass with both hands.

Both the father and the son did it, but the person who was toasted didn't even show any interest in it, and Chen Sheng didn't show any dew on his face, he gave Chen Chi a wink to save face.

Seeing this, Chen Chi pulled Wei Mingzhe's sleeve to his ear, and whispered, "Let's go to toast together too."

Wei Mingzhe said helplessly: "We don't need it, do we?"

Chen Chi squeezed the flesh on his waist, and said angrily: "Stupid or not, come, I'll take you there."

After finishing speaking, she stood up holding the wine glass, walked up to First Young Master Xu, and said with a smile: "Young Master Xu, Mingzhe and I met you for the first time, but since we saw each other like old friends, we also toast you."

Even Chen Chi took the initiative to go over, and Wei Mingzhe couldn't get up, so he had to stand up with a glass of wine.

Ever since Chen Ya came in, Young Master Xu has been like a bored gourd. When he saw Wei Mingzhe coming, he finally spoke:

"It's because you lost your job and want to find a job, right?"

He folded his arms and leaned back on the chair with his arms wide open, without any intention of getting up. Chen Chi and Wei Mingzhe stood in front of him with wine glasses in their hands, but Chen Chi could bear it very much and showed no displeasure on his face.

Wei Mingzhe was not as good-tempered as Chen Chi, he put his wine glass on the table next to him, and said, "Thank you for your concern, but I don't need to look for a job now."

Chen Chi quickly pinched his waist, warned him not to talk nonsense, and said, "Mr. Xu, don't listen to his nonsense. In fact, he also wants to understand the situation with you."

Xu Haoyu crossed his legs and said: "It's hard to find a job now. The economy as a whole has slowed down recently. Except for a few industries, most industries are getting colder, especially your industry. Several big factories are in a contraction period. I'm afraid it's hard to find a job. .”

Chen Sheng said from the side: "But Mr. Xu has connections with Beichen, so you shouldn't have to worry about these things, right?"

Xu Haoyu said quietly: "Of course, Beichen is a company that has jumped out of the three realms and is not in the five elements. It covers too much. It is it that affects the industry, not the industry that affects it. It is because I have a background in Beichen that I have been doing well recently. Moisturize."

When he said that, Chen Hai heard mixed emotions in his eyes, envy and jealousy, Chen Sheng squinted at him, and said:
"Mr. Xu has often dealt with Beichen, so he has a lot of experience. Chen Hai needs to learn more from him. Chen Hai, should you give Mr. Xu a cup?"

This is to praise people, and it is also to remind Chen Hai to hurry up. Chen Hai realized it as soon as he heard it, and quickly toasted, agreeing for a while.

Chen Sheng immediately said again: "Don't just pay respects to yourself, Mingzhe, you two might as well toast to Mr. Xu together, and then toast Mr. Xu with Chen Chi later. You can learn a lot from drinking Mr. Xu today. Do something to go back, don't you?"

"Mr. Xu, what do you have to do with Beichen?"

Wei Mingzhe didn't have it, but asked curiously.

Originally, he had no interest in Xu Haoyu's so-called job recommendation, but after hearing that he had a relationship with Beichen, he was a little more careful, not daring to offend casually.

Before, I vaguely remembered that Chen Chi mentioned that Mr. Xu's father had something to do with him. Now that his father is in Beichen, if his father is also a high-level executive in Beichen, and if it happens to be his boss, then he can't be the boss of the collision. Lin Chong of Yamen.

Xu Haoyu felt that Wei Mingzhe was a little timid, and couldn't help being a little proud, but he just said simply: "My dad is in Beichen, so he can be regarded as a small high-level executive."

The more understatement you say about this kind of thing, the more pretentious it is.

"Xu Xudong?" Wei Mingzhe was taken aback, as if he had heard the name before.

Just as he finished speaking, a discordant voice came from Chen Ya's side not far away:
"What kind of high-level person is Xu Xudong?"

 Recommend a novel "Another Recovery?It doesn't matter, I will speak out! ", one of the few functional novels with a starting point, you can gain merit by reading it!Enjoy a real nascent feeling!


(End of this chapter)

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