Chapter 280 279. Marriage with Chen Ya
In Lu Qingxuan's eyes at Old Master Lu's birthday banquet, although the Lu family members kept their true emotions hidden, everyone explained themselves in the most appropriate way.She can see clearly.

The only person she couldn't understand was Chen Ya.The fundamental reason why she couldn't understand him was that she had never seen him since she tried to light the fireworks in the suburbs of Beijing that day.

She didn't want to act like she really wanted to see that person, but in fact she was waiting for Chen Ya to contact her every day, and this wait lasted for half a month.

Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet is imminent, but Chen Ya is still missing.She had no choice but to compromise, and called Lu Ruixiang to ask if Chen Ya was still alive.

"We don't know where Chen Ya has gone," Lu Ruixiang said, "He left in a hurry, and we don't even know if he's still in the capital..."

"In other words, he ran away, right?" Lu Qingxuan said emotionlessly, "Then he doesn't plan to attend the old lady Lu's birthday banquet tomorrow?"

"That's definitely not the case. He said that he will attend the birthday banquet."

"He should really attend," Lu Qingxuan's voice was still cold, "His seat is at the front, the table closest to the old man, and that seat is always empty, so it's not very good-looking."

Lu Ruixiang didn't know that Chen Ya's position was arranged at the front, but she was a little surprised when she found out, and asked:

"Why is he sitting there? Isn't he sitting in the side hall with our family?"

Lu Qingxuan nodded to these people one by one, with a decent smile on his face, but his eyes were searching everywhere.

"Hey, Miss Lu, Liu Xiaohua, long time no see."

Lu Ruixiang pinched the phone, her knuckles turned white due to too much force, and her palms were covered with sweat. She said dryly:

"Are you still studying?"

"He knows." Liu Ruying nodded, "But he didn't take it to heart."

Moreover, even if he finished dealing with this matter, would he appear at the birthday banquet?

"No," Lu Qingxuan tidied up her expression and mood, "I just feel like I've been cheated."

All she wanted to know now was what happened to Chen Ya.

"Huh?" Lu Qingxuan felt that the more she said, the more outrageous she became.

Lu Qingxuan was about to invite Liu Ruying to a seat, but she saw Grandma and Committee Member Gao from a distance, so she and Liu Ruying came up to greet the two elders.

Liu Ruying came as a representative of the Liu family.Among the aristocratic families, although the strength of the Liu family is slightly weaker, due to the special relationship between the Liu family and the Lu family, people from the Liu family are also placed in quite important positions.

Grandma Tai smiled even wider, took her hand and said: "Yes, she looks very dignified, talks well, and has a good education. Our Lu family and Liu family had a good relationship in the past, and we saw that the next generation of the Liu family is more promising than us. I'm happier when my children are promising."

Of course, Lu Qingxuan herself is also good enough, and her blessings are beyond the envy of others.

Some Lu family children stood by, watching the old lady holding Lu Qingxuan's hand and whispering softly, they couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Fortunately, Lu Qingxuan was sitting, otherwise, she would not be able to stand still now.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Qingxuan pulled an evil smile from the corner of his mouth.

All the wealthy families in the capital circle have come here.

"Miss Lu?"

"That won't work."

Lu Qingxuan thought blankly for a while, and finally shook her head.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Zuo Wenzong really got some important information about the country and used it to seek refuge with external forces, what does it have to do with Chen Ya?
At best, Chen Ya is just the boss of another company, and his size may not be comparable to that of Taimei. What does Zuo Wenzong's matter have to do with him?
Lu Qingxuan said: "Is he planning to use this rumor to speculate and find a way to get some benefits?"

"Who is your marriage with?"

Mingyue Building was completed 10 years ago, and it has been 10 years since now. The owner of the 85th floor restaurant has billions of dollars in assets. At this time, he is standing at the entrance of the lobby with his hands rubbed and bowed, greeting every guest who comes here.

Lu Qingxuan frowned: "Is it about the boss of Taimei Group? That incident feels quite nonsensical, shouldn't it be true?"

In the entire corridor, no matter it was the waiters, servants, managers, or the children of other aristocratic families, wealthy businessmen, and rich people, all their eyes were on Lu Qingxuan, and they lingered on her face like a flower of the high mountains.

Lu Qingxuan looked at her in surprise, she had only heard of this relative before, but she didn't know that Liu Ruying was the one who got married.

She herself felt that her voice was hollow, as if floating on the surface of the world.

Even the most ordinary Lu family's children unconsciously puffed up their chests today.As a wealthy family, the Lu family's grand occasion today is a concentrated and intuitive display of its influence.How can this make people not proud?

She forced a smile and said, "I've heard that there was such a period of marriage with fingertips. I was still wondering who would have such a life experience like a romantic drama. It turned out that it was you. By the way, Chen Ya and his do you know?"

Lu Qingxuan remembered something again, and said to Mrs. Yu: "Grandma, have you seen Chen Ya today?"

"Where did Chen Ya go?"

It is still early to leave the banquet, and there are not many people in the main hall. Most of the people who came here early are the children of the Lu family. empty.

Lu Qingxuan's mood suddenly sank.Liu Ruying's voice became smaller and smaller: "I've seen it."

Apart from Chen Hai gnashing his teeth with jealousy, her small family meeting didn't achieve any results, and Chen Ya still couldn't get in touch.

Behind everyone's backs, Lu Qianzi quietly sent a message to Chen Ya:
"You really don't plan to come tomorrow?"

The door of the sightseeing elevator opened, and there was a rhythmic sound of high heels touching the ground. Lu Qingxuan walked out of the elevator surrounded by many people.

"You don't need to work hard today. Just enjoy the banquet, just like the daughter of the Liu family. You don't need to do other chores."

Liu Ruying looked at her expression, and suddenly said, "Do you have feelings for Chen Ya?"

After seeing Chen Ya, she once had the kind of erotic dream that only a young girl would have for a few days - after all, Chen Ya's appearance is still lethal.

"I'm just afraid that something will happen to him that won't let him go. If he can't come, he will delay something really important." Lu Qingxuan hurriedly helped Chen Ya make up for it.

After all, this kind of rumor is ridiculous when you think about it——Zuo Wenzong, the boss of a company, how could he have anything to do with the word treason?

"Grandma thinks highly of him."

"Ah?" Lu Qingxuan suddenly sat up straight, immediately turned her face and said, "What are you talking about, why do you think so?"

Liu Ruying replied politely: "I belong to the Liu family."

From her point of view, Chen Ya didn't take this marriage seriously, nor did he take himself seriously.

Liu Ruying hesitated for a moment, and said, "He asked me to help with some things."

After seeing Liu Ruying, Lu Qingxuan walked over and said, "Did you find Chen Ya?"

Don't look at Wu Zun like this, in fact, Wu Zun is also a child of a serious family, otherwise he would not easily mix with Xu Dashao, Xia Yingji and others.

"Are you the eldest or the second?"

Lu Qingxuan frowned, and seemed to be talking to himself: "He hasn't shown up for several days, and I don't know if he will come to the birthday banquet today..."

Grandma Tai said, "Chen Ya? I haven't seen it before."

She stepped on crystal high-heeled shoes, and her well-proportioned calves were as white and flawless as jade. It may be because it was cold outside just now, and her ankles were a little red, but it made her jade legs look even more attractive.

As soon as she saw Liu Ruying, Grandma smiled and said, "This girl is so beautiful, which family are you from?"

"En." Liu Ruying nodded.

Lu Ruixiang quickly summoned the whole family—the whole family except Chen Ya—and told Lu Qingxuan the content of the call with her, and asked them to do their best to contact Chen Ya.

Crowds in twos and threes came dressed up, Rolls Royce, Porsche, and luxury cars from all walks of life drove into the parking lot.

She is a side branch of the Lu family, and she is not as well-informed as other Lu family members. This is the first time she knows that Gu Yuqing will also come to the old lady Lu's birthday banquet.

Lu Qingxuan contributed a lot to this birthday banquet, and the old lady likes it. In the future, if there are any good things in the family, she will be given priority.

Liu Ruying looked at her silently.Her reaction couldn't be more obvious, how could she not know what she was thinking?
You can lie to me, don't fool yourself.

Sure enough, after the news, the stock price of Taimei Group immediately began to fluctuate and decline, but this decline was only temporary and it rebounded soon.

When passers-by saw this battle, they were all startled and confused—which celebrity in the capital was holding a party?Judging by the number of these cars, at least half of the wealthy families in the smaller circle have come here.

This news briefly caused an uproar within the Lu family, because, after all, the Lu family is the major shareholder of Taimei Group and has important connections in terms of funds.

"By the way, Chen Ya hasn't shown up these days," Lu Qingxuan said, "Do you have any contact with him?"

So the Lu family also thought that this was just fake news.

Liu Ruying hesitated for a while, and said, "It's from everyone."

Two beautiful girls of the same level walked towards the main hall, one behind the other, attracting everyone's attention.

"No." Liu Ruying just stared blankly at the direction of the main hall door, "He asked me to collect some information. I feel, as if, someone from the state department is looking for Chen Ya's help..."

Chen Ya had never used "serious" to describe anything, which made Lu Qianzi a little worried.

"Yes." Lu Qingxuan nodded.

When Lu Qingxuan heard the word "treason" for the first time, she almost subconsciously thought it was a rumor and was waiting to refute it.

Lu Qingxuan didn't know about her engagement with Chen Ya, so she gave her a strange look.

"You came quite early." Lu Qingxuan nodded at him.

Except Lu Qianzi.

Seeing this line of words, Lu Qianzi turned off the phone screen calmly.

Liu Ruying said: "Now it seems that my marriage is not important anymore, and the old man may have forgotten about it. Maybe in the end, no one will mention it."

Lu Qingxuan's gaze collided with someone who was also searching for something.

She didn't tell Lu Ruixiang that Chen Ya's seat was actually due to her arrangement and various coincidences, which caused Lu Ruixiang to think about it after listening, and directly gasped.

After hearing this, Lu Qingxuan calmed down a little, and said, "Grandma, I don't think it's hard. Everything is based on others. For me, it's easier because I'm used to it."

She shook her hand and said, "Don't worry about him. If he doesn't come, then he won't come. I'll let someone arrange it. Go and take your seats."

After all, the word "treason" sounds too sensational.

On the side, Wu Zun came over knocking melon seeds, and sat next to the two of them.

"No." Liu Ruying shook her head dejectedly, "Maybe he won't come."

After all, it is a legal society now, if the two of them are not interested, no one can force them to marry.

But soon, her erotic dream was shattered by Chen Ya's uncomprehending behavior of a straight man.

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying said goodbye together, and returned to their seats. After sitting down for a long time, the two asked each other at the same time:

Lu Qingxuan bit her lip and smiled forcedly: "That is to say, you both knew from the beginning that you are each other's marriage partner? I didn't know until today. You are also considered... very strange."

Liu Ruying repeatedly thanked Grandma for her concern, and Grandma said: "The old man has always cared for the juniors of your Liu family as if they were his own. I remember, he even made a marriage promise to your family. Is it you?"

"That's good, that's good," Grandma Tai nodded repeatedly, looked at Lu Qingxuan again, and said, "Qingxuan, you have worked hard these days."

"We will definitely find Chen Ya and ask him to attend on time. However, we really can't contact him recently. If he can't attend the birthday banquet tomorrow, can you adjust his behavior?"

He didn't say it.

She knew that because of this phone call, Lu Ruixiang would definitely try her best to put pressure on Chen Ya.But this can't be blamed on Lu Qingxuan, it's all his own fault - who made him disappear?
But Lu Ruixiang, who finished talking with her, focused on something else entirely.

Grandma held Lu Qingxuan's hand, she looked distressed, and said:
"Actually, in your generation, I value you the most. It's just that you have a strong temper and refuse to bow your head. In the future, you will have to work harder than others. But with your personality, it is also the easiest to make a career. of."

It's just that his painting style is different from that of other people. He considers himself a geek and never wears a suit or leather shoes. Even on this formal occasion today, he only wears a jacket.

"Yes, studying as an undergraduate at Peking University."

"Miss Lu, this way you go."

Both of them had a meal, and then Liu Ruying answered first: "According to Aunt Lu Ruixiang's family, I will marry Chen Ya."

But on the bright side, even if Mrs. Lu took it seriously, the two of them might not get married.

The suspense of whether Chen Ya would show up was kept until the day of the birthday banquet.


"Actually, for me, it's fine if he doesn't come, so as to avoid... embarrassment." Liu Ruying said seriously.

"Qingxuan, long time no see!"

Lu Qingxuan just said so simply.But it cannot be said that there was no threat in her words.

Although his jacket is worth tens of thousands of dollars, it still looks very rustic.

Liu Ruying's face turned red, "It's me."

"I know where your seat is, come with me."

Today's Liu Ruying was wearing a black dress and long dress, her slender figure was not much better than that of Lu Qingxuan.She was already very good-looking, but with the appropriate amount of makeup on her face, she was even more glamorous.

"Adjustment? How to adjust? Do you know who is sitting at that table? Qin Yunchu, Gu Yuqing... If you adjust, how complicated it will become, have you ever thought about it? It may even cause trouble with Grandma Go. I don't want my grandma to know about it."

Old lady Yu said with a smile: "This haven't realized the hard work I said. When you get to my age, you will understand everything when you look back. However, children and grandchildren have their own blessings." , my old lady will not talk too much about your thoughts."

"I don't know what is the use of what he asked me to do. I only know that it has something to do with the recent rumor about Taimei Group."

"Ah, it's you."

When Commissioner Gao heard this, he was immediately displeased, and said aside: "What day is it today, why can't he come?"

The "that incident" of the boss of Taimei Group that the two people said refers to a rumor that was recently on the hot search and was immediately taken down——

"What? He's still in contact with you?" Lu Qingxuan's eyes lit up.

Their predictions were wrong.Because more than half of the wealthy families from the small circle came.

Even in the entire history of Mingyue Building after its completion, today can be regarded as one of the most grand days.

It was Liu Ruying.

"Then, the seat of our family..."

Lu Ruixiang was so nervous that her breathing became uneven, and she quickly said, "Okay, we will definitely find him."

The red carpet paved the way, brocades were served on the table, and the lights were decorated.

"The one who got married is from Lu Ruixiang's family. I also saw that child. He is very talented. Have you seen him?"

Both girls have the same slender figure, amazingly long legs, and each has their own good looks, so they are naturally easy to attract people's attention, but their minds are not on others.

Speaking of this, Liu Ruying still felt a little resentment.

Lu Qingxuan forced a smile, and said: "It's not hard work, family affairs are my own affairs, and you should be tired."

And the Lu family actually arranged Chen Ya at Gu Yuqing's table, which is enough to show how high Chen Ya's status in the hearts of the grandma and the others has risen in the short month in the capital.

Grandma frowned.She has a headache for this rebellious Chen Ya.

The relationship between the Lu family and the Liu family is well known, and she doesn't think Mrs. Lu didn't take this marriage seriously.

At six o'clock in the evening, Mingyue Tower.

Today's Lu Qingxuan is dressed up, she changed her previous hairstyle, and made her hair into a dignified yet gorgeous lady's hairstyle. She is wearing a long skirt that looks like a European court aristocrat's attire. The fluffy skirt flutters, making her like Princess.

At this time, the people standing in the corridor saw Lu Qingxuan, their eyes lit up.

"Your family is still sitting in the side hall." Lu Qingxuan dispelled all Lu Ruixiang's illusions with one sentence.

After a while, a message quickly replied:
"I'm dealing with a serious matter. But it should be over by tomorrow."

Zuo Wenzong, the boss of Taimei Group, has been arrested on suspicion of "treason".

Everyone who called Chen Ya couldn't get through, and they didn't reply to his messages, as if they were missing.

"do not have it?"

"There's really nothing to do at home, so you can come over early to have fun." Wu Zun said.

Seeing Wu Zun's face, Lu Qingxuan suddenly remembered something again, and whispered to Liu Ruying:

"I remembered. Some time ago, I had a chat with Chen Ya. He told me a piece of information. I found it very interesting. I can share it with you."

 Thanks to the Tang Dynasty universe, you Hai Ge for the 1000 point reward~
  Thank you Mishenyin for your reward, thank you ptik1786913 for your reward~
  I forgot to thank you for the reward recently, and I will thank you at the end of tomorrow's chapter

(End of this chapter)

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