Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 271. 270. Someone Overwhelmed the Screen

Chapter 271. 270. Someone Overwhelmed the Screen

"Jinse's unprovoked fifty strings...was it written by Chen Ya?"

Liu Ruying murmured, the shock in her heart could not dissipate for a long time like the last lingering sound of a long ringing bell.

Jinse, this poem she heard about in high school was actually written by Chen Ya?
It turned out to be that Chen Ya—the Chen Ya who poured wine on Sister Hua from head to toe with an angry face, and tried to cover his own lips with his mouth in the fitting room (and succeeded)?

Lu Qianzi held up the magazine and spread it out for everyone to show:

"This Bai Yujing is Chen Ya, right? At Yashe, the professors all admitted that Bai Yujing is Chen Ya, and he published papers under this pseudonym. So, did he also use this pseudonym to publish articles in the school magazine? "

Wu Zun raised his hands behind his head, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "Such a graceful poem was actually written by a man, or that Chen Ya... I can't accept it..."

"Don't you think Bai Yujing is a woman?"

"Yeah, when I was in high school, our Chinese teacher told us this poem, saying that the author's writing style is delicate and graceful, but his identity is a mystery. I always thought it was a female poet..."

A talented woman who can write poetry is always lovable and can arouse people's infinite reverie.Especially when the talented girl hasn't shown her face yet.

"I understand what you mean," Wu Zun said, "If my poems became so popular, I would definitely talk about them every day. When I went to the cafeteria for a meal, I would tell Auntie Dacai, hey, how do you know me? Are the poems you wrote popular all over the country?"

After Lu Qianzi was absent-minded for a while, she spread out the directory for Liu Ruying to read in a hollow voice.

She was still lamenting the coincidence just now, when she casually flipped through it, she found a work by Bai Yujing.

"Yes, yes, I remembered," Lu Qianzi slapped her head, "These three poems are really popular. Many junior high school students like to put a sentence or two in the space. At first I thought it was that kind of quack. Who would have known that these three poems are all serious ancient style poems."

It seems that everyone's Chinese teachers have their own ideas.

Thinking of this, Wu Zun felt a little relieved.Fortunately, not all of these articles are popular, but only a part of them. If every article is popular and every article is excellent, it will make others really want to live.

"To change the way of thinking, it's not that "Wei Ming" magazine wants to praise Chen Ya, it's Chen Ya who wants to praise himself." Si Chaoliang pushed up his glasses, "He prepared a lot of good articles first, and when a certain issue of the school magazine was submitted, he thought Make a big news in one breath and make yourself popular."

Liu Ruying nodded, and said, "That's what I meant. In fact, when I communicated with Chen Ya, I found that he seemed to lack some common sense."

"July 2016, in the school magazine."

"Mourning poem? Who is mourning?" Lu Qianzi raised her eyebrows.

"For reasons that everyone knows, this issue, the 520th issue of the school magazine, is bound to have serious competition for the page. After all, it is related to the major events in the lives of the readers who contributed, and our editorial department has also raised the spirit of [-] points in the review .”

Xia Yingji was about to refute, when Si Chaoliang pushed up his glasses and said from the side: "Coincidentally, we also learned this poem in high school, according to what our teacher said, this poem should be a mourning poem .”

Xia Yingji looked serious, pressed the magazine to read for a while, and said:

Wu Zun snatched the magazine from her hand, put it on the table, stared at it, and scanned all the way down the catalog, his hands trembling more and more.

"Well, anyway, the situation is like this. Someone regarded this issue of the school magazine as his own and took all the manuscript fees...But, before everyone protests that I use power for personal gain..."

"Just like this matter, if you write a shocking poem, if you put it on someone else, it will definitely be used as a high-quality conversation piece, and you will tell people everywhere, but Chen Ya has never been like this. Whether he is in control of Jiang Lizhi Company or not , or whether he can write poetry, he never tells anyone, even family or friends.”

This was also one of the reasons why she felt that Chen Ya did not regard her as a family member.

"I'm sure it wasn't stitched together, and I know why you just found out that these things were written by the same person. One is because the styles of these articles are too different, and the other is because...they were fired separately."

And the author's signature is also impressive - Shi Chuandong.

Si Chaoliang said: "I know that "Jiang Jinjiu", "The Difficult Road to Shu" and "Meng Yin Tian Lao Yin Liu Farewell" were written by the same person. At that time, they were all popular in the Guofeng circle, and many people confused them. But I didn't know that "Jin Se" and "Climbing the High" were also written by him."

Xia Yingji suddenly said: "Your teacher also said it? Our teacher also said it, saying that it expresses the author's ambition is difficult to achieve, ambition is difficult to achieve, and depression is not achieved... So it was Chen Ya who complained!"

"Later, when we checked the manuscripts, we found that among the more than 300 submissions we received, [-] were submitted by that person."

But until today, he did not know that the authors of these articles were all the same person.

After a pause, maybe to let others understand better, she further explained:

"What are you talking about?" Si Chaoliang was far away and couldn't read the preface clearly, so he shoved Wu Zun and asked.

""Moonlight Night on the Spring River" became popular on the Internet, "The Difficult Road to Shu" passed the college entrance examination paper, "Climbing the High", a new version of Chinese extracurricular textbooks..."

"Hometown" - Bai Yujing
"The King of Chess" - Bai Yujing
"Metamorphosis" - Bai Yujing
"Morning Wendao" - Bai Yujing

It's not just that she doesn't pay attention, the media doesn't care who the author is either.Many online media, when adding fuel to the flames, only said that these poems were written by "folk masters" and "ordinary netizens", and the title used "Shocked!Folk masters actually overturned "Literary Experts" as a gimmick, and the traffic is full.

"His determination is not only felt by everyone in our editorial department, but also by you who read this."

Many people tend to overlook the preface of a book, but the preface is actually very important.Liu Ruying will definitely read the preface when reading.And most importantly, in this issue of "Wei Ming" magazine, this preface is the only work that does not belong to Chen Ya.

While these people were chattering, Liu Ruying stretched out her hand to move the magazine over, gently flipped through the yellowed paper with her fingers, and opened the first page.

"In the end, it failed? In the end, they split the fire." Wu Zun said.

"But that's not the point," Liu Ruying said. "Isn't the point that Chen Ya wrote a poem casually, published it in the school magazine, and then it became popular?"

Wu Zun continued to browse the magazine in his hand, and said: "So, what is this for? Why are so many articles by Chen Ya published in this issue of "Wei Ming" magazine? Do you want to make him popular?"

"What kind of ambition is unrewarding? Nonsense!" Wu Zun immediately refuted, "Our teacher also talked about this poem. This poem is obviously a love poem! It describes love!"

Everyone only paid attention to those works of Chen's that Bai Yujing had lined up with arrogance, but ignored an obvious place in the catalogue.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, this is the first way to express your ambition," Xia Yingji said, "Look, one string and one column of thinking about China's years, this is lamenting the waste of time, the foundation of Chinese reading comprehension. don't know?"

"How is this possible?" Wu Zun looked at the magazine in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't believe it, "So...these were all written by the same person? Are you sure this magazine wasn't stitched together?"

Liu Ruying shook her head: "I don't think that's the case, his attitude is like, 'What? In other words, it is really like this, it seems that there are too many shocking things about him, so much that he doesn't bother to talk about it."

It only took two seconds for her eyes to turn from lax to concentrated. Then, she widened her eyes again and quickly flipped through the book, one page, two pages, and finally turned the entire magazine frantically, directly to the table of contents.

Liu Ruying pointed at the preface and carefully read it word by word:

The Three Heroes of Beichen are also the Three Heroes of the Eagle's Nest.Wu Zun only found out today that this person even wrote the preface to "Wei Ming".

"Where did Chen Ya get his dead wife?" Lu Qianzi said, making Si Chaoliang shut up.

"So... As the president of the school magazine, I will not take any blame. If you are angry about this result, please go to the author behind."

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger," Wu Zun said, "Pretend to be grandson first and then grandpa, show off your identity and shoot you to death, maybe rich people like this."

"Hi everyone, I am Ishikawa Dong, the current president of the school magazine. Our school magazine "Wei Ming" has also come to a historical issue, the 520th issue."

"Spring River Flower Moonlight Night" - Bai Yujing
"Will Enter the Wine" - Bai Yujing
"The Road to Shu" - Bai Yujing
"Meng Yin Tian Lao Yin Farewell" - Bai Yujing
"Climbing High" - Bai Yujing
"Jinse" - Bai Yujing

"What our teacher said is that this is a poem chanting things," Liu Ruying said, "the four lines in the middle of this poem are just in line with Se's four voices and emotions, so it is A poem chanting things written by a harp."

Liu Ruying had a vague impression at first, but now that I think about it, a few years ago, three poems including "Will Enter the Wine" were shown on TV, and a group of experts collectively criticized this poem for its poor aesthetic taste and quack style, saying that the author of the poem Being too arrogant requires a correct worldview.

Unexpectedly, the entire magazine was composed entirely of Bai Yujing's works.

She looked at Lu Qianzi, who shook her head.

Everyone looked at each other.

Moreover, it was all concentrated in this little magazine in his hand.

"Actually, before compiling this issue of "Wei Ming", I already realized that I was going to be blamed. Why should I be blamed? You should be able to understand after reading the catalog, so I won't say more."

She turned the magazine directly to the first page of the journal, the preface.

Wu Zun could not wait to stare a hole in that little magazine.

It turned out that this "folk expert" was actually Chen Ya.

Everyone looked at Liu Ruying, her slender onion-like fingers lightly rested on her chin, her beautiful eyes sparkled, as if she had thought of something, curiosity flowed from her eyes.

Lu Qianzi rolled her eyes and glared at Si Chaoliang: "What are you talking about? How could Chen Ya want to praise himself? If he wanted to praise himself, why did he use a pseudonym? Why didn't he reveal his real name when he became popular?"

Liu Ruying looked over, and saw that in the simple catalog of "Wei Ming" magazine, they were arranged like this——

Others also noticed Liu Ruying's discovery, and they came closer. Wu Zun was the first to notice, pointed at Shi Chuandong's name, and slapped Xia Yingji's arm frantically.

This Bai Yujing quietly and naturally occupied all the pages of "Wei Ming" magazine, including poetry, novels, essays, essays, all categories, and every section, with the banner of Bai Yujing planted.


For a while, the classroom was silent.

Nearly half of the articles in this magazine had appeared before his eyes at some point in time.

"No," Xia Yingji shook his head, "Why would our school magazine do such a thing? Even if the students of the school magazine want to make a big news like this, the review teacher will not agree."

"Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" - Bai Yujing
"Autumn in the Old Capital" - Bai Yujing
"I and the Temple of Earth" - Bai Yujing

As a result, those experts were bombarded by a group of literary bigwigs at that time, especially some professors from Beijing University, who published an unknown number of articles to justify the names of the three poems, which seemed to be a bit of a polemic.

At that time, she only regarded this incident as an irrelevant topic of conversation in her life, and she didn't pay much attention to how and who the author was.

"Dead wife..."

Liu Ruying said: "What's wrong?"

Not to mention mentioning it, he doesn't look like he can write poetry at all.

The most shocking thing is that five people read a poem, and five people have different interpretations.

No matter what, Wu Zun couldn't match his youthful fantasies about the author of this poem with the image of Chen Ya who was raised by a rich woman.

"Yes, "Jinse" only became popular three years ago, and "Climbing the High" seems to be the college entrance examination paper that was taken five years ago. I even took the real reading test," Lu Qianzi said, "and the following short stories are all popular intermittently. , I didn’t even know there were these articles before the fire.”

"Also," Liu Ruying said again, "this poem was published in the school magazine five years ago, and we went to high school two or three years ago, that is to say, this poem became popular once two or three years ago. , almost all the students in the whole country know this poem, but has Chen Ya mentioned this matter even once?"

"This time we received a total of more than 300 submissions. In order to ensure an objective public, we adopted a blind selection model, covering the author's name from beginning to end. A total of 6 poems and 8 articles were selected. Well, we finally found that It's all... that person's."

table of Contents:

In the entire catalog, in the column of the author, the words Bai Yujing from top to bottom are strangely neat like a military parade, as if their existence is a necessity.

Foreword - Ishikawa Dong

Lu Qianzi murmured, "Yes..."

After reading the whole preface, Liu Ruying frowned even deeper.

Wu Zun made a pause gesture, and said: "It seems that when everyone was in high school, the teacher talked about this poem, so good, let's let Liu Xiaohua talk about it and see what she thinks, shall we?"

Si Chaoliang froze, as if it was indeed the case.

"What is this? If I remember correctly, "Wei Ming" should be the school magazine of Peking University, not someone's personal column?" Lu Qianzi grinned.

Lu Qianzi shook her head, she didn't know why she shook her head, put down the magazine in her hand, and turned another page.

Shi Chuandong, one of the three heroes of Beichen, is currently the CTO of Beichen.

Wu Zun straightened up, and said: "Let me sum it up, this is the 520th issue of "Wei Ming", because of a certain incident, everyone scrambled to submit articles to the magazine, and as a result, this Chen Ya, that is, Bai Yujing, submitted a hundred articles. In the end, this issue of the school magazine was full of him. This is why this issue of the school magazine was dominated by Bai Yujing."

Si Chaoliang asked in a daze, "Then, why are they vying to contribute to the school magazine?"

Wu Zun shrugged and said: "I don't know, the above didn't say that."

"The "Wei Ming" edition dispute," Lu Qianzi said suddenly, "I see, this is what Professor Jin Rubing said before, the "Wei Ming" edition competition incident!"

(End of this chapter)

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