Chapter 270. Chapter 269

Lu Qingxuan can't say that she admires Qin Yunchu very much. From the perspective of pursuit, it should be that she "yearns for" or "longs for" Qin Yunchu.

To put it a bit more Japanese, she has always been looking forward to Qin Yunchu.

As an elite child raised by the Lu family as a direct descendant, the name of the outstanding daughter of the Qin family next door would often appear in her ears.

After taking over the position of vice president of Hongtu, she is still able to do a job with ease. She is exposed on TV, even if she is on the same stage with top stars like Jiang Xinhai and Xu Xiangxiao, she does not show any timidity. As the heir of the Qin family, she is already beyond the standard.

If it is said that when Lu Qingxuan was a child, he still had a little mentality of competing in space, but now this mentality has completely disappeared.

One is the sure successor of the prosperous Qin family, and the other is herself who may not even be able to take the helm of the crumbling Lu family. It can be said that Qin Yunchu has something that Lu Qingxuan cannot get, and is her idealized self.

That's why Lu Xiaojie would say that Lu Qingxuan "worships" Qin Yunchu.Her subtle feelings for Qin Yunchu can be said to be known to most people in Guihe Village.

"If Qin Yunchu wants to come, then arrange her at..." Lu Qingxuan picked up the guest list, and the young lady of the Qin family arranged a safe place, "Here."

Lu Xiaojie glanced at it, and laughed aloud: "The top table? Is there some personal emotion?"

Wu Zun and Xia Yingji, one belonged to the Wu family and the other belonged to the Xia family. Like the Lu family, they belonged to an aristocratic family. Even if they had no contact with each other, they would meet each other when they were young.

Lu Qianzi was dubious, and dialed the phone. As soon as the connection was made, a crisp and clear voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lu Qingxuan paused, and then said: "If there is only one person in our Lu family who can catch up to Qin Yunchu, maybe... there is only one person, Chen Ya."

"Jinse has fifty strings for no reason, and one string and one pillar contemplate the Chinese New Year."

... After hanging up the phone, Lu Qianzi spread her hands.

"Don't worry about it."

Sitting aside, Wu Zun and Xia Yingji listened to Lu Qianzi talking on the phone for a long time, and the two of them also heard something.

It's a period of restlessness. It may be caused by being too busy recently and not having a balance of body hormones. It needs to be recuperated.

Lu Xiaojie stood up, went to Lu Qingxuan's side, and pushed and shoved: "Who the hell is it, sister? Is there anyone in our Lu family who has better sculpted abs than mine? Who the hell is it, how come I don't know?"

"How could it be?" Lu Qingxuan rolled her eyes at her younger brother, "The Gu family, Xia family, and Qin family, among the three major families, the Gu family will not come, but the Xia family has come, and Mrs. Lu has already ordered to sit with me. The Qin family will naturally sit at the top of this table."

She didn't have much contact with Xia You. Apart from Chen Ya, this girl was cold and repulsive to everyone else, even to Lu Qianzi, who was also a girl.

Lu Xiaojie wanted to observe something from his sister's eyes, but unfortunately he didn't, so he relaxed a little, then bent his arms and said:
"Even if he has eight-pack abs, he's not my opponent. He's just a poor boy from the countryside, and he's still no match for me."

There are notebooks in these, magazines, letters, all kinds of things, everything.

Then she came back to her senses: "Fortunately what? What's so 'fortunate'? Why do I think this way? Do I think that he is not very good, so he is a good match for me? How could I be like this? think?"

Lu Xiaojie was quite wronged: "Sister, how can you beat your younger brother with outsiders like this?"

Lu Qianzi hurriedly said, "I guess I'm just curious."

Lu Qianzi casually opened the first page of the magazine, glanced at it, and then glanced at it again.

Then, with an attitude of being out of control, she flipped through the contents of the magazine, her movements became a little violent, and her eyes widened accordingly.

Lu Qingxuan's reaction, even someone like Lu Qianzi who was born without a love brain, could taste a little taste, but she still didn't want to believe that Lu Qingxuan had that kind of affection for Chen Ya.

Especially when Lu Qingxuan made such a statement, both of them had heard of her name.

Because it is a school magazine, there are more than a thousand copies of each issue of "Wei Ming", which can also be borrowed from the school library, and new ones are published in the small newsstands every month.

"Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, Wangdi Chunxin entrusted cuckoos."

After all, Lu Qingxuan is Lu Yuanbao's daughter, what kind of handsome young man has she not seen?How could he be interested in Chen Ya of Lu Ruixiang's family?If it is said, it may become a scandal for the Lu family.

Liu Ruying said: "Just say it's about Chen Ya, I feel that if you say that, she will definitely come."

"I'll sit at that table to accompany the guests," Lu Xiaojie said with a smile, "And, with this opportunity, maybe I can get to know Qin Yunchu, and if I'm not careful, maybe I can take her down?"

"You stay here and finish the list. I'll review it when I come back. I'll go to the gym." Lu Qingxuan stood up.

Before she finished speaking, Lu Qingxuan's voice almost rushed over to her: "Where are you?"

"Old Liang, you came at the right time, catching up with the historical moment."

She blurted out the words, and after she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong, and she quickly shut her mouth.

Si Chaoliang glanced at them, and said, "What are you doing? What are you moving? ... Oh, classmate Lu Qianzi, why are you here too? A rare visitor!"

In fact, she felt a little pressure to dig deep into Chen Ya's past. The reason why she called Lu Qingxuan over was to reduce the pressure on herself.


Liu Ruying looked at her, a little confused: "What are you talking about?"

Lu Qianzi was stunned and said, "Ah, this, isn't it right?"

"Huh? Why? Why is that? Because he has better abs?"

Lu Qingxuan became nervous, even she couldn't understand her wild thoughts.


Lu Qianzi said awkwardly: "Cousin, it's me, I'm Lu Qianzi."

"I know you're Lu Qianzi, so just say what's the matter."

But in this way, it was their turn to work hard. To find out the part about Chen Ya from these materials was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's impossible, so let's take a look first..."

As the head of the Lu family, Lu Qingxuan naturally has the power to suppress Lu Qianzi. Lu Qianzi has always been afraid of her cousin, and has always been able to avoid contact with her.

He was familiar with Lu Qingxuan's temper, and knew that Lu Qingxuan would never be able to bear it.Sure enough, Lu Qingxuan was immediately fooled and said:

"This feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was already at a loss."

Wu Zun took Liu Ruying's key, led the way to find the file cabinet, and said along the way:
"Don't have too much hope. There are a lot of legends circulating in the Eagle's Nest. I haven't heard of any one about Chen Ya. If he really has a close relationship with the Eagle's Nest, how could this be? At least he should be with the Eagle's Nest. The Beichen Three Heroes are equally famous, right?"

"Isn't this poem the famous untitled poem of our Peking University?" Wu Zun said from the side, "A few years ago, it was claimed to be amazing all over the country, but it suddenly became popular on the Internet. , In fact, it has been written long ago.”

"What's wrong?" Liu Ruying asked from the side.

Liu Ruying thought for a while: "That's fine."

"Maybe one of the Beichen Three Heroes asked him to hand it over? Put it in his place for temporary storage."

Lu Xiaojie was not convinced: "I'm humorous! And I still have abdominal muscles. How many people are there in our Lu family who are as self-disciplined as I am?"

What she said this time is indeed correct. The magazine in her hand is indeed owned by everyone in Peking University.

"Who said there isn't one? At your aunt Lu Ruixiang's house, the new Chen Ya has eight-pack abs with sharp lines."

Standing next to him, Liu Ruying couldn't help frowning when she saw the yellowing documents in the filing cabinet.

Lu Qianzi asked, "Why wait for Lu Qingxuan to come over? Can't we open it first and take a look?"

Lu Qingxuan raised his eyes from the top of the customer list, glanced at him, and said, "What do you want to do? You shouldn't be sitting at that table when you sit next to me."

Xia Yingji frowned: "Why is he qualified to keep it? That is to say, he is the official leader of Eagle's Nest after Beichen Sanjie. Is that possible?"

"She said she'd be right over."

In the Eagle's Nest, Liu Ruying was still analyzing Chen Ya's affairs with Lu Qianzi.

"Just be realistic." Lu Qingxuan pulled back her hair, "To be honest, you'd better give up the nonsensical idea of ​​pursuing Qin Yunchu earlier, the gap between the Lu family and the Qin family is too big now, no matter how good you are, they won't look down on you. People will come this time, all because of the face of the old man."

"Look, I said that she will definitely come. As soon as Chen Ya is mentioned, she will come." Liu Ruying narrowed her eyes narrowly.

"She should know something, but I'm too unfamiliar with her, and I don't seem to be able to say anything." Lu Qianzi frowned.

Lu Xiaojie shook his head and said, "No, sister, how did you know he has eight-pack abs? You and him..."

Lu Qingxuan is here, at least he can help her with 60% of the blame.

Lu Qianzi showed the magazine to everyone, and the others froze for a moment.

Liu Ruying folded her arms, cleared her throat, and said, "Since Chen Ya gave me the key and didn't let me see the file cabinet, then when Lu Qingxuan comes, we can start to decipher the key. In the past, what kind of connection did you have with Chen Ya?"

Lu Qianzi said with a guilty conscience, "It's not what you think, is it? Maybe she's just curious about Chen Ya, after all... You see, after all, they have worked together for a while, so it should be normal for them to be a little curious about each other."

"I'm working out, I have something to say."

"That's it." Lu Qianzi glanced at Liu Ruying next to her, "Are you busy now?"

Lu Qingxuan's words were quite sober, but Lu Xiaojie was still immersed in the glory of the Lu family in the past, so he half understood what he heard, and felt that his sister was too frustrated.

"I'm curious, is this really important information about the Eagle's Nest? Isn't this magazine something everyone has in hand?"

Wu Zun put a whole stack of documents on the table, and Lu Qianzi and Xia Yingji also surrounded him. At this moment, the door of the basement opened, and Si Chaoliang appeared at the door.

As Wu Zun said, he opened the file cabinet and pulled out a drawer from it. The dust immediately scattered and spread in the air, and he couldn't help but sneezed.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"Why aren't you curious about me?" Wu Zun clenched his fists, "Damn it, why do girls like scumbags now?"

Lu Xiaojie stood up suddenly, but Lu Qingxuan didn't explain, just turned his head.

"You said just now that there is something between Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya?" Wu Zun suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Chen Ya?" Lu Xiaojie was a little surprised when he heard it, and asked to the bottom of it, "Is that the one they said was recognized by a random relative from the countryside? He still has eight pack abs?"

But Lu Xiaojie had already noticed something was wrong.

Xia Yingji crossed his legs: "It must be related, otherwise how would he have that key?"

She didn't understand why she had such an idea.She just thought of it, and said it out of the way.

"Tsk, sister, why do you look down on my brother and me so much?"

"There are tears in the moon and pearls in the sea, and smoke in the warm sun in Lantian."

"Actually, I feel that Xia You and Chen Ya are quite familiar, and I feel that they have known each other before."

Lu Xiaojie raised his head blankly: "Huh? Go to the gym now? Why do you want to go to the gym all of a sudden?"

As the boss of Chen Yajiang Lizhi, if he jumped up one more jump, he would indeed be able to meet someone like Qin Yunchu.Among the men of the same age, except for those who came from a monstrous family background, she couldn't think of anyone who was as good as Chen Ya, who was qualified to be worthy of Qin Yunchu.

He greeted him courteously, but Lu Qianzi didn't look at him, she reached out and randomly picked out a magazine from the stack of materials, only to see the word "Unknown" printed on the cover of the magazine which was slightly curled at the footer.

"you do not say."

This was Liu Ruying's scheming.

"Hey, sister, whose abs are more streamlined than mine?"

But it's normal to think about it. The Eagle's Nest was originally an organization run by a group of students, and it's impossible to manage these materials strictly according to the file management method.

As the only student in this room who is not from the Beijing University, but also the deadly rival Jinghua, the others wanted to give Lu Qianzi a little shock from the Beijing University, but...

Xia Yingji lay down and wiped off his sweat: "Oh my god, she is coming, it's a little scary, I have something to do, can I slip away first?"

Lu Qingxuan turned on her taunting horsepower: "It's not that I don't look down on you, I really look down on you. Can you still take down Qin Yunchu? What does Qin Yunchu want from you? Is it because you think you are beautiful or because you have a big mouth? You are the Monkey King." Pantaoyuan, I want peach!"

Lu Qingxuan interrupted him and said: "Don't think about it, I went to the hot spring with Qi Yunche last time, I just took him with me, I saw it at the time."

"Fortunately... Fortunately, Chen Ya's family background is not good..." Lu Qingxuan couldn't help thinking this way.

Lu Xiaojie looked at the guest list twice, and said, "Hey, sister, why don't you put me next to Qin Yunchu?"

Lu Qianzi didn't speak. She stared at the magazine in her hand for a long time with her eyes wide open, and then she opened her mouth slowly, but what she read was a poem:

"you are?"

Si Chaoliang shook his head, and said, "It's not that you are boasting too much. This poem is really well written and has this quality. Why, is it published in this issue of the school magazine?"

"Comparatively speaking, Lu Qingxuan is better at asking." Liu Ruying said, "Qianzi, do you have her contact information? Would you like to call her here?"

"Why do you care so leniently?" Lu Qingxuan's tone was rough.

Lu Qingxuan looked disgusted: "Come on, keep those two poor abs of yours for me, don't embarrass our Lu family, not to mention, there is someone in the Lu family who has more lines than you."

Lu Qingxuan lowered his head and did not answer, Lu Xiaojie began to provoke Fa: "Ha, I know, you must have deliberately provoked me by saying that, in fact, there is no such person."

"That's right, speaking of Lu Qianzi's cousin, who else?" Liu Ruying shrugged.

Wu Zun asked: "The Lu Qingxuan you said is coming, is that the witch Lu Qingxuan from the Lu family?"

Lu Qingxuan sarcastically said: "When did you always listen to the information? He is much better than you, and even Grandma likes him very much. The gap between you and him is too big, there is no comparison."

"We've got some... things about Chen Ya, if you're interested, we can discuss it..."

Lu Qianzi didn't have the confidence to knock something out of her mouth.

"Take it? What bee saliva did you eat and have such a sweet dream?"

Lu Qianzi raised her head, the shock still on her face: "Do you know that this poem was actually written by Chen Ya?"


Liu Ruying's almond eyes were wide open, and the light in the depths of her eyes reflected that Lu Xizi flipped the magazine and showed her the front.

I saw that on that page, it was indeed marked with the poem "Untitled", and under the title, there were three small Chinese characters printed:
Bai Yujing.

(End of this chapter)

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