Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 295 294. Tonight, Everyone Will Know

Chapter 295 294. Tonight, Everyone Will Know
"There are still 10 minutes, and the birthday banquet will officially begin. Please return to your seats."

Xia Zhijian stood up and said to them with a little emotion: "Let's talk again next time we have a chance."

Yang Changshuo was a little bit unsatisfied and said: "Let's talk about another 10 minutes, isn't the matter of the artificial sun not yet discussed?"

His eyes were eager and expectant, like an old urchin, and he was secretly proud.

Especially about the artificial sun, I chatted with Chen Ya some time ago and got a little "first-hand information".

Now he is scratching his heart and liver, itching so much that he wants to talk to someone.

After all, as one of the Bole who discovered Chen Ya back then, the higher Chen Ya's achievements, the more honored he is.

"Old Yang, don't forget what day it is today. Next time, there is still a chance next time."

Xia Zhijian politely refused.

The high committee member was already watching them secretly.Today is Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet, and it's not good for them to gather here to chat.It is undesirable to overwhelm the guest and usurp the main role.

"Stop talking? Next time?" Yang Changshuo looked disappointed.

Fang Bai smiled sweetly: "That's right, Mr. Yang, next time I'll set up a game so that you two can chat to your heart's content, and I won't be able to run away."

The two stood up and said goodbye, Yang Changshuo felt a little regretful.But at this time, the ones who were more regretful than him were Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying next to him.

Lu Qingxuan had never felt so disappointed and regretful instead of excited when she heard that Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet was about to officially start like today.

Even though she has been preparing for this birthday banquet for a whole month, even though it only needs a simple sentence from Mrs. Lu today to change her family's situation...

But compared to these, she wanted to know more about Chen Ya, Bei Chen and his past.

There are still too many mysteries about him that have not been solved, and there are too many things she doesn't know.

Qin Yunchu rested his hand on his chin, his eyes shining brightly under the warm yellow light:
"Obviously he asked us to come, but he himself hasn't shown up yet, and I don't know what bad water he's holding back."

Gu Yuqing smiled, and said: "You also know that you are holding back bad water, I think you should think about it now, what tricks he will make later, and make plans early."

When Chen Ya suddenly came to the Lu family in the capital, the two of them already had a premonition that he probably had some intentions.

What they didn't know was just where Chen Ya's plan would lead the future of the Lu family.

Committee member Gao waved at Lu Qingxuan, called her aside, and asked in a low voice:

"Where's Chen Ya? He's the only one who didn't come."

Lu Qingxuan was in a daze for a while, wondering if he should tell Committee Member Gao what he heard today.

"I, I don't know where he went."

Committee member Gao frowned and said, "There is an empty seat in the front row, which is very eye-catching. Go and call Lu Shuying over and let her sit here."

Lu Qingxuan nodded silently.In the end, she still didn't say anything.

If Chen Ya was planning something, it seemed to make no difference whether he told Committee Member Gao or not.

She now has a hollow sense of detachment from the whole banquet, as if she just needs to lie down and let the situation progress.

She can't change anything.

Lu Shuying lifted her skirt, sat beside Wang Shaoxian excitedly, and greeted everyone around her.

She felt that being able to sit at this table was a great thing for nothing, but in the eyes of Lu Qingxuan now, it didn't matter anymore.

She has seen the Milky Way, how can she be a dog on a stardust - she feels this way now.It doesn't matter what is fighting for fame and fortune, and haggling over everything.

Committee member Gao came to the stage again and continued into the microphone:
"First of all, I am here to represent the Lu family to thank all the distinguished guests. The gifts and blessings you have brought make us feel that the friendship is priceless. Next, let me read the gift list sent by all the distinguished guests."

Hearing Commissioner Gao's words, everyone in the audience sat up straight and their expressions became serious.

On this occasion, the gift sent out is not only to show how much they value the Lu family, but also an opportunity to show their own strength.

If the gift given out is compared by others, I will not only say that my face will not be bright, but I will also be ridiculed secretly by some people.

The upper circles are really no different, and sometimes vain.On some occasions, even more vanity than between the market.

The aristocratic and powerful families in the fantasy of ordinary people must be gentle, educated and reasonable, and they are indifferent to things outside of the body such as fame and fortune, which actually does not exist.

The reason why rich people give people the impression of being more reasonable and qualified is because rich people have more capital and generosity in money, and this money is everything to people without money.

Vanity is a weakness of human nature that everyone has, regardless of rich or poor.If the rich are really calm and not competing with others, those luxury goods will not be divided into so many price levels.

"Yu Liangbin, the president of Yuantu Company, will give you a pair of 5 taels of pure gold cubs!"

A person held a square plate made of red satin with a pair of pure gold cubs on it and walked up to the stage. He put the golden lion on the tray on a wooden stand on the stage, and many people looked up. look up.

The little lion is golden, and under the spotlights, it is vigorous and vigorous, with its teeth and claws, it is very majestic.

A man sitting at the bottom had a red face, and several people around him also looked at him.He is Yu Liangbin.

According to the current price of gold, 5 taels of pure gold is 10 yuan, and a pair is 20 yuan. He gave away 20 yuan with this move, which is not to say that it is not heroic.

But he didn't notice that the eyes around him were all looking at him with a hint of disdain.

"Zhong Jinsong from Luotai Group, give away a jade-inlaid golden dragon!"

A lifelike flying dragon that seemed to be flying in the air was placed in the tray and presented up, and then the flying dragon was placed behind the pair of little lions just now.

The whole body of the flying dragon is golden yellow, and the mane on the back is carved from black jade, as if it is in the wind.

This golden dragon is very big and weighs 5 jin. It was placed behind the pair of lion cubs just now. The two lion cubs, which were originally majestic and majestic, seemed to be several sections shorter at once, like two cubs being played by the golden dragon behind them. between.

Seeing this golden dragon, Yu Liangbin, who was quite confident just now, suddenly turned pale.He doesn't know the price of this golden dragon, but it can be seen from its appearance that it is at least one more zero than the gift he gave just now.

Yu Liangbin heard someone talking next to him.

"Mr. Zhong, your golden dragon is really majestic. It seems that your Luotai Group has been booming recently."

"Where is it? It's just barely making ends meet."

"Wow! You are really too modest. If this industry can achieve a balance of payments, it is already a leader, and the future development prospects are limitless."

"I'm overwhelmed and overwhelmed. It's all at the price of health. During this period of time, my average sleep time has not exceeded 4 hours."

"Mr. Zhong, have you considered absorbing some investment?"

"Are you interested? Yes! It depends on your sincerity..."

Yu Liangbin listened to the conversation next to him, his face turned green with envy.

On this occasion, who are the people who come to the banquet?They are all the elite of the elite, the celebrities of the celebrities, here, which one does not hold a party's resources?

The customers here are more accurate than those at some summits, and some of them are all in the same industry, and they all stare at each other.It's all about effective social interaction here, stomping feet, smoking a cigarette all represent status and pattern!

Yu Liangbin's long-distance company was originally a new rich man who made online games. In the eyes of some aristocratic families, he belonged to the nouveau riche.

How did he know the unspoken rules of this kind of family social occasion before?The gifts sold here are not as small as 20, and [-] gifts are really not enough.

Yu Liangbin saw that some people turned their faces away and cast a slightly contemptuous look at him, and suddenly regretted it.

If I had known earlier, I would have gritted my teeth and made the lion bigger!
The high committee member continued to read:
"Ao Naiming from the Chaohai Group, a pair of gold and silver listening wind bottles; Jiang Changxin from Jiang's family, a jasper screen..."

Every time the high committee member read a name, someone brought up a gift, and finally, the gifts brought over filled the entire front desk, and under the warm yellow spotlights, it looked golden and dazzling.

"Thank you again for your kindness. It is because of everyone's kindness that today's meaning of 'full gold and jade' can be made up. Taking advantage of today's auspicious celebration, I wish you all the same as this golden and jade full house, and everything is satisfactory!"

The audience applauded one after another, and many people shouted "Good luck to the old man". This is a person who has been favored by the old man Lu, and spontaneously sent blessings to the old man. Soon, other people followed suit and followed suit. shouted.

Committee member Gao waved at Lu Qingxuan, signaling her to come on stage and continue the process.

Lu Qingxuan almost forgot that she still had a mission. After hesitating for a while, she slowly stepped onto the stage, picked up the gift list and said:
"Our children of the Lu family are not to be outdone, and on the auspicious day of Old Master Lu's birthday banquet, we have also prepared a lot of generous gifts. Now, on behalf of the children of the Lu family, I would like to extend my congratulations to the old man on his birthday."

"Zi Lu Yuanhu, give Zhonghai a Tang suit."

"Son Lu Yuanbao, give me a Breguet watch."

"Sun Lu Ningna, give me a pair of hollow dragon pattern cores..."


She read the gift list down, the higher the rank, the closer she was to Mrs. Lu, and vice versa.

Therefore, the name Chen Ya is naturally suffixed.Lu Ruixiang's family was originally a side branch, and Chen Ya was brought here later by Chen Sheng, who married in. Naturally, it should be at the end of the gift list.

The gift list was indeed arranged like this, with Chen Ya's name at the end, but his name was circled with a red pen and a big "×" was drawn on it.

Lu Qingxuan knew what this meant.If the children of the Lu family made any mistakes and violated etiquette, they would cross their names with a red pen as a warning.

The reason why Chen Ya was crossed out is also clear at a glance: he didn't prepare a gift.

This surprised Lu Qingxuan.

Chen Ya is capable of giving out more high-end luxury than any gift here. Not long ago, he even mentioned that the Patek Philippe watch that he planned to give to the old man was broken.

This at least shows that he has an idea to give the old man a gift, why didn't he give anything today, so that he was looked down upon by the head of the Lu family?
Lu Qingxuan couldn't help but really worried, something urgent happened to Chen Ya.

During the fugue, Lu Qingxuan read the list to the end, and finally said:

"The next thing is a gift from our Lu family children to the old man. It's just outside the window. Please look away."

At this time, it was exactly 8 o'clock in the evening, the lights in the room dimmed, and everyone looked out the window.

... At this time in the side hall, Chen Chi, wearing a long white dress, stepped out of the dressing room gracefully.

Wei Mingzhe, who was wearing a suit, was already waiting there with a smile on his face.

In the side hall, the sound system was synchronized with the main hall, and the lights were also dimmed. At this time, no one noticed the bride's appearance, and everyone looked out of the window.

This time, of course, the birthday banquet was the main event, and Chen Chi's wedding was just incidental.

Lu Ruixiang had persuaded Chen Chi many times before to hold a wedding on the 85th floor of Mingyue Tower. This is the wish that many brides want to fulfill in their dreams. What's more, there will be so many celebrities present. Chen Chi can hold the wedding ceremony on this occasion. Weddings belong to Gao Pan.

Of course, since it was Gao Pan, Chen Chi didn't have to expect everyone's attention to be on her, and she couldn't invite her friends either.Although today is her wedding day, she is a lone performer, not even a protagonist.

But she was already very satisfied, and Wei Mingzhe and Wei Mingzhe were separated by seventeen or eighteen tables, their eyes met, and both of them were giggling.

There was no master of ceremonies, no best man show, and no wedding vows in their wedding. There was only a simple ring exchange ceremony.

Because you can't overwhelm the guest.They are guests, and Old Master Lu's birthday party is the main one, and the monarch and his ministers must distinguish between primary and secondary. If everyone's eyes are on the wedding, it will appear that Old Master Lu's birthday banquet is a mess.

At this moment, many people were staring at the window, Lu Qingxuan was pinching her watch, and at the moment when it was beating to show 8:00 in the world, only 3 seconds later, the fireworks in the distance rose slowly.

Sure enough, it had the same effect as watching it with Chen Ya that day.

Lu Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the fireworks in the distance are far away, they can be seen clearly because of their huge size.After a long performance, those fireworks will form four big characters in the air: "Fu, Lu, Shou, Xi." And stay in the air for 30 seconds, enough for everyone to see.

This is a birthday present for Mrs. Lu, and it is also for the entire capital.Tonight, everyone in the capital will know that Mrs. Lu is celebrating his birthday.

Just as the fireworks in the distance rose into the sky, a trailing explosion suddenly sounded outside the window.

Everyone only saw: from the long street in the distance to the window, a long road of several miles in total, golden fireworks rose one after another, like a fountain, and like waves rising and falling.

Thousands of fireworks and tens of thousands of gold stars rose into the sky at the same time and exploded under the night, dyeing the night of the entire capital city colorful.

The huge sound almost exploded in everyone's ears, it was deafening, and the heart was about to jump out of the chest.

The east wind leaves thousands of trees at night, and blows down, and the stars are like rain.

After three rounds of fireworks, it was like golden rain falling in the sky, and then four large characters appeared in the sky:




The four words appeared under the night, and it was a small gift for the wedding ceremony on the 85th floor of Mingyue Building that day that nobody noticed.

Tonight, everyone will know that a wedding was held here.

 This chapter should be regarded as yesterday's, today's is owed first
(End of this chapter)

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