Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 266 265. I heard that you want me to kneel down and blow a bottle of white wine?

Chapter 266 265. I heard that you want me to kneel down and blow a bottle of white wine?
"What kind of high-level person is Xu Xudong?"

Hearing Chen Ya's plain but arrogant words, everyone present looked at him in surprise.

Especially Chen Sheng, his lips moved twice, and he almost blurted out "Crazy?"

Even Chen Chi opened his mouth wide - if he didn't know Chen Ya well enough, she would think he was here to make trouble.

When Chen Sheng was chatting just now, he found out that Young Master Xu's father was in Beichen, and he was the boss in charge of a department alone.

A person of this level, but with a resource in his hand, someone will suffer if he frowns.

Who gave Chen Ya the courage to name and disdain him in person?

Chen Hai rubbed his face at the side, and said in a mess: "Brother, stop talking, it's a bit embarrassing."

Chen Sheng also said: "Yes, you may not know that Beichen is a company whose name is a gold-lettered signboard. In this company, let alone a leader, an employee is one in a million. Are you really Don't look down on people. Right Mr. Xu?"

He raised his face towards Xu Haoyu, and saw that Xu Haoyu's face was as dark as Zhang Fei's, and water was almost pouring out of his wine glass.

Everyone felt Young Master Xu's sense of oppression, Chen Sheng was anxious to coax him, with a solemn expression, he said to Chen Ya:

"You don't know Xu Xudong, it's not Xu Xudong's problem, it's your problem, it can only show that you are a little ignorant, and a boss of Xu Xudong's level doesn't care whether you recognize it or not. By the way, I saw it a few days ago There is a news interview on the phone, which is an exclusive interview with Xu Xudong, I will show it to you."

He took out his phone and swipe his fingers back and forth on the screen, but no one was interested in what he was about to find.

Chen Chi looked at First Young Master Xu with some concern. In fact, she felt that her plan to help Wei Mingzhe find a job today had gone far.

Or pointing to the next season.

Next time, no matter what you say, you can't bring Chen Ya here.

First Young Master Xu was very angry at first, but after a while, he became less angry.

To understand greatness one must have at least 1% greatness.Some people are not on the same level at all. If he tells you what to do, do you have to get angry with him?
There are ways to deal with big people, but to deal with villains, if you use the method to deal with big people, people will not understand at all.

"You think I'm bragging, don't you?" Young Master Xu squinted at Chen Ya, shaking the wine glass back and forth in his hand. The cold liquid in the glass hit the wall of the glass, causing layers of ripples. The way you understand it, let you understand what Beichen is?"

At this moment, Chen Ya, who was the focus of everyone's attention, poured himself a glass of water leisurely.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling your father, nor is I belittling Beichen," Chen Ya said slowly, "Xu Xudong, is he the media director of the marketing department of Beichen's capital branch? His position is important, but he can't be called a high-level executive."

Chen Hai hurriedly said: "You can't just pick up this word. Leaders at Beichen's level have more resources than CEOs of some small companies, so everyone says that Beichen's middle management won't be replaced by a CEO. I don't know how much." People don’t know how to change it.”

Xu Haoyu shook his wine glass lightly, looked at Feng Qingyun and said calmly: "A few days ago, my dad went on a business trip to Peng County, and the local leaders came to pick him up. It's a pity that you don't know Beichen, and you don't know my dad's job. What concept."

Suddenly Wei Mingzhe spoke.

"Xu Xudong...how do you feel that you have heard this name before?"

Chen Sheng quickly interjected: "Of course, he is very famous, you must have seen his name on the Internet, wait a minute, I will be able to find that news interview right away."

After finishing speaking, he frowned and glared at Wei Mingzhe, his eyes were as sharp as real, which meant to tell Wei Mingzhe not to interrupt and make trouble.

At this juncture, if he talks any more, it will only add to the chaos, so shut up quickly.

Wei Mingzhe opened his purse thoughtfully.

He has heard of this name today, not only heard it, but also seems to have seen it.

Today he met a new colleague at Beichen, and received a bunch of business cards. He couldn't remember who was who, but he had a vague impression, as if he had seen someone named Xu Xudong.

Young Master Xu continued to speak slowly: "You invited me today, and I know what it means, isn't it just to see if I have any contacts here, can you help him find a job? Let me just say that..."

After a pause, he stared at Chen Ya and said, "Aren't you incomprehensible? Then let me tell you in a language you can understand. With my dad's contacts, it may be difficult to help him find a job, but it is difficult for him to find a job in this industry." When it comes to work, it’s pretty simple.”

Chen Ya narrowed his eyes: "Are you threatening?"

"So what?" Xu Haoyu said, "You don't believe me?"

The atmosphere on the field suddenly turned cold, Chen Chi felt the hairs on his back standing on end, a gust of cold air rushed straight to the top of his head, and even his blood seemed to be freezing.

Chen Sheng hurriedly said: "Master Xu is joking, we all know what Bei Chen represents, but Chen Ya is an ignorant kid..."

"I'm not joking," Xu Haoyu crossed his legs and dangled in the air, "I just send a message now. In Beijing, 80.00% of the companies in this industry will close their doors to this person."

Seeing the scary expressions on the faces of Chen Chi and others, he added with a smile: "Of course, not all of them. I can't control small entrepreneurial businesses. It's definitely not possible to go to such a small company and start from scratch. Quite interesting."

Seeing that Chen Chi's body was stiff, Lu Qianzi was a little worried, touched her, and whispered: "Sister-in-law, don't be nervous."

Chen Chi turned his head to look at her, and held Lu Qianzi's hand with his hand.Start cold.

Among the people present, no one is more nervous than she is now.Because of Young Master Xu's threat, it will directly affect her future life.

Lu Qianzi stretched out her hand to tug on Chen Ya again, and looked at him questioningly.

She thought, don't make such a scene.

She couldn't understand why Chen Ya had to confront First Young Master Xu face to face.Originally, the two of them didn't get along very well. It was awkward to meet on such an occasion, so they had to leave directly. Since they came back and sat down, they should ease the relationship.

After all, First Young Master Xu still has Beichen's background. No matter how powerful Chen Ya's Jiang Lizhi is, he is still a long way from Beichen.It wouldn't do him any good if other people really tripped him up.

She wondered if Chen Ya was a little drifting.

Considering his age, to be able to do such a big business at such a young age does have floating capital.

You can't dance like this in front of Beichen!

"Chen Ya! You are enough! Restrain me!" Chen Sheng said harshly, and said to Chen Ya, "Hurry up and toast Mr. Xu. His lord has a lot of wine, so don't care about your offense just now..."

"Oh, don't, I'm not an adult, I'm quite petty," Xu Dashao pretended to open his mouth wide, and his tone was exaggerated, "If he wants me to forgive, a toast is not enough, um, at least he has to blow a bottle of that .”

He pointed to the white wine on the table over there.

Chen Sheng stared at the white wine bottle for a while, hesitated for a few seconds, and said to Chen Hai: "Go and open that bottle of wine."

"Dad..." Chen Hai looked back at him.

I’ve heard of beer blowers, but I’ve never heard of baijiu blowers. This bottle is a 45-degree dream blue, and if you drink it hard, you won’t die?
"Open." Chen Sheng said to Chen Hai in a strong tone.

Chen Hai woke up like a dream, hurriedly took the liquor bottle and opened it.The smile on Young Master Xu's face became even wider.

Lu Qianzi stared and said, "No way, do you really want to blow a bottle? Are you kidding me?"

Chen Sheng took the wine that Chen Hai handed over, with a serious expression, he said: "Mr. Xu, the enmity between you two, will this bottle of wine be able to eliminate it?"

Xu Haoyu smiled and said, "You let him blow it up before you talk about it."

Chen Sheng held the wine bottle and said, "So, I..."

He was half-spoken, stuck and unable to speak.

He originally wanted to say, to apologize on Chen Ya's behalf, and blow half the bottle himself, but when he thought about it, he was only a small amount, and he couldn't stand it if he blows half the bottle.

So, halfway through his speech, he didn't say anything. At first he wanted to show off his pride, but now everyone was looking at him, not knowing what he wanted to express.

"Hello." Over there, Chen Ya connected the phone.

"Yuanhai? Well, it's me, you and Xu Xudong from the marketing department, come to the position I sent you."

"Now, you bring him here immediately."

"that's it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya hung up the phone, and everyone stared at him.

"Pfft..." Young Master Xu suddenly made a sound, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... You are under too much psychological pressure, so you are crazy? You are still far away, and you brought people here. What childish tricks are you doing here?"

He laughed hysterically, laughing until tears were hanging in the corners of his eyes.After all the emotions were vented, he straightened up, and his expression suddenly became cold.

"Okay, are you going to blow it or not?"

Chen Sheng was in a hurry.

"Mr. Xu, don't be like this. What did Chen Ya offend you for? I'll go back and teach him a lesson. Can't we talk things out together here?"

Chen Hai also stood up and grabbed Xu Haoyu's arm: "Yes, Chen Ya has just arrived in the capital, maybe there is a misunderstanding between you?"


Xu Haoyu's face was cloudy and cloudy. In his opinion, Liu Ruying's being pried away was a great shame and humiliation. When others took the initiative to mention it in front of him, he would think it was an active provocation.So the two people's consolation not only had no effect, but also had the opposite effect.

"I've changed my mind," said First Young Master Xu, "It seems that my kindness has been regarded as a kind of appeasement. I've changed my mind. You, Chen Ya, will not only blow up this bottle of wine today, but also kneel on the ground. Blow, if you don't blow it off, I will immediately use my contacts to block this Wei Mingzhe in the industry, he will not even think about finding a job in the capital!"

At this moment, the faces of everyone at the table turned pale, and Chen Sheng realized that the rift between them turned out to be so deep.

Chen Hai couldn't figure it out, even after a long time, he didn't figure out how Chen Ya offended First Young Master Xu after only a few days in the capital.

Chen Chi's lips were pale, he turned his head and tugged at Wei Mingzhe, and said in a low voice, "Say something quickly!"

Chen Ya and Young Master Xu didn't deal with each other, Wei Mingzhe was purely affected and suffered for no reason. If Wei Mingzhe came out to say a few words at this time, it might make Young Master Xu change his mind.

But Wei Mingzhe didn't know what he was doing at this time, frantically looking for the leather bag, holding a lot of business cards in his hand.

It's obviously related to his future life, but he doesn't seem to care at all.

"found it!"

Just when Chen Chi couldn't take it anymore, Wei Mingzhe suddenly raised a business card in his hand and said loudly.

"I found it, Xu Xudong. This is my colleague. I really met him today." Wei Mingzhe said to Young Master Xu with a smile, "It's all a misunderstanding, Mr. Xu."

He handed over the business card, and First Young Master Xu subconsciously took it, and was surprised.

This is really his father's business card.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, it's all a misunderstanding," Wei Mingzhe stood up and said, "Actually, I wanted to tell Chen Chi just now that I have already found a job, and I am a colleague of Mr. Xu's father. I will see you today." Here he is, this is the business card he gave me, but unfortunately I haven't made a business card yet, so I can't give him a business card, it's kind of rude to think about it."

After he finished speaking, everyone present was silent again, even Xu Haoyu stopped talking.

After a long time, Lu Qianzi stared and said: "Little uncle, you said... you and First Young Master Xu's father are colleagues, and his father belongs to Beichen? You mean, you found a job in Beichen?"

Wei Mingzhe nodded: "Yes."

Chen Chi gasped and covered his mouth: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise, and the other one is quite sudden to me, and I'm still in a daze until now. I still think it's too early. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the probationary period has not passed?"

The ups and downs made Chen Chi feel like he was on a roller coaster. Now he breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed. He laughed and cursed:
"You served it to me. It's good to be able to enter Beichen even for a second. What's so embarrassing? Let me know as soon as possible next time?"

Wei Mingzhe touched his head awkwardly, Chen Sheng and Chen Hai were still immersed in shock, now Chen Hai finally organized his words and said:

"I heard that you have to take three exams and two exams to get into Beichen, and it takes two months to get the results. You didn't leave your job yesterday, so why did you get into Beichen today?"

Wei Mingzhe said with a smile: "I'm also very surprised, I didn't make it so complicated, they just had a simple interview, and I went in."

"That's impossible. Beichen recruitment in the industry has always been known for its strictness. How could it be as simple as you said? You hired a fake Beichen, right?" Chen Hai lost his voice.

Lu Qianzi said: "Brother, don't talk about it, don't be ashamed. Didn't my little uncle receive the business card of Xu Gongzi's father? If he entered the fake Beichen, wouldn't it mean that Xu Gongzi's father was also a fake Beichen? "

Chen Hai turned his head and asked, "Is it really your... father's business card?"

Young Master Xu's face twitched, he held the business card in his hand and said nothing.

His father's business card, he could definitely tell that what he was holding was indeed Xu Xudong's business card.

He feels a little feverish on his face now, and just now he said with certainty that Wei Mingzhe would not be able to survive in this business, but he was told that he belongs to Beichen.

This time, the slap in the face was loud enough.

Wei Mingzhe smiled shyly again and said, "Actually, I guess it's because of Chen Ya's introduction. If he hadn't recommended me, I wouldn't have gotten into Beichen so easily."

"Chen Ya?" Chen Sheng lost his reputation and looked at Chen Ya.

How could it be Chen Ya's recommendation?When did he have a relationship with Beichen again?
Wei Mingzhe wanted to say something, but looked at Chen Ya, and found that he shook his head slightly, so he didn't continue talking.

First Young Master Xu changed his mind, and said again: "What do you mean, you are my father's subordinate now?"

Wei Mingzhe said: "No, I should be equal to your father."

"Peer level? You are a person who just entered, and you are equal to my father?"

First Young Master Xu couldn't calm down at all. What Wei Mingzhe said was too absurd. Now he doubted whether the business card he was holding in his hand was real.

"How could it be? Uncle, you haven't been cheated, have you?" Chen Hai said, "You really joined Beichen? Could it be a scam gang pretending to be Beichen?"

Wei Mingzhe frowned: "Am I that stupid? How could I have misunderstood Beichen? Besides, Chen Ya wouldn't introduce me to a scam gang!"

Chen Hai looked at Wei Mingzhe, then at Chen Ya, and swallowed his words, that's not necessarily the case.

These two people gave him the feeling that they were quite unreliable, and they looked dumb. If they were really cheated by a scam gang, it would not be impossible.

At this moment, Chen Ya suddenly picked up the phone.

"Hello? Are you here? Well, Room 3 on the second floor, come in directly."

First Young Master Xu looked at him, his lips moved.This guy really put his acting skills to the end!

Young Master Xu was about to sarcastically save his face, and probe into Wei Mingzhe's background by the way, when suddenly the door was pushed open.

Two middle-aged men appeared at the door, the one in front had a broad face and a majestic appearance, the one in the back was thin, and his eyebrows and eyes were eighty percent similar to Xu Dashao.

Seeing the man behind, First Young Master Xu was still full of anger, but when he saw the man, he softened instantly, and said in a trembling voice: "Dad..."

"Very well, Zhao Yuanhai is here, and Xu Xudong is here too." Chen Ya sat on the chair, his posture unchanged.After the two came in, everyone in the room reacted differently, but he was the only one who was indifferent and seemed to have a certain dignity.

"It's just right, in front of these two people, 'Mr. Xu', you can talk to everyone."

Chen Ya looked at Xu Haoyu with a smile, and said, "I heard that you want me to kneel down and blow up this bottle of liquor?"

(End of this chapter)

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