Chapter 291. 290. Qin Yunchu's Smile
"Is there a second Brother Ya in the world?"

Chen Sheng was sweating.

He was holding a water glass in his hand, and he couldn't hold one of them firmly. A little water in the glass spilled out, and his pants were wet all of a sudden. He jumped up and frantically wiped it with toilet paper.

Chen Hai's face was ugly, and he continued to ask cautiously: "Chen Ya invited you here?"

Shi Chuandong said without any thought: "Well, that's not true. Brother Ya just mentioned it in the group. I think it's better to come here. If I think about it, he never mentioned his private affairs before, nor did he say anything about himself. The family, what he would say, must be important to him, so I'm here."

Chen Hai's expression became even uglier.

Chen Ya never mentioned his family before, because he didn't have any family before.

According to what Shi Chuandong said, Chen Ya just mentioned it in any group, and Shi Chuandong, one of the three heroes of Beichen, traveled thousands of miles from Jiangcheng to Beijing.

People of Beichen Sanjie's level usually have work plans that are accurate to the second, and because of Chen Ya's words, he came from so far away...

Then what is the relationship between him and Chen Ya?
Thinking of this, Chen Sheng's hand to wipe his pants began to tremble as if he had Parkinson's disease.

Lu Ruixiang, who was sitting by the side, didn't think as much as Chen Sheng did. She didn't want Chen Sheng to know so much, and thought that Shi Chuandong was trying to make friends, so she exaggerated on purpose.

She smiled and said to Shi Chuandong: "You are really good at talking, you are so good at flattering people."

Shi Chuandong was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Lu Ruixiang meant.

In most of his experiences in life, he has never only heard others say that he "cannot speak and has a low EQ", and it was the first time in his life that he was praised for being able to speak.

Therefore, he thought that Lu Ruixiang was mocking him, and was at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to answer her.

Lu Ruixiang continued with a slight smile: "Wei Mingzhe would be very happy if he knew you were here. You care so much about him, I think he will definitely pay more and contribute to the company."

Shi Chuandong waved his hand and said, "That's not the case. Our Beichen company has always advocated a win-win situation, and we will give back to the company and society on the road of self-realization."

Lu Ruixiang added: "Mr. Shi is too generous. To be honest, I never believed that Wei Mingzhe could join Beichen before. We always felt that he was not capable. He was able to join Beichen and solved his big problem. I Thinking about this, I can’t thank you and Mr. Zhao enough.”

Shi Chuandong shook his head greatly, feeling a little excited: "No, no, no, you don't have to thank me, I want to thank you."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hands, took Lu Ruixiang's hand, and said, "Thank you, thank you. Thank you for giving birth to Brother Ya."

Lu Ruixiang's smile froze on his face.

After finishing speaking, Shi Chuandong looked into the distance, staring affectionately:
"You may not know, if it wasn't for Brother Ya, if he hadn't met me at Beijing University and brought me along, I would be a fart, nothing, nothing. He changed me, changed my life , that is to say, you have indirectly affected my life, you are my half noble..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhao Yuanhai coughed violently, leaned over to Shi Chuandong, and reminded in a low voice:
"This is Mr. Chen's stepmother, not his biological mother!"

Shi Chuandong was taken aback, and stretched out his hand to apologize: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I take back what I said just now. The main thing is to thank you."

He stretched out his hand to shake Chen Sheng's hand again: "Thank you for raising Brother Ya, thank you so much!"

Chen Sheng also petrified.

Although Shi Chuandong is now the founder of Beichen and the person who leads the party, but he is not engaged in management, mainly in the research and development of technology, and he is not very good at dealing with people.

And he used to be (and still is) an otaku, he would blush even when talking to girls, so his mind has always been pure.

To put it bluntly, it means low emotional intelligence.

However, this time it wasn't his low EQ that hurt people, it was the truth, the naked truth, that hurt Lu Ruixiang and Chen Sheng's family internally.

Moreover, in fact, Shi Chuandong was still wrong just now.

Chen Sheng didn't train Chen Ya much either.Chen Ya grew into what he is now, basically by himself.

It has nothing to do with Chen Sheng.

Chen Hai twisted his buttocks, unable to sit still.

He felt that what was happening now was more and more beyond his comprehension, destroying his world view more and more.

At the very beginning, he just thought that Chen Ya only gained the favor of a rich woman by virtue of his outstanding looks, so he soared into the sky.

Later, he thought that Chen Ya was on the campus of Peking University, and met some kind of opportunity and met noble people to support him.

It wasn't until Zhao Yuanhai and Shi Chuandong came to admire Chen Ya that he realized that there might be some deviation in his understanding——

Perhaps Chen Ya really had real talents and learned something. He met the three heroes of Beichen on the campus of Peking University, and was supported by them, so he became a high-ranking member of Beichen.

As a result, Shi Chuandong's words changed his three views that had been broken and reshaped several times.

It turned out that it wasn't the Beichen Sanjie who became Chen Ya's nobleman, but Chen Ya was the Beichen Sanjie's nobleman?

His whole heart was filled with question marks.

How could this be? ?

Chen Hai asked, "Mr. Shi, did Chen Ya really... help you a lot? What did he do when he was at Beijing University?"

With a smile on Shi Chuandong's face, he asked, "Ah, aren't you his family? Don't you know?"

Chen Hai looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Actually, we haven't seen each other for a long time because of family reasons, and now we are still... in the process of getting acquainted. Well, we are slowly getting acquainted again."

Zhao Yuanhai leaned closer to Shi Chuandong again, and reminded in a low voice: "It is estimated that Chen Ya's parents divorced when he was a child, and he and his family here are separated, so I don't know much about it."

Shi Chuandong's expression became serious.

Although his EQ is very low, he still has some understanding of family and affection.

Now he finally understood why they didn't respond when he talked about Chen Ya before.

It turned out that they were not familiar with each other yet!

In this case, he is obliged to make them familiar again.

"Don't you know Brother Ya's experience in Beijing University? You didn't know before Beijing University? Then what do you know? You don't know anything?..."

After asking a few questions, all the staff shook their heads in response. Ishikawa Dong took a deep breath.

"Okay, I see. Actually, it's not that he doesn't tell you. It's because Brother Ya has such a personality. He doesn't bother to talk about his past, because he feels that what happened has already happened, and he is always indulging in it." People who are based on the past represent his aging mentality, so he never told us about his past."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, he does like to talk nonsense about his identity to people who are not interested, but that's because he's too lazy to waste time on that kind of people. For people he really cares about, he won't Hiding something. So if I tell you about his past, he will definitely not blame me."

Shi Chuandong's words made Chen Sheng a little embarrassed.

From this point of view, he was indeed one of the people that Chen Ya didn't want to waste time on.

Because he asked Chen Ya what he was doing at the time, Chen Ya told him that he was an ordinary employee with a monthly salary of several thousand.

He believed it right away, and thought that a few thousand a month was pretty good for Chen Ya.

Shi Chuandong went on to say: "It was the end of 2016, I found a job advertisement on the school bulletin board, saying that a start-up company wanted to recruit IT technicians for a part-time job, and the salary was generous.

"I happened to be a little short of money at the time, but the school didn't have many part-time jobs, and the IT technology was just right for me, and the job location was still on campus, so I went.

"What surprised me was that the so-called generous remuneration mentioned in the recruitment announcement was not a monthly salary, but a big pie, which was a dividend after the project was profitable.

"At that time, there were many people who applied for the same job as me. They were very unimpressed by this kind of pie-painting behavior and thought they were liars. But I was more honest. The recruiter talked about hype, so I stayed.

"It was only later that I found out that the recruiter was Brother Ya, and he was also the only person in the so-called start-up company at that time. This was the first time Brother Ya and I met."

Among the crowd, Lu Qianzi's eyes gradually widened.

"Is this start-up company you mentioned... the predecessor of Beichen?" She asked.

Shi Chuandong nodded and said, "Yes."

"Is it that, Eagle's Nest?"

Shi Chuandong was overjoyed: "You still know Eagle's Nest? That's right, one team has two brands, and our place is also called Eagle's Nest."

The shadow that appeared in Lu Qianzi's mind became bigger and bigger.

That huge oppressive possibility gradually occupied all of Lu Qianzi's field of vision.

"In other words, yes, yes, it is Chen Ya, he is the leader of Eagle's Nest?" Lu Qianzi asked tremblingly.

"Yeah." Shi Chuandong said, "He is the leader, we call him the leader."

In Eagle's Nest before, the pile of dusty materials they found, the work notes inside, and the records were all true.

At that time, the three heroes of Yingchao, that is, the future three heroes of Beichen, were all part-time workers.

Above them, there is another existence.

They call it "The Boss".

The leader is Chen Ya.



In the main hall, Yang Changshuo continued to talk about the past.

"King University is a place of academic freedom, and the freedom lies in the fact that everyone can have their own academic opinions and discuss with each other without being ridiculed.

"You should have seen the story of the security guard of Peking University who was admitted to the graduate school of Peking University before. Peking University is such a place, and anything can happen.

"But this is the first time I have met a librarian writing a thesis there.

"The difficulty factor of writing a thesis is not the same as the difficulty factor of being admitted to Peking University as a graduate student. Moreover, Chen Ya was writing a thesis on science at that time."

Speaking of this, Wu Zun couldn't help asking: "Principal Yang, are you sure it's a science paper?"

"I'm sure, I still remember the title of his paper at that time. Although I can't tell you the title." Yang Changshuo said with a smile.

Wu Zun hesitated and said, "But, I checked his paper publication records before, and he only wrote some literature papers, and..."

He hesitated for a long time, and swallowed the words "it's still relatively watery".

Yang Changshuo showed a mysterious smile.

Some academic achievements can be shared, but some academic achievements cannot be published publicly and must be kept confidential.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to find out.

So he didn't answer either, and continued:

"At that time, I thought that Chen Ya was just another folk science, and the so-called thesis was just nonsense. But borrowing what he had already written, I took it over and saw that the whole thesis had a rigorous framework and a reasonable structure, and it didn't look like those folk science nonsense.

"Looking at the content again, the direction of the research is very cutting-edge, and some theoretical configurations have never been heard of by me... At that time, I started to get serious.

"After I went back, I was lying on the bed, and his ideas were still floating in my mind. After that, I couldn't help talking to some colleagues. They were also very interested in those ideas, and they discussed them for a while.

"When we were discussing, Lu Aiai was also there. Maybe it was at this time that she knew about Chen Ya from us."

After Yang Changshuo finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Gu Yuqing, and found that she was also listening seriously, with no abnormal expression on her face.

Compared to Gu Yuqing's normal expression, the expression on Qin Yunchu's face was wonderful.

First it was writing, then it was music.

It's good now, you tell me, he is still engaged in scientific research?
If someone else said this, even if it was Chen Ya himself, Qin Yunchu would definitely not believe it.

But this is what Yang Changshuo said.

Yang Changshuo has a serious background in scientific research and is well-known in the academic world.He clearly stated that he was interested in Chen Ya's research, so what Chen Ya did was certainly not simple, at least not something ordinary people could do.

What kind of person is this?
Qin Yunchu felt that it was already difficult to describe him as outrageous.

But should I say it or not, Qin Yunchu's mentality is already Buddha.

In the past, she would make a fuss and yell about things beyond her cognition.

If it was placed before, she would definitely "stare wide-eyed in surprise, and ask Chen Ya if he just graduated from junior high school? How could he write a paper that surprised even Professor Yang?"

But she can't now.

As for Chen Ya, she was already tired and didn't have the energy to be shocked.There is only the bad idea of ​​​​"I'm tired, let me do it".

"Didn't Chen Ya just graduate from junior high school? How could he write such a thesis?"

Lu Qingxuan asked.At this time, Qin Yunchu turned his gaze to her with burning eyes.

Lu Qingxuan noticed that Qin Yunchu's eyes were weird, and he blushed a little, and said:

"What, what's the matter, am I asking the wrong question? I mean, it's impossible for a scientist to dig it out of the ground. I don't think he... doesn't look like a scientific researcher at all."

Qin Yunchu smiled silently "hehe", and treated Lu Qingxuan very gently.

She felt that Lu Qingxuan's reaction was the same as her previous self.

I don't know why, but it looks cute.

Yang Changshuo answered her question: "You want to ask, where did his academic level come from?"

"Well, that's what I mean." Lu Qingxuan nodded.

"Self-taught." Yang Changshuo said with a smile, "The library of Beijing University is huge, and you can find any book you want in it."

 In view of the fact that the brother released it so early, can I have a monthly pass?

  Thanks to the snake and fish in the Garden of Eden, book friends 2017090421521487 for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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