Chapter 300 299. Party Tonight
Old Master Lu's birthday banquet ended in a way that no one expected, but the aftermath of the birthday banquet did not subside for a long time.

All kinds of events and clues that happened that night have been repeatedly discussed and discussed in the entire Beijing circle, and there are more than a dozen speculations about the identity of Boss Beichen.

Of course that's all for later.

For Liu Ruying, the most terrible thing right now is that she is being targeted by Gu Yuqing.


"Where is Xiao Qin planning to spend the night?" Gu Yuqing asked as she brushed her hair back at the end of the show.

Qin Yunchu tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "I should just find a hotel, I have nothing to do these two days, I plan to relax in the capital, how about you?"

"Then don't just find a hotel, come with me." Gu Yuqing took Qin Yunchu's arm, and then asked Xia You who was beside her, "Where's Xiaoyou?"

"I want to sleep." Xia You's head was bit by bit, and she was about to fall down, which was worrying.

"Then let's go together," Gu Yuqing took the arms of the two women and said, "I have a hotel in the capital. Let's open a super luxurious presidential suite together. How about sleeping together tonight?"

Qin Yunchu smiled faintly: "I have no objection, but I don't know...whether the parents of Xiaoyou's family will agree."

Xia Zhijian walked over with Fang Bai at this time, and when he heard their conversation, he asked curiously, "Did you know Xia You before?"

"I don't know you!" Gu Yuqing said loudly and heartily on purpose.

"Then..." Xia Zhijian hesitantly looked at the faces on both sides, not quite believing what she said.

He didn't believe that Xia You became so familiar with Gu Yuqing and the others after just one meal, but if they were really close, where did they meet?

However, Xia Youbing didn't mean to refuse, she seemed to trust Gu Yuqing very much.It is impossible for Gu and Qin to do anything to Xia You, so Xia Zhijian is very relieved.

"Then it's settled, oh, yes, and Xiaoying, right? You can come with us too. I'll go drive and wait for you downstairs."

After the three left, Liu Ruying turned to Lu Qingxuan with wet eyes: "What should I do?"

Lu Qingxuan blinked her eyes twice, and said comfortingly, "What? Why don't you just follow along? Now it's a society ruled by law, and it's impossible for them to do anything to you."

It's okay if she doesn't comfort her, but Liu Ruying is even more afraid when she comforts her like this.

"How can I prove that I am not interested in Chen Ya and that I have a clean relationship with him? What should I do if they question me?"

"Then answer, anyway, you and him are innocent."

Liu Ruying's face turned pale. There was no peace between her and Chen Ya. In the restroom of the Peking University campus, she checked the market and even attacked in the fitting room.

Both Xia You and Lu Qianzi were present at the time, and she wasn't sure if anyone had discovered her. All in all, if Gu Yuqing did a little serious investigation, she would have no choice but to die.

"Also, what if Chen Ya is with them too?"

Liu Ruying's sudden question stunned Lu Qingxuan for a moment, and then her heart became flustered.

"Will Chen Ya be with them? He didn't show up all day today."

"Just because he didn't show up all day, it's not impossible for him to meet Mr. Gu privately at night. After all, that's the kind of relationship between them... isn't it?" Liu Ruying's face paled. It has become such a big event, if we celebrate..."

Lu Qingxuan's face turned pale when he thought about it. It's not impossible for him to become a sidekick, take over the Lu family overnight, and find Gu Yuqing to celebrate at night.

After all, Gu Yuqing is his running buddy, and maybe the two of them will make an appointment to run at night.Tighten the core, twist the hips slightly, raise the hips high, short steps, high frequency, high strength, from aerobic to anaerobic, practice until the whole body is sweating and then stop.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingxuan couldn't help but "Bah, Bah, Bah!", blushing.

"Probably not, probably not. The three of them went together. If they knew where Chen Ya was, how could they make an appointment together?"

Liu Ruying frowned and said, "Do you really think that President Qin and Chen Ya are purely working?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Qingxuan looked at him.

"Didn't you notice that when talking about Chen Ya, there was something wrong with her eyes?"

Lu Qingxuan thought about it for a while, and felt that what she said made sense.

"Indeed, she doesn't look like a boss. A normal boss would not have that kind of attitude towards Chen Ya."

"Besides, she knew Chen Ya's identity a long time ago, so she definitely didn't think of herself as Chen Ya's boss anyway." Liu Ruying said.

In her heart, the relationship between Qin Yunchu and Chen Ya had been labeled "impure" infinitely.

Thinking of this, Liu Ruying suddenly had a "thump" in her head: "There is something wrong with that Xia You, wasn't she dating Chen Ya before? She and Chen Ya also... have that kind of relationship!"

Lu Qingxuan opened her eyes wide, suddenly she felt that what Liu Ruying said made sense.

After all, before Chen Ya and Xia You went shopping, they followed them all the way. The relationship between Chen Ya and Xia You was definitely not simple, and she knew it.

Liu Ruying's eyes were as big as Lu Qingxuan's, and her voice was a little shocked: "Then you say, the three of them made an appointment to go to the hotel to get a room together, it's..."

A very impactful thought hit Lu Qingxuan's consciousness. Three girls who were related to Chen Ya gathered together at this time. If they really met Chen Ya, what would happen?
That scene might really be very impactful.

Liu Ruying grabbed Lu Qingxuan and said with a bit of choking: "Besides, they're still after me... Tell me, what should I do?"


The two girls went down the elevator from Mingyue Building together. There were people along the way, and the two of them still had to lose face and didn't continue this topic, but when they walked out the door, it was too late. Gu Yuqing drove a convertible sports car across the door.

"Get in the car!" She snapped her fingers at Liu Ruying.

Liu Ruying turned her head to look at Lu Qingxuan, "Help me" was written in her eyes.

Lu Qingxuan took two steps back decisively, with an awkward but polite smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and made a "please" gesture.

"Why are you nervous?" Gu Yuqing smiled, and Qin Yunchu in the co-pilot also poked his head out to look at her.

"I'm not, not nervous?" Liu Ruying shook her head.

"You are so nervous that you can't speak clearly, and you still say you are not nervous," Gu Yuqing smiled kindly, "It's okay, I just scared you, I just wanted to ask you how Chen Ya lived in the capital .Because it seems like you are always together."

Liu Ruying shook her head and said, "No, no, I actually spent less time with him than Miss Lu Qingxuan spent with him..."

Two sharp eyes turned to Lu Qingxuan.

Lu Qingxuan scolded Liu Ruying for betraying her friend in her heart, but she still had an awkward but polite smile on her face: "Actually... I don't know him very well."

"Get in the car, we're having a women's party tonight," Gu Yuqing waved her hand, "Is it true that such a good opportunity won't come? How many people want to chat with us don't have this opportunity."

The two were still hesitating, when suddenly Lu Yuanbao and the Liu family came out from the door while talking.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing his daughter, Lu Yuanbao frowned.

Such a big thing happened today, it was destined to be a sleepless night, but Lu Qingxuan didn't know what he was doing, he felt a little annoyed.

Gu Yuqing chuckled, and waved hello to them: "We want to invite the two of them to hang out with us, but they are a bit shy."


Lu Yuanbao rolled his eyes, and immediately said to Lu Qingxuan, "Go, why don't you dare to go? It's good for you to learn from Mr. Gu and Mr. Qin. Also, don't you admire Mr. Qin the most?"

Lu Qingxuan said awkwardly: "Dad, I didn't..."

The Liu family couple said to Gu Yuqing with a small face, "Mr. Gu, my family's Ruying, I entrust you to take care of it in the future."

"That's right." Gu Yuqing waved her hand boldly, "Get in the car! Don't waste time!"

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying reluctantly took the back seat and sat down beside Xia You.

At this time Xia You tilted her head on the car door, opened her mouth, and was already in a deep sleep.

A car of 5 people soon arrived at "her hotel" that Gu Yuqing said. The golden musical fountain at the entrance of the hotel was particularly eye-catching under the night. The sports car drove along the long slope at the entrance to the revolving door of the hotel. A young man in a suit came over and bowed.

Gu Yuqing turned off the ignition, threw the key to the doorman, shook her head and said coolly: "Go directly to the top floor, I keep that room all year round."

Qin Yunchu followed her: "Will this affect the hotel's profitability?"

"This hotel was not intended to make a profit, it was built by me as a palace," Gu Yuqing said, "But in the end it was profitable."

She turned her head and glanced at the perplexed doorman standing beside the car: "Why is Xiaoyou still sleeping? Wake her up and go to sleep on it."



Gu Yuqing's luxurious presidential suite is indeed well-deserved of its reputation, occupying half a floor area, and the floor-to-ceiling windows outside the smart curtains, shining the night of the entire city.

Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying were sitting on the leather sofa, their hands neatly placed on their knees.Qin Yunchu was taking a shower, Xia You was sleeping, and Gu Yuqing was on the phone all the time.

From the phone call just now to now, she only said one thing: to ask the people of Yunshan Group to do their best to collect Taimei Group stocks in the secondary market.

After a while, Gu Yuqing hung up the phone, turned her head, and smiled at Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying:
"Am I unreasonable? Now that the stock exchange is not open, I just issued such an order."

The two of them sat on the sofa, huh, huh, huh, and didn't know what to say.Gu Yuqing didn't care, she went to the small refrigerator to get three bottles of Coke, and handed each of them a can.

"You should be able to drink, right? Didn't come to the aunt, or osteoporosis?"

The two took the Coke and stared at Gu Yuqing with four big eyes.

"Chen Ya has already made up his mind to stud Taimei to attack foreign hot money. Since he has dominated the primary market, I can only suck up some soup on the sidelines. Tomorrow morning, I will stud all Taimei's stocks."

Lu Qingxuan finally couldn't help asking: "Why did you do this?"

Gu Yuqing smiled mysteriously.Liu Ruying lowered her head and thought.

The door of the bathroom opened, and Qin Yunchu, who was wearing a bathrobe, came out of it. The beauty came out of the bath, surrounded by steam, her long legs under the slit in the bathrobe, all the way to her bare feet, they were all perfectly white.

"In the beginning, I didn't know what Chen Ya was planning, but now, I don't even know what your calculations are." Qin Yunchu Pingting walked over like a weak willow Fufeng, "Tomorrow, the news of Zuo Wenzong's arrest It will be in the headlines of the newspapers, and it is time to buy Taimei stocks, isn’t it, moths to the flame?”

Gu Yuqing smiled mysteriously, and said, "If only the arrest of Zuo Wenzong happened tonight, of course I wouldn't be so stupid as to take action, but today is not the only thing that happened."

"Is there Beichen's acquisition of Taimei?" Qin Yunchu blinked twice, and couldn't help but said again, "But Beichen is not a god after all, and its business even overlaps with Taimei Group. Good news for the stock price.”

"No, no, no, Xiao Qin, you only know one thing, but you don't know the other," Gu Yuqing raised her finger, "Let my sister teach you the truth about this commercial war."

Both Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying leaned over and listened carefully to what Gu Yuqing said.They are all very career-minded girls, so they are very curious about this kind of thing.

"Pei Hu's mouth is too big this time. He revealed some information that shouldn't be disclosed. He said that Zuo Wenzong colluded with foreign hot money to short his company." Gu Yuqing said.

"Is this illegal?" Qin Yunchu was curious.

"Yes, it is undoubtedly illegal, but he almost succeeded, if he hadn't encountered Chen Ya's sniping halfway."

Gu Yuqing began to undress, and said, "Zuo Wenzong's goal is to first use the news of Taimei Group's expansion of new business models to increase the stock price, and then start secretly shorting at the high point, and wait until the capital is attracted. Go down, eat and wipe clean.

"His appetite is not limited to cashing out the little money. His real killer move is to run away at the end. As long as the news of his running away spreads, Taimei's stock price will inevitably fall accordingly, and he will really return with a full reward... No, a full reward." escape."

"That's why he colluded with foreign hot money?" Qin Yunchu asked.

"Yes," Gu Yuqing said, "Actually, there have been rumors about this matter for a long time. The foreign short-bridge fund, the Fibros family, has already made a move. They shorted 15.3% of Taimei Group's shares."

Qin Yunchu opened his mouth slightly: "Is the news accurate?"

"Huhu, of course it is accurate, otherwise, how do you think my sister has made such a big career for so many years?"

Gu Yuqing took off her coat and put on a bathrobe. The career on her chest was indeed very big.

Qin Yunchu couldn't get his head around right now, he hesitated and said: "Then, that is to say..."

"Remember the figure of 15.3%," Gu Yuqing said, "Do you still remember? Pei Hu announced that Chen Ya has already controlled 75.1% of Taimei Group's shares."

Qin Yunchu was completely confused: "75.1 plus 15.3 is 90.4%..."

"And do you know?" Gu Yuqing said, "Do you know how many shares the Lu family holds in Taimei Group?"

"……How many?"

At the side, Lu Qingxuan's heart beat violently.

She naturally knows how many shares the Lu family holds in Taimei Group.

This number is publicly held, and anyone can find it if they go to it.

"20% of the shares." Gu Yuqing said with a smile, "At least 20%."

Qin Yunchu's eyes widened: "This..."

Lu Qingxuan also opened her mouth wide: "So... so..."

Only Liu Ruying was still at a loss and asked, "What do you mean?"

Gu Yuqing turned to look at Liu Ruying: "Little sister Liu, do you know what it means to be short?"

 Thanks to Xiaoxiu and eShow_ for the rewards that have been taken~
(End of this chapter)

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