Chapter 293 292. Is the boss originally?
"Brother Ya has always been the leader."

Although Shi Chuandong's words were not serious, they sounded loud and caused continuous echoes in everyone's ears.

Always been the boss...

They are all bosses...


Chen Sheng felt a wave of dizziness, and firmly grasped the edge of the table with his palms so as not to fall down.

Shi Chuandong looked at Chen Sheng's expression and felt very puzzled.

He felt that Chen Sheng was very unusual. If a normal person knew that his son was the founder of Beichen—of course, a normal person would not even notice what his son was doing—the first reaction would definitely be "Hey! I hit it!"

Suddenly becoming the father of the founder of Beichen, this joy is like a mother who heard her son was elected president of the United States. It is an extremely rare experience.

Of course, Mao Zedong's election as president certainly did not happen overnight, and everyone climbed up step by step.However, even if Chen Sheng was not mentally prepared, his current reaction is still intriguing.

In fact, this conclusion does not need yesterday's development conference. When Bei Chen announced his intention, he was already mentally prepared.

Zuo Wenzong looked at him in surprise, then nodded slowly.

Chen Sheng hesitated and asked: "Then, that's still not right. Aren't Beichen's shares held by Beichen Sanjie? How could he be the chairman?"

The reason why the Lu family can still maintain a certain level of life now is mostly due to the dividends from the Taimei Group. Without the dividends from Taimei Group, the Lu family's business will be more difficult than it is now.

The man was estimated to be in his 30s, and he was in high spirits. He seemed to be the age for a successful career. Mrs. Yu Shuning was standing at the door, and when she saw him, a smile appeared on her face.

Finance, technology, and execution, the three people have divided up the company's leadership positions, and each has their own responsibilities. I really don't know who Chen Ya is. Anyway, Chen Ya can do whatever he wants.

Commissioner Gao patted Zuo Wenzong on the shoulder in the last half of his sentence, after saying a word, the weight of the words was conveyed with the movements.

"Moreover, in the company's articles of association, he is the 'permanent chairman' and has full power to decide the company's development, no matter how much his shareholding is. Even if he only has 1% of the shares, as long as he is still in the company, the company's The business must be decided by him, and no one can impeach him."

Among the four major families, apart from the Xia family in the military, the Gu family, the Qin family, and the Lu family who were engaged in business all started from industries, and at the same time controlled several core industries in the country, such as energy, transportation, infrastructure, etc. .

The batch of shares he sold to the Lu family today is not what he said, it was replaced by him.

"Yes, he is Beichen's boss," Shi Chuandong blinked, "He is the chairman, what's wrong?"

"Isn't that right," said Committee Member Gao, "he takes a fishing rod and runs to the pond to fish every day. His fishing rod doesn't even have a hook, and there are no fish in our Lu family's pond. What is not sulking?"

"Rumours about you. Bad rumours."

"Oh?" After listening to Zuo Wenzong's words, Committee Member Gao showed interest, "How much?"

In fact, due to the wave of restructuring in the 90s, Mrs. Lu helped many of his old subordinates and gave a lot of money, most of which have no follow-up.

Because of such a relationship, and the fact that Mr. Lu once invested a sum of money in Taimei Group when it was first established, Zuo Wenzong and the Lu family have always maintained a good relationship.

The picture is in the last volume of the map; there are old people celebrating birthdays every day in this world, and the purpose of his coming to Lu's house today is not to eat the feast of Mrs. Lu.

"We didn't play it when we were students."

What he meant was actually very clear.

Just like all the other people who came to this birthday banquet, the identity of the man is not ordinary, the kind that can overwhelm everyone if he moves out.

"Mr. Zuo, you actually came here in person, our face is really bright!"

Zuo Wenzong's hands were in his trouser pockets, and his fingers were tightly clenched.

"Indeed, brother Ya, what is his job?"

Committee member Gao immediately asked, "Will our dividend this year be postponed?"

"Or, is the Lu family willing to be this investor again?"

The high committee member on the side looked at the man, nodded slowly, with a smile on his face.

Zuo Wenzong's Taimei Group, as a newly grown industry giant, has maintained a good relationship with the Lu family, which is rare among the founders of new industries.

The grandma glanced at Zuo Wenzong, then at Commissioner Gao, and said with interest: "Old Gao, you guys talk first, and when the banquet starts later, you take Xiao Zuo to sit in front of me, I still have something to say to him." chat."

Of course he knew what the rumor was, he knew it well.However, even if he knew, he could only pretend not to know.

"Of course, Xiao Zuo, we all believe in you, and hope that your judgment will not disappoint our trust."

"Oh?" Commissioner Gao still didn't know what he meant.

Feeling a bit mentally broken.


One old and one young, the two of them respected each other as if they were mentors and juniors, and they called each other affectionately, and the temperature in the room rose for a while.

"is it?"

Zuo Wenzong made a surprised expression: "Really?"

Furun once made a ranking list, counting the ten most valuable people in China, and Zuo Wenzong was one of them.

There was still a smile on Zuo Wenzong's face, but after hearing this sentence, the smile disappeared slowly like the water vapor on the window after warming up.

"I took a look, and their plan is misaligned with ours. In a short period of time, there must be some impact on us in Taimei, but the overall impact is not great."

The high committee member stared at him: "You don't know, did you really do something?"

"That's good." High Commissioner nodded.

He's not ecstatic like normal people, not joy, not even positive emotion.What Shi Chuandong saw in his eyes was blankness and... what seemed to be the color of remorse.

The man smiled slightly, and came over to support Mrs. Yu:
"When my dad was young, how much help did he receive from Mrs. Lu? My dad can't come, but what if I can't come as a nephew? Is it reasonable? Also, you can call me Xiao Zuo, call me Mr. Zuo, I I can’t even breathe.”

The Lu family and the Taimei Group are now grasshoppers tied to one rope.

"Beichen announced at yesterday's press conference that it has fully entered the field of group buying. This is your field. How are you going to deal with it?"

But that was after the millennium, and everything became regulated, and Zuo Wenzong handled the money in the form of angel investment.

The real analysis deep in his heart is that Taimei Group has no power to parry Beichen's strategic expansion this time, and the building is about to collapse.

Of course, whether it is Passat, Phaeton or even Ferrari, it is not enough to describe the seriousness of the situation.He stood up, his whole body was tottering, he wanted to go outside to take a breath, but he felt that the air was thin, and then he sat down on the ground.

And he's the youngest one on that leaderboard.

The two walked all the way, passed Chen Chi's dressing room, took a look inside, and turned into the small room next door.

"Uncle Gao, there is one more thing." Zuo Wenzong said, "It cannot be said that there is no influence from the Beichen Group. To get through this crisis, our capital chain may suffer a little turmoil."

He paused, and then said: "Besides, you know, good things don't go out and evil things go thousands of miles. Those rumors seem to have grown feet, and they may have spread to the ears of the old man. For this reason, he gave birth to a long time sulking."

"The chairman of the board of directors, the chairman, and the decision-maker." Zhao Yuanhai replied calmly.

Lu Qianzi could feel that something was wrong not only with Chen Sheng, but also with her mother Lu Ruixiang.

"What rumor?" Zuo Wenzong had an embarrassed expression on his face.

Committee member Gao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, I believe you didn't do it, but more importantly, don't, want, let, old, too, master, know, know!"

Chen Sheng felt that it was difficult for him to breathe. He seemed to be hit by a car he thought was a Passat when he was walking on the road. After landing, he realized that it was not a Passat, but a Volkswagen Phaeton.

"Where is this saying? You and me, don't talk about thanking you or not!"

"Uncle Gao," Zuo Wenzong's expression suddenly became serious, "You know me, I can almost say that I grew up under the eyes of the Lu family, how could I have made enemies like what they said? Those are the lies of the ignorant."

He has to think about how to run away.

Zuo Wenzong put his hands in his purse, shrugged: "No, don't worry too much."

Zuo Wenzong clenched his fists with his hands in his pockets.

Unexpectedly, after the commercial building of Aihua Company collapsed, the investment of this money turned out to be the lifeline of the Lu family.A hand of idle chess played many years ago has become a key piece to maintain the dragon on the chessboard.

"Well, the dividends will not be postponed, but Uncle Gao, I have some good news," Zuo Wenzong said with a smile on his face, "In fact, the main problem of Taimei is the lack of confidence, which is also reflected in the stock price. At a low price, a batch of shares were replaced from the market.”

Basically, whichever field Beichen Group enters, it will die in that field. This time it will form direct competition with Taimei Group. Even if it is dislocated as Zuo Wenzong said, the impact will certainly not be as small as he said.

"What's the matter? Is the situation bad?" Commissioner Gao said in a serious tone.

The Lu family cannot lose the dividends from Taimei Group, just as Cao County cannot lose Jerusalem.

Zuo Wenzong nodded solemnly: "I know this, the old man is jealous and hateful, even if it is for him, I can't do anything that is sorry for the country."

After cashing out at the fastest speed, then run away at the fastest speed.

"That, that, that's not right," Lu Qianzi stammered, "Doesn't that mean that Chen Ya is Beichen's boss?"

"Uncle Gao, of course, the last thing I, Zuo Wenzong, wants in my life is to betray the trust of those close to me. This is worse than failing my own business."

"Those social media are already working hard to rectify these rumors, and our company's legal department is also sending lawyers' letters to those who spread the rumors," Zuo Wenzong said, "I will settle this farce."

Chen Sheng froze there.

After Commissioner Gao finished speaking, his expression suddenly became serious again, and he said, "By the way, I heard a rumor recently."

"What job?" Shi Chuandong was confused by his question, and then frowned.

In other words, Zuo Wenzong's father was an old subordinate of Mrs. Lu.

"What's the title of Beichen's top leader?" Shi Chuandong asked.

Shi Chuandong is the CTO, the other two heroes of Beichen, as well as the CEO and CFO.

"Yes, there is a specific job, right? It's not the kind of fun when you were a student..." His voice became weaker and weaker.

In the end, tell her now that the person who hangs around every day is Boss Beichen?

After exchanging pleasantries, Committee Member Gao's expression became slightly serious, and he asked, "Have you seen the strategic planning conference released by Beichen yesterday?"

She never thought that Chen Ya was Bei Chen's boss.Because how is that possible?
In their minds, the status of Beichen Enterprise can only be described as aloof.

A man in a suit with a cropped head stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the main hall.

"I want to sell these shares in exchange for funds to counter Beichen's impact," Zuo Wenzong said, "Uncle Gao, do you know any high-quality investors?"

Even a random middle class is like a god in their hearts.

The man's name is Zuo Wenzong, the president of Taimei Group.

After staring at Zuo Wenzong for a while, Commissioner Gao relaxed a little and said:

If you want to start a business, you can't get around these three families, and most of the IT and technology industries that are emerging now have little intersection with these three families.

Committee member Gao nodded, then glanced at Zuo Wenzong and found that there was something wrong in his eyes, so he whispered, "Come with me."

Although Zuo Wenzong told everyone to build confidence, in fact, he himself was a complete defeatist.

Even if you do, don't let the old man know.

He and Zhao Yuanhai looked at each other, and both of them fell into silence.

"Really?" Commissioner Gao narrowed his eyes.

That was in his own hands.

But he quickly replaced the numbness on his face with a slightly deliberate "don't care" expression, and said in a relaxed tone:
"I've seen it, and the situation is more optimistic than I imagined."

The funds given to Zuo Wenzong are just a habit of his life.He was used to handing out money to support unemployed workers, although this time it was the son of a worker.

He looked at Zuo Wenzong for a while, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Zuo, I don't think you are really collaborating with the enemy, but you have to know that the old man is dedicated to the country, and he absolutely cannot tolerate the situation mentioned on the Internet."


Committee member Gao continued word by word: "Also, let me tell you, if the old man is really sure that you have done that kind of thing, he might withdraw the Lu family's investment from Taimei Group."

After finishing speaking, Shi Chuandong added:

If one can't jump, the other will be dragged to death.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't do that kind of thing! I must explain to the old man when I see the old man later, and don't believe those people's slander against me!"

Seeing that he did not enter Hong Kong, Commissioner Gao said, "I heard what others said, but I don't believe it. They said, you, Zuo Wenzong, collaborated with the enemy for profit?"

Otherwise, why would he make trouble everywhere?He even kidnapped the daughter of Qi Shiyan, an executive of Beichen Company?
In order to save Taimei, he has exhausted all means and has reached the point of desperation.

Beichen had an impact on Taimei Group, and the impact was too great.

Zuo Wenzong squeezed out a bleak smile on his face, his eyes were narrowed into slits, but looking through the slits, there was no smile in his dark eyes: "Cooperating with enemies? Haha, in peaceful times, what kind of enemies are there?"

Committee member Gao stared at him, feeling that Zuo Wenzong's thoughts were too optimistic.

That is to say, Chen Ya is Chen Ya, he is just the person who has led them all along. This is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and there is no need to prove it. It has become a habit of life.

In fact, the words he told the high committee member today amounted to only half of the truth.

The purpose of his coming here today is for this last sentence.

A CTO is the Chief Technology Officer, a CEO is the Chief Executive Officer, and a CFO is the Chief Financial Officer.

Chen Sheng restrained his trembling, and asked, "What do you mean by boss? Do you have an official status? What is your position in Beichen?"

Now not only Chen Sheng, but Lu Qianzi was also a little dizzy.

The reason is that Zuo Wenzong's father used to be a coal miner in Jin Province, and Mrs. Lu used to be in charge of a coal mine in Jin Province for many years.

Now he wants to squeeze the last bit of oil from Taimei, a dying giant.

The grandma's eyes narrowed into a line with a smile, and the wrinkles on her face appeared more: "Don't tell me, you have helped our Lu family a lot. Speaking of it, we have to thank you very much!"

Even the branch opened in the capital city respects him as "that one".And only a small number of high-level people know the honorable name of "that person".

Shi Chuandong glanced at Zhao Yuanhai, hesitated for a while, and didn't know whether he should say it, but he thought, anyway, this is an open secret inside Beichen, and since this is Chen Ya's family, it's okay to say it, sidewalk:
"According to the law, the shares and assets of Beichen Company must be transparent, but for some reason, Brother Ya's identity cannot be disclosed, so his shareholding is a loophole, bypassing the scope of disclosure."

"There are so many." Zuo Wenzong wrote a few strokes in his palm, "The current market price is about this amount."

"So much?" Commissioner Gao was visibly moved, his eyes widened a little.

Then, realizing that his reaction was too obvious, he cleared his throat and said, "We can think about it."

A smile appeared on Zuo Wenzong's face: "That would be the best."

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(End of this chapter)

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