Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 285 284. Everyone knows Chen Ya, right?

Chapter 285 284. Everyone knows Chen Ya, right?
"Xiao Chu, you are one step ahead of me. And Xiaoyou, are you having fun with Chen Ya in the capital?"

As if at home, Gu Yuqing pulled out the chair naturally, sat down between Xia You and Qin Yunchu, and looked at them both.

As for Xia You and Qin Yunchu, one seemed to have just woken up, and the other seemed to have had a nightmare.

"Why do everyone think that I will play with him in the capital?" Xia You complained.

Gu Yuqing blinked and said with a smile: "The capital city is not his territory, and he doesn't have many acquaintances, so he can only play with you?"

Xia You sighed, and said: "Then you underestimated his social skills, he will be able to build relationships. All the girls at this table have gone out to play with him."

Qin Yunchu woke up like a dream, and said to Gu Yuqing blankly: "Do you know what we were talking about just now?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Chen Ya has an engagement with this girl, and they may be getting married."

"Do you agree with this kind of joke?"

What?What does it have to do with Jiang Xinhai?Which Jiang Xinhai is it?Are you talking about that queen Jiang Xinhai?

What this marriage contract can bring to her is becoming less and less important, but when the fog is cleared, the more important thing, she sees, is Chen Ya.

She really can't beat it.The opponent is too strong.

... Only Lu Qingxuan, Liu Ruying, etc. who were sitting at the same table knew how ridiculous their conversation was.

She lost the man that Gu Yuqing liked, but she lost it, so she regretted it; but on the contrary, the man she didn't want was picked up by Gu Yuqing, she felt that it was very face-saving.

What will these children of aristocratic families who have been rampant for a lifetime talk about?


This girl is so brave that she feels a little scared.

Today he really believed it, because Gu Yuqing admitted it himself!

"I was originally just Liu Ruyan's substitute, and Chen Ya and I were substitutes against substitutes, and we just happened to be in the same family."

"In other words, if Liu Ruyan is unwilling to perform the marriage contract, I will let you replace it; Chen Ya's younger brother is unwilling to perform the marriage contract, so let Chen Ya take the place... However, the reason why Liu Ruyan is unwilling to perform the marriage contract is because Chen Ya's younger brother is unwilling to perform the marriage contract. Ya..."

Liu Ruying was not as cowardly as Miao Aoxue, she straightened her body and said, "Yes."

Moreover, what made Chen Hai even more ashamed was that she really didn't have the slightest interest in Chen Hai, so she didn't care.

And why deal with an ex-girlfriend again?What is the relationship between Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya?
When Gu Yuqing showed her murderous side, she really felt oppressive. Miao Aoxue faced her terror directly, and stammered:

Laughing to death, I dare not look at it, and I dare not listen to it.

Only in this way can we explain why so many rich women care about him!
He had heard Eldest Young Master Xu say before that Chen Ya was just a little boy, and that Japanese female executive from Haiya Company threw himself into his arms.

For a while, no one spoke.

"This is Lu Qianzi, Chen Ya's half-sister. Chen Ya likes to take her around on the pretext of letting her know about the capital."

But today, in front of Gu Yuqing, Qin Yunchu and the others, she openly revealed this secret that must never be revealed.

Where on earth did he get to know so many people? ?
... After listening to Qin Yunchu's words, Gu Yuqing had a serious expression on her face. She had never shown such a serious expression since Yunshan Group passed the crisis of bankruptcy and reorganization last time.

After hearing Liu Ruying's words, Lu Qingxuan couldn't help but clenched her sleeves tightly.

Miao Aoxue, who was sitting on the table next to her, was eavesdropping, but suddenly the topic was brought to her, and then she was shot at by Gu Yuqing's see-through eyes.

Regret, pride, contempt, ridicule, jealousy... these feelings came to my heart at the same time.

What are you looking at me for?It's not me!
Gu Yuqing's eyes were sharp and bright like a cheetah in the jungle.Xia You next to her cleared her throat, and introduced her lazily:
"This is Lu Qingxuan, the daughter of Lu Yuanbao from the Lu family. Chen Ya likes to take her around in the name of the Lu family's mission."

Chen Hai stood aside, his face turned blue and red, he was so embarrassed that even Lu Qianzi felt embarrassed for him.

If she, Lu Qingxuan, could still reach Qin Yunchu's height with a little effort, then Gu Yuqing's level would be something she would never be able to catch up to no matter how hard she tried.

Even she didn't dare to directly question Gu Yuqing face to face like this, but Liu Ruying is actually doing it so aggressively... to protect food.

Especially Lu Qingxuan, she felt very uncomfortable.But I don't know why it hurts.

Is it a business anecdote, or a political secret?

She takes it directly.

I finally understood why Chen Ya was able to get into the upper circles of so many people, and finally understood why he was so rich.

The amount of information in this sentence was so great that Lu Qianzi's head went down for a minute without recovering.

"Are you engaged to Chen Ya?"

Before, he was still a little bit unsure, because he usually felt that Chen Ya's life style was decent, and he was not the kind of boy who deliberately dressed up.

She just didn't want to pierce the window paper.

Liu Ruying remained calm, cleared her throat, straightened her back, and sat gracefully like a crane.

Lu Qingxuan felt panic for no reason.

Liu Ruying calmly told the story that had been hidden in her heart.

"Oh, and that Miao Aoxue on the table over there seems to be Chen Ya's ex-girlfriend."

She said this because she suddenly felt that things that once seemed as big as the sky to her were becoming less and less important.

Chen Hai: "??"

It's fine that Chen Ya is Qin Yunchu's old subordinate, even Gu Yuqing knows him, right?

Unbeknownst to her, Chen Ya had such a deep relationship with Gu Yuqing like this. While she felt sad, she also felt that she had been betrayed.

Chen Hai couldn't accept it.

Gu Yuqing: "?"

Hearing these words, Lu Qingxuan's face became paler, but Liu Ruying was still neither humble nor overbearing, and said:
"Old Master Lu personally ordered the marriage contract between Lu Ruixiang's family and Liu's family. Our Liu family is all girls, so naturally Lu Ruixiang's family is going to have a man. Originally, this Chen Hai was supposed to accept the marriage contract, but maybe he didn't want to, so he replaced it with Chen Ya. engaged."

I have long heard that the circle of rich women is very chaotic, and some young girls will introduce and share with each other.

Second, Chen Ya has other companies.His identity is not just as simple as the boss of Jiang Lizhi's company.

"Who is Chen Ya's marriage partner?" Gu Yuqing looked at Liu Ruying, Lu Qingxuan, and Lu Qianzi.

how?Gu Yuqing is also familiar with Chen Ya?
Everyone knows Chen Ya, right?

Liu Ruying went on to say: "My cousin Ruyan Liu should have been the one who decided to complete this marriage contract, but Ruyan Liu didn't want to come back, so let me be the partner of this marriage contract."

Hearing this, Lu Qingxuan's face turned pale.What is "the old man's wishful thinking"?Fortunately, these words were not heard by grandma or more people.

Liu Ruying replied neither humble nor overbearing: "He and I have a marriage contract because of the family's order, and it is the marriage promised by Mrs. Lu himself."

Wu Zun held the melon seeds in his hands like a squirrel, he was watching the show cautiously at the side, but now he is even more careful, he dare not knock out the melon seeds in his mouth, he dare not even let out the air.

It just doesn't make sense.

Lu Qianzi frowned - her focus was not on the word "friend with benefits" at all.

This relationship is too complicated, after going around for a long time, my face hurts, and I pinched the center of my brow with my fingers, with a helpless expression on my face.

Not because of recklessness, nor because of passion.

Chen Ya must have been taken care of by that Japanese female executive, and then introduced to Gu Yuqing and others, that's why he rose to the top.

It turned out to be the case.

Among the people who came to the birthday banquet, most of them could only watch Gu Yuqing talking and laughing with Qin Yunchu and Xia You from a distance, they would only be surprised that the relationship between these aristocratic children was so good, and they couldn't hear their conversations.

"When did Chen Ya get another ex-girlfriend? Why don't I know?" Gu Yuqing's voice was terribly low, "Jiang Xinhai is hard enough to deal with, why can't someone like an ex-girlfriend live with him honestly?" disappeared?"

Gu Yuqing smiled, stared at Liu Ruying with beautiful eyes, and said, "Since the family doesn't care about this marriage anymore, why do you have to lower your status and insist on holding on to the marriage with Chen Ya?"

Compared to Lu Qingxuan, Liu Ruying was quite calm.

Gu Yuqing's Yunshan Group is all-encompassing. How can such a huge group treat a company that only deals in jewelry as a lifelong partner and competitor?

Liu Ruying was defeated.

If you can listen closely, will you catch an important opportunity?

If Gu Yuqing's disrespectful attitude towards Mrs. Lu became known, Mrs. Lu would definitely collapse.

Everyone has their own calculations, all the tricks are exhausted, and they go around in a big circle, but no one succeeds in the end... If it didn't happen in reality, Gu Yuqing thought it was a plot that only appeared in ancient Greek dramas.

"I, I'm not my ex-girlfriend, I just knew him quite well before..."

Why did Qin Yunchu know Chen Ya so well?

If there is a solution to this problem, there are only two possibilities:
First, Gu Yuqing has also set foot in the jewelry industry and is competing with Jiang Lizhi;

Wang Shao was originally picking up his mobile phone, but when Gu Yuqing's words came out, he froze all over, raised his head and looked at Gu Yuqing in horror, and then put it down immediately.

If it is said that if Qin Yunchu wants to rob someone, others will definitely not be able to rob him, then for Gu Yuqing, there is no need to rob him.

All of Gu Yuqing's sex friends have been exposed. If this news appears in the tabloids tomorrow, aren't they likely to have their legs broken?

After listening to Gu Yuqing's bold speech, Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying suddenly felt a little sour for no reason.

Lu Qianzi's face turned dark, why did she have something to do with me again?
"This is Liu Ruying, from the Liu family, Liu Ruyan's cousin, and also Chen Ya's fiancé. Chen Ya likes to take her around in the name of training his subordinates."

Liu Ruying said frankly: "I didn't surrender my status, because I am also a substitute."

Could it be...she was also involved?
The noble and inviolable flower of Gaoling in my mind was suddenly enveloped in a circle of miasma.

He must find out the truth.

Gu Yuqing said that Chen Ya is a lifelong competitor and partner, what does this mean?
Isn't Chen Ya the boss of Jiang Lizhi's company?Isn't Jiang Lizhi Company a jewelry company?

Originally, the matter of "she is Liu Ruyan's substitute" was a secret that must not be mentioned, and it would be bad for everyone if it was revealed.

After Gu Yuqing finished speaking, she thought about it and said, "No, even if the old man ordered a marriage contract, what does it have to do with Chen Ya? Strictly speaking, he is not familiar with the Lu family, so he definitely doesn't bother with the Lu family. What's the matter?"

Faced with Liu Ruying's pressing questions, Gu Yuqing paused for a long time before finally smiling and saying:

Damn, he also felt a little jealous.

He always thought that the Liu family wouldn't know about his little thoughts, but Liu Ruying was so smart that she already knew it.

"You ask me what is my relationship with Chen Ya? He, he is my lifelong business competitor, my lifelong business partner, or my lifelong...friend with benefits."

She is not as arrogant as Lu Qingxuan, nor is she as innocent as Lu Qingxuan.

But, wait... Chen Hai suddenly took a breath.

Compared with them, Miao Aoxue's mood is more complicated.

"Seeing that you are not very old, how could you be engaged to Chen Ya? Then when will you get married?"

Chen Hainao made up a large-scale ethics drama, but there are not many people who have the same idea as him.

Gu Yuqing stared at Miao Aoxue closely, and after realizing that she really didn't seem to be lying, she changed her target and looked at Liu Ruying again.

After Gu Yuqing listened, she finally smiled: "Then it doesn't matter, I thought it was Chen Ya who wanted to fulfill the marriage contract with you. It's just the old man's wishful thinking, so it's okay to leave him alone."

Liu Ruying is now completely willing to go all out, and asked Gu Yuqing openly: "Mr. Gu, Chen Ya is my fiancé, may I ask, what is your relationship with him that makes you care so much about my fiancé?"

After struggling in his heart for a long time, he still decided—never have the slightest suspicion of the goddess in his heart, even if he just thinks about the possibility.

"It's not a joke, it's true."

Which of these answers, she felt impossible.

Lu Qingxuan's face was flushed red: It's obviously a task arranged by the Lu family, and it's obviously not that Chen Ya likes to take her away!

Compared with the heartache, there is still a trace of envy for Gu Yuqing in her mood.

Looking at Liu Ruying who was stiff all over, Gu Yuqing continued: "Of course I have to care about him, because I will have sex with him for the rest of my life. If he gets married suddenly, I will definitely be very troubled."

It turned out that he was the common bad boy in the circle of rich women!

Just like what Gu Yuqing said, "That's the old man's wishful thinking", she once gambled her whole life, but when facing Chen Ya, she seemed to be becoming less and less important.

Gu Yuqing, Qin Yunchu, and Xia You didn't expect the truth to be like this. After listening to it, they all froze on the spot.

So, she said it frankly.

Finally, it was fixed on Lu Qingxuan's face.

Chen Hai, who had listened to the whole process from the sidelines, felt his heart beating up and down, and his back was sweating.

She suddenly realized that she was quite envious of Gu Yuqing, who was able to openly announce her relationship with Chen Ya, and did not shy away from their relationship.

I have only heard of it before, but I have not seen it with my own eyes, but today I have seen it!

In addition, while she felt deep contempt for the improper relationship between Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing, she also felt a little bit jealous.

... Just when everyone had different thoughts, Grandma Lu came over with her on crutches, accompanied by the high committee member.

They didn't hear the exciting conversation on the table just now. The grandma still had a smile on her face. Before the person arrived, the voice came first:

"Mr. Gu of the Gu family, why didn't you say hello to us when you came from afar?"

 Thanks to the snake in the garden of Eden for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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