Chapter 284 283. Gu Yuqing Is Here
Chen Hai suddenly felt his heart beating faster, and his heartbeat and arrhythmia hit him at the same time, this feeling almost knocked him down.

He began to wonder why he didn't always keep quick-acting heart-rescuing pills. If he had, he would have gulped it down by now, which would reduce the chance of sudden death by at least 50%.

Qin Yunchu walked slowly towards him.

The slightly curly hair stuck to the delicate and flawless face, and the expressionless face was as cold and noble as an iceberg. When seeing her, one could tell at the first glance that this woman would speak honestly to anyone.

But this kind of awe-inspiring coldness is like the snow lotus on the top of the mountain, full of dangerous allure, Chen Hai fell into it the first time he saw her.

He had admired this pretty face countless times through the screen before, but none of them made him more forgetful and shocked than today's sight.

Qin Yunchu, this woman who only existed on the screen and in dreams, now really came to him.

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, trying to say something, but the words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

He wasn't the only one who behaved like this. After seeing Qin Yunchu, many children of the Lu family didn't behave much better.

Qin Yunchu is a beauty, but unlike those beauties in bars and nightclubs who grab a lot of them at random, she is a real princess.

"Yes, I am Chen Ya's step-sister, and Chen Ya and I are half-brothers and sisters, but how do you...know...Chen Ya...?"

"Playing? He knows how to order me around." After Xia You finished speaking, she inexplicably thought of the sudden kiss in the fitting room before, and her face turned red.

Lu Qingxuan's brain crashed.

Although the Qin family had been invited before, and the Qin family agreed on the face of it, but until the end, it was not certain whether Qin Yunchu would come in person.

She was so excited, it was obvious that her relationship with Chen Ya was not just an "old subordinate" as she said.

Only now did Lu Qingxuan realize that the pressure she had endured before was not at the same level as Qin Yunchu's.

After bringing him to Grandma Tai, the old lady smiled kindly and greeted Qin Yunchu first:

"What did you order? Why such a big opinion?"

Beside him, Miao Aoxue said sourly, "What? Want to get acquainted?"

Moreover, the commotion this time was even louder than when Qin Yunchu came here before.

Hearing Lu Qianzi's voice, Qin Yunchu turned his head and looked at Lu Qianzi with a friendly smile on his face:

Miao Aoxue pursed her mouth: "If you're fast, I won't pursue it."

Lu Qianzi met Qin Yunchu's gaze, opened her mouth, and suddenly ran out of words.

No matter how confident she was, she would not dare to do it in front of Qin Yunchu.

In the past, she was also a person who stood in front of others. At that time, she was able to handle things with ease and never felt pressured. Today, she also feels pressured.

Right now, there are more important matters than Chen Ya's matter, so I can only suppress all the doubts in my heart.

"My name is Lu Qingxuan."

Li Jia glanced back at her and said with a smile: "Of course I want to know her. Qin Yunchu is the eldest lady of the Qin family and also the vice president of Hongtu Company. She has great power in the company. Knowing her will be of great help to the business. "

If it's just an ordinary colleague, why are you in such a hurry?

Xia You on the side was listless: "That's it."

"Oh, yes!" Chen Hai became excited, "Yes, I asked you about Chen Ya, do you remember me? We chatted for a long time."

Qin Yunchu was saying, Chen Ya?

Qin Yunchu looked at Liu Ruying with wide eyes like a koala, and said, "You, you have a marriage contract with him? Why didn't I know?"

Obviously, she thought for a while before remembering Chen Hai's name, but this was enough for Chen Hai, and his current mood can already be described as tears of gratitude.

Qin Yunchu's beautiful eyes showed doubts, he stared at Chen Hai for a while, and then remembered: "Oh, you are Chen Ya's younger brother, and your name is...Chen Hai, right?"

Qin Yunchu nodded politely, exchanged a few more pleasantries, and then bid farewell to Grandma.

After finishing speaking, Miao Aoxue continued to look in Qin Yunchu's direction with three points of jealousy.

Gu Yuqing, who stepped out of the TV screen, looked even more stunning than her on the screen, and also...bigger.

To the onlookers, Qin Yunchu's performance was even more unbelievable than what Liu Ruying said.

Grandma nodded.

"She is Chen Ya's stepsister." Xia You's voice was loose.

Liu Ruyan was the first "group friend" Qin Yunchu met, and it was because of Liu Ruyan that he got into the trap completely, and now he is getting acquainted with Xia You, Gu Yuqing and other strange people.

Liu Ruying blushed, and said, "I have a marriage contract with him, and I want to know more about him."

"Don't mention it," Xia You didn't want to talk about this topic, covered her mouth and yawned, "I didn't sleep all night last night."

"Xiaoyou, how is your life in the capital this month?"

Lu Qingxuan was very concerned about the acquaintance between Qin Yunchu and Chen Ya, but when she heard the news of Gu Yuqing's arrival, she still stood up.

Qin Yunchu took Liu Ruying's arm and asked eagerly: "When did you get engaged? Did he propose to you? How did you know each other?"

Qin Yunchu is very cold on the outside, but she is actually an ordinary girl on the inside. She likes everything that ordinary girls like, and she also has the habits of ordinary girls.

Lu Qingxuan was thinking about finding something to talk to Qin Yunchu, but saw Qin Yunchu speak first.

"Ah? Sister?" Qin Yunchu blushed. She realized that she had misunderstood something at first. She stood up and suddenly thought of something again. She asked, "Isn't Chen Ya's sister Chen Xi?"

Xia You next to her finally finished her long yawn, and introduced listlessly, "She is Chen Ya's younger sister."

Qin Yunchu didn't know the reason, so he said without scheming: "I can give you her contact information."

"Didn't you hang out with Chen Ya?" Qin Yunchu said with a smile.

Not far away, Mrs. Yu was sitting with Commissioner Gao, secretly observing the direction here.

Being praised by her idol, Lu Qingxuan's face turned slightly red, but she still said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please come with me."

She was a little upset.

Qin Yunchu asked, "Where's Grandpa Lu? I want to say hello to him."

This matter is very important to Liu Ruying.

She was very curious why Xia You didn't respond at all, didn't she panic?

Lu Qingxuan stood by the side the whole time, like a lady of etiquette, with a business-like smile on her face, almost sore.

"Qin Yunchu is really here." Commissioner Gao whispered.

Miao Aoxue, who was sitting on the other table, quickly turned her head to look at Qin Yunchu with doubts in her eyes.

Moreover, looking at Liu Ruying, she found that this girl was indeed young and beautiful, no worse than Qin Yunchu.

If Liu Ruyan is willing to come back, then she really is nothing.

Then, I don't know who sent a message:
"Gu Yuqing is here."

In front of the public before, she always wore capable workplace attire. People's impression of her was that they were in awe rather than admiration.

She met Chen Ya's younger sister.

Lu Qianzi hesitated to ask, but Qin Yunchu said calmly, "Chen Ya is my... old subordinate."

Seeing Qin Yunchu chatting with Xia You, she was still wondering whether Qin Yunchu knew Xia Longju's daughter, and whether people in these big families knew each other.

As they sat here, they could all hear some people talking excitedly at the door, and others ran out to watch.

"Also, you haven't answered the question just now." Liu Ruying became impatient, and the question was a bit aggressive, "Did Chen Ya go out to start a business later?"

Qin Yunchu looked at her: "You are..."

The Qin family will definitely be inherited by her in the future. If she can gain a firm foothold in Hongtu, a huge company, she will definitely be a giant in the future.

Seeing his half idol Qin Yunchu slowly approaching, Lu Qingxuan was only a little dazed for a moment, and then immediately went up to meet him.

Qin Yunchu has a special status. Countless pairs of eyes are watching her every move. Naturally, these eyes will also be on Lu Qingxuan. She dare not make the slightest mistake.

Liu Ruying asked, "Did Chen Ya work under you first, and then went out to start a business?"

"Liu Ruyan is my friend, I chatted with her yesterday."

Liu Ruying was also surprised and said: "Liu Ruyan is my cousin, President Qin, do you know her?"

The old lady said: "Work is important, and life is also important. In other words, life is a more important part of life. You are still young. When you reach my age, you should understand."

Grandma's expression changed, and she said: "He doesn't know why he went there, he probably won't come until the birthday banquet officially begins."

Before Qin Yunchu could answer, there was another commotion from the entrance of the main hall.

But when the word "Chen Ya" appeared from Qin Yunchu's mouth, she fell into an empty and confused state, as if falling into a black hole, time and space were infinitely elongated and distorted.

The Qin family's official successor has a different meaning from any other Qin family's children.The fact that she can come shows that the appeal of the Lu family is still very strong.

However, the others were not calm at all.

Qin Yunchu shook his head: "Not yet. I don't want to deal with life matters for now, I want to work hard first."

When Qin Yunchu mentioned Chen Ya, Lu Qingxuan looked at the two of them in surprise, and Liu Ruying didn't hide the surprise on her face, turning her head to look at them.

Qin Yunchu nodded politely: "Grandma, of course I remember you. My dad asked me to greet you on his behalf. He is on a business trip abroad and can't come today. Let me apologize to Grandpa and Grandma Lu."

On another table, Li Jia, the eldest son of Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, looked at Qin Yunchu carefully, and whispered:
"It is said that Miss Qin Yunchu of the Qin family is beautiful and aloof. You only know it when you see her today. Seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times."

Qin Yunchu's bright eyes sized her face for a while, and then smiled: "Thank you, who are you?"

She looked at Lu Qianzi with her eyes, and her eyes flashed seemingly inadvertently.

Lu Qingxuan clasped her hands and watched for a long time, but she couldn't sit still anymore, and said, "President Qin, are you familiar with Chen Ya?"


A series of questions made Liu Ruying unable to answer for a while, she was so overwhelmed by these questions that she didn't know what to say.

She knew Liu Ruyan too well.

After Xia You finished speaking, Qin Yunchu realized that there was some ambiguity in his words, and stuck out his tongue a little.

"at work."

"You are so beautiful. Where is the old man, I have to go and see his old man."

This girl is quite beautiful.I just don't know what is the relationship with Chen Ya.

It can be said that her coming here in person is a statement in itself. In public, everyone can see that "the Lu family has invited Qin Yunchu", which is very important to the Lu family.

"More than knowing..."

Wu Zun stopped eating melon seeds, and Lu Qianzi and Chen Hai, who were still standing aside, opened their mouths wide at the same time, and their breathing stopped.

Just as Qin Yunchu sat down at the table, the atmosphere on the entire table instantly changed.Even Wang Shao secretly stopped crossing his legs.

Hearing what Qin Yunchu said, Liu Ruying's heart beat faster, and said in a hurried tone: "She has lost contact with the family, and I haven't seen her for a long time."

Chen Ya has a marriage contract with the person in front of him. For the entire beauty group, this is big news like a meteorite falling to the ground. If this news gets out, the group will probably be blown up.

"Yunchu, do you still remember me? The last time I saw you, you were still a little kid."

Not far away, Gu Yuqing, who was wearing a long purple dress, walked away from the crowd of onlookers.

"Miss Qin, you are welcome." Lu Qingxuan slightly bowed and said to her.

Qin Yunchu was a little surprised: "Are you all together all night?"

"you are?"

The old lady Yu smiled more kindly: "It's not in the way, it's just as long as you come. I said that the last time I saw you was a little kid, and now you have grown up to such a big, so beautiful, generous, do you have a date? "

After the two finished chatting, she took Qin Yunchu to her seat.

Qin Yunchu knew Chen Ya?
Lu Qianzi trembled all over, her voice trembling: "Do you know...Chen Ya?"

The chair Qin Yunchu was sitting on made a sharp noise on the marble floor, making his ears hurt.

The seemingly ordinary conversation between the two looked like a storm in the eyes of onlookers.

"My name is Liu Ruying." Liu Ruying introduced herself, "I'm from the Liu family."

Qin Yunchu and Xia You didn't realize it.Qin Yunchu also asked with a smile:

It was because Liu Ruyan severed ties with the family that she was adopted into the uncle's family.

She walked quickly, leading Qin Yunchu all the way to Grandma's side.

Qin Yun's eyes showed surprise at the beginning: "Liu Ruying from the Liu family? Do you know Ruyan Liu?"

If Qin Yunchu really wants to rob her, there are not many women in this world who can rob her.

Her heart was in a mess, and she subconsciously looked at Xia You for help.

If he can marry her, it can be said that he will directly reach the end of his life.

Qin Yunchu curled his lips and said, "Him? Does he still need to start a business?...Speaking of which, why do you care so much about him?"

After taking off Gu Yuqing's workplace attire, people were surprised to find that her appearance was actually no worse than Qin Yunchu's, but her beauty was concealed by her prestige in the workplace, which was hard to detect before.

Moreover, since she has been in charge of Yunshan Company all the year round, she is in control of the entire business giant, giving orders and bossing her around, these years of habits have permeated her temperament, making her feel even more... imperial.

Gu Yuqing walked over, pointed at Qin Yunchu directly, and smiled.

"Xiao Chu, you are one step ahead of me. And Xiaoyou, are you having fun with Chen Ya in the capital?"

 Thank you for the 10000 point reward of Starry Sky Restraint~~
(End of this chapter)

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