Chapter 272 271. Is This Just Xiaoshuai?
If death is regarded as a dividing line, after death, there will be an endless long time, and its scale can be regarded as a huge, surging darkness.

If birth is also regarded as a demarcation point, similarly, before birth, an almost endless, long time has passed, and it is also a huge, solidified darkness.

From birth to death, at the two ends of life, there are two huge darkness dormant not far away, and in the middle of these two darkness is the only warm and bright life zone for each person.

Life is a swaddling baby floating in the great darkness, the only known region worth living on.So, why do we not love life?
Lu Aia thought so too.Or at least she agrees with the point that "the two ends of life and death are two huge darkness".

But...she looked up at the endless night sky and the twinkling stars behind the black telescope—as a student of astrophysics, she didn't think that darkness was not worth living in, did she?


The scarlet Audi A8 was parked at the gate of the Peking University campus, the door popped open, and slender legs wrapped in skinny jeans, stepping on beige boots, protruded from the door.

Lu Qingxuan had just come out of the gym and didn't have time to dress up. Her sweat-soaked sports short sleeves were messy and tangled under her seemingly neat coat. After going all the way, the sweat dried up.

Holding the mobile phone, she walked all the way to the location Lu Xizi told her, and opened the door. She saw that the light passed through the narrow window grille and flying dust, and in the illuminated room, several students were discussing and spitting.

"...Chen Ya must be trying to confess his love to someone, okay? Otherwise, why would he occupy the page of this issue? Find out if there is any hidden content in his article, maybe you can find someone to confess to."

Seeing this, Lu Qianzi and Liu Ruying explained to Lu Qingxuan.After Lu Qingxuan listened, she frowned thoughtfully.

When everyone turned their heads, Xia Yingji and Wu Zun saw Lu Qingxuan, with bewildered and helpless expressions on their faces.

"I also think it's unlikely that it's for the sake of confession. What's the point of confession if you have such literary talents. But it may still be related to love and love. You can see that the number of this issue of "Wei Ming" is 520. There must be something to say. "

Miao Aoxue was staying at home at this time.Since Jiang Lizhi came back last time, she was so annoyed that she didn't go out for the past few days and stayed at home.

"Isn't it just your phone call?"

"Miao Aoxue." Lu Qingxuan said, "She was at Beijing University at that time."

"Explain to me, why did the discussion get to Chen Ya's confession?"

"Everyone, stop for a second. Isn't the point of Shi Chuandong writing the preface for this issue? Beichen Sanjie!"

"I have a question for you about Chen Ya."

Last time at Jiang Lizhi's auction, Miao Aoxue slapped her hard, and she also taunted her mercilessly. Her expression at that time was like a dog in water.

At that time, Lu Qingxuan thought that he would never have anything to do with this woman again in his life, and it was even less likely that he would need to ask her for help. Unexpectedly, within two days, he would need to find her.

Lu Qingxuan shook her head: "I don't know. My university was studied abroad. I don't understand any contention or jealousy."

"Sister Qingxuan, you're here." Lu Qianzi clasped her hands together in front of her, a little cautiously, "We were just discussing some... conjectures, not facts..."

She didn't really want to make the call.

Miao Aoxue was a little surprised, she didn't expect to be asked about the past few years ago, but she still replied:
"The competition for "Wei Ming" was a big hit in the school back then. To be honest, many students in school knew it, so why ask me?"

Everyone was slightly disappointed after hearing this, and Lu Qingxuan immediately said: "However, I know there is one person who definitely knows about this matter."

Although she seemed to be a bit of a rogue after mocking others with a shy face and then contacting them with a back foot, Lu Qingxuan was not a rogue.As long as a beautiful girl does such a thing, a rascal is also cute.

This question made Lu Qingxuan speechless for a moment, but then immediately said: "I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me."

This girl's personality is a bit annoying, but the relationship between her and Chen Ya at that time did seem a bit unusual. If anyone could know the inside story, it must be her.

"Then, unexpectedly, all the pages were taken over by a little librarian!" Miao Aoxue said here, with an arc on her lips, "I have to say, at that time he Still a little handsome."

Receiving a call from Lu Qingxuan was a bit unexpected to her, and there was a bit of sour irony in her voice, but Lu Qingxuan didn't care at all, and said straight to the point:

"What's the matter, why do you still ask me? Why don't you ask him directly?" Miao Aoxue picked a fake flower with her hand.

Hearing this, Wu Zun gasped heavily and almost exploded.

The witch of the Lu family has a great reputation and an astonishingly strong aura, which is extremely lethal to the little boys who haven't left the campus.

Lu Qingxuan pursed her thin lips, walked into the classroom, reached out and knocked on the door twice:
"Who does Chen Ya want to confess to?"

Lu Qingxuan was a little depressed.What about seniors and juniors?

"Oh, yes!" Liu Ruying covered her mouth.She also remembered this person.

"It's definitely not a confession. Take a poem of the level of "Willing to Drink" just to confess to a girl? If I write this poem, I'm sorry girl, who are you? Go in line."

It was not easy for Lu Qingxuan to correct her, so she asked directly: "What happened to the competition for the edition of "Wei Ming" in Beijing University back then? Do you know? Why did Chen Ya publish so many poetry articles?"

"I'm surprised you're calling me."

"Then should I call her and ask her?" Liu Ruying asked.

Lu Qingxuan walked over and sat down on the table, with her slender legs hanging down, they were actually much higher than the table, the visual effect was astonishing.

"And it happened a long time ago." Liu Ruying added, and Lu Qianzi nodded quickly.

"What you said is too complicated. Following Occam's razor, I still believe in confession. Chen Ya probably wants to confess to a certain girl..."

"Huh? Talk, who is Chen Ya going to confess to?"

After thinking for a long time, Lu Qingxuan let out a "tsk" and took out her mobile phone.

Lu Qingxuan thought for a while.

"But it's obvious that this matter is not only related to him? You see in the preface, 'due to well-known reasons', what is the reason? And he said it as if many people are arguing about this What is the reason for the layout of the issue?"

Everyone cast a questioning look at her.

"Oh," Miao Aoxue smiled softly, "The so-called competition for the edition of "Wei Ming" means that many talents from the Chinese department fought together for the page of "Wei Ming" magazine, because that issue was the 520th issue, and everyone wanted to Occupy a little more space."

"Sister Lu... Senior, this incident should have happened when you were in college. Have you heard of the competition for the edition of "Wei Ming" back then?"

Lu Qingxuan turned her mobile phone to hands-free, and when she heard Miao Aoxue's words, her eyes became eager, and she asked: "And then?"

She quickly dialed Miao Aoxue's number, and soon, the girl's voice came from there.

"So, why don't you ask me?" Miao Aoxue said in a mocking tone, and immediately said seriously, "You may think of me as a senior, but I'm not a senior. Even if you ask me, I don't know much. "

After a while, she realized that Miao Aoxue had misunderstood. She thought that Lu Qingxuan and Chen Ya had become a couple, and she came here to consult her about love affairs.


What does it mean to be a little "handsome"?
To be able to write so many masterpieces is simply an explosion, right?
Lu Qingxuan asked: "Then, is that all?"

"What else do you want to know?"

Lu Qingxuan tidied up her words: "As far as I know, Chen Ya is not the kind of person who would do such boring things for no reason. I don't think he would do such meaningless acts of fighting for popularity. He is very capable in doing things. Purpose."

"Hmph, it seems that you know him quite well." Miao Aoxue smiled, "Then let me tell you, the reason why he did this is because I posted on the school forum that I would be in the 520th issue. Among all the authors of the "Unknown" magazine, randomly select a date."

(End of this chapter)

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