Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 292 291. He has always been the boss

Chapter 292 291. He has always been the boss
Lu Qingxuan glared at Yang Changshuo.

Not against him.

Mainly because the answer is too simple.It's so simple that it's confusing.

If it is really like what Yang Changshuo said, you can do scientific research by reading books and self-study, so what do you need a university for? ?

Yang Changshuo didn't care about the scorching eyes of everyone, and still said with eloquence:

"If there is a problem with our country's education, the biggest problem is that Chen Ya was almost elected... No, it wasn't almost, but he was already elected.

"Fortunately, he can touch it back by himself. If it wasn't for the Beijing University librarian recruitment, he was selected. I can't imagine the consequences of missing this kind of talent."

After Yang Changshuo finished speaking, he sighed endlessly.

He couldn't imagine how serious the loss would be to the great revival if people like Chen Ya were not discovered and lost abroad.

Liu Ruying opened her mouth slightly. In her impression, Principal Yang had never praised someone so much.

If these words were heard by any new media editor, it would be another shocking article to spread.

"Principal Yang, what kind of paper did Chen Ya write?" Liu Ruying asked curiously.

The little old man's eyes were shining brightly, as if he was weighing something.

If this issue was placed a few years ago, it would still be a sensitive issue, and it would take a lot of political review to know about it.

Although those products have already landed, the long-standing confidentiality regulations have made Yang Changshuo a habit. In the end, he still has reservations out of sensitive considerations.

"Unless it's him himself, I can't tell you."

Everyone looked at Yang Changshuo, and Lu Qingxuan blinked twice.

This pass sells... people have the urge to throw things.

Wu Zun at the side suddenly said: "Shouldn't he have been issued an SCI? I didn't find it on the Internet before. If his results were issued an SCI, it should be possible to find it."

Qin Yunchu asked, "What is SCI?"

She is a graduate student in business and commerce, and she doesn't know much about the term SCI.

Wu Zun explained: "SCI is "Science Citation Index". Generally speaking, posting SCI means publishing documents in such scientific and technological journals. Posting an article means that you have internationally recognized scientific research achievements."

"In other words, if the SCI has not been issued, it means that the academic achievement has not been recognized internationally." Wang Shaoxian said suddenly.

"Young Master Wang also understands this?" Qin Yunchu tilted his head and asked.

Wang Shaoxian smiled and said, "I wanted to post an article for fun before, so as to show off on the Internet, so I learned a little bit about it."

Liu Ruying said: "Not publishing SCI doesn't mean anything, maybe it's publishing domestic journals."

"But if you post a domestic periodical, you should be able to find it. It's impossible that there will be no search results." Wu Zun said weakly.

It wasn't that he dared to question Yang Changshuo, but what Yang Changshuo said was too unbelievable.

If Yang Changshuo just expressed his admiration for Chen Ya, then he felt it was justifiable. After all, Chen Ya was handsome, and it was hard work to write a thesis through self-study.

But the problem is, Yang Changshuo said a bit too much.

He said it as if losing Chen Ya was the loss of the Republic.Is Chen Ya a panda?
If he is really a panda, at least he will be known to the world in terms of scientific research like those famous academics, right?

No matter how bad it is, even if there is an entry in the encyclopedia, it can be considered that he has made a name for himself?
But the fact is that not only is there no legend about Chen Ya among the people, but also nothing left by him can be found on the Internet, and none of the so-called papers have been published in any journals.

So what is there to praise Principal Yang for?

Wu Zun didn't quite understand.

Li Jiayi, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said:
"If it's just a thesis and it's not sent to SCI, then that's okay. Writing a thesis is actually easier than everyone thinks. Maybe it's just because he is a librarian that it seems very contrasting."

"Well, that's it," Miao Aoxue also echoed, "I went to university abroad, my host family at that time, their children were in elementary school, and the homework assigned by the teacher was to write a paper on animals. That kid just wrote a serious two-page paper about blue whales, and asked me to correct it. It’s just a subject, but it’s not as sacred as everyone imagined.”

Lu Qingxuan looked at her, and said in a blunt tone:
"I think, for Chen Ya, who only graduated from junior high school, even if the paper he wrote has not been published in any publications, it is enough to be called very good if it is only recognized by Professor Yang."

After Lu Qingxuan finished speaking, Gu Yuqing immediately looked at her in surprise.

In her words, the meaning of defending Chen Ya was obvious, even though Chen Ya was not present.

Gu Yuqing began to doubt whether Chen Ya also hooked up with this girl.

Miao Aoxue blushed a little, and said, "I didn't deny what he meant, I just said that this matter is not so incomprehensible."

Liu Ruying suddenly said: "I think it's because this matter is incomprehensible that Principal Yang is so excited."

Gu Yuqing shifted her surprised gaze to Liu Ruying again.

She was almost sure now that Chen Ya really hooked up with the girl again when he came to the capital.

And there's more than one.

The two girls came to hate Miao Aoxue, which made her a little upset, and said: "I was just telling the truth, just like Wang Shao said just now, the gold content of the current paper is not so high."

As soon as Li Jia saw that her own woman was bullied, she naturally wanted to help, and said:

"The more you learn, the easier it is to understand. It is impossible to be self-taught with a junior high school education. Now that the accumulation of human scientific research has reached a terrifying level, it is not the era when self-study can make a name for yourself. Most of them are civilian subjects."

He turned his head to look at Wang Shaoxian, and said, "Young Master Wang, you studied science abroad, right? You should understand what I mean. Of course, I declare that I have no opinion on Chen Ya, I am just stating objective facts That's all."

Wang Shaoxian said with great interest: "If you want to say that some papers now have no gold content, then it is true. The current gunmen are really stronger than you imagined."

For a while, everyone was talking, but Yang Changshuo stopped talking. He sat with his legs up and listened, secretly laughing.

He has no airs and likes to mingle with young people.

And he also has a habit - as an academic talent, the reason why he became the principal of Peking University is because of his hobby - he likes to appreciate the ignorance of others.

Seeing that Wang Shaoxian was also on her side, Miao Aoxue got a little excited, and said, "Is it? Paper factories are really rampant now, right? I heard that even SCI seems to have a clear price tag."

Wang Shaoxian said casually: "Yes, legal ones are several thousand dollars, and illegal ones are tens of thousands. If you spend money, you can cover SCI, at least the publications in the second district, and sometimes you can go to the first district of some water journals."

Liu Ruying is from the Department of Literature, so she doesn't know much about it yet, her expression was a bit puzzled, and Lu Qingxuan didn't know much about it, so she asked, "What do you mean?"

Wang Shaoxian played with his fingernails and said: "There are also some publications in SCI that are relatively parallel imports. As long as some popular research directions are finalized, it is easy to get into these publications. There is a set of industries in China that do this, which can be called wholesale SCI papers. valuable."

After he finished speaking, he smiled and added: "I just wanted to buy an SCI article and post it for fun, and I could brag about it on the Internet, but after thinking about it, forget it, and if it is exposed, it is tantamount to giving these paper factories Advertise for free, and they don’t pay me for advertising.”

Liu Ruying asked: "Aren't these industries a gray area?"

"It's a gray area, but most of them are legal." Wang Shaoxian had a wonderful expression, "So, these days, many things are not as mysterious as everyone imagined."

Miao Aoxue raised her face and immediately felt a lot more relaxed, even a little elated.

Originally, it was suddenly revealed that Chen Ya was the boss of Jiang Lizhi's company, so she was depressed enough, but Li Jiayi, who she chose, is also the future head of the Xuanyuan Chamber of Commerce, so the gap from Chen Ya is not too big.

As a result, her cognition was refreshed over and over again.

First, Qin Yunchu had a good relationship with Chen Ya, and then Gu Yuqing had an ambiguous relationship with Chen Ya.

The identities of these two people are not as simple as ordinary beauties.Think about it, a young and promising boss has a good relationship with the new generation leaders of Gu and Qin. What kind of social circle is this?

As long as you make good use of it and don't overturn the car, your future achievements can be described as limitless.

Just for a while, God knows Miao Aoxue almost gritted her silver teeth in secret, scratching her heart with hatred.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

Why didn't you keep in touch with Chen Ya?
With his own good looks, even if he didn't promise him with his body, but just hung him up, with Chen Ya's straight man style at that time, it should be no problem.

Why are they turning against each other now, and the relationship is not as good as that of strangers?
It was already painful enough, but Yang Changshuo came to make up for it, and kept saying how good Chen Ya was academically.

Miao Aoxue didn't like to hear it at all.

That's why she is more inclined to want to prove that being able to write a thesis is not very remarkable.

Although this did not affect Chen Ya's wide network of friends, even Yang Changshuo had a good relationship with him, but it made Miao Aoxue feel better. She could tell herself that Chen Ya was not so omnipotent, and she was not blind at that time.

It's not so much about convincing others as it is about convincing yourself.

"Duk, duk, duk!"

Cao Kunguan, who was sitting next to him, tapped his pipe in the vat, and the sound was a bit loud, which startled everyone.

Cao Kunguan said in the direction of Yang Changshuo expressionlessly:

"Lao Yang and I are quite familiar. It doesn't matter whether we are acquaintances or bad karma. Anyway, based on what I know about him, his bad temper is one of one and the other of two. He never flatters others, nor Throwing people, if he said awesome, he must be awesome."

After Cao Kunguan finished speaking, everyone was silent, only Yang Changshuo nodded with satisfaction: "You are right this time."

Cao Kunguan stuffed new tobacco into his pipe and said:
"Besides, his standards are higher than the average person's, because he takes his own level as the standard. He seems to think that what he can do is not awesome, and what he can't do is called awesome, so since He brags to such an extent, I usually think that Chen Ya is even better than him."

Yang Changshuo's face changed: "You are exaggerating."

Cao Kunguan put the pipe in his mouth: "Isn't it? I don't understand academic things, but if you look at other fields together, isn't Chen Ya awesome?"

Yang Changshuo was embarrassed for a while: "That's true."

Gu Yuqing and Qin Yunchu immediately looked at each other.

Director Cao Kunguan seems to know a lot?
After Yang Changshuo finished speaking, he immediately said again: "However, what we are talking about now is the academic field. Since you don't understand the academic field, then don't talk about it casually."

Cao Kunguan sneered: "I don't just say it casually, and you're hemming and hawing, so you just tell me, what level is Chen Ya in the academic field?"

Yang Changshuo sighed, and was about to say something, when he looked up, he suddenly saw a sly look in Cao Kunguan's eyes.

"You old fox, you're aggressive, right? Do you think I'll be fooled by you?" Yang Changshuo was about to spit out his mouth, "Don't you just want to find out more information about Chen Ya and get close to him?"

When Cao Kunguan was exposed, he didn't blush at all, but said calmly: "You think of people too dirty, why can't it be me who is purely curious?"

"Curiosity, right? If I just want to satisfy your curiosity, then I will make an evaluation of Chen Ya's academic level."

Yang Changshuo cleared his throat and said very solemnly:

"Attention, the following is what I say as a research veteran and an educator, not a top scientist. If it is a cutting-edge scientist, I am afraid that the evaluation of Chen Ya will be more thorough, but I only evaluate from my point of view. ..."

After a pause, he said: "Chen Ya's academic level has surpassed the stage of being described as a genius, and he cannot even be described as a monster. He is a monster among monsters.

"Without him, our country's breakthroughs in certain scientific research fields will be delayed for 20 years, and this 20 years may be decisive, because once it is so many years later than other countries, it may be stuck in the core field. Will never be able to do it again.

"And he quickly commercialized these scientific research results through corporate operation, allowing our country to achieve leapfrog development in this field and lead the world.

"A master of the world, powerful in the world, and unique in the world, this is my evaluation of him."

After Yang Changshuo finished speaking, everyone was quiet for a while.

Miao Aoxue opened her mouth, but said nothing.


She originally thought that Yang Changshuo's evaluation would be an appropriate evaluation of Chen Ya's hard work and efforts from the perspective of a senior.


Why do you feel that his evaluation is a bit far from what I imagined?



"You mean, Chen Ya is your 'boss'?" Lu Qianzi asked in surprise.

Shi Chuandong nodded: "Yes, he has always been the leader, do you have any questions?"

Chen Hai patted Lu Qianzi from the side: "What are you talking about? What boss?"

Lu Qianzi could stuff an egg into her mouth.The information I found in the Eagle's Nest earlier is still vivid in my memory.

The leader of the Eagle's Nest, that is the existence that leads the three heroes of the Eagle's Nest.

At that time, Lu Qianzi was surprised when she saw those meeting minutes—because in her impression and cognition, the three heroes of Beichen were the founders of Beichen, and Beichen was founded by their three brothers.

At that time, she and Liu Ruying discussed about this "boss" for a long time. The main question was, why did this "boss" disappear later?
Because judging from the text of the meeting minutes, each meeting is presided over by the "boss", and all directions are proposed by the "boss".

He should be Beichen's mentor and guide, why did he disappear later?
At that time, Lu Qianzi and the others discussed the answer that this "boss" might be a highly respected professor or someone on the campus of Peking University.

After the founding of Beichen, the "boss" retired and did not give up his teaching position to join Beichen.

In addition to this conjecture, there is another darker conjecture: this "boss" who worked so hard in the early stage has already been kicked out by the three heroes of Beichen.

However, who would have guessed that this "boss" is actually his half-brother, Chen Ya!

"That means, it was Chen Ya who led you to found Beichen in the early stage???" Lu Qianzi asked with rounded eyes.

"Right? What's the matter?" Shi Chuandong looked puzzled, as if the answer to the question she asked was obvious, and he didn't understand why he had to ask it.

And this answer surprised everyone around him.

Especially Chen Hai.

He's a little confused now.

"Why Chen Ya founded Beichen? What are you talking about?" Chen Hai asked anxiously.

"Don't make any noise." Lu Qianzi pushed him away, and continued to ask, "Then, what about now? Why isn't Chen Ya the leader now?"

Shi Chuandong looked at Lu Qianzi, and said speechlessly again: "Who told you that you are not in charge now?"

Lu Qianzi said, "You mean..."

"Bei Chen has always been presided over by Brother Ya, he is the absolute leader," Shi Chuandong was stunned after finishing speaking, "Wait, don't you guys know?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhao Yuanhai coughed from the side.

He felt that Shi Chuandong revealed information that shouldn't be revealed.

Since Chen Ya didn't reveal his secret to these family members, it means that he probably didn't want them to know.

Shi Chuandong poked it out so recklessly, Zhao Yuanhai felt... Maybe something was wrong.

However, the profound meaning of his cough was not understood by Shi Chuandong.

"Although Brother Ya said that we don't sit in the office and that we are in charge of the company's specific affairs, he is still the commander in chief. He has 100% leadership over Beichen. As long as he says a word, Beichen company can stay in place 180 degrees." Steering. Or rather, that’s how it’s been going for years.”

Shi Chuandong talked eloquently, and after finishing speaking, he was a little complacent: "Facts have proved that Beichen is right. Beichen is right, which proves that Brother Ya is right. Brother Ya is always right. We have done too much in these years. Only by doing the right thing can Beichen become number one in the world.”

After Shi Chuandong finished speaking, he suddenly found that the people around him were not moving, not even showing any expressions.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you feel like you've been petrified?"

Simple Ishikawa Dong asked.

 5k words, asking for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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