Chapter 269 268. Qin Yunchu Is Coming?
"Is there anything you're interested in?" Wu Zun put his legs on the table, leaned back the chair, and both chair legs were hanging in the air, "Didn't you check everything before, Chen Ya, an academic speculator, academic papers are a bit Water, in terms of career, is also hugging the thigh of a rich woman."

Xia Yingji leaned over and said with a smile, "Yo, or single bet?"

In the basement classroom of Eagle's Nest, Wu Zun and Xia Yingji were sitting in the classroom reading and reading newspapers.

After Liu Ruying and Lu Qianzi came over to explain their intentions, they both burst into tears and laughed, but at the same time they were secretly unhappy.

For being able to make two beauties pay so much attention behind his back, that Chen Ya really committed a heinous crime.

They didn't notice that after Wu Zun finished speaking, Liu Ruying's expression turned cold, and a layer of frost covered her pretty face.

"Then what paper did you publish?"

Wu Zun was taken aback when he saw Liu Ruying's cold eyes, and said, "I'm only a freshman, why post a paper..."

"Then what kind of academic star are you? Where is your PhD?"

When Liu Ruying got angry, her aura was so strong that Wu Zun was a little out of breath: "Liu Xiaohua, I'm still struggling on the road to protect my research..."

Thinking of this, Liu Ruying's face turned slightly pink, and Lu Qianzi nodded thoughtfully:

Obviously also a heroic temperament.

Liu Ruying suddenly felt the lower part of the heart and the upper part of the stomach, as if a piece of ice had fallen, and it was extremely uncomfortable.


"Also, at that time, Jin Rubing spoke very solemnly about the competition for the edition of "Wei Ming", and there was something else about 'Drizzle riding a donkey into the capital'. We haven't figured out exactly what is going on until now."

Liu Ruying was stunned for a moment, realizing that she had never experienced the dispute between Sister Hua and Pei Hu at that time, but it was Wu Zun who spoke first:

"Oh, I seem to have heard about it. At that time, Young Master Xu was sitting in the basement classroom, saying that Liu Xiaohua was going to become history, and he would not see Liu Xiaohua in the future. I asked him what happened, and he just said I offended Pei Hu."

Liu Ruying looked at her: "What do you mean?"

Thinking of this, he was a little bit reconciled, why is she such a scumbag, can still hug left and right, and is also a rich woman and a school girl?What the hell?
After Lu Qianzi finished eating the peach cakes, she clapped her hands and said, "After last night, I actually have some clues."

Wu Zun shrank his neck like a rabbit: "Well, he said it all, and it's none of my business. At that time, I really thought you were folded outside, and I was sad for you for a long time!"

What the two girls said was getting more and more floating, and it sounded a bit outrageous.

Wu Zun's jaw dropped, and Xia Yingji hurried over to him, trying to count the number of digits behind the bank deposit.

He felt that Chen Ya must be bragging.I laughed in my heart that girls have no concept of starting a business, how can it be so easy to earn hundreds of millions.

"Yeah, earning [-] million a week is a bit outrageous. Did Chen Ya say it himself, or did you see it with your own eyes? It's impossible, did you check the accounts?" Xia Yingji echoed from the side .

Wu Zun spread his hands: "How do I know? When she came with the key, I was also shocked."

Lu Qianzi frowned, ignoring the two people's mental journeys, crossed her legs and thought about it, and said:
"Actually, I did the math just now. Neither of us is considered to be the longest by his side these days."

Liu Ruying put the phone away lightly.

Listening to the conversation of the two girls, Wu Zun and Xia Yingji looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Well, it can be seen from the few days I worked with him that he is very capable of leadership and has a wide network of contacts."


Lu Qianzi smiled and said, "There is one more thing, isn't it my excellent cousin? Ask her, maybe she has a lot of details about Chen Ya."

My sister, I don't know what's wrong these days, I'm always a little distracted.

"Are you sure you didn't confuse what you said with something like a domineering president?" Wu Zun asked.

Liu Ruying glanced at him, took out her phone, pressed something nimbly with her fingers, and handed it to him.

Xia Yingji leaned over and said, "It's very important. According to the seniors, it is the accumulation and history of the Eagle's Nest. It can almost be said to be the symbol of the Eagle's Nest."

"Then you should at least have a girlfriend, right?" Liu Ruying smiled faintly, and it cannot be said that there was no cruelty in this smile.

"The first is the relationship between Chen Ya and Beichen," Lu Qianzi said. "If Chen Ya has a lot of influence in Beichen, then he must have some connection with the three heroes of Beichen. There should be some information about the three heroes of Beichen in the Eagle's Nest. , Hey, is there any?"

"Oh, he doesn't seem to be a big deal about his own affairs. Maybe it's because you were bullied that he was so angry."

Liu Ruying thought for a while, and then said, "It seems to be true."

Lu Qingxuan hummed: "What should I do? Cold salad. Don't think about what to do, they won't come."

I don't know why, but recently I always think of Chen Ya inexplicably.His mind seemed to be able to run if he had grown legs. He was thinking about irrelevant things, but when he let it go, he went to Chen Ya.

Lu Qianzi stretched out another finger: "Second, he once published papers under the pseudonym of Bai Yujing. Even the big cows in our school know him and respect him very much."

In addition, there were some wonderful thoughts circling in her mind: Why would Chen Ya give such an important key to herself casually?
When he handed it over to himself, he was obviously not familiar with him.

Wu Zun next to him interjected: "Didn't we find out about this before? Bai Yujing did publish papers, but they were all water papers. He relied on his good relationship with the professor..."

Unexpectedly, Lu Qianzi shook her head.

"So Chen Ya still has such a domineering side? I thought he had a good temper, but I didn't expect him to pour wine on other people's faces."

Wu Zun fell down, and Liu Ruying explained to Lu Qianzi how she was involved in the dispute between Young Master Xu, Sister Hua, and Pei Hu.

"The Xia family and the Qin family have confirmed that they will come. The Wu family also made a statement a few days ago. The Gu family is not sure yet." Lu Xiaojie said, "However, I guess it is unlikely that they will come. After all, our family and theirs There is vengeance, if it really comes, we don't know what to do."

"My current bank deposit." Liu Ruying said coldly, "It was during this period of time that Chen Ya took me to earn money. This is the dividend he gave me."

Unexpectedly, Liu Ruying is now not only the school belle, but also the invisible rich woman of Peking University.

Wu Zun raised his head, and only now did he vaguely remember that the video of Liu Xiaohua and that big pig's trotter holding hands in the school forum before was really noisy for a while.

"elder sister?"

Liu Ruying thought about what she said just now, that she didn't know much about Chen Ya, but after thinking about it, she actually knew quite a lot about him.

Maybe even more than Lu Qianzi.

Liu Ruying looked at her and blinked, and said, "Actually, I have a little idea, but I don't know if it's the same as what you think, so let me tell you about your idea first."

Hearing what Lu Qianzi said, Wu Zun opened his mouth slightly, but before he could question him, Liu Ruying nodded beside him and said:

Lu Qianzi suppressed her excitement and said, "In other words, there must be some relationship between Chen Ya and the three heroes of the Eagle's Nest! Let's look for the previous records of the three heroes of the Eagle's Nest, and maybe we can find something related to Chen Ya." thing!"

"You mean...that Xia You?" Liu Ruying asked.

"No, it's not Xia You, it's my excellent cousin, Lu Qingxuan."

After supplementing the extracurricular knowledge about Pei Hu's status, Lu Qianzi was shocked for a long time, and it took a while before she spoke.

Several people looked at each other.

On the screen is a long string of numbers.

Wu Zun was at a loss for words for a while, and Liu Ruying immediately said: "Look, you are still a direct descendant of the dignified Wu family, and Chen Ya was just an ordinary librarian on the campus of Beijing University at that time, even you can't do things, he How can a person who just came from the countryside do it?"

These days, she was more and more favored by the grandma, so the grandma left all this to her, but she felt bored.

Liu Ruying nodded, her heart was pounding, and she couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"Thank you, but I don't need you to be sad. You should be more sad about not having a girlfriend."

Lu Qianzi shook her finger and said, "Last night, I summed up all the doubts about Chen Ya. First of all, my father said that he is an ordinary employee of Hongtu Company, but he is very rich. Thousands of watches."

I was still in the public toilet at the time, investigated many things about Chen Ya, and got some information about his body.

Lu Qianzi blinked her eyes and looked at her: "Who is Pei Hu? Why is he Chen Ya?"

Wu Zun was speechless, as Liu Ruying said, this point was indeed a huge doubt.

It's better to go shopping with Chen Ya again.

"Which two?"

Everyone thinks wildly, and Lu Qingxuan didn't care about her own phenomenon at first, but one day, she suddenly felt that it seemed inappropriate for her to think of a big man so suddenly, so she began to pay attention, what would she think about Chen every day? how many times.

"Is he in a good temper?" Liu Ruying tilted her head, recalling that either Chen Ya splashed water on someone's face, or he was pointing and scolding at Yunshang Jinghua...or, she kissed him lightly After one time, he pressed down forcefully to give that fiery kiss.

Looking at Lu Qingxuan's face, Lu Xiaojie got used to it.

Lu Qianzi wondered, "Why is the key in Ruying's hands?"

It made her feel bad.

"Then still mocking Chen Ya? You can't do anything. No. 1 talker. He can get a rich woman, but you don't even have a girlfriend. Are you qualified to say such things?"

Lu Qianzi nodded and said, "Actually, I don't know much. It's worth noting that he owns tens of millions of watches, has published papers under Bai Yujing's pseudonym, and he owns the company Jiang Lizhi. I don't know much."

Thinking of this, Liu Ruying forcibly pulled herself back from her fantasy, and asked again:
"Qianzi, you just said that there are two clues, what is the other one?"

"This is indeed a doubtful point. Tens of millions of famous watches are too exaggerated, and they are definitely affordable by only a few people."

Definitely more than ten million.

Returning to Hezhuang, Lu Qingxuan was sitting in the Shanyan Hall, listening to his younger brother Lu Xiaojie's report, bored.

After being shaken by Lu Xiaojie's hand in front of his face for a long time, Lu Qingxuan came back to his senses.

After Lu Qianzi finished speaking, Liu Ruying immediately said: "There's also the matter of Pei Hu. If Chen Ya is just a guy who likes the professor and hugs a rich woman's thigh, why does a tycoon like Pei Hu look at him favorably? "

Liu Ruying immediately asked him back: "Then how good is your relationship with the professor? Can you make professors like Fang Bai and Jin Rubing favor you with just a few water papers?"

Xia Yingji knelt down and whispered in his ear: "Who are you messing with? You don't want to mess with Liu Xiaohua? You don't know that she has an affair with that Chen Ya?"

Thinking of this, Liu Ruying's eyes became moist, as if water was about to drip out.

I don't know exactly how many there are, but it's a lot.

She could tell that the little girl named Xia You had a very good relationship with Chen Ya.

Liu Ruying was taken aback: "Chen Ya gave me the key casually, so is it such an important thing?"

She talked about how Eldest Young Master Xu harassed her, how Sister Hua pointed her fingers at her, how Chen Ya poured wine on Sister Hua's face, and how Pei Hu respectfully gave Chen Ya the saddle.

Wu Zun was kicked, nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, when the seniors started their business, some personal belongings, notebooks and even files were left in the password box of Eagle's Nest. The key is now in Liu Xiaohua's hand. .”

After hearing this, Liu Ruying frowned slightly, and said, "Then I don't know too much, I told you just now, oh yes, he really made hundreds of millions of dollars in just one week at Yunshang Jinghua." revenue."

The two boys looked up at Liu Ruying and swallowed together.

In the end, it's okay if you don't pay attention. The more you pay attention, the easier it is to think of Chen Ya. Before you know it, you have to think of Chen Ya at least seventeen or eight times when you eat and drink every day.

Liu Ruying was startled, and then asked, "Is that lockbox of yours important?"

Lu Qianzi opened her mouth slightly: "In other words, he has strong media management capabilities."

Thinking of Chen Ya, Lu Qingxuan's expression suddenly changed, and he shook his head, as if he wanted to shake this person out of his mind.

What the two of them were checking at this time was how many families would come to watch the ceremony on the day of Old Master Lu's birthday.The two are arranging seats.

"In the past few days, there was someone who went out with him alone every now and then," Lu Qianzi said, "and after he went out with others, he came back very late, or stayed away all night, and never said what he did when he came back."

After listening to Liu Ruying, her eyes turned slightly cold: "Is that what he said?"

"Ah? Nope." Liu Ruying shook her head, her sunset red face became even more beautiful, she changed the subject and said, "Oh, by the way, let's piece together the trajectory of Chen Ya's actions in the past few days Maybe we can get a more complete portrait."

On the surface, the interaction between the two seems to be ordinary friends, but some tiny signs show that the relationship between the two definitely exceeds the standard of normal communication.

Sitting by the side, Lu Qianzi picked up a piece of peach cake on the table and ate it, with some crumbs sticking to the corner of her mouth: "He looks like a virgin."

Wu Zun felt that he had been shot several times in the chest, his eyes were sore, he knelt down and cried, "I'm sorry I'm trash..."

"What is this?" Wu Zun asked.

Lu Qianzi showed her face and said, "Look, now we have two clues."

It was Chen Ya again.

Thinking of him again.

"What's the matter? Keep talking? I'm listening." Lu Qingxuan yawned, "The important thing is not which families will come, but who will come."

When Lu Xiaojie heard this, he seemed to want to relieve his sister's worries, and said with a smile: "By the way, the Qin family seems to want Qin Yunchu to come over. Sister, haven't you always admired her?"

"Qin Yunchu?"

Lu Qingxuan froze.

(End of this chapter)

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