Chapter 267 266. Is This Really My Son?
"I heard that you want me to kneel down and blow this bottle of liquor?"

Chen Ya tilted his head to look at First Young Master Xu, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and the flashes of brilliance in his eyes from time to time revealed a little bit of his evil spirit.

Xu Xudong is a smart man.It is impossible to achieve this position in Beichen if you are not smart.

Today, when Zhao Yuanhai informed him to come over, he was flattered, and it was even more surprising to know that Chen Ya had summoned him.

But after entering the room and seeing his son, those positive thoughts were instantly dispelled.

Hearing Chen Ya's words, he felt like falling into an ice cave, and his back broke out in cold sweat.

"Dad, why are you here?"

After seeing Xu Xudong enter the room, Young Master Xu already felt very bad in his heart, stood up tremblingly, and waited for Xu Xudong with his eyes.

"Come out." Xu Xudong didn't say much, but pointed at his son coldly, "Come out!"

Zhao Yuanhai ran to Chen Ya and asked in a low voice, "President Chen, what happened?"

Why did Zhao Yuanhai and his father treat Chen Ya so respectfully?And why did Chen Ya dictate to them?

"Just go home and train your son, save yourself some dignity, and be careful not to affect Beichen's image outside."

"Are you used to it on the first day of work?"

After a long time, no one spoke.

Before Zhao Yuanhai left, he greeted Wei Mingzhe at the side, held his hand, and asked in a low voice:

Not only was Xu Xudong a little weak in his legs, but Zhao Yuanhai felt a little weak after hearing his words.

The two talked in a few words, as if they didn't say anything, but Xu Xudong, who was standing aside, finally trembled like chaff.

"What do you think, how do you deal with this kind of thing?"

There was a moment of silence on the table, when everyone was thinking quickly, Chen Ya spoke again:

When he said the word "Zhao Yuanhai", there was a trill in his voice.

Suspended for probation, his fate has been decided.

Looking at the backs of the father and son, Chen Ya smiled slightly.Although I don't know Xu Xudong's parenting methods, I believe that after today, there will definitely be one less guy who affects Beichen's image outside.

Chen Ya turned his head and said something to Zhao Yuanhai, and then the two also left.

It wasn't until just now that she realized the connection—could it be that Chen Ya is still a high-ranking member of Beichen?

Zhao Yuanhai is not a fool either. In his heart, his importance to Wei Mingzhe has increased by two orders of magnitude.

"Let's go."

In this way, everyone was a little confused about the situation for a while.

Damn it, what is Chen Ya's identity?
Only now did he vaguely feel that he had really made a fool of himself.

"Isn't there such a thing, and it's more than that," Chen Ya drank his saliva, "Some people have all-hands and eyes, saying that a single sentence can block a person from the entire industry in the capital. Is our company really so powerful? ?”

Chen Chi also stared at Wei Mingzhe from the sidelines, as if he must explain what happened today.

After finishing speaking, he stood seven miles away, patted Zhao Yuanhai on the shoulder, and said, "Yuanhai, Beichen is no longer what it used to be, it won't remain pure forever, it will have the disease that a big company should have, and it should eat it The medicine must be taken, and the disease should not be avoided. The first step in solving a problem is always to face the problem directly."

Xu Xudong felt dizzy for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, his face had become extremely gloomy.

And it has made a huge mess.

Zhao Yuanhai was slightly surprised, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Yuanhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, take your time, and you will adapt to the working atmosphere."

What was even more surprising was Lu Qianzi.At the beginning, she couldn't turn her head around, and couldn't figure out why Beichen's people wanted to listen to Jiang Lizhi's boss again.

Young Master Xu looked at all this in shock, his eyes were as round as the wine glasses on the table.

"Xu Haoyu..." Xu Xudong said to the other side in a low voice, "Come here."

Chen Ya was about to leave with Zhao Yuanhai, looked at him after hearing his words, and said:

Chen Ya glanced at him and said, "I haven't asked you yet."

"Mingzhe... what is it, what's going on?" Chen Sheng stretched his neck and asked Wei Mingzhe, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Okay." Zhao Yuanhai nodded attentively, and helped Chen Ya pick up his coat.

The fact that Wei Mingzhe was able to eat at the same table with Chen Ya, and that it was a family banquet, further showed that Wei Mingzhe was Chen Ya's relative.

At the dinner table, everyone was confused and a little confused about what was going on.

Beichen belonged to him, and he said that he didn't even know Beichen was so powerful, and he was really angry.Zhao Yuanhai, as the leader of the capital branch, was very upset when he heard this.

Xu Xudong looked at Chen Ya earnestly, and said, "Mr. Chen, actually I..."

Xu Xudong's words got stuck in his throat, and finally he just nodded hastily, and then grabbed Xu Haoyu's ears and dragged him out of the private room.

Chen Ya sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and said slowly: "I heard that some employees of our company are amazing. When they go on a business trip to a small place, they actually ask the local leaders to come out to pick them up in person. What an extravagant situation." It's awesome."

After the four of them left one after another, the whole private room seemed to become a little cleaner.

Because it's not time for you to speak.Interrupting indiscriminately when Chen Ya and Zhao Yuanhai were talking was just not following the rules.

How did Chen Ya do it?

Zhao Yuanhai's expression became serious: "Maybe someone can do it, but regardless of our company's regulations or national laws and regulations, this kind of behavior is a serious violation of the law and must be absolutely prohibited."

Chen Ya said "I haven't asked you yet", meaning that I will ask you later, but if I don't ask now, you can't take the initiative to jump out.

Xu Xudong took a step forward, bowed to Chen Ya and said, "President Chen, let me explain..."

Xu Xudong's back turned cold, and he nodded submissively and backed away.

Chen Ya raised a hand and said, "Stop it, I don't have time to understand your mental journey alone. I will read your inspection materials. I believe the truth will come out and you will not be wronged. Yuan Hai, you Come with me, let's have a meal alone, I still have something to talk to you."

"Let's suspend the job first." Chen Ya said, "Suspend the job for probation, and then do as you said. I have to review the materials before they are published."

What happened today, one by one, was beyond his imagination.

They didn't know who Zhao Yuanhai was, they only saw Xu Haoyu's father, who had always been regarded as a heavenly man, really came at this time, standing behind that Zhao Yuanhai.

Zhao Yuanhai said: "Set up a special team to investigate, and the results of the investigation will be publicized by the whole company?"

Wei Mingzhe nodded flattered and said, "Thanks to you, it's okay."

Needless to say, Chen Sheng and others all looked dull, and Wei Mingzhe and Chen Chi, who knew a little more, were also puzzled at this time.

And Zhao Yuanhai was standing beside Chen Ya at this time, Chen Ya didn't even intend to give him a seat, he stood there respectfully, like a student listening to a teacher's lecture.

He just watched helplessly that Mr. Xu, whom he wanted to curry favor with, and the "high-ranking Beichen" Xu Xudong who was full of pride when he mentioned it, were being dominated by his son like a chicken.

Could it be that Chen Ya is a senior member of Beichen Headquarters, or that he was one of the three Beichen Heroes back then?

After speaking, he followed Chen Ya's footsteps, left lightly, and closed the door of the private room.

Is that really my son?
Chen Hai pushed his glasses and said, "What did I see just now... That Zhao Yuanhai is really from Beijing Beichen... Zhao Yuanhai?"

Zhao Yuanhai nodded modestly: "I remember."

Xu Xudong is a newly promoted middle-level employee, but he has heard of Chen Ya, the founder of Beichen, but has never worked under him.But today, with just a simple sentence, I can feel his strong aura, and I feel a little terrified.

Young Master Xu's shock was just a microcosm, and the other people on the table were even more shocked than him.

Chen Ya said to Zhao Yuanhai again: "In the past, the capital came rarely, and people didn't know about it. Today, after hearing someone talk about it, I realized that our Beichen has become so powerful that any cadre's child can destroy the city. Putting one's future on one's lips is as common as drinking tea and water, but I didn't know that Beichen was so powerful!"

Wei Mingzhe only knew that Chen Ya's status was unusual in Beichen, at most he was half a level lower than Zhao Yuanhai and had a good relationship.

But what he didn't expect was that even Zhao Yuanhai would listen to Chen Ya, which was counter-intuitive considering his age, and it was a bit too scary.

How he got into Beichen has yet to be explained.

Also, why did Chen Ya get involved with this matter again?Why are people in Beichen so afraid of him?

Wei Mingzhe smiled awkwardly, sat down, and said, "Actually, I don't know very well, my mind is very messed up, I'll smooth it out..."

Lu Qianzi spoke quickly and said, "Little uncle, let me ask you, what is your position in Beichen now?"

(End of this chapter)

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