Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 289 288. Damn Chen Ya, You Still Hid It From Me

Chapter 289 288. Damn Chen Ya, You Still Hid It From Me

"I still think he is more suitable for Lu Ai'ai."

When Yang Changshuo said this, Qin Yunchu obviously felt that Gu Yuqing's aura had changed.

The pitch-black lines swirled and rose from the soles of his feet like a substance, Qin Yunchu began to be afraid, but Yang Changshuo in front of him was still calmly drinking the boiled water.

Only he can say such words.

Only he dared to say such words in front of Gu Yuqing.

"Ah, of course, I'm not pointing fingers at your relationship issues, I just think that if Lu Aiai and him can be together, then in his lifetime, our country's technological level may be advanced by another 20 years."

Qin Yunchu could feel that Gu Yuqing was obviously holding his breath, like a pressure cooker brewing an explosion, it was terrifying.

But the thing she was afraid of did not finally come. Gu Yuqing was originally fierce, but after holding back for a while, she suddenly showed a smile like an adult who doesn't remember the villain's mistakes.

"Lu Aiai is from your natal family, so you will naturally support her. Mr. Yang is not a kind person, he helped Lu Aiai bully me."

Yang Changshuo said with a smile: "You, Mr. Gu, are the helm of Yunshan. How can I bully you?"

The atmosphere finally calmed down. Everyone on the two tables relaxed a lot, even Cao Kunguan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Gu Yuqing's anger was a bit too scary.

"My mother's family..."

Qin Yunchu noticed that she used this title to describe Lu Aia, and couldn't help thinking: Is Lu Aiai a relative of Mr. Yang?

She quickly dismissed this idea of ​​her own.Yang Changshuo's surname is Yang, and Lu Ai'ai's surname is Lu. They don't seem to be related by any means.

The closest guess is probably: Lu Aia is also from Beijing University.

That's why Yang Changshuo, the principal of Peking University, is called her natal family.

Among all the 9 girls in the beauty group (there are 10 now), Qin Yunchu didn't have a deep impression of Lu Aiai.

She only remembered that she was a quiet girl who didn't talk much and always looked at everything with gentle eyes, which was the complete opposite of her wolf-running younger sister Lu Keke.

Qin Yunchu always felt that she had a scholarly air about her, and Qin Yunchu would not be surprised if she was said to be from Beijing University.

Then, Qin Yunchu suddenly thought of something, and asked Yang Changshuo: "I remember, Chen Ya stayed in Beijing University for a while, right?"

Yang Changshuo nodded with a mysterious smile on his face: "Yes."

"That's where he met Lu Aia?" Qin Yunchu asked curiously again.

While she was asking, she was also observing Gu Yuqing's reaction.

After a pause for a while, Yang Changshuo continued to smile lightly, this time his voice became deeper:

He seemed to recall the past, his eyes became distant, and he said slowly:

"Speaking of which, I introduced the two of them. At that time, Lu Ai'ai was already a distinguished professor at the Institute of Astrophysics, and Chen Ya was still the administrator of the library."

Qin Yunchu was a little surprised: "Lu Aiai is a specially-appointed professor? So she is so powerful?"

Yang Changshuo nodded: "She is a legendary child prodigy. She is a genius who has completed all the courses of Beijing University at the age of 14. Because she is too young, it is not good for her or others to let her go out in the society, so she is given a position. Let her stay at Beijing University."

"Ten... 14 years old?"

Liu Ruying next to her couldn't help asking.

Finished college courses at the age of 14, in Liu Ruying's understanding, I'm afraid he can no longer be considered a child prodigy.

This is called evildoer.

"I admit that Lu Aiai is indeed one of the few people who can be on a par with Chen Ya in terms of IQ." Gu Yuqing reluctantly replied, she seemed a little reluctant to admit it.

All along, she only regarded Chen Ya as her only opponent, and vice versa, she only regarded herself as Chen Ya's eternal and only opponent.

Regarding Gu Yuqing's evaluation, Lu Qingxuan was not calm after hearing it.

"Lu Ai'ai's IQ can be on par with Chen Ya's." In other words, can Chen Ya's IQ be on par with the magical powers of a 14-year-old who finished college courses?

Why didn't she feel that he was particularly intelligent when she was dealing with Chen Ya?
Or is it that he has returned to his original nature and is like the light?

"Of course, as I said just now, Lu Ai'ai is not fooling around when she is assigned to Beijing University." Mentioning Lu Ai'ai's excellence, Yang Changshuo seemed to be more happy than boasting himself, and said proudly, "She is in the field of astrophysics. The institute has done a lot of work, and she has contributed a lot to my country's lunar exploration project, for which she has won national honors."

This sounds even more staggering.

Qin Yunchu listened in a daze, and suddenly thought, Lu Aiai is indeed a member of the beauty group.

When she first joined the beauty group, she was surprised by the names of Gu Yuqing and others, and also surprised how these outstanding girls turned into a fish pond for ordinary employees.

After seeing Liu Ruyan, she thought that a talented female writer like Liu Ruyan was the top fighter in the beauty group.

Unexpectedly, one mountain is higher than the other.

In the beauty group, there are no ordinary people.Each has a unique skill.

Even a girl like Lu Aiai, who usually doesn't show her beauty, is actually such a genius behind her back, hiding such an amazing identity.

But she usually never revealed what she had done when she met her group of friends, as if it was insignificant, so low-key and terribly low-key.

In fact, when you think about it carefully, everyone in the beauty group is terribly low-key, including Chen Ya himself.

Qin Yunchu thought for a while and smiled wryly.

Dealing with this group of the best people all day long, naturally he will not show off what he has done.

Taking herself as an example, Qin Yunchu's name can fool 99.9% of people outside, but among the female friends, she feels that she is the most useless one.

She suddenly remembered that when she first met Liu Ruyan, the other party said something that made her feel scornful:
"Master, he only likes the best girls."

After recalling it for a long time, Yang Changshuo raised his head and murmured, "I don't know how Lu Aia is doing now after she left Beijing University."

"Cough cough!" Gu Yuqing coughed twice to vent her dissatisfaction, "Did you treat her like a daughter? Wake up, she is not your daughter, and you shouldn't worry about her lifelong affairs!"

Yang Changshuo's expression was a bit awkward: "I'm worried about Chen Ya's lifelong event!"

"But Chen Ya is not your son either!"

"Chen Ya and I are both disciples and friends, so I naturally have to care about it!"

"Chen Ya is not the only apprentice and friend of yours, why don't you gossip about other people?"


The mouth-to-mouth lawsuit on both sides was fierce, and the people who were listening could only be dumbfounded.

Especially Miao Aoxue who was sitting on the side at this time, her eyes were staring like copper bells, with disbelief written all over her eyes.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people around, she would have wanted to slap her face to see if she was still awake.

The time node mentioned by Yang Changshuo is consistent with the time node when she was studying at Peking University.

But what he said, Lu Aiai, and the fact that he knew Chen Ya, I didn't know at all, as if it happened in a parallel world.

That's all for Yang Changshuo. As a professor at Peking University at the time, it was possible that he knew Chen Ya.

It is possible that he went to borrow books every day and had a few chats with Chen Ya before they got to know each other.

What makes Miao Aoxue puzzled is Lu Aiai that Yang Changshuo said.

A specially-appointed professor known as a child prodigy had an ambiguous relationship with Chen Ya, and at that time Chen Yacai was just a librarian... This was simply impossible in Miao Aoxue's perception.

How could he resist telling himself?

Miao Aoxue couldn't help recalling that when she was walking with Chen Ya in the evening, one of the topics that she often talked about was that she had received a love letter from XXX in her class, or was taken early by XXX.

Inside and outside the words, it means "I am very popular, maybe one day I will be chased by someone".

However, after she finished speaking, she would deliberately emphasize that she did not agree to these people, implying that Chen Ya came to chase her.

But every time she said that, Chen Ya was unmoved, so every day when she went back to the dormitory, Miao Aoxue would complain to her roommates and laugh at the straight man for his low EQ.

But how could such a straight man with low EQ have an affair with that specially-appointed professor Lu Aiai, and let Gu Yuqing care so much?

And compare your heart with your heart, if it is Miao Aoxue herself, let alone know Yang Changshuo, even if she is only very familiar with the dormitory downstairs, she will definitely not be able to help but show it off to others.

But Chen Ya, as a librarian at the time, knew such two important people but never mentioned it to him, which was very strange.

If he had mentioned it to himself...if he had mentioned it...

Miao Aoxue couldn't help feeling dumbfounded.

The reason why I didn't develop further with Chen Ya before was because I always had a thought in my heart, "His status is too low to be worthy of me".

But now it seems that Chen Ya is definitely a potential stock, a hero in the later stage, otherwise why so many girls fancied him at that time, and he became a recognized school girl?Still have so many great articles to write.

If he had revealed at that time that he knew Yang Changshuo, would he have changed his opinion of him?
Will things end differently today?

Wouldn't he just sit on the sidelines today, staring blankly at Gu Yuqing and Qin Yunchu, but... directly sit between the two of them peacefully and joyfully, enjoying the attention of others?
Thinking of this, Miao Aoxue couldn't help being crazy, and Li Jiayi gently pushed Miao Aoxue's arm, pulling her back from fantasy to reality.

"What are you doing?" Miao Aoxue's voice couldn't help becoming a little rough.

"Didn't that Chen Ya chase you before? From this point of view, your vision is higher than that of Gu Yuqing and the others."

Miao Aoxue turned around and found that the son of Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce couldn't hide a smile, as if she was very proud of her statement.

Gu Yuqing was always jealous of Chen Ya, but Miao Aoxue dismissed Chen Ya's pursuit at that time. Doesn't this mean that Miao Aoxue's status was indirectly elevated to be higher than Gu Yuqing's?
And raising Miao Aoxue, doesn't it also mean that Li Jiayi, the man who was selected later, is a better candidate?

Li Jiayi found a new way of praising Miao Aoxue, thinking that she would be as proud as himself.

But Miao Aoxue only felt that she was like a toad that had been poked by a stick, grinning her teeth and almost jumping in pain.

When she realized that she had missed Chen Ya and belonged to the biggest colander in her life, Miao Aoxue began to dislike Li Jiayi.

Now it is getting worse and worse.

How did this silly, laughing guy lose his eyesight and lose such a big watermelon to treat his sesame as a treasure?
Miao Aoxue's guts were filled with regret.

"Why don't you speak?" Li Jia asked as soon as he saw that his fiancée's expression was wrong, and his face changed.

"Nothing, not very comfortable."

Miao Aoxue shook her head, turned her back, pretended to be very interested, and continued to listen to the lawsuit between Yang Changshuo and Gu Yuqing.

Li Jiayi inexplicably felt that there was a sudden gap between his fiancée and himself, but he didn't know why.

Gu Yuqing and Yang Changshuo were a little tired from arguing, and the two entered the intermission.

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying sat on the side, and they had been silent for a long time. Lu Qingxuan felt her palms were sweating, and she was a little nervous.

She had a question in her mind, she wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to ask, she hesitated for a long time, before she opened her mouth, she pretended to smile casually and said:
"President Qin, Chen Ya has been your subordinate for a long time, right?"

Qin Yunchu had a good impression of this beautiful girl, so he replied very gently:

"It's not too early. In fact, I got to know Chen Ya very late. I haven't known him for less than a year."

"Less than a year..." Lu Qingxuan repeated, and asked again, "Have you been so impressed with him in less than a year? Seeing how much you care about him, I thought he should be your friend for many years. old subordinate."

When Qin Yunchu heard it, his face turned a little red, he waved his hands and said, "No, no, I don't really care, I just... well, I just care."

Gu Yuqing tilted her head and squinted at Qin Yunchu for a while, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Really..." Lu Qingxuan nodded in a daze after hearing this.She is very accepting of this statement, because she also belongs to that kind of Chen Ya and cares more about it.

"Strictly speaking, he is not my subordinate," Qin Yunchu said with a wry smile, "With his ability, he has not relied on salary for a long time. Going to work is purely to experience life. Now that he is back in the capital, he hired him for a month. It’s fake, how can ordinary migrant workers dare to do this?”

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying listened, and automatically substituted Qin Yunchu's statement into Chen Ya's identity as Jiang Lizhi's boss, and they couldn't help but nodded.

That's right, experience life.No wonder Chen Ya always talked about working in Hongtu before.

Presumably this is the bad taste of rich people, find a class at random, and use beating workers to cover up the fact that they don't need to go to work at all, or just find something to do.

"That's right, after all, he is Jiang Lizhi's boss, so it's enough for him not to go to work and lie down." Lu Qingxuan said.

Qin Yunchu: "What Jiang Lizhi's boss?"

Gu Yuqing: "What Jiang Lizhi's boss?"


The two people asked at the same time.

After asking, he looked at the other party in silence for a while.

Now it was Lu Qingxuan's turn to be embarrassed.

"Ah? That is, his company, Jiang Lizhi, don't you know?"

Qin Yunchu frowned: "What company is Jiang Lizhi?"

Gu Yuqing was calm at first, but after thinking for a while, her eyes suddenly became ferocious:
"Damn Chen Ya, there is still something to hide from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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