Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 302 A certain venture capital project 301.5 years ago, the beginning of everything

Chapter 302 301. It all started with a certain venture investment five years ago

"Are you Liu Ruyan's cousin??"

This was the first time Qin Yunchu heard the news, and she was shocked.

"No wonder I think your name is similar to Liu Ruyan, one is Ruyan, the other is Ruying... hiss..."

Qin Yunchu suddenly took a long breath, and she thought of one thing.

"Did Chen Ya tell you anything?" Qin Yunchu asked.

"What?" Liu Ruying tilted her head.

Qin Yunchu stared at her with an unspeakable expression.

Liu Ruying is Liu Ruyan's younger sister, so Chen Ya must already know about it.

Did Chen Ya really not tell Liu Ruying anything? !

Seeing Liu Ruying's bewildered expression, Qin Yunchu immediately knew that this Chen Ya, he didn't say anything!

Liu Ruying didn't know at all: the one who abducted her cousin and forced her to be adopted to her uncle's house to replace her cousin was Chen Ya!

The culprit!

"What did he tell me? Where?" Liu Ruying asked, blinking.

"For example..." Qin Yunchu hesitated for a long time, and finally said hesitantly, "Forget it, it's nothing."


Liu Ruying sighed, lowered her head and said, "Actually, I'm just a substitute, my sister Liu Ruyan's substitute."

This is the second time she said such words today, even Lu Qingxuan looked at her curiously.

Qin Yunchu couldn't help asking: "Why do you say that?"

Liu Ruying lowered her head: "My sister is prettier than me, her family background is better than mine, and her upbringing is better than mine. What the old man was interested in at the beginning was uncle's business ability. Everyone expects her to marry, not me."

Qin Yunchu comforted in a soft voice: "You shouldn't think so, no one is a substitute for anyone."

Liu Ruying lowered her head, blinked her eyes, her slender eyelashes flickeringly made her feel itchy.

But if you observe more carefully, you will see that Liu Ruying's shining eyes are peeping at Qin Yunchu's expression very cautiously.

The belle of Peking University who attaches equal importance to scheming and beauty, of course, will not just be a Xianglin wife here.

She was still worried that Gu Yuqing would come to question her and Chen Ya's details.The point is that her background is really not clean.

Anyway, she has touched everything that should be touched and kissed everything that should not have been kissed. Now she urgently needs to find some external force to support her, so that she can stand by her side in the next interrogation.

It would be great if he could win Qin Yunchu's sympathy.

Fortunately, she succeeded.

Qin Yunchu looked at Liu Ruying with a feeling of pity.

Originally, Qin Yunchu had already made up his mind to secretly tell Liu Ruyan the news of the engagement between the Liu family and the Lu family.

In the "Heartbroken Boys Shelter Group", the first person she met was Ruyan Liu, and she was treated kindly, so from the point of view of candy, it was Chen Liu who she admired the most.

But from the point of view of claiming rights, the relationship between Liu Ruyan and Chen Ya is the most embarrassing, she is the least famous, and can only maintain a first-line relationship by calling "teacher teacher".

However, if the news of "the engagement between the Liu family and the Lu family" gets out, and Liu Ruyan is the one who is going to marry Chen Ya, then she will become Chen Ya's fiancée, and her status will rise!

But now Qin Yunchu hesitated again.

From Liu Ruying's point of view, if things really turned out like that, she would completely lose her position.

She will become a donkey who unloads mills and kills donkeys, crosses rivers and destroys bridges, and she will become a humble dog who regards all things as straw dogs.

Thinking of this, Qin Yunchu was so entangled that he almost turned into a maggot and writhed.

Seeing Qin Yunchu's weird expression, both Lu Qingxuan and Liu Ruying were confused.

"Then, let me ask, what do you think of the engagement with Chen Ya?" Qin Yunchu asked, "Are you really going to obey the family arrangement and marry him?"

After asking, Qin Yunchu felt that the question was stupid, and smiled again: "Oh, now that the Lu family is gone, and it's the 21st century, no one will sacrifice their personal happiness for the sake of the family, right?"

After hearing this, Liu Ruying lowered her head and said with a slight smile:
"Actually, I imagined at first that I would marry Chen Ya..."


"One time before, in order to defend me, he had a conflict with a very powerful local snake. At that time, I felt that he was super masculine. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved."

"What's the matter?" Qin Yunchu asked with wide eyes, her gossip spirit ignited again.

Lu Qingxuan also turned her body curiously, she had never heard of this matter.

"Ah, that happened a month ago. Chen Ya asked me out for dinner that day. In that restaurant, a man who pursued me happened to be negotiating business with a local snake."

Qin Yunchu slightly opened his mouth to listen, and Liu Ruying continued:

"Maybe it's what the person who pursued me said. That local snake flower sister insisted on asking me to have a drink with the boy who pursued me."

Qin Yunchu interjected and asked: "What kind of local snake? Are the people in the capital so good? You belong to the Liu family anyway, how dare they bully you like this?"

"Because that Sister Hua is Pei Hu's woman," Liu Ruying said in a low voice, "I'm just an embarrassing daughter of the Liu family, so of course Pei Hu still wants to save face."

Qin Yunchu complained speechlessly: "Pei Hu used to be Chen Ya's driver, what's so good about it?"

Liu Ruying stuck out her tongue and said, "If you want to blame it, you can blame Chen Ya for being too awesome! In the past, just a random driver has such a status in the world."

As soon as she finished speaking, the bathroom door suddenly opened, and Gu Yuqing's voice came from there:

"Pei Hu is not a 'random' driver. He is more than Chen Ya's driver. The reason why Chen Ya indulges him is because Pei Hu has blocked bullets for him. If there is no such relationship, according to Chen Ya's Personality, how can Pei Hu have the qualifications to help him?"

Everyone looked over and saw Gu Yuqing walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

She didn't wash it at all. When Liu Ruying started talking about Chen Ya, she eavesdropped on the door. After hearing what happened to Pei Hu, she couldn't help but come out.

"Did a bullet?" Qin Yunchu asked in surprise, "Is it a bullet in the real sense, or is it a description..."

"It really blocked a bullet." Gu Yuqing walked over and put a piece of clothing on her body.

Qin Yunchu looked bewildered.

She didn't understand, first of all, why a bullet was shot at Chen Ya...

Even though she is the eldest daughter of the Qin family and an executive of Hongtu, she has heard a lot of horrific fighting methods, but being shot sounds too scary.

Gu Yuqing knew what she was thinking, and said, "Principal Yang also said that Chen Ya has promoted technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion. Do you think people who are passive about the cake will not jump?"

Controlled nuclear fusion is the biggest energy revolution in this century, and its significance is even comparable to that from steam to electricity.

How many people's cakes will be touched during this process, and even attract the attention of external forces, is indeed unimaginable, and the risks are also unpredictable.

Gu Yuqing said: "The reason why Beichen does not have Chen Ya's name is because, in the first two years of Beichen's establishment, he has been in a state of incognito, and his name should not appear on the company's list."

Looking at the three silent people in front of her, Gu Yuqing smiled, and said to Liu Ruying: "Go on, Pei Hu's woman forced you to drink with her, and then what?"

"Then, he poured a whole bottle of wine on that Sister Hua's head." Liu Ruying smiled, "You made me angry."

Qin Yunchu was a little shocked: "Really? Is he very angry? Then he really... cares about you very much."

Liu Ruying blushed: "Really?"

"Well, in my impression, he has always been very gentle. Even if it's all kinds of villains who trip him up, at most he won't bother to deal with them, and he won't hit people."

Qin Yunchu thought of Chen Ya's immediate boss in Hongtu Company, that woman would wear small shoes for Chen Ya whenever she had the chance, but Chen Ya was not angry at all.

Later, after knowing Chen Ya's identity, she felt that Chen Ya had a good temper more and more.

"Hehe, Chen Ya has a good temper? That's now," Gu Yuqing seemed very unhappy, "His temper has been many times better than before in the past few years. Happy, Pei Hu has to shed a layer of skin."

Qin Yunchu looked at her curiously: "Really? Speaking of which, I'm actually quite curious about what the old Chen Ya was like, and how did you and Chen Ya meet, Mr. Gu?"

Lu Qingxuan, who was silent all the time, moved her feet together, she was also a little curious about this question.

Especially about how the two of them became what Gu Yuqing called "friends with benefits".

Gu Yuqing smiled.

"That's a long story to tell."



The recorder's head was buried behind the laptop, and his thoughts were quietly wandering, but the corner of his eyes kept bypassing the small screen of the ThinkPad, and kept looking at Gu Yuqing behind him.

It is the summer of 2015, the continuous showers have just passed, and the sky is so blue that it has been washed.Gu Yuqing by the window sill was like a white cloud at the end of the sky, leisurely, ethereal, and... soft.

She is as beautiful today as ever.

Today, Gu Yuqing is wearing a purple satin cross-neck dress. The purple color makes her look mature, mysterious and charming.The clothes were of good quality, but they couldn't wrap her body in style. The rich fragrance like a gorgeous peach blossom erupted vigorously from her bare shoulders and collarbone.

She has light yellow curly hair highlighted, which is noble yet cute at the same time. The eyes under the two curved eyebrows always seem to be rippling with a layer of hazy waves, condensing an elegant energy.The most eye-catching thing is that her chest is plump like a peach, but her waist is slender and soft as crisp, and her delicate skin is like satin.

Gu Yuqing is such a woman, who continues to cause lethality to the opposite sex around her, and takes all ages. No one can refuse this woman.

However, no matter how longing the recorder had for this woman who was only a few feet away from him now, he couldn't get any closer—because she lived in a different world from the beginning.

"How many more?" Gu Yuqing put down her coffee and asked leisurely.

"Next is the last batch." The partner next to him replied immediately.

"After finishing this batch, you can have a good rest." Gu Yuqing put her hand to her mouth and yawned quietly, "I heard that the afternoon tea snacks in the newly opened shop downstairs are delicious."

"Really? I invite you." The partner on the side said quickly.

"You think I can't afford it?" Gu Yuqing blinked.

"No, no..."

"Then why do you think I still need you to invite me?"

"I, I didn't mean that..."

Gu Yuqing stared at him for a long time, then suddenly gave a "puchi" smile: "I'm kidding, why are you so nervous?"

"Ah ha ha……"

The recorder on the side broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I am not qualified to talk to Gu Yuqing, otherwise, I would definitely be played like this.

If I was teased like this, I would definitely feel like dying.

"Mr. Gu, the next batch of entrepreneurs are ready." The secretary at the door came in and said.

"Let them in." Gu Yuqing said calmly.

This is Gaoshan Capital, a venture capital company under the Gu family.

The current ongoing project is to discuss with certain qualified start-up companies to evaluate the success rate of investment.

Gu Yuqing, sitting in the middle and called Mr. Gu, is the current person in charge of this company.

At the same time, she also has an identity - the daughter of the Gu family, the chaebol behind the company.

These two identities have determined her transcendent status and power in this company, but there are more reasons why she has won the respect of these people.

Gu Yuqing has a resounding nickname in the circle - "Queen of Venture Capital".

The investments she has handled have maintained a 100% success rate so far, and the rate of return is astonishingly high.

But at the same time, she also has a title comparable to the previous nickname - "Capital Witch".

Her style likes to intervene in operations, and will use all means to maximize the company's interests and wipe out startup companies.

She doesn't hesitate to cash out and walk away once there's nothing left to extract value from a startup.

It's hard to say which side has more companies that were brought down by Gu Yuqing and companies that took off because of her insightful investment.

It is this investment style that makes Gu Yuqing's reputation in the industry both in full swing and notorious.

"Hello everyone, hello..."

At the door, four young men knocked on the door and walked in. The man at the head looked to be in his twenties, very young and handsome.

As for the three people behind him, they all looked like standard nerds, without any style.

Gu Yuqing folded her arms and said very bluntly: "The four of you are the entrepreneurial team?"

"Yes, hello, my name is Chen Ya." The young man smiled at Gu Yuqing, as bright as the sun breaking through the clouds.

But Gu Yuqing was not polite at all.

"Okay, your team's presentation has been finished, go out three, and leave one who can explain the problem clearly. I hate so many people crowded in this room, and the air is turbid."

The four looked at each other, and in the end, the one named Chen Ya stayed.

He sat down generously, and distributed the materials in his hands to the people in front of him one by one.

Gu Yuqing fiddled with a thin tube of pen with fingers painted with exquisite nail polish, looked down at the material in her hand, and asked step by step:

"Tell me a little about your project."

"We are a game company, and our first project is to make a full-platform online game..."

After listening to Chen Ya's speech, Gu Yuqing asked bluntly, "Currently, there are eight hundred online games if not one thousand. What are your characteristics?"

"Our characteristic is our characteristic..." After Chen Ya finished speaking, Gu Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and he immediately said, "Sorry, slip of the tongue, our characteristic is that we are very productive."

 Starting from this month, more changes will be added, please ask for a few monthly tickets in advance
(End of this chapter)

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