Chapter 298 297. Became a Catcher?
If Zuo Wenzong really did what Pei Hu said and did those things... that means, it's all over!

The Lu family has a lot of assets in the Taimei Group. If it is true what Pei Hu said, all of their assets will be in vain!
The Lu family itself is a money-burning machine, with daily expenses of around [-]. Of course, part of these funds are used to support the life of the head of the Lu family, and most of the other is used to maintain the cash flow of the Lu's Holding Group.

The reason why the Lu family can survive in this era of high capital circulation as an aristocratic family is because in the early days of the Lu family's revitalization, the Lu family holding group was registered and established with the old man Lu as the legal person.

If we only look at it from the perspective of investment, Lu's Holding Company can be described as not being popular:

First of all, it was unaware of Yunshan Group's malicious merger and acquisition, and allowed its subsidiary Aihua to be acquired, completely losing control;
Secondly, most of the companies it invests in, except for Aihua, are low-quality assets and have been losing money year after year.

But for the Lu family, this company is the best move: because the members of the board of directors of Lu's holdings are all descendants of the Lu family.

The Lu family is Lu's holding, and Lu's holding is the Lu family.

It is by using the Lu family to hold this company. As a family, the Lu family can be invincible in the capital market, and they can combine vertically and horizontally, and finally create a giant Aihua company.

Now, the "high-quality assets" under Lu's Holdings can make money for the group, and only the shares of Taimei Group are the only ones.

It is a trivial matter that the Lu family's assets in the Taimei Group are in trouble. It is a trivial matter that the Lu family's living standard has fallen to the bottom.

Once the capital chain of Lu's holdings is broken, a large number of unprofitable assets under it will go bankrupt and liquidated. At that time, the Lu family will really fall apart, and there will be no possibility of rising again!
What's more terrible is that when Zuo Wenzong sold him the shares of Taimei Group, he was obsessed with ghosts. After discussing with Mrs. Yu, he continued to purchase a large number of Taimei Group shares in the name of Lu's Holdings.

If he had been a little more sensitive at the time, he would have noticed something was wrong: Why was Zuo Wenzong so eager to cash in?With such a large transfer of funds, why can't we wait for the birthday banquet and discuss it in a formal occasion?
But unfortunately, Zuo Wenzong offered a price that was hard to refuse because of the so-called profits.

Unexpectedly, this is just a sweet trap.Below the sweet bait is a huge pit full of spikes.

Old Madam Yu's face was pale. Looking at the high committee member on the stage, her heart rate was already approaching the dangerous threshold.

Beside her, her son Lu Yuanhu asked urgently: "Mom, what about our shares in Taimei? What should we do?"

Old Madam Yu didn't speak, her mind was in a mess now, her son's words sounded like wind blowing past her ears.

"Mom, are you talking? Mom?"

Lu Yuanbao on the side interrupted Lu Yuanhu and said, "Brother, stop talking, let me ask you, did Zuo Wenzong come to look for you?"

Lu Yuanhu turned his head suddenly: "He came to see you too?"

Lu Yuanbao nodded with a pale face: "I found it."

Lu Yuanhu hurriedly grabbed his arm and asked, "Did you buy it?"

"I bought a little. I don't have much cash flow, so I only bought a little." Lu Yuanbao gritted his teeth more and more, "I don't know, he wants to cash out?"

Lu Yuanhu said fiercely: "He also came to me half a month ago, but I hesitated and didn't buy it, so he didn't mention it again. This Zuo Wenzong is too courageous! He is not afraid to talk about it when we chat , leaked a flaw??"

At this time, on the whole table, only Lu Ningna and her mother embraced each other, their minds were not on this, and everyone else was stunned.

Chai Xian, who was sitting under the two of them, said blankly: "I bought it, and it's a lot."

Chai Xian is Lu Ningna's uncle, and he owns a company that doesn't make money.

The two brothers Lu Yuanhu and Lu Yuanbao looked at him and asked, "You won't touch your own company's cash flow, will you?"

Chai Xian nodded blankly, and said again: "It's moved, my own, the company's, all moved."

For a child of the Lu family like him, when spending money, those who can use the public account will naturally use the public account, and they can hug as much as they can in their own pockets, so how can they let go of this opportunity to make money for nothing?
And it wasn't just Chai Xian, although the others didn't speak, their mood wasn't much better.

There was a dead silence at the Lu family's dining table.

It's all over.

Not only was the Lu family's dining table sad and sad at this moment, but the guests who came to pay their birthday wishes were not much better either.

"What?? Zuo Wenzong actually did such a thing? I just bought shares in Taimei!"

"Damn it, I've been fooled!"

"Taimei Group has collapsed, what should we do with our company? We are in the business of undertaking business!"

"Our bank just issued a loan of 8 million yuan to Taimei Group..."

"Stop talking, I did it."

For a moment, the whole main hall was like a mourning concubine, with screams one after another.

Pei Hu seemed to be admiring the performance of these people, with a faint smile on his face.

He's never been a very good business guy, and if he was good at it, he wouldn't be driving people in his 30s.

But he is a very self-aware man.

Just because he knows that he can't do business, and he also knows that Chen Ya can do business, so the operating philosophy of his company has always been: follow Beichen and have meat to eat.

When Bei Chen ate meat, they drank soup; when Bei Chen drank soup, they lay down to pick up some leaking from the corners of their mouths.

Anyway, just follow Beichen's footsteps, absolutely not against each other, and have made a lot of money in these years.

Before this incident happened, Zuo Wenzong also came to him.He has become popular in the past few years, and the company's capital chain is also good. Everyone is looking for Zuo Wenzong, and of course they will look for him!
But he wasn't fooled.

The reason he wasn't fooled was because Zuo Wenzong was against Beichen.

With such a simple logic, he avoided falling into the pit like these people in front of him.

Moreover, as an entrepreneur born out of recklessness, in the past, everyone on and off the stage looked down on him.

But today he was able to disdain the crowd and announce the death penalty of these people in a grand manner, which made him very secretly happy.

Just as Pei Hu was brewing his emotions, a voice suddenly sounded from the audience:

"you are lying!"

Everyone looked over and saw a middle-aged man standing up among the crowd.

"The arrest of Zuo Wenzong just now was not based on economic crimes at all. I was just beside me. The police took Zuo Wenzong away on criminal charges. You are lying!"

Pei Hu narrowed his eyes, and before he could speak, the man immediately raised his hands and turned around, saying to the others on the field:

"Everyone listen to me, don't be fooled! This person is lying! I don't know whether it is his own performance or whether Beichen is leading the show, but I know that he has concealed the truth!
"Who hasn't heard of the so-called collaborating rumors of Taimei Group recently? It is obvious that there are short sellers beating Taimei's stock price. Obviously, the traders behind it are this Pei Hu and Beichen!
"They are just borrowing the scene of Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet to show us! Everyone sitting here is an important person in the industry, and it can be said that they have led the market. If everyone really believes and loses confidence, it will really The short sellers succeeded!"

After the man stood up and finished speaking, there was silence on the field for a while.

Although this person seemed a little bit like he would not shed tears when he saw the coffin, his statement was indeed somewhat convincing.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why haven't you seen it in Liaozhai?This kind of trick is only a small trick in the intrigue.

Pei Hu looked at the man, smiled coldly, and asked, "Who are you? Which company are you from?"

The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his brow and said calmly, "I am Chu Yilian, the manager of Yaxin Fund."

"Manager Chu, right? I guess you hold shares in Taimei Group." Pei Hu nodded, and said slowly, "What did you mean just now, do you not trust me, or do you not trust Beichen? Or, do you not?" Recognize the boss Shi Chuandong next to me? Do you think Beichen will care about the profit from shorting Taimei Group?"

Chu Yilian smiled awkwardly, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to disbelieve Beichen, but as for Beichen's appetite, no one can say for sure."

The people sitting below nodded their heads one after another. It was hard for anyone to say what the target of Beichen was.

"Hmph, let me tell you the truth. In fact, you were right about one thing just now. There are indeed people who are shorting Taimei," Pei Hu said. "However, it's not me or Beichen, but international hot money."

Hearing the words "international hot money", there was another whisper in the audience.

These four words are basically synonymous with trouble.

Pei Hu continued: "Since everyone is so concerned about Taimei Group, you should have noticed that due to the introduction of new policies not long ago, Taimei Group is facing a huge social security funding gap."

Chu Yilian said loudly: "Yes, but the Taimei Group has officially implemented the three insurances and one housing fund, and through strategic contraction, has regained balance of payments. Their financial report has also stabilized market confidence..."

"Wrong!" Pei Hu said loudly, "According to my boss's investigation, in fact, Taimei Group has no balance of payments at all, and their financial reports are suspected of being fraudulent!"

Chu Yilian blushed and said, "However, everyone can see the financial report. If there is any fraud..."

"Everyone can find the problem if there is fraud, right? He is smart because he has a real source of funds." Pei Hu said.

"This is why he colluded with foreign forces. He obtained part of the funds by selling national information at a low price, and this part of the funds was immediately filled into their fund gaps to forge a perfect financial report.

"At this time, he intends to collude with international hot money and short his own stock price. When the news of his escape comes out, it will be the time for him to reap the harvest.

"So, in order to maximize his profits, he claimed to enter the current hottest new concept car industry, attracted a large amount of investment, pushed up his stock price, and waited until the node with the highest stock price to start shorting, so that all subsequent profits would be recorded."

When Pei Hu said this, the audience below turned paler and paler.

Zuo Wenzong is worthy of being an old fox who has been in the business world for so many years, and his methods are too insidious.

Also, he did a great job.

If he really succeeds, the hard-earned money of many retail investors in China will be scammed, and many upstream and downstream enterprises will cry for their fathers and mothers.

Shareholders like them will also suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, in this case, Taimei Group will become an unprecedented mess, because it has reached the point of "too big to fail", and the employment of its employees and riders will form factors of instability.

After Pei Hu finished speaking, he smiled again: "Of course, of course, everyone should not be immersed in personal emotions. As I said just now, this is a birthday gift from our boss to Mrs. Lu. Since it is a birthday gift, how could it be bad news? ?”

After he finished speaking, he paused, and said again: "Our birthday gift to Mrs. Lu is that currently, Beichen has reached 75.1% of Taimei Group's shares through various channels."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sensation in the audience.

The shocking atmosphere on the field was even more violent than before.

"Oh my God! My mother! I'm saved! I'm saved!"

"Ahhh... Praise Beichen! Praise Beichen!"

"Beichen is really our savior... no, the savior of the entire Chinese business world!"

"I was wrong, I also questioned Beichen just now, I was too ignorant! Damn me! Damn!..."


These people behaved as if their parents had been resurrected from the dead.

How much grief was just now, how ecstatic is now.

Mrs. Yu and Committee Member Gao, who were sitting at the table next to each other, also grabbed each other's clothes.


Under the stage, Liu Ruying didn't understand what these people were exclaiming. She turned her head to look at Gu Yuqing, and asked in a low voice:

"Why, why are they so excited?"

At this moment, Gu Yuqing's eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars, and she murmured:

"Chen Ya, a stinky fox, actually keeps this kind of thing from me... So it turns out that he is waiting here, hehe, I really want to possess him more and more..."

For some reason, Liu Ruying shivered.

The current Gu Yuqing looked a little scary.

Qin Yunchu on the side also frowned and said: "No, is Beichen going to buy Taimei Group? But at this time, isn't it against international hot money? It's a loss!"

Liu Ruying looked at her with a puzzled expression, and so did Lu Qingxuan.

Xia You on the side nodded her head, feeling drowsy, and seemed about to fall asleep.

Gu Yuqing turned to Qin Yunchu and said, "If Beichen's shareholding in Taimei Group reaches 75.1%, it means that Beichen has obtained all the control rights of Taimei. Now, Taimei has become a subsidiary of Beichen."

Qin Yunchu stared and said, "But..."

"That's right, this kind of behavior is commonly known as takeover," Gu Yuqing said, "Taimei Group is now a proper negative equity. People hate dogs and hate it. No one wants to get involved. Whoever takes over will have a brain problem."

Qin Yunchu nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Gu Yuqing looked at Qin Yunchu with a half-smile and said, "Do you think there is something wrong with Chen Ya's mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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