Chapter 296 295. All I Want

The golden light of fireworks shines in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, like a transparent screen and a bright river.

Lu Qingxuan stared blankly out of the window, the light from the fireworks reflected on her face through the window, shining brightly.

But at this moment, the first thought that flashed through her mind was——

"This is... who is this person, who is exporting to my Lu family?"

Fireworks fluttered one after another, falling from the sky like stardust, spanning the entire field of vision through the French windows.

Look across the distant night sky and look far ahead. If you are lucky, you can see a little bit of fireworks in the distance to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Lu through the gaps of the fireworks in front of you.

However, compared with the shocking fireworks show in front of you, the fireworks in the distance can be said to be dying.

Comparing the two, it is like the firefly to the bright moon, and the candlelight to the sun and the moon, they are completely different.

If you want to talk about humiliation, the scene in front of you is the most extreme humiliation silently.

Just when Lu Qingxuan's lips turned white, Lu Shuying beside her turned her head and said sharply, "Is it possible to set off fireworks here?"

"What did you say?" Lu Qingxuan's ears were filled with the sound of fireworks exploding outside the window, so she couldn't hear what Lu Shuying was saying clearly.

"I said, isn't this a no-flap zone? Can fireworks be set off here?" Lu Shuying frowned and said loudly, "If it can be set off here, why didn't you arrange it here at that time, and arrange it so far away?"

Lu Shuying's tone was a little aggressive.

She was originally upset that Lu Qingxuan was stealing the limelight during this period of time, and when she found an opportunity, she naturally wanted to question her.

The fireworks in front of them completely blocked the fireworks set off by the Lu family. The children of the Lu family knew it well, but most of the guests didn't know it.

They also looked at the fireworks outside the window with relish, thinking that they were the fireworks set off by the Lu family for the old man, and they were amazed.

You must know that Beijing implements the strictest ban on whipping. As the city of the head of the country, it plays an exemplary role, so it is basically impossible to open such an opening.

And Mingyue Tower is not a remote place, and the way to set off fireworks here can be described as Tongtian.

The guests sitting under the stage were also discussing, and looked sideways at the high committee member on the stage from time to time.

"The Lu family still has a solid foundation. They can actually set off fireworks here."

"How to say?"

"Think about it, if there is no relationship with Tongtian, how could it be allowed to be placed here? Do you know where this is?"

"That's right, this is the center of the country. If something goes wrong, it will be too big to talk about. To celebrate the birthday, you can open your mouth and set off fireworks, which shows that Mr. Lu's reputation is stronger than we imagined."

"Because of Aihua's incident, how many people bad-mouthed the Lu family? Today they are using this fireworks show to show us their strength in an elegant and arrogant way!"

... The guests were talking about it, and they were all amazed at the strength of the Lu family.

Only Lu Qingxuan knew that this was not done by the Lu family.

The Lu family does not yet have the ability to do what is in front of them.

What can be done, after much deliberation, there is only one person——

"It's Chen Ya." Gu Yuqing narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that this is the bad water he has been holding back."

Qin Yunchu had a weird expression, the corner of his mouth seemed to want to pull a smile, but he didn't dare to really smile:
"Can I say I guessed it? I knew he wouldn't let the birthday party go smoothly."

"Hmph, he has always been at odds with the Lu family, so how can he really be the good grandson of Mrs. Lu with peace of mind? However, his method of revenge is a bit too childish, how will the guests know..."

When Gu Yuqing said "he has a problem with the Lu family", Lu Qingxuan looked at her sideways in surprise, because she didn't know why Chen Ya had a problem with the Lu family.

At this time, the situation changed again.Before Gu Yuqing finished speaking, the fireworks in front of her eyes changed again, as if she had written a few large golden characters on the window by magic:
"New, married, happy, happy!"

Gu Yuqing shut up.

After a long time, she shrugged: "Okay. I take back what I said just now. He is not naive."

Seeing the words "Happy Newly Married" shining outside the window, Qin Yunchu's eyes were dumbfounded: "He's not arguing with Mrs. Lu, he's just congratulating his sister-in-law's wedding."

Liu Ruying bit her lip, and said, "Just for this kind of thing, setting off fireworks in the capital, he is much more arrogant than he looks."

"Yeah, if he hadn't made so many contributions, the higher-ups wouldn't have allowed him to mess around like this," Gu Yuqing said helplessly, "He must have used a lot of his favor to do this."

The girls on the table all stared at the four words outside the window and were all stunned.

Even though that was the case, this indirect yet direct, flamboyant and low-key way of showing off wealth still gave people a deep shock.

As someone said just now, this is an extremely "elegant and arrogant" way to show everyone's strength.

Even the strongest, most indifferent girls will be moved by the strength behind this behavior.

Qin Yunchu murmured: "I'm a bit envious of his sister-in-law, she's so happy."

Gu Yuqing tilted her head and looked at her profile with a smile: "When you got married, did you also want to be so high-profile?"

"No, no... But, there are no girls who don't want to..." Qin Yunchu said in a low voice.

"I don't want to, it's too high-profile, I don't like it, it's disgusting," Gu Yuqing looked out of the window in a daze, "As long as I have a title, I'm content..."

Liu Ruying looked at Gu Yuqing who was on the side in surprise, and opened her mouth in great surprise.

This female hero, the boss of Yunshan Group, actually has such a humble side.

This made her feel very incredible.

The guests in the main hall were applauding the fireworks show outside the window.

They were applauding for Mrs. Lu, and they were also applauding for the Lu family's return to the top performance.

As a result, when the words "Happy Newly Married" appeared, they all lowered their palms in unison.

Well, everyone is completely wrong.

Those who were discussing the strength of the Lu family just now suddenly fell silent, wishing they could bury their heads under the table.

Although I don't know who is newly married, it is definitely not Mrs. Lu's newly married.

The situation was exactly the opposite of what they had just thought. Not only was this not a declaration of the Lu family's strength, but it was a face-off.

This is Mrs. Lu's 85th birthday.At this moment and here, it is the time when the atmosphere is at its most intense, and this fireworks should be a performance that kicks off the curtain of the main drama.

It should be.

As a result, after building momentum just now, the final foothold was on the four characters "Happy Newly Married".

This level of absurdity is comparable to three books and six engagements, and when they enter the bridal chamber, they find that the bride is Lu Zhishen.

The Lu family and those who are not Lu family are silent!

Chen Chi took Wei Mingzhe's hand and stood in the side hall, with the fireworks flickering outside the window, her face was also shining brightly.

That was when she suddenly shed tears with makeup all over her face.

She didn't see Chen Ya all day today, she was disappointed at first, but unexpectedly, she waited here.

In fact, on the day she learned that Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet collided with her own wedding, she originally wanted to change the wedding plan.

Which girl doesn't want to be the protagonist on her wedding day?No one wants to be a foil.

The elder brother is the son-in-law, and he was a rural north drifter who followed him to the capital since he was a child. In Chen Chi's life, apart from being with Wei Mingzhe, he has never been the protagonist for even a single day.

If her brother and sister-in-law Lu Ruixiang hadn't been persuading her, she wouldn't compromise on the wedding date calculated by the fortune teller.

Even if you find a random hotel, there aren't so many people coming to the wedding, as long as it's your own wedding, that's fine.

But she tactfully compromised.

It's not that she doesn't know what Chen Sheng is thinking.It is a matter of honor to the whole family that the children of the Lu family can get married on the day of the old man's birthday banquet.

If he could do it, Chen Sheng would be able to gain a firm foothold in the Lu family, and Chen Chi would be truly recognized.

It doesn't matter if Chen Chi doesn't keep in touch with those poor friends, but if he can get acquainted at the birthday banquet, it will be of great benefit.

Chen Chi knew that it was for Chen Sheng's own benefit, or in other words, for the benefit of the family.

That's why she was willing to make such a sacrifice.

However, Chen Ya's earth-shattering performance paid off for all her sacrifices.



On the rooftop, the night wind blows.

The air smelled of gunpowder, which was very familiar to Chen Ya.

In a way, he kind of liked the smell, because it represented a sense of security.

The last round of fireworks gradually dimmed, and the firework show was drawing to a close.

Chen Ya, the on-site supervisor, watched the whole process on the rooftop, turned around, and saw an old figure with his hands behind his back.

"Old man, it's windy at night, isn't it cold?"

"Heh," the shriveled old man Lu sneered, "The cold wind in the north of Saibei that I blew when I was young is much more severe than this. You young people may not have experienced it before."

Chen Ya smiled: "Yeah, I haven't been taught before."

Chen Ya, who was supposed to sit obediently downstairs, didn't sit there, but ran to the rooftop; the old man Lu, who was supposed to sit upright, didn't sit there either.

The two unexpectedly met on the rooftop at the same time.Chen Ya thought to himself, he didn't tell anyone where he was, it was a bit unexpected that the old man found this place.

Perhaps Old Master Lu is more powerful than he imagined.

"The first time I saw you, I thought you looked alike, but I didn't expect it to be you." Old Mrs. Lu put her hands behind her back, "Then I kept thinking about what you came to my house for."

Chen Ya smiled heartily: "Don't get me wrong, it's just some very personal things."

"That's right."

Old Mrs. Lu raised his chin towards the position of the fireworks just now, meaning "this is what you call a private matter".

Chen Ya replied with a smile, "Yes."

After a pause, he said again: "What I'm more curious about is, old man, you know me. Where did you meet me?"

Old Master Lu looked very unhappy, or rather, he always had a bad face, but it wasn't necessarily aimed at Chen Ya.

Anyway, every time Chen Ya saw him, he always had this expression.

"Two years ago, the Ministry of Security, I met you once." Mrs. Lu said in a low voice, "Is there any mission in Japan? It's quite a battle."

Chen Ya was slightly taken aback, then gave a thumbs up: "You are amazing."

If the time is pulled back to 20 years ago, from the perspective of Mrs. Lu, it will be a refreshing article with great connections.

The sons born are all powerful, and all the old subordinates in the past were princes of one party. Once they started business, they immediately went smoothly and became a big family in a blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for Chen Ya's system to really open it up, he wouldn't be able to compare with a family like the Lu family anyway.

"I'm not good, I'm old. I just have more old subordinates."

After finishing speaking, Old Master Lu sighed, with tiredness in his voice.

Chen Ya stared at him, not knowing what he was trying to do when he said this to him.

He was indeed surprised that Old Master Lu could see him there.

2 years ago, that was when Beichen encountered a bottleneck.

With the gradual rise of Beichen in the world, it happened to coincide with the confrontation between major powers, and encountered a technical bottleneck for the first time in the company's career.

At that time, the company was on the verge of life and death. In order to solve this problem, he went to Japan under cover.

After returning, all the technical problems were solved, and he also raised the title of "Ace Spy" in the system to the top.

As a by-product, he brought back a cat-type girl named Liu Lizi, who stayed at his house to eat and be lazy every day.

Old Master Lu stared at Chen Ya for a while, then suddenly said, "I'm here to negotiate terms with you."

Chen Ya raised his eyes slightly: "What condition?"



As the fireworks gradually dissipated, the words "Happy Newly Married" gradually disappeared in the air, and the words "Fu Lu Shou Xi" in the distance also disappeared.

The entire main hall fell into a dead silence.

Not only the visitor didn't know what happened, even the Lu family's children couldn't figure out what happened.

In the main hall, the dimmed lights were turned on again, and people saw two people coming in menacingly from the entrance of the main hall.

A Lu family boy guarding the door asked, "Who are you? How did you get here?" He was pushed aside before he could finish his question.

The high committee member stood up, squinted and looked over there, a little surprised.

The two walked up to him and Grandma Tai, and bowed deeply first.

"who are you?"

As Committee Member Gao asked, he looked at the two people in front of him, one with big arms and round waist, and the other with a thin and thin body.

"Grandma, hello, committee member Gao, I'm Pei Hu." Bang Dayao smiled and said, "This is Cui Lingfeng."

The high commissioner stared at the two of them.Pei Hu knew that the well-known entrepreneurs who had been in the limelight recently acted a bit of a hero, and he was not from the family, so he didn't invite him.

As for who this Cui Lingfeng next to him was, he didn't know.

I don't know why they broke in here?

As if guessing what he was thinking, Pei Hu said loudly: "I represent Beichen's boss and founder, and I'm here specially to present three birthday presents to Mrs. Lu on his birthday!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

 I’m going to attend a wedding these days (not my own), so the update may be a bit slow, but I’ll write down what I owed yesterday, and I’ll pay it back soon!First ask for a monthly pass here (brazenly)!
(End of this chapter)

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