Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 299. 298. The Lu family becomes history

Chapter 299. 298. The Lu family becomes history
Facing this question, Qin Yunchu was taken aback.

Is there something wrong with Chen Ya's mind?
Just kidding, whoever has a brain problem, Chen Ya's brain must be good.

If Chen Ya had a brain problem, would he be able to achieve what he is today?

At this juncture to acquire Taimei Group, there must be some unknown reason.

Suddenly, Lu Qingxuan asked hesitantly: "Beichen bought Taimei, what will happen to these customers who have business dealings with Beichen?"

"Beichen bought Taimei, those who are cheering now, their assets will be backed by Beichen," Gu Yuqing said, "Their losses will be much smaller."

"Without Beichen, how serious would their losses be?"

"It's serious enough to kill people, especially some hedge funds and banks. If Zuo Wenzong's escape causes the situation in Thailand and the United States to get out of control, they may jump from the top of the Mingyue Building tonight."

Qin Yunchu was a little speechless, and said: "In other words, let's not discuss the reason why Chen Ya did what he did. The result of his actions is to save the Taimei Group and everyone who extends from the Taimei Group?"

"Right." Gu Yuqing nodded indifferently.

"However, what good does this do for Chen Ya? Will he get their gratitude?" Qin Yunchu asked with a frown, "The capital is the most impersonal thing."

Gu Yuqing snickered and said, "Of course...hehe, it's not that simple."

She had that "I know it all but I just won't tell you the truth" look.

Qin Yunchu's face wrinkled, he wanted to be angry but didn't dare.

Now she feels more and more that compared to Gu Yuqing, she is like a blank sheet of paper in finance and other aspects, and she doesn't understand anything.

Gu Yuqing is only three years older than herself, how did she know so much?
Liu Ruying opened her beautiful eyes, and suddenly asked word by word:

"Chen Ya saved a lot of people's lives today, so why can't his purpose of doing this be just for this?"

Gu Yuqing stared at Liu Ruying, as if she was staring at a rare treasure. She stared wide-eyed for a long time, and finally burst out laughing:
"Sister, although I don't know why Chen Ya's image is so tall in your heart, I can only tell you that he is not such a great person."

Gu Yuqing turned her face back, looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the night sky where the childish fireworks had all dissipated, and said slowly:
"If he can save the world in the process of self-interest, he will go to save it, but his main purpose is definitely not to save the world."

At the table at the head of the Lu family, Mrs. Yu, Lu Yuanhu, Lu Yuanbao and others all felt their feet go weak.

Their feeling at this moment is like walking through the gate of hell, their hands and feet are so weak that they can't even stand up.

Chai Xian's expression at this time was like that of a prisoner who was pushed out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded and raised his sword in front of the executioner. At the last moment, someone suddenly told him, "I made a mistake, you are not a death row prisoner, but the one next to you is."

"I'm saved, I'm saved." Chai Xian patted his chest and gulped water, "The boss of Beichen is really a kind person! If I knew him, I would hold his hand and thank him!"

Lu Ningna raised her head and looked at him. She wanted to tell Chai Xian that you knew him from the beginning, but after thinking about it, she finally didn't say anything.

Pei Hu on the stage signaled loudly for the cheering crowd to quiet down, and continued:

"Everyone, if you hold shares in Taimei Group, you can contact me after the banquet. My boss, how should I put it, I don't mind having a stronger control over Taimei Group."

Hearing this news, the atmosphere in the audience became even more enthusiastic.

Chai Xian, who was sitting at Mrs. Yu's table, immediately jumped up and down, raised his hand and said, "Me! Me!" It seemed that Pei Hu would not know that he wanted to sell his shares.

Although he didn't make any money from this transaction, it was a circle around the gate of hell. As long as he can keep his capital now, what bicycle do he need?
Mrs. Yu glared at him, and he stopped.

Different from the excitement of the people around, some of the people sitting in the audience were very calm and thoughtful.

As Buffett said, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful", there will always be a small group of people who can realize that things are not that simple.

Pei Hu was unwilling to explain more on this matter, and then he continued: "Then, the third gift will be announced next, and the third gift is..."

"I have already received the third gift."

An old voice sounded, interrupting Pei Hu's speech. Everyone looked towards the entrance of the main hall where the voice came from, and saw that Mrs. Lu, who had hardly shown himself all night, was standing at the door like a pine tree with his hands behind his back. .

He strode forward, facing the discussion and all kinds of gazes, walking all the way to the stage with his hands behind his back, and took the microphone from Pei Hu who still didn't understand the situation.

"Mr. Pei, have you finished delivering your presents? Is there anything else? You can sit down now. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

The old man in front of him was nearly ninety years old, but he still severely suppressed the rising star Pei Hu in terms of momentum.

Standing in front of Mrs. Lu, Pei Hu, who was originally full of arrogance, felt much better. He just nodded and walked off the stage.

"I've already received the gift from Mr. Chen from Beichen, so I won't say what it is," Old Master Lu said, "It happens that everyone is gathered here, and I have something to say, all the children of the Lu family, listen carefully. "

After Old Master Lu said this, all the children of the Lu family stood up straight in the main hall and the side hall.

According to the usual practice, every time Old Master Lu celebrates his birthday, he will announce some important things.

Liu Ruying's body stiffened suddenly, and her expression became tense.

It has been speculated a long time ago that Mrs. Lu might announce the marriage between the Liu family and Lu Ruixiang's family at this birthday banquet.

Liu Ruying had long since stopped counting on the marriage contract made by Old Master Lu back then.After learning of Chen Ya's true identity, how could she still feel that Chen Ya could really be restrained by the Lu family?
But she was still nervous.

What she was nervous about was, if old master Lu really brought up the old story again, what would Qin Yunchu and Gu Yuqing, who were sitting beside her now, think of her?

It feels... It will definitely offend people!
At this moment, Liu Ruying could only pray in her heart that Mrs. Lu would not mention that matter again.

"I, I have something important to announce." Old Master Lu's eagle-like eyes scanned all the children of the Lu family in the audience, and all of them suddenly felt chills in their backs.

"I was originally an orphan, a poor child. In the old society, I worked in coal mines for those mine owners since I was a child," said the old man Lu.

"You may not know that the technical conditions in the coal mines at that time were not good, and only short stature people could go down into the mines, so child labor was widely employed in the mines, and I was one of them."

"At that time, my salary was two cold steamed buns a day, and I had hot dishes to eat when I went to the well. So I was stunted since I was a child, and I was lucky to live to such an old age because of the kindness of the country."

After listening to Mrs. Lu's words, everyone in the audience was a little confused.

The story told by the old man is too far away not only for other people present, but also for the children of the Lu family.

What era is it now, not to mention the children of the Lu family who are malnourished, many of them don't even know what it means to be hungry, and they have no idea what Old Master Lu said.

Mrs. Lu ignored the emotions of the following people and continued:
"The country has kindness to me, saying that I have a good root, and let me manage the mine. I have changed from a child laborer at the bottom to a management team. Many of you present here are the fathers of me. time siblings.

"In retrospect, the gap between the first half of my life and the second half of my life is too big, too big, not only the gap in life, but also the gap in realm."

He suddenly smiled wryly, pointed to the pile of dazzling gifts behind him, and said:

"This so-called gold and jade mansion, how could anyone have seen it in my time? If someone told the current scene to me in the first half of my life, I would not believe it..."

Speaking of this, Old Master Lu suddenly changed the subject: "But I, an old man who is half buried in the earth, what's the use of these extraneous things?"

His expression became solemn, and the air on the field seemed to freeze a bit.

"Mr. Pei, didn't I just say that I have received the third gift? Your boss, I have seen it just now, and he gave it to me himself."

Hearing this, Pei Hu hurriedly got up and looked around, trying to find Chen Ya's figure, but the others also started clamoring.

"Is Beichen's boss here? Where is he?"

"Beichen's boss...will finally show up?"


Old Mrs. Lu continued to say with a straight face: "The gift your boss gave me is a promise. In order to repay his gift, I also want to show my generosity."

After all, he took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and said:

"From now on, I will resign from the board of directors of Lu's Holding Group, and all the shares I control will be donated to Beichen's boss. And I will live in seclusion in Guihezhuang from now on, and I will never get involved in any superficial matters again. "

"In addition, from now on, there will be no Lu family anymore. From now on, I don't want to hear anyone walking in the name of the Lu family. Everyone is here to bear witness. If you meet any Lu family children in the future, you don't have to Give me face."

"What I mean is, I don't care about the movement between relatives, but I don't want to hear anyone using my banner anymore, old man, I don't care about anything anymore. Let this tea stall of mine It's cold."

After speaking, there was silence on the field.

Especially at the tables of the Lu family's children, everyone was stunned, unable to believe what they heard just now.

After a long time, people finally realized what Old Master Lu was talking about.

The shares of Lu's Holdings will be transferred to Beichen. After that, Lu's Holdings will no longer belong to Lu's.

Old Mrs. Lu has made up his mind to retire.

Among the four great families, the Lu family will become history from now on.

In the side hall, some descendants of the side branch Lu family couldn't accept it anyway, and some even started sobbing secretly.

Even on the day they learned that Aihua Company was acquired, they were not as touched as they are today.

You know, just half an hour ago, their confidence and pride in the Lu family had swelled to an incomparable height——

Yes, even without Aihua Company, the Lu family can still invite so many celebrities from all walks of life, everyone has to give face.

But in just half an hour, they experienced a fall from the sky to the ground.

Many people realized at this time that even if Aihua Company is gone, the Lu family is still the Lu family;

But when Mrs. Lu left, there would no longer be a Lu family in this world.

Lu Qingxuan's mood was fairly stable, but her heart couldn't stop being sour.

Although she had a premonition about the decline of the Lu family, she never expected that the end of her status as a child of the Lu family would come so suddenly.

Recently, I have been running around for the affairs of the Lu family, but I didn't expect the final result, but at the birthday banquet I personally organized, I heard the old man Lu announce the end of the Lu family.

On the master's side, the mood is quite calm.

Lu Yuanhu, Lu Yuanbao and others did not sigh like the others. From their point of view, they had already expected that the Lu family would disperse, but it was a little faster than they expected.

"Well, I don't think you need to be too nervous, it's just that the old man has retired," Lu Yuanhu coughed, "Lu's Holdings is still there, and we are still on the board of directors."

"However, if all the shares are transferred to Beichen's boss, then he will be the one with the highest decision-making power?" Lu Yuanbao said gloomily, "Where the company will go at that time, that is to say, it depends on his face."

There was a sudden silence on the table.

The reason why the Lu family can unite is that Lu's holdings are responsible for this mechanism guarantee.

From now on, Beichen's boss will be in charge of Lu's holdings. Could it be that Beichen's boss has the final say in the Lu family?
This is too ridiculous!

After Mrs. Lu finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Committee Member Gao beside him: "Old Gao, you have worked hard to take care of the Lu family these years. If you want to stay in Guihezhuang for the elderly in the future, you should go home and spend more time with your grandchildren." , it's all up to you."

"Old Lu!" Commissioner Gao looked at the old man with tears in his eyes.

It seemed that the starting gun was fired, and uniform waiters appeared at the door pushing steaming hot meals, and began to serve the dishes to the tables at the same time.

Buddha jumping over the wall, steamed turbot, charcoal-grilled lobster... all kinds of dishes are very rich, but no one has any appetite at this time.

Gu Yuqing looked at Qin Yunchu who was beside her, and said, "Is that... gone?"

Qin Yunchu blinked his eyes twice: "It seems like it's gone, I thought Chen Ya would suddenly make an appearance at the last moment."

"He's just like this, he messed up people's hearts, and then he didn't know where he went, leaving a bunch of people daydreaming about him." Gu Yuqing pouted, as if she disdained such a shameful act.

At the other table, Miao Aoxue was still chewing on her own failure, laughing and shaking her head, feeling that something was wrong with her spirit, while Yang Changshuo and Cao Kunguan looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"It's time to look over there."

The two stood up together, and Pei Hu beside him also stood up.

"You two, are you going to send blessings to the new couple next door?"

"Yes." Cao Kunguan nodded with a smile.

"I'm going too."

Three bigwigs from various industries walked towards the side hall at the same time. There were many others like them.

They all tacitly followed the request of the same person to send blessings to the couple.

When several people entered the side hall, there were bursts of surprised voices, and they were greeted by the surprised faces of Chen Chi and Wei Mingzhe.

"Peking University Yang Changshuo, I'm here to congratulate you on your happy wedding. I wish you all the best of luck, and you will have children in the future. Come to Beijing University to play more."

"I'm Cao Kunguan, don't listen to him, you two have good genes, your child will be very photogenic when he grows up, and he can become a star in the future, so come to my house more often."

"Pei Hu, hey, give this gold watch to the groom. Gold always shines!"

"I, Zhao Yuanhai, and our President Shi are also here to congratulate you on your happy wedding. We have also prepared gifts..."


Chen Chi nodded to several people repeatedly, thanking them non-stop, the gifts he received couldn't even fit in his arms.

Wei Mingzhe was also very surprised. He didn't know why there were so many awesome people who came to give him blessings.

The entire side hall was full of discussions for a while, discussing what the origin of the two married people was, and how they invited so many bigwigs to come together.



Just before the old man was about to leave with his hands behind his back, the couple from the Liu family stopped in front of him.

"Old man, you just retired like this, we... really don't know what to say," Liu Debing said with regret on his face, and he didn't know where to put his hands, "It's just that you may have forgotten one thing. After a family..."

They were not far from the two tables near the front desk, and the voice wafted into the ears of Gu Yuqing and the others. Liu Ruying suddenly sat up straight, grasping the hem of her skirt with both hands.

Old Master Lu squinted his eyes and listened to Liu Debing's words. After he finished speaking, he already understood what he meant. He suddenly raised his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said:
"Oh, yes, your daughter is related to Lu Ruixiang's son, right? Well, I think it's time to make a final decision."

He nodded to himself, glanced at Liu Ruying with a nervous expression on his side, and said with his hands behind his back:
"Lu Ruixiang's family has a son named Chen Ya, who is very good, so good that he is about to go to heaven... In my opinion, let him marry your daughter."

When Mrs. Lu said this, although he was all boasting, his tone was very unfriendly, as if there was some personal grievance.

Hearing the word "Chen Ya", Liu Ruying, Lu Qingxuan, Gu Yuqing, Qin Yunchu, and even Miao Aoxue on the other table all stood up suddenly.

Liu Debing looked blank: "Then, when..."

"However, that kid has a problem." Old Master Lu continued, and as he spoke, a bigger smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"That kid doesn't want to get married. In a society ruled by law now, it's impossible to force him to marry, right? So, you'd better let your daughter pester him until he agrees to get married."

"Ah, this..." Liu Debing scratched his head, a little confused.

"Well, that's the arrangement. Make sure your daughter wraps up that kid!" Old Mrs. Lu finished speaking, and walked away clambering with her hands behind her back.

Sitting next to her, Gu Yuqing had been listening carefully to Mrs. Lu's words. When she heard this, she suddenly became furious, and stared at Liu Ruying who was beside her very vigilantly.

"After dinner later, you, come with us, we have something to ask you."

Seeing Gu Yuqing staring at her natural enemy with hostility all over her face, Liu Ruying wanted to cry but had no tears.

Old man, don't sell people like this! ——
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