Chapter 281 280. (Thanks to Young Isaac Leader)

"Information? What information?"

Wu Zun at the side came over calmly, wanting to hear what Lu Qingxuan knew and found out.

"Before Chen Ya talked to me about his childhood, saying that his family was very poor when he was young, and he made a fortune by writing books, but I asked him what kind of books he wrote, and he refused to tell."

After Lu Qingxuan finished speaking, Liu Ruying and Wu Zun fell silent for a few seconds at the same time.

"Writing books to make money? Writing books? Is it a novel?" Liu Ruying opened her mouth slightly.

"He didn't say what the subject matter was. It might be a novel. After all, he said he made money from it. A kid in his teens can't make money from books like success studies, right?" Lu Qingxuan said lightly. Smile lightly.

Liu Ruying thought for a while, and said: "This is very important information. A genius boy in his teens earns money by publishing novels. There should be news reports about this."

"That's right," Lu Qingxuan said, "so I checked it with a search engine."

"How is the result?"

"I didn't find any relevant information," Lu Qingxuan shook her head. "I searched for keywords such as 'prodigy', 'young writer', etc., and only found a child who claimed to have written fantasy works at the age of 8, but that child was definitely not him."

Next to Wu Zun interjected: "How are you sure?"

Lu Qingxuan said: "The kid is from the capital city, firstly the location is wrong, and secondly, according to interviews, the kid's parents are intellectuals, and the novels he wrote are also seriously suspected of being hyped. Chen Ya should not have that condition. "

Wu Zun said thoughtfully: "Could it be that Chen Ya would actually pack it for himself? After all, it's a bit shocking to make money writing books at such a young age... Oh, by the way, Chen Ya is the author of "Jiangjinjiu" , that’s okay, pretend I didn’t say anything.”

The two girls ignored Wu Zun and continued the discussion just now.

"If you can't find any news, there are only two possibilities," Liu Ruying said, "The first is that the books Chen Ya wrote when he was a child are not well-known, so they can't be found online now."

"Hiss—" Lu Qingxuan felt that this kind of speculation was very rude to Chen Ya.

Wu Zun nodded and said:
"It's very possible, you see, you asked him what book it was, didn't he not answer? It shows that he might not want to lose face... But he wrote "Will Entering Wine" and didn't tell anyone... That's okay, when I did not say."

Lu Qingxuan ignored Wu Zun's self-promotion again, and said:

"This guess is unreasonable. If there is such a young child writing a novel, the publisher will definitely spare no effort to package it and tout it so that it will not leave a trace on the Internet."

Liu Ruying nodded: "I think so too, so I'm more inclined to the second possibility."


"No one knew at the time that the author was just a child. The publisher didn't know, so naturally they couldn't package it; the readers didn't know, so naturally no one hyped it up."

Lu Qingxuan was silent.

After a while, she said: "But it doesn't make sense. If he wanted to publish at that time, he must need an ID card, right? How could the publishing house not know that he is a child?"

"There are many ways to circumvent this. For example, he can use his mother's ID."

Lu Qingxuan shook her head: "I don't really believe that there are no rumors about this matter. Now that the Internet is so developed, it's weird that I can't find any relevant information."

Liu Ruying said: "But sometimes this kind of thing really happens, such as Jin Yong and Gu Long, if it wasn't because of the accidental exposure, who would know that these two people are the same person's vest? There are so many The works are all written by this man.”

Lu Qingxuan tilted her head and asked, "What happened to Jin Yong and Gu Long? What kind of melon is this?"

Liu Ruying's eyes widened slightly: "You don't know?"

"I have been abroad for the past few years, and the news channels in China are not very smooth."

"And do you know García Borges?"

Lu Qingxuan nodded: "I know, what's wrong?"

"He is actually the vest of Jin Yong and Gu Long."

"Huh?" Lu Qingxuan felt for a moment that she was joking.

Liu Ruying asked again: "Then do you know Hemingway Faulkner, Haruki Kawabata, Torstevsky?"

Lu Qingxuan smiled and said, "Don't tell me, these are vests."

"Yes, these are vests, and they are Jin Yong and Gulong vests." Liu Ruying said, "You don't know? These writers are also famous abroad, right?"

Lu Qingxuan was stunned: "When did this happen?"

"Probably more than half a year has passed, less than a year."

"I haven't seen any relevant news abroad... There may be news, but I skipped it." Lu Qingxuan sweated.

"Information cocoon." Wu Zun said suddenly, "This is the information cocoon effect. No matter how popular something is, there will always be people who have never heard of it."

"What is an information cocoon?" Liu Ruying looked at him.

"Information cocoons mean that there are massive amounts of information in the information society. In the process of receiving information, people wrap themselves up like silkworms spinning cocoons, and only receive the information they prefer, creating a kind of isolated situation."

Wu Zun continued: "For example, Liu Xiaohua, she knows this story very well, while Ms. Lu knows nothing, and I am somewhere in between. I only knew that there was a very powerful mysterious person before. Writer, I never knew before, that mysterious writer also used two vests, Jin Yong and Gu Long."

Wu Zun stared at Lu Qingxuan and said, "Maybe this is also the reason why Chen Ya can't be found. Everyone is trapped by the cocoon."

Liu Ruying bowed her head and thought for a while, then said: "When it comes to Jin Yong and Gu Long, I also think of it now, that mysterious writer also started writing at the age of twelve or thirteen, people at that time didn't know about it, maybe we The judgments are not accurate, the gimmick of 'child prodigy' may not be as alive as we imagined."

"The mysterious writer actually started writing at the age of twelve or thirteen? This is the first time I know that the power of the information cocoon room is too amazing," Wu Zun sighed. clear."

Liu Ruying smiled and shook her head: "I don't know this clearly because I studied Chinese. I know this because the mysterious writer's girlfriend is my sister!"

Wu Zun slapped his head: "Oh, that's right! Liu Ruyan, who wrote about cohabiting offside, belongs to the Liu family, and is your cousin!"

Lu Qingxuan didn't know what they were excited about, she was a little confused, waved her hand, and said:
"The topic is far away, isn't it about Chen Ya? Why did we talk about some mysterious writer, let's get back to the topic."

Liu Ruying smiled wryly: "Even if we get back to the topic, we don't have any more clues now."

Lu Qingxuan was speechless because Liu Ruying was right.

Perhaps, as Liu Ruying said, the gimmick of "child prodigy who writes novels" is not as viable as they imagined, either there was no hype at the time, or the information at that time did not survive to this day.

Now she has no idea to carry out the next investigation, and she is unwilling to give up this clue. When she was hesitating, she saw a commotion coming from the entrance of the main hall, and a figure in a pure white gauze skirt floated past.

With a thought, Lu Qingxuan said goodbye to the people at the same table, put down the handbag, and walked towards the direction where the hem of the skirt disappeared.

When passing by the corridor, she happened to bump into Lu Ruixiang.

"Aunt Lu Ruixiang, are you here?"

Lu Qingxuan greeted her. For some reason, she felt that the woman she called Auntie looked at her with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

She turned her head and saw that behind her, Chen Sheng, Lu Qianzi, and Chen Hai were all standing behind them, each of them was well-dressed, and Chen Hai was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking like an insurance salesman.

She immediately understood why Lu Ruixiang felt a little embarrassed looking at her - Chen Ya still didn't come with them.

"Still haven't found Chen Ya?" Lu Qingxuan tilted her head and asked, somewhat implying which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted.

"No, I didn't find it." Lu Ruixiang said awkwardly, "But Mrs. Lu's birthday is such a big event, he probably won't stop coming. His personality is a bit weird, but it's not like he doesn't know etiquette."

Lu Qingxuan nodded, knowing that Lu Ruixiang could do nothing about this matter, she leaned over to Chen Sheng and said:
"Uncle Chen Sheng, Chen Chi, Chen Ya's aunt, are you here too? Where is she?"

Chen Sheng obviously didn't expect that Lu Qingxuan would talk to him, he was caught off guard by the question, he hurriedly pointed to the other side of the corridor, and stammered:

"Ah, here she is, she's here, she got married today, and she's in the dressing room now..."

Lu Qingxuan asked politely: "Where is the dressing room? I want to say hello."

"Just ahead, turn left, there is a small wooden door, just push it open."

Lu Qingxuan saluted and left.

Both Chen Sheng and Lu Ruixiang were flattered, and when she walked away, Lu Ruixiang said:
"I heard before that the daughter of Lu Yuanbao's family is very good at coming. It turns out that she is so polite that she will go to greet the bride."

Chen Sheng glanced back at Chen Hai and said, "That's right, unlike some people, they don't even go to see their sister-in-law when she is getting married."

Chen Haili said bluntly: "The beauty of the bride should be reserved for the moment of the wedding. Isn't it impolite to disturb others now?"

Lu Ruixiang curled her lips and said, "You're just full of thoughts about his little Mr. Qin, wishing that your feet would take root on the ground."

Chen Hai chuckled, but didn't answer.

Indeed, as Lu Ruixiang said, when he heard that he could see Qin Yunchu, he was already very excited.

Chen Sheng said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Lu Qingxuan would come to visit my sister specially. It seems that Wei Mingzhe's job is really good, and his status in the family has improved."

Lu Qianzi slandered at the side, and muttered softly, "I went because of brother Chen Ya's face, okay?"

It's a pity that Chen Sheng didn't hear it.

The location of the dressing room that Chen Sheng pointed out was very accurate, and Lu Qingxuan found it quickly, knocked on the door, and a gentle voice came from inside:

"Please come in!"

Pushing the door open, only Chen Chi and a female makeup artist were in the room.The makeup artist was amazed at something about Chen Chi.

When Lu Qingxuan opened the door and came in, both of them looked at her.

"Ah, you are...Miss Lu from the Lu family?" Chen Chi was still relatively unfamiliar with Lu Qingxuan.

People say that the day of marriage is the most beautiful time for a woman, and it is true for Chen Chi.She was dressed up today, and she was wearing a gorgeous white gauze dress, which set off her beauty, and she couldn't tell that she was over 30 at all.

Lu Qingxuan nodded and said: "Today is your wedding, congratulations, I hope you will live happily ever after."

"Thank you!"

A few tears actually oozed from Chen Chi's eyes, he wiped them away with his fingers, and then said excitedly: "Today you are the first person to say that to me."

Today was a very good day, but it was not so good for Chen Chi. It was just in time for Mrs. Lu's birthday, and no one came to pay attention to Chen Chi's wedding.

Lu Qingxuan suddenly felt a little ashamed. In fact, she didn't really come here to congratulate Chen Chi on his wedding. She came here to ask Chen Chi about Chen Ya's affairs.

Lu Qingxuan tilted her head and asked: "Before I came in just now, I heard what you were talking inside, it seemed to be very intense, what are you talking about?"

The makeup artist blushed, and immediately said: "Oh, I'm talking about her wedding dress, it must have cost a lot of money, right? It's the same as the couture dresses of the stars I contacted."

Chen Chi said with a smile: "I don't know, my nephew gave it to me."

The makeup artist said: "Then your nephew is really kind to you. This wedding dress is at least a few hundred thousand, or at least estimated."

Chen Chi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "So expensive?"

"It's cheap." Lu Qingxuan said from the side, "It's possible for this wedding dress to cost tens of millions."

This number made Chen Chi a little unbelievable: "Miss Lu, are you kidding us?"

"No kidding, the price of a high-end set is outrageous. You see those celebrities walking on the red carpet, their dresses are not their own, they are all rented, and even the rent has to pay hundreds of thousands."

The makeup artist's hands stopped, and even Chen Chi was stunned.

Lu Qingxuan said: "This suit should have been obtained by Chen Ya from Jiang Lizhi. He is the boss of Jiang Lizhi's company, don't you know?"

Chen Chi shook his head, and said blankly: "He never tells me about himself."

Lu Qingxuan caught the opportunity and asked in time: "I remember, he seemed to say that he has a deep relationship with you, and he often communicated with you by letter. Did he never talk about himself?"

Chen Chi said with a smile: "In the beginning, he said a little bit, but then he only asked me and never talked about himself. I only found out later that he left his hometown after graduating from junior high school."

After a pause, Chen Chi said again: "Maybe he is afraid of exposing the fact that he left his hometown, and I might worry about him, so he never tells me about himself."

After finishing speaking, Chen Chi put a smile on his face, and said: "However, I knew when he was young that he will definitely be promising when he grows up. When I saw him before, he said that he was just an ordinary employee. I still don't believe it."

Lu Qingxuan asked again: "Then when he was a child, did he ever tell you that he was writing a novel?"

Chen Chi said: "Yes."

Lu Qingxuan's heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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