Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 282 281. You Are Destined to Regret

Chapter 282 281. You Are Destined to Regret
"That was when he was 12 years old, and he told me that he was going to write a groundbreaking novel and he would definitely make a lot of money."

"What groundbreaking subject?"

Lu Qingxuan couldn't help thinking about the development of domestic literature in recent years, and he couldn't think of any "groundbreaking" themes.

Chen Chi smiled bitterly: "I also want to know, but unfortunately, I still don't know what the subject matter he is talking about."

"You didn't ask him?"

Chen Chi smiled even more helplessly: "I didn't ask."

Lu Qingxuan was silent, Chen Chi said with a smile:

"You must be thinking, why am I indifferent to this matter, why am I not curious about my nephew's affairs?"

Lu Qingxuan felt a little embarrassed about Chen Chi's straight ball problem: "That's not true..."

"It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't believe it at all," Chen Chi told her. "I didn't believe that Chen Ya could write novels at all. After all, he was only 12 years old at that time!"

Lu Qingxuan was dumbfounded.

It feels like this picture is a bit familiar.

"So, you just took what he said as a joke, and didn't ask him? Then, how do you know that he really wrote a novel?"

Chen Chi smiled, his half-makeup face showing the color of memories:

"If I want to talk about this, I have to tell you what happened in the first few years when we first arrived in Beijing, but this story is a bit long, Miss Lu, you still have something to do..."

"I'm fine now." Lu Qingxuan's eyes were firm and her tone was firm, "Just chat before the wedding and help you relieve your tension."

Chen Chi looked at her gratefully and nodded, as if he was very grateful for her understanding, then he sorted out his thoughts, and then slowly began to say:
"That was when my brother brought me to the capital for the first two years. In the first year, because we were not familiar with the way of life in the capital, we bumped into walls everywhere and suffered a lot. Later, we finally settled down.

"We found a basement with a monthly rent of 1000 yuan. Although it is dark and damp, it has enough space for three people to live in. It is much better than the previous rental house that reminded the people next to it to stretch their legs.

"At that time, there was a policy that some schools were specially opened to the children of migrant workers. Both Chen Ya and I went to school there. Although the quality of education was not good, at least we could go to school.

"Our life is difficult. But I know that the sister-in-law who stayed in my hometown is the real hardship. Our income in the capital has increased a lot, but in my hometown, the income from farming is meager, and she has to take care of two children. Her The difficulty can be imagined.

"So, what I have been thinking about is how to go out to work to earn money, and how to help my family alleviate their difficulties.

"I secretly found a part-time job in a restaurant. I went to do odd jobs every day after school. In three months, I saved 1000 yuan. I filled out the remittance form according to the procedure and sent it to Chen Ya. I told him that I would use the money to subsidize household.

"Soon, he wrote back and sent back the remittance slip, telling me that he made a lot of money writing books, and the family no longer needed to worry about life."

Lu Qingxuan sat on a stool beside her, with her hands in front of her knees, and listened blankly to Chen Chi's story. The makeup artist was helping Chen Chi put on makeup, and her movements were deliberately light, as if she was also listening to Chen Chi's story.

Hearing this, Lu Qingxuan's heart rose.

Perhaps this is the beginning of Chen Ya's entire life experience. He started from here, from the mountain village to the world, and finally successfully founded Jiang Lizhi.

Lu Qingxuan is a person who pursues excellence, and she likes to read biographies of famous people.Listening to Chen Ya's story, she felt as if she was reading a celebrity's biography.

Chen Chi went on to say: "I naturally thought that Chen Ya was just comforting me, but when I went to the bank to go through the formalities, I found that there was an extra 5 yuan in my account, and I knew that he was definitely not lying."

"So, have you asked him what novel he's writing?" Lu Qingxuan asked hastily.

Chen Chi frowned and said: "I seem to have asked, and I don't seem to have asked. It's been too long to remember, but no matter whether I asked or not, in short, he didn't tell me. This time coincides with my brother's remarriage. If the family is deadlocked, the contact will be reduced, and I am not too embarrassed to get to the bottom of it."

Lu Qingxuan said: "Wait, have trouble with the family? What happened? Didn't you all..."

She looked a little stunned.According to the few words she heard from Chen Ya, Chen's father abandoned his wife and son and left his hometown from the very beginning, but what Chen Chi said was different.

Chen Chi pursed his lips and said, "Did Chen Ya say that his father abandoned his wife and son and left his hometown in order to marry a rich lady? From his point of view, it is indeed so, but it is not Not all the truth."

"Then, what is the truth?"

Chen Chi said: "Think, if he came to the capital to abandon his wife from the beginning, why would he bring me and Chen Hai with him? He didn't intend to abandon his wife, at least he didn't at that time.

"Miss Lu, you may not be very clear about the background of the times. At that time, a large number of rural people went to work in the city, and my brother was just one of them.

"Going to the city doesn't mean you betray your hometown, it's just that the countryside at that time was too poor to support so many people.

"The reason why he took me with him was because my parents died early and I was still in school, so it was impossible for him to hand me over to my sister-in-law to raise me, and the pressure on my sister-in-law would be too great.

"He brought me and Chen Hai to work in the capital, and the money he earned was sent home; his sister-in-law raised Chen Ya and Chen Xi at home. This was an agreement between the two of them at the beginning, otherwise my sister-in-law would not have agreed to him leave.

"Looking at it now, it is obvious that going to the capital means prosperity, but in fact, it is hard to say which is the best choice at that time. After all, a migrant worker, drifting north and living without a fixed place, how can he say that he will definitely be very happy?" good?

"It's just that fate made a joke for everyone. My brother met a nobleman, and everything started to change."

Hearing this, Lu Qingxuan finally understood a little bit.

Chen Sheng's story is not as dramatic as Chen Shimei's, but quite ordinary.

In that year, 6 million people in Huaguo experienced the flow from rural areas to cities, and Chen Sheng was just one of these 6 million people.

He didn't come to the capital just to abandon his wife and son.He came to the capital first, then met Lu Ruixiang, established a relationship, and then flew to the branch and became a phoenix.

In the beginning, he may have really come to the capital to work because he was rushing to make money for his family, but after arriving in the capital, he has experienced many things and his mentality has changed.

Chen Chi bit his lip.She still had a deeper story in her heart, but she was hesitating whether to tell the eldest lady of the Lu family in front of her.

After thinking about it again and again, she was relieved.The past has passed, and now everything is different from what I expected at the beginning. No matter what I say, nothing will change.

"Actually, what my brother wanted to take away was not Chen Hai, but Chen Ya."

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingxuan immediately asked, "Really?"

Chen Chi nodded, and said, "Because Chen Ya is older. The consideration at that time was that the two children who were brought to the capital could work with the elder brother to earn money after graduation. Of course, it is more appropriate to choose Chen Ya."

Lu Qingxuan asked: "Then why did it become Chen Hai later?"

"There are two reasons. One is that Chen Ya will not go no matter what, and the other is that Chen Hai will go no matter what." Chen Chi smiled wryly.


Lu Qingxuan didn't expect it to be like this, and asked after a while: "Why didn't he go?"

Chen Chi said: "At that time, after the elder brother told Chen Ya about their decision at home, Chen Ya was very unhappy, no matter how the elder brother and sister-in-law explained to him, he firmly believed that this was tantamount to betrayal.

"I still remember what he said at the time. He said that it doesn't matter to make money, and there is no need to separate his family for the sake of making money. He just wants his family to live a good life together."

Lu Qingxuan said: "It sounds like something a child would say."

Chen Chi smiled and nodded: "Yes, so everyone didn't take what he said seriously until he announced that if his father really wanted to leave, he would sever the father-son relationship with his elder brother."

Lu Qingxuan raised her eyebrows.

Although she was able to empathize with Chen Ya now, she now felt that this was a bit too extreme.

"Did he really do that?"

Chen Chi thought for a while, and said: "I think, even if he still regarded his eldest brother as his father in his heart at the beginning, after his eldest brother divorced and remarried with sister Lu Ruixiang, their family would have existed in name only."

Lu Qingxuan noticed a detail, the "sister-in-law" Chen Chi called was still Chen Ya's biological mother, and she called Lu Ruixiang "sister".

It can be seen that in her heart, this later "sister-in-law", even though more than ten years have passed, still holds less weight in her heart than the previous one.

"My eldest brother only went back once in the first three years of working as a worker," Chen Chi said, "The time he went back was to apply for a divorce certificate with my sister-in-law.

"I was very worried that time, and we went back together. I thought that Chen Ya would have a big fight with his elder brother, but he didn't.

"He just stood aside and watched coldly, watching his elder brother rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for a marriage certificate, as if he had already expected such a day.

"After the eldest brother found the marriage certificate, he saw Chen Ya standing aside and wanted to touch his head, but he walked away. This made the eldest brother a little embarrassed.

"Brother suddenly said to him: 'Actually, at the beginning, I wanted to take you to the capital, and now I still think that you may be more suitable for the capital, but that kid Chen Hai is too thief, he was afraid that I would throw him away. Here, take you away. So he won't come back alive or dead.'

'You are smarter than Chen Hai, but you are not as stupid as Chen Hai.Chicken thieves are different from smart people. Smart people can think through any problem, but chicken thieves are better at seizing opportunities. '

'The capital city is a place where people are forced to thieves.If you want to survive in the capital, you must be good at seizing opportunities, because opportunities are limited, and if you don’t grasp them, others will take your opportunities and step you down until you are trampled to death, so that you will never be able to follow him. to fight. '

'I know you might hate me, but sorry, I don't really have a choice.There is no way, this is the law of survival in the capital. '

"After the eldest brother finished speaking, I can still vividly remember Chen Ya's face at that time. He was neither confused nor sad. There was no expression on his face.

"He said to his elder brother very calmly: 'So you think that Chen Hai will be more promising if he goes to the capital, and he is destined to be famous?'

"Brother is very embarrassed to hear this question, because it is common sense for everyone. As long as you can stay in the capital, education, medical care, and various resources will be hundreds or thousands of times better than those in the countryside.

"He said: 'You'll come to the big city, everyone will end up in the big city. I just want you to remember that you still have a home in the capital. I'm here to lead the charge.'

"Chen Ya shook his head, and said calmly:
"'If you have no choice, the one who has no choice than you is my mother; the one who has no choice than the capital is the countryside. Because no one cares whether the countryside has a choice, and no one gives them a chance to choose.'

"'What you have done is not full of evil, and my mother's experience is not rare, but very common. As long as you stay here, you are doomed to tragedy, but the form of tragedy is different.'

"'The gap between urban and rural areas, the gap between rich and poor, as long as the society is still torn, your tragedy will not stop, you just fixed our destined tragedy into a form.'

"'But ten years from now, you'll regret your decision today very much.'"

Chen Chi's story was told so vividly that Lu Qingxuan completely listened to it, feeling as if the pictures were appearing in front of her eyes.

She took a deep breath and said, "What happened later? Didn't he send you 5 yuan? Did you ask how he earned it?"

Chen Chi went on to say: "I knew at that time that Chen Ya had made a lot of money, but my elder brother has always been worried about what he said. If I told him that Chen Ya had already made a lot of money, he would definitely It was even worse, so I didn't tell him."

Lu Qingxuan nodded thoughtfully and said, "So, before Chen Ya said that making money is not important, what is important is that the family is together, and that uncle will regret it later, all because he has already earned a lot of money?"

Chen Chi said: "It seems so now."

Lu Qingxuan shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, for uncle, no matter how much money Chen Ya earns, it may not be as good as the one in the capital. After all, he married into the Lu family."

She could not help but substitute herself into the young Chen Ya.

She imagined how little Chen Ya was writing and writing novels under the dim light, just to earn money and save his father.

Unfortunately, his opponent is the Lu family.He may earn hundreds of thousands, or even millions, but this amount of money is nothing compared to the status of the Lu family.

Even though Chen Ya has Jiang Lizhi now, compared to the Lu family, he may still not be able to sit on an equal footing.

What he said made Chen Sheng regret, and I'm afraid there is no way to realize it at the current stage.

"That's what I know," Chen Chi said, "Oh, by the way, as I said just now, apart from this wedding dress, Chen Ya also gave me a lot of things for my wedding. Take a look, aren't they all very valuable?"

Lu Qingxuan glanced over, those jewelries, phoenix coronets...all quite familiar.

"The quality and grade are very high. He is really kind to you." Lu Qingxuan stood up, "There may be a distinguished guest coming from the main hall, I have to go and watch."

Chen Chi waved to her: "See you later."


Lu Qingxuan lifted her skirt and returned to the main hall. She saw that when she left, only Wu Zun and Liu Ruying were sitting on the table, but now, more people were seated.

Xia You, who was only 18 years old and still in high school, sat beside Liu Ruying with a displeased expression on her face.Her dress was so gorgeous that it didn't look like her previous style at all, but it fit unexpectedly well.

Many people around were secretly looking at this little girl, asking her identity everywhere, but after learning that she was Xia Longju's daughter, most of them fell silent.

"Yo, Miss Lu, what a coincidence."

Lu Qingxuan turned her head and saw Miao Aoxue in a red dress, staring at her with a half-smile.

"You're here? Welcome." Lu Qingxuan replied in a neutral manner.

"Yes." Miao Aoxue turned her head to look around, "Why aren't you with Chen Ya?"

"Why do I have to be with Chen Ya?" Lu Qingxuan became angry when he heard that.

Miao Aoxue raised her eyelids slightly: "Aren't you always together recently? Oh, sorry, maybe I misunderstood something."


Lu Ruixiang's family had just taken their seats in the side hall at this time, and the side hall was deserted at this time, and several people stared wide-eyed.

Only Chen Hai stood at the door of the side hall and watched from a distance, leaving everyone with a gloomy back.

"Don't embarrass yourself there, come back and sit down!" Chen Sheng said impatiently.

Chen Hai didn't even turn his head: "I'm waiting for Qin Yunchu."

Lu Qianzi pressed her forehead.

This guy is already stunned.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

A deep voice sounded, Chen Sheng turned around, but saw a somewhat familiar face.

"Oh, you can sit wherever you want, who invited you here?"

The man smiled, sat down at the table of Lu Ruixiang's family, and said:

"I'm Zhao Yuanhai, representing Beichen Company, and I'm here to attend the wedding of Wei Mingzhe's colleague."

(End of this chapter)

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