Chapter 297 296. Three Gifts
"I represent the boss and founder of Beichen. I came here specially to present three birthday gifts to Mrs. Lu on his birthday!"

Hearing Pei Hu's words, there was an uproar in the audience, and guests from all walks of life began to discuss.

"Bei Chen's boss? Did he just say Bei Chen's boss?"

"Does Mrs. Lu still know Beichen's boss? He even came here to celebrate his birthday?"

"So, this is the trump card hidden by the Lu family?"

"Don't talk about it, how could Beichen's boss come to give gifts to Mrs. Lu? As a force of the new generation, if Beichen hooks up with the aristocratic family, wouldn't it be tantamount to collusion?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Mrs. Lu is well-connected, and Beichen is so big, I don't believe that there is no family to help."

"But again, the fireworks just now were not set off by the Lu family, right? Who set them off?"

... All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion, and the whole main hall became noisy.

Those present were either business elites or group leaders, and they had more inside information than ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that their debate has become more intense.

Even though the people who came to Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet this time were all people who had a good relationship with the aristocratic family, some of them still couldn't accept the fact that Boss Beichen came to give Mrs. Lu a congratulatory gift.

If the business world is to be divided into two factions, then one faction is the company controlled by the family members of Tianlong, while the other faction is the entrepreneurial force of the new generation.

For a long period of time, if you want to start a business successfully, you have to pay homage to the family, otherwise the business will fail.

And Beichen Company is the only company that has never given face to the aristocratic family, and at the same time is the strongest company in the world.

Therefore, for many entrepreneurial companies, although they bow their heads to the aristocratic family, Beichen represents a kind of totem in their hearts.

"I can bow my head, but Beichen cannot bow my head." This kind of thinking occupies a very high weight in the subconscious mind of many people.

For the children of the aristocratic family, if the boss of Beichen came to celebrate his birthday, it would be tantamount to the enemy emperor coming to pay tribute in person.Naturally, he was ecstatic.

This is the root of the controversy.It was also the reason why Pei Hu caused such an uproar after saying that he was giving gifts on behalf of Boss Beichen.

Committee member Gao squinted at Pei Hu in front of him, and said, "You said you came to give the gift on behalf of Beichen's boss? Are you familiar with Beichen's boss? How come I've never heard of it?"

A hearty smile appeared on Pei Hu's face, and he said, "It's very familiar. I used to be the driver for Mr. Chen, so I can be regarded as his confidant."

As soon as he said this, there was another uproar in the audience.

Although Pei Hu came from a reckless background, he is still a character. He suddenly revealed that he used to drive for Boss Beichen, which naturally caused a sensation.

There was another thing that excited them. Just now, Pei Hu mentioned "Mr. Chen".

Over the years, these people have never known the real founder of Beichen and the name of the boss behind it, but some people speculate that there may be such a person.

Today, Pei Hu not only truly announced the existence of Boss Beichen, but also revealed his surname "Chen".

Among the three masters of Beichen, there is no one surnamed Chen.

Liu Ruying looked at Pei Hu on the stage and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Of course she knew that Pei Hu was Chen Ya's driver, but she never expected that Pei Hu would say it so easily in front of so many people.

He also has his own company. If this matter is exposed, how will he gain prestige in his company in the future?

Liu Ruying thought to herself, the reason Pei Hu said it so frankly was because he felt that driving Chen Ya was not something to be ashamed of.

She couldn't help but wonder how high the status of Chen Ya in the past was in the hearts of these people?

Looking at the dazed member Gao, Pei Hu continued: "I know, I can't prove what I said, but Mr. Shi Chuandong, one of our Beichen Three Heroes, is also here, so you can ask him to prove our relationship." .”

When he said this, there was another uproar on the spot.

"Is Boss Shi here too? Why didn't I see it before?"

"Where is Mr. Shi?"

At this time, Lu Ruixiang's family sitting in the side hall suddenly became nervous.

The side hall and the main hall are false partitions, there is no thick wall in between, and the speakers are also common, so they naturally heard Pei Hu's words.

Including Lu Ruixiang, Chen Sheng, and Chen Hai, when they heard Pei Hu mention Shi Chuandong, they trembled at the same time.

Because they realize that they have committed a great oversight.

Shi Chuandong suddenly came to attend the Lu family's birthday banquet, but they didn't tell the master!
I was shocked by the patronage before, and the host's house is all focused on the main hall, so how can I care about the side hall?Lu Ruixiang's family did not report the sudden arrival of Shi Chuandong and Zhao Yuanhai.

They thought that the host family knew they were coming, and arranged them here on purpose.

Ishi Chuandong on the side heard that he was being cueed, raised his head, and pushed his glasses.

Zhao Yuanhai said at the side: "Mr. Shi, do you want to express your opinion?"

Shi Chuandong hesitated for a moment: "Go...."

He is in an unstable state of transition between social fear and social bull. He is a social bull in a small circle, but he is social fear among many unfamiliar people.

Zhao Yuanhai saw his hesitation and said, "I'll go with you."

The two stepped down from their seats, one behind the other, and walked towards the front of the main hall.

When the two of them appeared in the sight of all the visitors in the main hall, there were more whispers immediately.

"It's really Boss Shi, he's really here!"

"And that's Zhao Yuanhai, Zhao Yuanhai from the capital branch, he's here too!"

"The Lu family actually arranged them to sit in the side hall, I don't know what they thought..."

The two strode towards the main hall. Shi Chuandong met Pei Hu's eyes, stood in front of the stage, tried to increase his voice and said, "Brother Hu really has a good relationship with us...our boss. He used to be the boss' driver."

After Shi Chuandong finished speaking, there were more whispers from the audience.

Under the stage, Miao Aoxue's face turned pale, and she asked in a low voice, "The boss of Beichen they are talking about is...Chen Ya?"

Li Jia, who was sitting by the side, shook his head.He didn't know, and couldn't believe it.

On the other hand, Yang Changshuo and Cao Kunguan still sat indifferently, with an expression of waiting to watch the performance.

"President Chen's first gift to Mrs. Lu... you can come over now."

Pei Hu waved towards the door, and a woman slowly walked in from the door.

Seeing that woman, many people present gave a soft "Huh" at the same time.

"Mom?" Lu Ningna stood up suddenly, showing a shocked expression at the same time.

The one who appeared at the door was the mistress of the Lu family, Lu Yuanlong's original spouse, and Lu Ningna's biological mother.

The woman came over crying, and slowly opened her hands towards Lu Ningna. Lu Ningna ran off her seat and threw herself into the woman's arms.

Pei Hu said: "After the testimony of my boss, this Mrs. Chai has little to do with Aihua's monopoly and illegal operation case, so she was released on bail and we brought her here as the first gift. "

The faces of Mrs. Yu and Commissioner Gao turned pale at the same time. Although the scene where the mother and daughter met was very touching, when the guests sitting below were discussing, their faces were more surprised than sympathetic.

Aihua Company was involved in the largest economic crime case in recent years. In principle, even if Mrs. Chai was not involved, the investigation would inevitably take a long time.

That's why there was such a strange scene: Beichen's boss helped the Lu family release them on bail.It's not that Beichen Yuezu acted on his behalf, but that there were some things that the Lu family couldn't do but Beichen could.

To put it simply, Beichen took a shortcut and helped the Lu family fish them out based on the principle of doing things cheaply.

Of course, senior committee members and other old foxes would not be so sentimental as to think that Beichen Company was showing favor to their own side. It should be the opposite. Beichen was still showing off its muscles and demonstrating in a calm manner.

Otherwise, why would they send people back at Old Master Lu's birthday banquet in front of so many people?Wouldn't it be good to just take the person back secretly?
Lu Ningna, who was crying heavily, raised her head from her mother's arms, and looked in Pei Hu's direction with a bit of resentment.

If she was still ignorant and didn't understand the truth of the matter before, then she should have understood by now.

She already knew the real identity of that cynical and unrestrained man who forcibly locked himself up for three days.

Today, I let my mother out, saying it was a birthday gift for Mrs. Lu, but in fact, it was a gift for me.

Pei Hu smiled and said: "The second big gift, everyone will see it soon... Do it!"

Suddenly, there was a noise from the door, followed by a scream.

People suddenly saw that the thin man brought by Pei Hu had already been at the door at some time, and now he was kneeling on the ground with a man under his body.

"What are you doing? You savage! Do you know who I am? Let go!"

Cui Lingfeng cut the man's hand back, and raised his hand a little bit, making the man scream in pain.

"Zuo Wenzong, don't call! Do you think you can escape?"

Committee member Gao changed his face, stood up and said, "What do you want to do?"

Suddenly several uniformed people poured into the entrance of the main hall, surrounded Zuo Wenzong in unison, and a uniformed person held an arrest warrant in his hand and shouted: "Zuo Wenzong! You have been ordered to arrest for kidnapping and extortion, please cooperate! "

The police acted very decisively, and quickly handcuffed Zuo Wenzong, and took Zuo Wenzong away in the midst of an uproar.

Pei Hu was relieved when he saw Zuo Wenzong was arrested.

This Zuo Wenzong was much more cunning than he imagined, just now he was sitting under the stage, but for some reason, he suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, Cui Lingfeng was also astute, keeping an eye on the person, otherwise, if he didn't catch him at the scene, he would be in big trouble afterwards.

However, Cui Lingfeng's arrest made it seem like the scene had been arranged, making it even more dramatic.

Pei Hu said to Committee Member Gao and everyone: "This is the second gift my boss gave to the Lu family."

"What kind of gift is this?" Councilor Gao asked with trembling lips.

He asked out the aspirations of the children of the vast land family, as well as some brother companies of the Taimei Group.

Zuo Wenzong is not only a descendant raised up by the Lu family, but now he is also the source of the Lu family's wealth. There is no reason and no dignity to arrest him in front of him. What kind of gift is this?
If this was really done by Boss Beichen, then his behavior at this time is no different from that of a demon king. His actions are very domineering and terrifying!
Pei Hu was not in a hurry, and slowly said: "Commissioner Gao, don't worry, and some friends in the audience, I know you have some deals with Zuo Wenzong, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, listen to me Tell a story."

The commotion in the audience stopped for a while, and Pei Hu continued:

"Some time ago, my boss encountered an incident. Our Beichen employees were kidnapped under his nose! This made him extremely furious!"

Listening to Pei Hu's words, Lu Qingxuan was a little dazed. She knew that this was about Qi Yunche's kidnapping at that time.

She was still ignorant at the time, but now that Pei Hu said that, she recalled... Ah, Chen Ya is the boss of Beichen Company, so that means his own company's employees were kidnapped?
Thinking about it this way, he should be very angry, but he was the one who rescued the person himself later on.

Lu Qingxuan thought in a daze, and suddenly felt that her best friend's life was very good.

Then, she suddenly thought of something, and her face turned red suddenly, and the blush lasted for a long time.

She remembered that she had said many things to Chen Ya to hurt him.

At that time, they knew that the courtyard next door to Qi Yunche belonged to the founder of Beichen, so they told Chen Ya themselves, saying things like "you will never be able to afford this courtyard house" and "you can't buy it even if you work hard to make money"...

But, the courtyard she mentioned belonged to Chen Ya!

This Chen Yaming knew that the yard next door belonged to him, and he deliberately didn't expose it, just sat there and watched himself make a fool of himself!
And she still remembers the more embarrassing thing. They talked about the founder of Beichen, saying that when the other party was young, she also said that she liked such an excellent person and would actively ask to associate with such a person.

I don't know what Chen Ya felt when he heard it in his ears!
Lu Qingxuan's face turned even redder.

"But," she thought again, "probably he doesn't feel anything. He probably doesn't care at all."

Thinking of this, Lu Qingxuan felt resentful again.

When you find Chen Ya, you must ask him for clarification.

At the moment when Lu Qingxuan was in a trance, Pei Hu had already told about the kidnapping of Qi Shiyan's daughter on stage, and then said:
"After many follow-up investigations by the boss, he can be sure that this incident was done by Zuo Wenzong of the Taimei Group, but it is difficult to obtain evidence. However, during further investigation, my boss discovered something even more terrifying...

"That is, Zuo Wenzong, a bastard, is collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

After Pei Hu finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar again.

This time, everyone was no longer discussing quietly, but discussing loudly. Some people even had a dispute and quarreled on the spot.

Pei Hu clapped his hands and said, "Quiet! Listen to me!" Only then did the audience quiet down a little.

"Why did you use such a serious word? Because our boss's investigation found that this Zuo Wenzong had a lot of transactions with official organizations in a certain country. These transactions are very hidden, and some actions of the Taimei Group are also very strange...

"For example, Taimei Group collected the genetic samples of all its contracted riders in the name of physical examination. In an update of their software, they did not improve the user experience, but installed some background programs.

"In addition to other things, the boss judged that Taimei Group has chosen to take risks because it has nowhere to go, and cooperate with foreign forces to trade domestic information!"

Standing on the side, the senior committee member felt as if struck by lightning, and suddenly his feet went limp, and he almost fell on the stage.

It's over, it's over.

(End of this chapter)

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