Chapter 283. 282. Qin Yunchu Comes

In this world, few people dare to say that they can represent Beichen.

Even the most confident Beichen employees, even those who say "every Beichen employee represents Beichen's face outside" when advocating work style issues, dare not say that they represent Beichen when they really leave the company.

There are only two kinds of people who dare to say that they represent Beichen: one is a swindler who bluffs and deceives; the other is Beichen's top management, the real top management.

Ever since he met Zhao Yuanhai last time, he left a deep impression in Chen Sheng's heart.

Chen Sheng checked on the Internet and found that Zhao Yuanhai's real identity is the executive president of the Beijing branch of Beichen Company, which is equivalent to a prince.

In Chen Sheng's eyes, even people like Xu Xudong, the father of First Young Master Xu, were like gods in strength, and they needed to be flattered.

And even if he kneels down and licks him like a dog, he has no way to directly contact Xu Xudong himself, so he can only curry favor with Xu Xudong's son, playing curveballs to save the country.

I don't know how many flattery I had in just a few days, and I finally made Young Master Xu feel comfortable serving him. I don't know if he mentioned it when he got home. There is also Chen Hai, a "friend" who met by chance outside.

But now, Zhao Yuanhai, who had jumped countless levels, suddenly landed in front of them, and greeted Chen Sheng with a smile.

This made Chen Sheng feel unreal.

Yes, Wei Mingzhe did join Beichen and became a full-time employee. Can Zhao Yuanhai, a vassal king, come over to congratulate him in person?
Shouldn't Zhao Yuanhai sit in the main hall?Did sitting next to me do something wrong?To toast with him later, what kind of argument can you think of to hold your breath?
Just when Chen Sheng's mental activities were messed up like a revolving lantern, Lu Ruixiang had already realized it. She stretched out her hand and said in a slightly surprised tone:

"Ah, you are Mr. Zhao Yuanhai from Beichen Company? I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Zhao Yuanhai nodded at her with a smile and asked, "Are you?"

Lu Ruixiang is different from Chen Sheng who is used to being poor in her bones. After all, she is a navigator who has seen the world, and her tone is neither humble nor overbearing. Only the slight redness on her cheeks betrays the tension in her heart:
"I'm Lu Ruixiang, Wei Mingzhe's... sister-in-law."

She kicked Chen Sheng under the table, and Chen Sheng stretched out his hand belatedly: "Hello, I am her husband."

Zhao Yuanhai shook hands with both of them. His social skills are not bad, so he chatted along the topic just now:
"Then you are Wei Mingzhe's brother?"

"No no, I'm Chen Chi's brother, oh, Chen Chi is the bride this time."

Hearing his words, Zhao Yuanhai's eyes lit up: "Your surname is Chen?"

"Yes, my name is Chen Sheng." Only then did Chen Sheng remember to introduce himself.

Zhao Yuanhai didn't know what he thought of, squinted his eyes and took a sip of water, kept silent, thinking about this relationship in his heart.

As keen as him, he was looking for the part on Chen Sheng's face that was similar to Chen Ya, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Lu Ruixiang covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I never thought that Wei Mingzhe could really join Beichen. This is really his blessing. You must have helped a lot, right?"

Zhao Yuanhai shook his head and said, "No, he is an excellent developer himself. I read his files and work records during the interview, and some of them showed that his abilities exceeded the standards of Beichen employees."

Chen Sheng couldn't help asking: "You interviewed him personally?"

"Yes," Zhao Yuanhai nodded, and then smiled, "Although I'm generally not in charge of employee recruitment, Wei Mingzhe has a different status after all. I don't think it's a big deal to make an exception for him."

Although Zhao Yuanhai said it easily, it was like thunder in Chen Sheng's ears.

Wei Mingzhe has a different identity?What is Wei Mingzhe's identity?Why is he different?
Originally, the worldview he had managed to re-establish, almost collapsed and reorganized because of Zhao Yuanhai's words.

Chen Sheng looked at the back of Chen Hai who was still waiting for Qin Yunchu not far away, and suddenly felt that this guy was not up to the mark.

A big guy like Zhao Yuanhai is sitting here, but he didn't even notice that he was still waiting for love.

And what Zhao Yuanhai said just now directly blew up his CPU, and now he urgently needs Chen Hai to come back and work with him to endure the CPU overload.

"Cough cough." Chen Sheng coughed and nodded at Lu Qianzi, "Qianzi, go and call your brother back."

Lu Qianzi swiped her phone with a glass of orange juice in her hand, suddenly she didn't feel the turmoil in her father's heart, and said without raising her head:

"Why? Wouldn't it be nice to let him wait there?"

Chen Sheng's tone was a little tougher: "Let him come over!"

Lu Qianzi rolled his eyes at him with great reluctance, stood up slowly, and went to call her brother.

Because Lu Ruixiang hadn't been to that dinner, she was not very clear about her husband's psychological activities, but she chatted with Zhao Yuanhai about all the anecdotes about the business world with a serious face.

She is trying her best to direct the topic to her son Chen Hai's foundry.

One must know that one sentence from a person of Zhao Yuanhai's level may have saved Chen Hai ten years of walking. This is really not an exaggeration at all.

However, Zhao Yuanhai didn't seem to have entered Hong Kong at all. He seemed to have always been interested in Lu Ruixiang's family, as if checking his household registration, he wanted to ask everyone about their family's situation.

This made Lu Ruixiang even start to have some doubts: Is this person a son or daughter who is waiting to be married at home?Do you want to marry your own family?


Lu Qianzi walked behind Chen Hai who was eager to see through, and patted him on the shoulder, which made him jump.

"What are you still looking at? Dad told you to go back and sit down. Zhao Yuanhai is here."

Chen Hai looked back in surprise: "Zhao Yuanhai? Is that Zhao Yuanhai from Beichen? He came here in person?"


Chen Hai struggled with his thoughts for a while, and then said firmly: "I can't go back, I want to stand here until I see Qin Yunchu for the first time."

Lu Qianzi said casually, "Then you should go downstairs and wait."

Chen Hai was choked, as if it was indeed what she said.

"Besides, you stand here dryly. When Qin Yunchu comes, how do you behave? Say hello to her directly? Don't you think it's too deliberate?"

Chen Hai thought for a while, nodded and said, "You're right."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and looked around: "Where is Qin Yunchu sitting now? I should go to her table and pretend to chat with the people at that table, so that I can take the opportunity to talk to her."

Lu Qianzi was half speechless, this brother Chen Hai, if you say he is smart, he is also like a fool, if you say he is dumb, his brain moves quite fast.

"Here, did you see the table where Liu Ruying was sitting over there? Qin Yunchu should be sitting at that table."

Upon hearing Liu Ruying's name, Chen Hai shrank a little.

Lu Qianzi was familiar with everyone on that table, but Chen Hai didn't know any of them.And Liu Ruying, whom he least wanted to see, was still sitting on that table.

You know, the relatives that Old Master Lu personally ordered before were Chen Hai and Liu Ruying. It was Chen Hai who thought that their conditions were not good, and wanted to find a better one for Chen Hai, so he brought Chen Ya back from afar. .

Even though these things were somewhat tacit, and Liu Ruying didn't necessarily take them to heart, Chen Hai still had a lump in his heart.

Of course, Lu Qianzi could also see Chen Hai's mood, and said narrowly:
"Come on, Liu Ruying doesn't care about you at all right now. She's all about Chen Ya now. Come on, I'll take you there. I know everyone at that table, so I'll introduce you."

Lu Qianzi felt that being with her parents was quite depressing, and it would be more fun to sneak to Liu Ruying's side, maybe she could get something to eat.

She was straightforward and didn't care about anything, but Chen Hai felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it.

What does it mean that people don't care about themselves and all their minds are on Chen Ya?It's obvious that I don't want it, so give it to Chen Ya, okay?

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat Lu Qianzi, Chen Hai would have rolled his eyes at her.

However, he didn't think deeply about it before, but now that Lu Qianzi said that, he cared about it, like a spot on a white wall, once he noticed it, he cared more and more.

This feeling was especially as she walked towards the table behind Lu Qianzi, getting closer and closer to Liu Ruying.

After taking a closer look, Chen Hai realized that Liu Ruying was indeed beautiful, not a deceitful type, even compared with some celebrities.

This made the regret in his heart even stronger.


Even though Miao Aoxuetian had a good life and hooked up with Li Jiayi from Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, she was still not qualified to join the circle of celebrities from aristocratic families, and she was not qualified to sit at Lu Qingxuan's table.

When I returned to that table, there were already many people on the table, except for Xia You, who had an unruly face but was dressed like a character from Alice in Wonderland, and Wang Shaoxian from the Wang family.

At this moment, the young master was quite peaceful, just playing with his mobile phone with his legs crossed, not knowing which internet celebrity he was chatting with, with a smile on his face.

Lu Qingxuan and Xia You nodded, and after saying hello, they sat down beside Liu Ruying.

"How is it?" Liu Ruying asked in a low voice.

"I found out a lot of things, but... I can't tell you," Lu Qingxuan said with a wry smile, "after all, it involves Chen Ya's privacy."

Hearing the word "Chen Ya", Xia You's ears moved quietly.

"Chen Ya? What happened to Chen Ya?"

Lu Qianzi's voice came from behind, Xia You turned her head, just in time to see Lu Qianzi walking over with Chen Hai.

The moment Chen Hai saw Xia You, his breathing almost stagnated again.

Today's Xia You dressed up a bit, her looks are extremely lethal to young boys.Especially for Chen Hai who has never met her before.

Lu Qingxuan stared at them, and Lu Qianzi quickly introduced to Liu Ruying and the others: "This is my brother Chen Hai."

Liu Ruying blinked and said, "Is this your other brother?"


"Is he older, or is Chen Ya older?"

"Chen Ya is older, he is the second child, and I am the third child, hehe." Lu Qianzi introduced with her hands behind her back.

Lu Qingxuan stared at Chen Hai, her eyes narrowed slowly.

You know, she just heard a lot about Chen Ya's childhood from Chen Chi, and she is still deeply impressed by this Chen Hai.

And it's not a good impression.

Chen Hai didn't know why, but felt the light on the back of his neck, which seemed to be murderous. He secretly glanced at Lu Qingxuan, and found that she was staring at him fiercely.

He didn't understand it at all, so he turned his head away in fright, not daring to look at her.

This witch from the Lu family has a great reputation, and she was really domineering when she saw her today.But he has never seen her before, why is her eyes so fierce?
Lu Qianzi put her hands behind her back and asked with a smile: "I heard that Qin Yunchu is coming today? Is it true?"

Liu Ruying nodded: "Well, I heard what Qingxuan said."

"That's Qin Yunchu. I've only seen her on TV before, and I think she has a good temperament and looks very pretty." Lu Qianzi said vaguely, "I'm looking forward to seeing her in real life."

Liu Ruying also smiled, and said, "You're not the only one who wants to see, I want to see too."

"I also want to ask her what kind of experience it is to have personal contact with JX's music collection hall," Lu Qianzi said, frowning slightly when thinking of this, "It's a pity that it has been under protection, and it has not been opened to the public yet. Open and really want to go and experience it for myself.”

Since "Poetic Life" became popular, JX's Music Collection Hall has become a very popular attraction, but unfortunately, it has not been opened to the public so far.

That place was protected by the relevant departments, and it is said that it is strictly guarded 24 hours a day.It is said that it is building a music complex around the collection hall, but in fact it is not open to the public.

In fact, when I think about it, it makes sense for the country to do so. JX's behavior is equivalent to rubbing the global music scene under his body. I don't know how many people are jealous and want to destroy it.

If you don't protect it, someone might mess it up and destroy the treasured things inside.

Not only the collection hall was blocked, but even the people in that village were relocated.

Because since the broadcast of the program, many people went to visit the holy land and went to that mountain village to visit JX's childhood life trajectory, and the aborigines there have long been troubled.

Among these signs, what puzzled Lu Qianzi the most was that the rebroadcast of that episode of "Poetic Life" seemed to be different from the live broadcast, and many key clips were cut out.

For example, JX's mother and younger sister showed their faces. She searched the entire Internet, but couldn't find a single screenshot.

However, these protections of JX's identity aroused her desire to know JX even more. This desire reached its peak after she learned that she could see Qin Yunchu with her own eyes.

Perhaps Qin Yunchu, who had seen the collection hall with his own eyes, knew something——she thought so.

"JX?" Hearing what Lu Qianzi said, Lu Qingxuan, who was very good at grasping the key points, frowned.

"How can the children of the Lu family like JX?" is her mantra, and she has always held tightly to thoughts.

But because she was not familiar with Lu Qianzi, she didn't attack on the spot.

"Not only Qin Yunchu is coming, I heard that Gu Yuqing is also coming." Liu Ruying said, "I'm... a little excited to think of being able to sit at a table with these people."

While they were chatting, there was a commotion at the entrance of the main hall.

From word of mouth and people's commotion, everyone got a message:
Qin Yunchu has already arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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