Chapter 301 300. The Third Gift

Liu Ruying shook her head: "I'm not sure."

"Short-selling means buying stocks to fall," Gu Yuqing said, "normally buying up stocks, after buying stocks at a low price and selling them at a high price, you will make money, but short-selling is the other way around.

"For example, if I want to short Taimei, when he sells 1 yuan per share, I first borrow 10 shares, sell it directly, and get 10 million.

"When Taimei fell to 1 yuan per share, I bought another 1 shares and repaid the 10 shares I borrowed, only spending 10 yuan.

"100 million minus 10 is 90. I made a direct net profit of 90 in this wave of operations.

"In short, shorting is bearish. The more the stock falls, the more profitable it is. Conversely, it is called long, and the more the stock rises, the more profitable it is."

After Gu Yuqing finished speaking, Liu Ruying nodded and said: "I understand, so Zuo Wenzong and foreign hot money shorted his own stocks together, and he could make money instead."

"That's right." Gu Yuqing smiled and continued, "However, there is a very serious problem with the situation of Taimei Group."

"What's the problem?" Liu Ruying held her breath and listened carefully.

"The Lu family holds 20% of Taimei Group's shares, and Chen Ya holds 75.1% of the shares. The total is 95.1%. So far, have you found any problems?"

Liu Ruying nodded and said, "100 minus 95.1 equals 4.9, and only 4.9% of Taimei Group's shares are still in circulation on the market."

"Have you noticed?" Gu Yuqing smiled, "There was another figure before. International hot money shorted 15.3% of Taimei Group's shares... 15.3%! More than three times the figure you just mentioned!"

"Ah!" Liu Ruying whispered softly, "That means, if Chen Ya and the Lu family hold on to those borrowed stocks, they won't be able to buy them back?"

"Yes." Gu Yuqing nodded, "As I said just now, shorting is to borrow first and then buy. International hot money borrowed 15.3% of the shares, and now, the remaining shares on the market are only 4.9%, even if they put the remaining After all the shares are looted, the shares they borrowed before will not be repaid!"

Liu Ruying gently covered her mouth.

"Then... in that case, what will happen?"

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "Think about it, your demand is three times the market's supply, what will happen?"

Liu Ruying's eyes widened, and her brain speeded up her thinking: "They will scramble to grab the remaining shares, and they will raise the current stock price infinitely..."

"That's right," Gu Yuqing said, "The stock price of Taimei Group will be piled up to a terrifying level because of the rush of these capitals regardless of the cost."

After that, she raised the glass on the table, and the ice cubes in the glass made a pleasant sound, like some kind of bell.

Liu Ruying murmured: "No wonder Pei Hu is still buying the stocks held by those people tonight. He... No, Chen Ya has already planned it."

Qin Yunchu was silent for a long time, and at this moment he squeezed out a word: "It's really despicable."

So vile.

The faces of those people scrambling to get rid of the "hot potato" in their hands still appeared before their eyes.

When the stock price of Taimei Group rises to sky-high prices tomorrow, what kind of expressions will these people have?
Probably the intestines are going to regret it.

Liu Ruying raised her head, her eyes sparkling: "However, even if we snap up the remaining stocks on the market, it's still far from enough to repay the stocks that those people 'borrowed' when they went short? Then what will happen next?"

Lu Qingxuan also raised her head and looked at Gu Yuqing, she didn't know much about this.

Gu Yuqing nodded and said: "This involves the basic knowledge of stock trading, let Mr. Qin tell you."

Qin Yunchu was lying on the comfortable sofa, a long jade leg protruding from the hem of the bathrobe, raised high, from the calf to the arch of the foot, a perfect line was thrilling.

"If it's the delivery date and you don't have the stock you borrowed before, you will be liquidated."

Qin Yunchu explained, with admiration for the shocking situation in his eyes:
"I won't talk about the complicated ones. You can understand that when those hot money are doing transactions, they need to build a position and put a sufficient amount of margin in it. The deposit in the deposit is withdrawn to ensure the fairness of the transaction.”

Lu Qingxuan said: "Does that mean that all their money was wasted?"

"That's right, they all went to waste, plop plop plop, there was not one left, they all sank."

Liu Ruying said in a daze, "It's like gambling."

"This thing is legal gambling. Everyone thinks they are smart and they calculate more than anyone else!" Gu Yuqing raised her legs indifferently, and Qin Yunchu's two cosmic long legs complemented each other in the air, " Do you think those hedge funds don't know what they're doing?"

Speaking of this, Gu Yuqing showed a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth, and said:

"For these capitals, liquidation is more terrifying than you can imagine. It can be said that after tonight, the lifeline of the Fibo Ross family, the third largest consortium in the United States, will be in the hands of Chen Ya and the Lu family! "

Lu Qingxuan's pupils trembled.

"Chen Ya holds 75.1% of the shares, and the Lu family holds 20%. The rest of the hot money has to come from Chen Ya and the Lu family. , they can only buy from these two companies! This is called a 'short squeeze'!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing licked her lips and said, "However, I don't have any ambitions to be the main force of the short-squeeze group. It's good to drink soup by the side. Let Chen Ya be the main force."

Qin Yunchu thought blankly, you are not ambitious, you have already thought of searching for stocks in the secondary market immediately.

Although Qin Yunchu also knew the news now, she knew that with herself and the Qin family, she should not be able to snatch Gu Yuqing who had been prepared for a long time, so she had no intention of snatching Gu Yuqing at all.

However, one small detail is intriguing.

"Chen Ya is attacking the primary market, and you go to seize the secondary market, are you showing courtesy to him?" Qin Yunchu asked curiously.

Gu Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting to be asked this kind of question, she shrugged and said, "I just know I can't win him, but I know I can't win him and I still want to grab him, the price-performance ratio is too low."

"And last time, it was the same with the Rhea Group," Qin Yunchu continued, "You and Chen Ya obviously didn't communicate, but you cooperated with him tacitly and killed the Rhea Group together. Didn't you communicate?"

"You're right, it's just a tacit understanding." Gu Yuqing stretched out a finger, "Or, as soon as he lifts his butt, I know what pose he wants."


Gu Yuqing was driving a sports car, and sometimes it would make Qin Yunchu feel a little dizzy.

She originally thought that Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya didn't get along very well, they didn't feel like a couple at all, and it was usually Gu Yuqing who took the initiative to tease Chen Ya.

Now she has no doubts about the communication between the two. As for the type of communication, she can't say.

Qin Yunchu felt a little sour in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, and last time, the Aihua Group..." Qin Yunchu said this, and suddenly remembered that Lu Qingxuan was still there, so he stopped and didn't say anything.

"Aihua Group, what's wrong?" Lu Qingxuan really noticed it keenly.

The last time the Aihua Group was acquired, Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing cooperated tacitly, one in the open and the other in the dark, and jointly completed the overall acquisition of Aihua.

If this was a tacit understanding, Qin Yunchu wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

However, after all, there is still a Lu family member present, so it is better to mention this kind of conspiracy next time.

Qin Yunchu wisely chose to remain silent.

Gu Yuqing intentionally let out a coquettish smile, and changed the subject, "By the way, miss from the Lu family, did you know that Chen Ya gave Mrs. Lu the third gift."

Lu Qingxuan said: "Ah?... No, didn't you say it? Wait, you mean, this is the third gift he gave to Old Master Lu?"

"You're so smart." Gu Yuqing nodded and smiled, "Yes, this is the third gift Chen Ya gave to the Lu family, and it's also a real gift. It's more valuable than the other two combined. The most expensive spree."

"The big gift package from the Fibro family." Liu Ruying added next to it.

Chen Ya's single-handed arrangement turned the Lu family, which had done nothing, into the second leader of the short-squeeze group, controlling the power to kill a large amount of idle money.

If this is not a big gift package, what is it?
It just depends on whether the Lu family can use it well.

Gu Yuqing shook the crystal cup and said, "Didn't Mrs. Lu also say before that he and Chen Ya have exchanged gifts? I guess, the two have reached a consensus on slaughtering foreign hot money."

Lu Qingxuan asked: "Is Mrs. Lu's withdrawal from Lu's holdings also a bargaining chip?"

"I guess so," Gu Yuqing said, "Chen Ya will control Lu's holdings, and will be in charge of the final harvest of overseas hot money. After the harvest is over and the benefits will be distributed, everyone in the Lu family's interest class will be full of oil, old man It is not a loss to give up the shareholder position."

"But, but..." Lu Qingxuan felt weird, but couldn't say anything.

In her heart, the position of Mrs. Lu is irreplaceable after all, this position will be occupied by Chen Ya in the future, she still doesn't know how to treat this matter.

"Besides, what the old man said today is probably the truth, and he doesn't want to use this feudal family form anymore," Gu Yuqing said thoughtfully, "The old man has worked hard all his life, but he has lived like a dragon. Sigh and sigh."

"Chen Ya and the old man cherish each other. I know that Chen Ya likes to babble with me the most. Do you know what the word is? 'What happened in the Six Dynasties, it became a private scheme of the family'."

Lu Qingxuan didn't quite understand this word, but she could understand what an evil dragon is.

And she was a little dissatisfied.

She never thought that the Lu family was a "dragon".

"Mr. Gu, your Gu family over there is even more gigantic than my Lu family." Lu Qingxuan reminded rudely.

There is some emotion in the words.

Gu Yuqing laughed at herself and said, "So I would have betrayed the family a long time ago. If I hadn't done such a big business, the Gu family would have removed me a long time ago."

Gu Yuqing drank coke.There was silence in the room.Only Gu Yuqing made a "gurgling" sound from her throat.

"Ha, cool." Gu Yuqing put down the crystal cup, stood up, and turned to Lu Qingxuan, "What do you think of what Chen Ya did to the Lu family this time?"


Lu Qingxuan was caught off guard by this question suddenly.

She suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

But what's even stranger is that the person who brought her this feeling is not here now.

That person who doesn't know where he is now, seems to be doing nothing every day, quietly and quietly making arrangements, and has done such a big thing, stirring up waves all over the world.

And he is obviously not here, just thinking of him, my heart is turned upside down.

For Lu Qingxuan, what he heard about Chen Ya's deeds from Gu Yuqing and Yang Changshuo tonight was curious when he had never heard of it. Now that he has heard it, he wishes he had never heard of it.

It would be great if he didn't know that Chen Ya still had so many titles.It would be great if he was really just a poor son picked up by Lu Ruixiang's family inexplicably.

Lu Qingxuan can be his best opponent and partner in the Lu family, and they can do some wonderful things together.


Now there is no Lu family anymore.Chen Ya also felt very far away.

And it was thanks to Chen Ya that old master Lu announced that the Lu family would become history forever.

The identity that Lu Qingxuan was once proud of no longer exists.

Now Lu Qingxuan's feelings towards him are very complicated.

Originally, this guy was a war criminal to the Lu family, so all he had to do was hate him.

But now, this person's face became more and more blurred, and his figure became more and more elusive.

She didn't know whether she should hate this person, or...

Seeing Lu Qingxuan lost in thought, Gu Yuqing smiled sweetly and said, "Are you in love with Chen Ya?"

"Ah?!" Lu Qingxuan raised her head suddenly, and was flustered at the same time.

"I was very skeptical before, your attitude is very wrong," Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes, "To be honest, I planned to question Liu Ruying's sister this time, but now I suddenly feel that you have a bigger problem."

Gu Yuqing stretched out her slender fingers, and pointed at Lu Qingxuan bluntly: "I'm going to take a shower, wait for me to come out, and you will tell me the truth."

"Uh uh..."

Lu Qingxuan held his forehead while Qin Yunchu looked on, feeling a little funny.

Gu Yuqing really has this kind of character, she can't tell if it's free and easy, or possessive.

When I first got acquainted with girls from the beauty group, I had also been interrogated by Gu Yuqing, like some kind of censorship.

Liu Ruyan is the kind of "You also like Chen Ya, so you are also a homosexual, if you are a homosexual, you don't dislike it, if you are not a homosexual, you don't want to contact";
Jiang Xinhai said, "When Chen Ya and I were in love, he could only be mine. When we were not in love...forget it, just turn a blind eye to it";
Gu Yuqing said, "You don't have plans for Chen Ya, do you? Don't you have plans? Well, I'll keep an eye on you... What, you ask me what is my relationship with him? Does it matter?".

It's hard to tell who is more normal in this group.

With a smile on his face, Qin Yunchu put his chin on his hand and asked Liu Ruying next to him, "How did you become a marriage partner with Chen Ya? You are only so young, so it's too early to talk about marriage, isn't it?"

Liu Ruying hesitated for a while, then said: "Actually, the reason why I adopted my uncle's house is to complete this fingering."

Qin Yunchu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Aren't those your biological parents?"

"No, my cousin ran away from home, I'm just a substitute," Liu Ruying looked up at Qin Yunchu, "Speaking of which, you still know my cousin."

"Huh?" Qin Yunchu was taken aback.

"Her name is Liu Ruyan, and it was because of you that the uncle's family knew her whereabouts."


(End of this chapter)

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