Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 273 272. Dating all the girls in school?

Chapter 273 272. Dating all the girls in school?

"Huh? You said you picked a random date?? You?"

Hearing this answer, Lu Qingxuan was shocked at first.

What shocked her was not the bet itself, but what shocked her——

There are still people rushing to submit articles just to date Miao Aoxue?

Are you blind?
What's more, how could Chen Ya submit more than 100 manuscripts to the magazine for Miao Aoxue?
Is it because he was young and never saw a woman?Or was she obsessed with ghosts and was PUAed by Miao Aoxue?
Isn't it just an appointment, as for rushing forward for fear of missing a good opportunity?

If you want to say that you want to date a girl, it doesn't take so much effort. If you ask me a few nice words, I will definitely agree to it, okay? !

In Lu Qingxuan's first reaction, she had no scruples about Miao Aoxue's feelings at all. This undisguised contempt hurt the other party deeply.

"Me? What's wrong with me? You don't believe that the reason for the version competition is because of me, do you?" Miao Aoxue said in a sharp voice, "I was also the school belle of Beijing University back then!"

Xia Yingji and the others turned their attention to Liu Ruying - now, this is the one who has inherited the title of school belle.I don't know how she will feel when she hears Miao Aoxue's words.

Could it be that Chen Ya actually wanted to monopolize half of the girls in Beijing University by himself?

When Lu Qingxuan and the others listened, they were a little fascinated.

After Wu Zun listened, he nodded thoughtfully.

Miao Aoxue said: "Ishi Chuandong is very cute. He kowtows everywhere and asks people to contribute to him. I don't know which girl looks at him pitifully. She joked that when the school magazine reaches the 520th issue, a random author will be picked on it for a date."


"At that time, the topic of looking for Bai Yujing caused a lot of trouble in Beijing University. Not only the girls who had made a bet came to him, but also the boys who were not convinced in the Chinese Department. After about a month, finally Ishi Chuandong couldn't bear it and asked him to confess. , to expose his true identity.

Although Lu Qingxuan said so, his momentum was still a bit weaker.

After all, Miao Aoxue was right on point, the decline of the Lu family seemed to be fading away, everyone could see it, and she had no way to refute it.

"Which girl is not you?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "He can be regarded as a legendary figure." Wu Zun and other Eagle Nest people nodded frantically behind.

"Indeed, it's enough to know that there was such an anecdote at the time, but the seniors back then were really tough, and there was such a thing as randomly picking someone on a date." Wu Zun nodded in agreement, his expression seemed to be "hate!" could not have been born at that time."

The number of copies of "Wei Ming" magazine has always been very small, less than [-] copies. It is said that it was really impossible to sell before, and [-] copies, maybe [-] copies, will be donated to the library.

But the current school magazine is selling very well for some reason, and the school magazine has a balance of income and expenditure, so the funds are sufficient.

Liu Ruying said from the side: "You shouldn't have ridiculed her, tell her she's dead, and now there's no clue."

"What's the reason? Tell me in detail?"

"The Lu family is not considered a big family now, right?" Miao Aoxue said leisurely, "Li Jiayi of my family may not be as good as Jiang Lizhi's boss from now on, but with the backing of the Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, It may not be much worse than the Lu family, right?"

After Miao Aoxue finished speaking, she asked in a daze, "So, he hasn't dated any girls?"

"Why, Miss Lu, you look down on people, don't you?"

The muscles on Lu Qingxuan's face twitched, and he said, "You may have misunderstood, I have no idea about him."

She asked, "So, you're just following suit, right?"

Lu Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "The Lu family is the Lu family, and I am me. I just laughed at you for picking sesame seeds and throwing away watermelon. What's the matter with the Lu family?"

Sometimes Wu Zun wonders, in this age of declining paper media, so many newspapers rely on apportionment, and a small copy of "Wei Ming" is all contributed by students in the school. How can so many people be willing to pay for it?
Miao Aoxue continued: "In my class, the president of the school magazine was Shi Chuandong. You should know that he later became the founder of Beichen."

What she meant was that Lu Qingxuan had no right to laugh at her.


"If you want to talk about following the trend, everyone is following the trend. In fact, it has become a stalk. At that time, at least half of the girls in Beijing University participated in this gambling game. Half of the girls said that they would draw someone on the 520th issue of "Wei Ming". .”

"I talked about this topic with Chen Ya, and from his response, he doesn't know how to operate himself, and he doesn't know how to exchange his talents for money. I thought at the time that he was completely unmotivated, so I gave up on him.

She would never tell Li Jiayi that she felt uncomfortable because she regretted why she didn't firmly grasp Chen Ya's potential stock at the beginning, and now she regrets so much that her guts are green.

"That issue of "Wei Ming" was very exciting. Many of the verses and golden sentences became campus buzzwords back then. Everyone was talking about Bai Yujing, but few people knew that Bai Yujing's real identity was actually sitting in the A librarian.

Lu Qingxuan was not on the level of "smoke from being so angry", but it was still somewhat annoying.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's take a look inside," Xia Yingji took out the piles of documents from the filing cabinet, "put them on the table, let's search together, and we learned so much from just one magazine." , Turn them all up, won’t it be all clear?”

"How is it possible? There were thousands of girls at that time, how could they all date him?" Miao Aoxue said, "However, after the 520th issue of "Wei Ming" came out, Chen Ya was really busy at that time, busy with coping those girls.

"That's right," Wu Zun looked back at him, "The witches of the Lu family are like this."

The idea is very happy, but the reality is very skinny.If you dig through the materials, you can only get a bunch of rotten materials, and you can't get the answers you want.

"At that time, many boys were writing articles for "Wei Ming" for me. Boys have always been like this, and they lose their minds when they are competitive." Miao Aoxue said with a smile, as if recalling the glorious past, her face Also brought a bit of brilliance.

Lu Qingxuan pouted and said: "It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about clues, isn't this cabinet full of clues? Need to ask her? Besides, we don't need to ask the bottom line to find out, no matter who he was for back then, now it's a clue. Bachelor."

"Among those girls, some made a bet and wanted to cash it out, while some didn't make a bet at all, but went to fish in troubled waters, because everyone admired his literary talent, and they all became fangirls... and then he simply asked for sick leave , just to hide from those girls, I never went back to the library because of this illness."

Lu Qingxuan murmured: "Then who is he doing for?"

"It's not me. Someone else. I don't know who it is, because many people later said that they were the first." Miao Aoxue said.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with a "snap", somewhat vindictive.

"If you really have no idea, why would you ask Miss Lu to condescend and ask questions without shame? After all, Miss Lu, you look down on me," Miao Aoxue gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "You Just check it out slowly, I don’t know too much, even if I know, I don’t want to talk about it, goodbye!~”

"In a short time, countless people almost broke through the threshold of the library. Chen Ya was sitting in the library, and every two minutes, a girl would go over to talk to him. No one in the library could study at ease.

Lu Qingxuan asked: "I'm a little curious right now. Chen Ya dominated the entire 520 issues. Those girls who promised to pick random boys to date, did they all really date Chen Ya?"

After hearing this, Lu Qingxuan turned around and looked at Liu Ruying, Wu Zun and others.

Lu Qingxuan's face suddenly darkened.

"Not all of them were rejected," Miao Aoxue said. "He still went out with a very few girls. According to people's observations, they were the most beautiful girls in Beijing University. Among them was me."

"Maybe it is, who knows," Miao Aoxue said, "At that time, everyone said it as a joke, because when this meme appeared, "Wei Ming" was still far away from the 520th issue, and when the 520th issue came out, this meme It was on fire again, and everyone started to panic."

"Miao Xiaohua, there is another question. Since Chen Ya had so much inspiration and talent at that time, why wasn't he famous?" Lu Qingxuan frowned and asked, "Do you know the reason?"

"What do you mean?"

Scared to death.Lu Qingxuan patted her chest.I was almost fooled just now, and almost thought that Chen Ya was really angry because of Miao Aoxue and submitted the article.

"Hmph." Miao Aoxue sneered.

Miao Aoxue was still very restless at first, but suddenly she thought about it, her mind opened up, and she picked her fingernails and said with a smile:
"Hmph, Second Miss Lu, you are very happy to laugh at me now. In a few years, I don't know who is laughing at whom."

Hearing what she said, Lu Qianzi thought that she felt somewhat spiritually triumphant, but for some reason, she suddenly felt a little happy, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, they are all bachelors."

"It has nothing to do with whether you look down on me or not," Lu Qingxuan tried her best to maintain a smiling expression, "If he wrote 100 masterpieces back then, it was just to get a chance to go on a date with you, how could he be a stranger to you now? ?”

"You...huh!" Miao Aoxue was not as articulate as Lu Qingxuan, so she was angry and silent at the time.

She still hid half a word without saying - "This is somewhat green tea in it".

It's embarrassing to always be thought that you like Chen Ya.

"That is to say, Chen Ya didn't submit the article for you. He did it for 'a certain' girl he cared about among the girls who promised to randomly pick a boy to date. Right?" Lu Qingxuan asked .

Lu Qingxuan deliberated for a while, and said, "So, Miao Xiaohua, did you make this announcement to provoke jealousy among the boys?"

The boss of Jiang Lizhi's company and the son of Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, Chen Ya was chosen [-] times, but she actually did something like picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons, how could she not regret it?
Now that Lu Qingxuan's words hit her sore spot, she became a little restless.

"With all due respect, I don't think his target should be you."

"But it turns out that I was wrong, and it's not that he's not unmotivated. So, I don't know why he wasn't popular at the time. All I know is that Miss Lu, you checked his past so seriously. According to Chen Ya's personality, , and I won’t be moved by you in the slightest.”

Miao Aoxue understood what she meant, and immediately said:

She looked down upon Chen Ya from a distance.

Xia Yingji looked up at her from the side, and was suddenly in awe of Liu Xiaohua—she dared to point out that the witch did something wrong.

"Actually, our Peking University's "Wei Ming" magazine had little influence at the beginning... well, it's not too big now." Miao Aoxue said, "The school's printing factory is pitifully small, so the president of the school magazine Crying every day about the lack of funds is something that everyone in the school knows."

Miao Aoxue said: "How do I know? I didn't hear that he married any girl. Anyway, I soon lost interest in him. Even if his goal is me, there is no chance."

A few days ago, after learning that Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss, Miao Aoxue had never left the house. Li Jia had asked her a few times, but she couldn't be coaxed well.

Her words were both asking Miao Aoxue and talking to herself.

Really handsome but three seconds.

Hearing Lu Qingxuan mercilessly poking Miao Aoxue's lung tube, Si Chaoliang couldn't help but commented in a low voice: "So aggressive..."

At first I thought he was a real hero who was not close to women, but in the end, LSP's nature still couldn't be hidden.

Due to historical reasons, the early "Wei Ming" was one of the positions of the standard-bearers, which has very important historical significance, far exceeding the influence that a school magazine can achieve.Later, times changed, and "Wei Ming" gradually returned to the standard of the school magazine, and it no longer had such a big influence.

"Anyway, I feel that he should have a goal, otherwise it would be impossible to go to extremes like this," Miao Aoxue speculated, "If it wasn't for the purpose of preventing the goddess I like from dating other people, I think No one should be so fierce."

A few people sat in Eagle's Nest's classroom, flipping through those materials for a whole afternoon, but found nothing.

Si Chaoliang, Wu Zun, and Xia Yingji were originally squatting aside, listening to Lu Qingxuan talking on the phone honestly, not daring to show their air.

Speaking of this, Lu Qingxuan suddenly realized.

"Of course not! I wasn't the only one who did this at the time... Well, there is a reason anyway, it's a long story."

Most of those materials are meeting records and development diaries of the first generation of Eagle's Nest, written by Shi Chuandong, Dai Sijie, and Huang Yifan, the three heroes of Eagle's Nest.

The minutes of the meeting are all about the facts, and rarely involve matters other than the discussed issues. There are still many missing parts in the development diary, which presumably involve important business information. Some materials were taken away and did not stay in Eagle's Nest.

Several people searched for an afternoon, and the only useful information they got was "Besides the three heroes of Beichen, there is another person in the founder. leave a name".

This person even gave them the feeling that his status was even higher than that of Beichen Sanjie, and in the notes of Sanjie, wherever this person was mentioned, he was referred to as "boss".

(End of this chapter)

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