Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 290 289. Is there a second Brother Ya in the world?

Chapter 290 289. Is There a Second Brother Ya in the World?
Gu Yuqing stared at Lu Qingxuan and asked, "What Jiang Lizhi Company?"

"That's right, what Jiang Lizhi Company?" Qin Yunchu also asked.

"I've never heard of it. When did he start another company?" Yang Changshuo also frowned.

Now it was Lu Qingxuan's turn to "uh uh".

"That's the one, Jiang Lizhi Company, which makes jewelry, don't you...don't know?"

Lu Qingxuan looked at the crowd, looked into their eyes, and wrote "I don't know at all".

Lu Qingxuan was confused.

She originally wanted to bring the topic to Chen Ya's career, so that she could ask more about him and what was going on with his love life.

But looking at these people who are familiar with Chen Ya, they don't even know that Chen Ya is Jiang Lizhi's boss?

Originally quite confident, Lu Qingxuan began to doubt herself now, did she make a mistake?

Was she and they talking about the same Chen Ya?
Aren't Gu Yuqing and Qin Yunchu very familiar with Chen Ya?How could they be completely ignorant of this?
Moreover, if they didn't know that Chen Ya was Jiang Lizhi's boss, then why did these big bosses praise Chen Ya so much? !
"What three words are you talking about Jiang Lizhi?" Gu Yuqing's eyes were stern.

"Jiang is the river of the big river, Li is the one who leaves, Zhi is... Bai Zhi, it is a grass head, and the bottom one is..."

After Lu Qingxuan finished explaining stutteringly, Gu Yuqing's eyes narrowed.

"Looks like it's another girl's name." Qin Yunchu held his forehead and sighed.

"Well, indeed," Gu Yuqing said, "I don't know if it's to commemorate that girl again."

"No, no, you misunderstood!" Lu Qingxuan couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly explained, "This is from "Li Sao", "Hu Jiangli and Pi Zhixi, Ren Qiulan thinks it is admirable." It is used to refer to decorations. "

After listening to this explanation, Gu Yuqing's expression finally softened a little, but she still pouted slightly:
"Who knows if a girl's name was taken from "Li Sao" and he used this name."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Lu Qingxuan again: "It's thanks to you that you remember this poem that makes your teeth cringe."

"Because, because I feel that this allusion is quite appropriate..."

Lu Qingxuan answered decently, but clenched her fingers tightly, showing the tension in her heart.

The reason why he remembered it so clearly was that he had to go home and search the Internet for every word Chen Ya said that he couldn't understand, so that he could remember it thoroughly.

"What does Jiang Lizhi Company do?" Qin Yunchu asked.

"It's a jewelry company," Lu Qingxuan replied to her. "It has a good reputation and a large scale. Not long ago, it sold sky-high prices for jewelry."

"Jewelry? Why does he want to make jewelry?" Yang Changshuo was puzzled, "Isn't this a waste?"

Yang Changshuo's unique view that being unbiased is a waste has come again.Cao Kunguan smiled at the side, but did not speak.

He also felt it was a waste.

Gu Yuqing brushed her hair and said, "It's decided. After I finish my work here, Yunshan Group will start to enter the jewelry industry as soon as I go back."

Qin Yunchu was a little stunned and said: "Why are you so hasty? Jewelry industry, this has nothing to do with Yunshan Group's main business, right?"

"Tsk tsk..." Gu Yuqing shook her slender, soft fingers, and made a tsk sound at Qin Yunchu.

"Yunchu, you don't know something. In the long struggle between Chen Ya and I, I learned one thing, that is, as long as it is an industry that Chen Ya has laid out, he must follow up as soon as possible, and there will be meat. eat."

Qin Yunchu blinked blankly: "Is it really so effective?"

"It's that amazing."

Qin Yunchu lowered his head and said with a smile: "Then I'll go back and tell my dad to let him enter the jewelry business."

The two big bosses were talking freely, and the others sat aside and couldn't get in their mouths at all, but Lu Qingxuan still mustered up her courage, and said weakly:

"Uh...Actually, Jiang Lizhi's company has been in business for several years. If it's deployed now, I'm afraid it won't be able to compete."

When Gu Yuqing heard this, she became even angrier.

Chen Ya actually learned to hide his business layout and turned against him.Can't afford it?

Lu Qingxuan asked again in a low voice: "I thought you already knew about Jiang Lizhi's company. But since you don't know that Chen Ya is the boss of Jiang Lizhi's company, why... value him? He still has Any other company?"

Lu Qingxuan finally asked what was on her mind, but she felt that she had asked the wrong question.

Because when she saw Gu, Qin, Yang, and Cao looking at her, she became strange.

Those eyes seem to be holding back a smile, and they seem to be pity, just like looking at a child.

"What that person did is not comparable to a small jewelry company." Gu Yuqing said seriously.

Liu Ruying couldn't help but said, "Jiang Lizhi's company is not small."

Gu Yuqing shook her head.

"Compared to what Chen Ya does, the entire jewelry industry is small."

After saying this, Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying didn't speak for a long time.

Only Xia You boredly picked up ginger tea and took a sip.

What Gu Yuqing said was outrageous and arrogant.

If there are practitioners in the jewelry industry sitting here and hearing what Gu Yuqing said just now, even if she is Gu Yuqing, she will definitely be refuted.

Jewelry has been born since ancient times. From the beginning of trading, the jewelry industry has accompanied the entire history of human civilization.

How many years has the entire jewelry industry developed?Even if the domestic jewelry industry is not as influential as the foreign jewelry industry, the hard work of several generations and the development of hundreds of years will not be overwhelmed by a mere person!

If it weren't for the fact that the person in front of them was Gu Yuqing, Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying wouldn't have believed his words at all, and they didn't even have the time to think about it. They could just call it bragging, and thinking about it for a second would count as a loss. up.

But she is Gu Yuqing.

And looking at her expression, she didn't mean to be joking at all.

"May I take the liberty to ask, who on earth is she?" Lu Qingxuan asked.

Gu Yuqing stared at her for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Are you interested in him?"

"It's not that I'm interested...just, I'm a little concerned."

Lu Qingxuan's answer resonated with Qin Yunchu.

"Actually, I don't know Chen Ya very well. The more I get to know him, the more mysteries he has." Qin Yunchu also said, "Why don't you tell me, Yuqing."

"If you ask about what Chen Ya has done, there are too many things, and I can't finish it in a while."

Qin Yunchu nodded slightly.

Write a book, write a book that can win the Nobel Prize, and write a book that can win the Nobel Prize 4 times.

Write songs, write and sing the songs of two popular Chinese singers, and the songs written dominate the foreign pop music scene.

In addition to these, now I heard that he also opened a jewelry company...

Qin Yunchu was really more and more curious about whether there was anything Chen Ya didn't know.

"I have a general understanding of what happened in the first five years after he first came out of the mountain, and I also know a little about what happened in the last two years," Qin Yunchu said, "I just don't know why he went there in the middle five years. ?”

Gu Yuqing said with a half-smile: "You mean, after he came back from abroad in 16, right?"

"En." Qin Yunchu nodded.

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying looked at them half-understood, their hearts full of doubts, could it be that Chen Ya went abroad 16 years ago, did he have any extraordinary experiences?

"Principal Yang participated in the whole process during that time, so let's ask him to talk about it." Gu Yuqing said with a smile, "It just so happened that I listened too. In fact, I may not even know everything."

Yang Changshuo glared at her: "Now you know how to respect me?"

"Haha, it's as if I didn't respect you any more."


Yang Changshuo didn't bother with her, and said openly: "At the end of 16, Chen Ya brought his resume to the Beijing University Library and started working as a librarian there.

"He is a person who rarely speaks, and most of the time he just sits there silently, so no one knows where he is from, and no one knows his past, because he looks young, many people think he is a university student in Beijing .”

Everyone listened carefully, including Miao Aoxue.

Xia You spent all her time adding water to her cup, but tilted her ears slightly, paying attention to Yang Changshuo's story.

"He sat in the library all day long, borrowing some books when he had nothing to do, and every time he saw him, he was buried behind a thick pile of books.

"Once I took a little look at the books he borrowed, they were very miscellaneous, sometimes they were monographs on electromagnetic mechanics, sometimes they were books on basic physical theories, but without exception, they were all cutting-edge.

"Besides, he was always writing something with a computer and pen and paper. Finally one day, I couldn't help but ask him, what are you writing about?
"He told me he was writing a thesis."


Lu Qianzi and Chen Hai sat in their seats, a little reserved.

It's fine that Chen Hai has always been cautious, but Lu Qianzi is also cautious, there must be a reason.

The reason is that the great god sitting next to her, Zhao Yuanhai.

She still underestimated Zhao Yuanhai's sense of oppression.Chen Sheng had told her before that Zhao Yuanhai sat at their table and asked them to take good care of him.

She was reluctant at the time, and ran to the main hall to join in the excitement for a while, but was still caught by Chen Sheng, and returned to her seat in despair.

After sitting down, she began to wait with great pain for the opening of the table.

She wished she could fast-forward her life, let the time go by quickly, eat early and leave early, it was better than being depressed here.

Chen Sheng has been hinting with his eyes that it is also good for Chen Hai to talk to Zhao Yuanhai and make Zhao Yuanhai familiar with him.

However, Chen Hai's mind is completely out of his mind now, and the one who is out of his mind and thinking about it is Qin Yunchu who is far away.

Chen Hai is upset now, very confused.

He really wanted to know what happened to Qin Yunchu and what he was talking about.

Also, what exactly did Chen Ya do to attract so many people's attention.

Therefore, he didn't care about Chen Sheng's suggestion at all, and he didn't know how to talk to Zhao Yuanhai.

"Hello?" After an awkward silence, Zhao Yuanhai connected the phone and stood up immediately.

"Mr. Shi, are you here? Downstairs? Okay, I'll come down to pick you up right away... No need? Well, if you're on the 85th floor, if you're on the elevator, you go in the main entrance and go left... Or you can just ask the doorman..."

Lu Qianzi was glad that Zhao Yuanhai went away with the phone and she could relax a little bit, but she didn't expect that Zhao Yuanhai didn't go far, and came back to sit down after making the phone call.

"Boss Shi will come over later. He must want to sit with me. Are there enough seats here? Do you want to talk to the boss?"

Chen Sheng hurriedly greeted him courteously: "No need, just sit down. I have asked the high committee member just now, and all the seats at this table have been reserved."

Zhao Yuanhai nodded, Chen Sheng suddenly had a thought, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, which President Shi is it?"

Zhao Yuanhai turned his head and kept looking outside the door, not in the mood to answer his question, maybe because he was anxious, he stood up again and said, "I'd better wait at the door."

He stepped down and walked to the door, and after a while, he came back again. This time, he was followed by a man wearing a jacket, glasses, and carrying a shoulder bag. He looked ordinary, even a bit like an otaku... an otaku.

"Boss Shi, sit here."

Zhao Yuanhai continued to be courteous, helped that "Boss Shi" pull away the chair, waited for him to sit down, and stretched out his hand to introduce:

"This is Mr. Chen's father, this is his younger brother, and this is his half-sister. The one who got married this time is Mr. Chen's sister-in-law, that is, this sister..."

Zhao Yuanhai is already in his fifties, and that "Boss Shi" looks to be in his twenties and less than thirty, so his detailed introduction, in the eyes of others, is a bit ridiculous.

Like bringing a baby.

Although "Boss Shi" had "Boss" in his title, he was unassuming and humble, looking at Chen Sheng and the others and nodding repeatedly.

After hearing the introduction that Chen Sheng was Chen Ya's father, he seemed to have misunderstood something, stretched out his hands, took Chen Sheng's hands, and shook them up and down:
"I'm really sorry, I'm a bit late. The three of us should have come here together. The other two projects they have today really can't get away. They are all important projects that Brother Ya ordered to keep a close eye on, so they They sent me as a representative..."

Chen Sheng was in a daze, and had no idea what this "Boss Shi" was talking about.

Zhao Yuanhai pointed at Chen Sheng, and said, "Oh, by the way, the two sides of this wedding are Mr. Chen's sister-in-law, and the other side is Wei Mingzhe you recommended last time..."

"Boss Shi" nodded again and again to Chen Sheng and said: "Wei Mingzhe is really good. I have seen his work in Jiangcheng far away. He is very thoughtful and has the ability to act. We need such employees. Really. Thank you for sending talents to Beichen..."

Hearing the words "Our Beichen", even Chen Hai couldn't sit still this time, and turned his head to look over.

Chen Sheng finally couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "Well, Mr. Shi, forgive me, are you also from Beichen?"

Zhao Yuanhai froze, realized that he forgot to introduce, and quickly said in a low voice: "Have you heard of the three masters of Beichen? This is Mr. Shi Chuandong."

Hearing this legendary name, Chen Hai woke up like a dream, and only then did he realize what he just said.

"Oh, don't call me Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi, I'm so embarrassed to call him. This is Brother Ya's father. I should be called Uncle. Uncle Chen can just call me Xiaoshi."

Lu Qianzi, who was a little filthy, suffocated her laughter when she heard the word "Chen Bo", and her face turned red.Chen Hai didn't care about thinking wrong at all, but widened his eyes and asked:

"Who are you talking about, Brother Ya? Is it Chen Ya?"

Shi Chuandong looked at him, and said dumbly for a while: "Yes, who else? Is there a second Brother Ya in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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