Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes at Chen Ya. Others didn't understand his dirty joke just now, but she did.

Although she didn't care about it, she had never dared to make such a joke in front of her before, so she complained about the person in front of her in her heart.

If it was someone else, she would definitely beat her up in person, until she couldn't straighten up.

But Chen Ya's smile looked like spring water, with a hint of radiance in it, like the kind of school girl who had a crush on her when she was a student but dared not confess it. Even the big devil Gu Yuqing couldn't bear to scold him directly.

Although Gu Yuqing had a good impression of Chen Ya because of the Appearance Association, her tone was still not polite.

"High output? A game company described itself as high output? It's unheard of." Gu Yuqing crossed her hands and raised her long legs, "Expand and talk about it?"

"Currently, there are two modes of making money in online games, one is the point card system, and the other is free plus in-app purchases." Chen Ya said, "The essence of the point card system is to sell time, while the free model is to sell data."

"The point card system has a characteristic. The longer the game is in operation, the higher the IP value, and the longer the player's time is robbed, the [-]th effect is obvious, or even the [-]th effect. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer point card games now. Most new Tourists can only choose free tracks.

"The current free-to-play games are mostly about selling anxiety. You can get a good game experience if you charge money. If you don't charge money, you will be someone else's game experience. I don't comment on whether this method is moral, but this This model is doomed that the game cannot really go to the public.”

Hearing this, Gu Yuqing frowned slightly and said, "You haven't said the main point yet."

"Yes, but please be patient and listen to me. We can easily analyze that if we create data discrepancies and force players to recharge, the user base will shrink; if there are too few payment points, it will make it difficult for the game to operate for a long time.

"So, our game will adopt the model of having both the fish and the bear's paw. Our model is that top-up players spend money, and free players build a community to maximize the user base and willingness to pay."

Gu Yuqing raised her eyebrows.

In her experience, nine out of ten people who claim to have discovered a new profit model are unreliable.

And the person in front of me is even more outrageous. What he said is equivalent to denying the model of all games for decades-if you can really have both fish and bear's paw, who will be forced to play only one game?

"If you want to have both, you have to raise a bear that can catch fish, do you have one?" Gu Yuqing asked with a somewhat sarcastic smile.

"Yes, the name of this bear is called update," Chen Ya said with a smile, "The point card system contributes to the experience of the game industry, that is, version updates can increase player stickiness and ensure online time. Therefore, we rely on updated versions to win users.

"We are a card game. We plan to update a version every 6 weeks and open a new card pool at the same time, so that we can ensure popularity and payment points at the same time, and use the proceeds of each version to develop the next version to achieve a virtuous circle. ..."

Hearing this, the male consultant sitting next to Gu Yuqing finally couldn't bear it anymore. He turned his head to ask Gu Yuqing's opinion with his eyes, and after getting the consent, he asked Chen Ya bluntly:

"You said you don't want to make money by creating numerical anxiety, right? Then let me ask you, what mode does your pvp use? Is it direct confrontation or leaderboard? How does the guild design?"

"There is no pvp, no guild," Chen Ya said frankly, "there is no leaderboard, and there is no confrontation. These methods will create numerical anxiety, and low-skilled players will become high-skilled players' game experience."

The consultant twitched his forehead, and then asked patiently: "You don't have pvp, and it's a card-drawing game. Where is the motivation for players to draw cards?"

"Love!" Chen Ya raised his voice unconsciously, "It is the duty of the game producer to design each character to be extremely cute! Players will naturally pay for love!"

The consultant rubbed his head with his hands, and asked again: "Regardless of whether what you said about paying for love is reasonable or not, how can you ensure that the value does not inflate when you have a version every 6 weeks? Once your value inflates, the so-called paying for love will completely become a reality. It’s nonsense, because once a character falls into the intensity trap, there’s no such thing as cute or unlikable.”

"We have a very complete mechanism to limit numerical expansion."

"What mechanism?"

"We can design a set of elemental reaction mechanism, each character has an element, and these elements will react with each other, such as ice and water will freeze, thunder and fire will explode, in this way, the character becomes It has become an elemental transmitter, as long as it is combined reasonably, every character will be useful, and there is no strength trap."

Hearing this, Gu Yuqing finally became a little interested, put down her high legs, and sat upright.

The consultant on the side continued to ask: "Even so, the 6-week version you said is not realistic. Take Meow Beast, the Pandaren Expedition, and the mystery of the Burning Legion. These major versions will cause changes in the world. Where do you guys come from?" Has such a high amount of plot expansion?"

"It's very simple. Our protagonist is a traveler," said Chen Ya. "His goal is to travel to various countries. Two or three regions in a country are two or three new maps. I designed seven countries, which is dozens of maps. A brand new version of the map."

The consultant said: "How many years do you plan to operate this game?"

"The goal is ten years."

The consultant immediately said: "Sanqi 21, counting your 21 new pictures, that is, 21 versions, and the update will be completed in less than three years. How can you last ten years?"

"Don't worry," Chen Ya said with a smile, "There are still festivals! We don't have real festivals, but virtual festivals. One country designs one festival, and seven countries have seven festivals.

"There are 52 weeks in a year, and a total of 8 versions are updated. I count a festival as one version, which happens to cover the whole year. I celebrate it every year, and every time I do new activities, I can realize perpetual motion!"

After finishing speaking, he added: "Moreover, it is not necessary to release a large amount of content every update. There will be some transitional small versions interspersed between every two major versions. All in all, there is no need to worry about updating content. superior."

"This..." The consultant was speechless for a moment, but he immediately reacted and patted the table and asked, "Even so, your frequency of updating a version every six weeks is not realistic. Where does your production capacity come from? Come?"

Chen Ya stared at him for a while, then turned on the laptop in front of him, turned it around, and faced the consultant.

"Here, here's our demo, we made this, it only took six weeks, take a look."

The consultant dragged the laptop over. He is a professional consultant in games. Naturally, he got started with the game demo very quickly. After a short operation, his eyes widened.

"This... this was made in six weeks?"

The demo Chen Ya handed him was infinitely close to a completed game.

Not only the characters, actions, and maps are already very detailed, but also the light and shadow and day and night weather systems, and even some tasks and dialogues.

He can play for a while with just this demo.

Gu Yuqing asked from the side: "How is it?"

"It's... okay, although I don't know what will happen to the finished product."

"I asked about the degree of completion, is it technically enough to be updated every six weeks?" Gu Yuqing emphasized.

"Oh, the degree of completion is very high," the consultant said reluctantly, "at least it can prove that their technical level is enough for bragging just now."

Chen Ya didn't care about his attitude, and said with a smile: "You are right, our technical level is very strong, so there is no need to worry about the frequency of updating once every six weeks."

Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya with beautiful eyes, and said, "Let me ask you a few questions."

"please say."

"Your payment point is mainly the new card pool launched after the update, and use the money earned to develop the next version. However, this is only an ideal state. You can't guarantee that players will buy every update."

Chen Ya nodded and said: "That's right, but after the overall ecology is established, the further it is updated, the easier it will be to make profits."

Gu Yuqing asked: "You said that your payment points are mainly cute characters, but I think the art style of your demo is biased towards two-dimensional. The audience of this group in China is not too large. Are you sure you will break the circle in the end?"

"First of all, let's be clear," Chen Ya stood up suddenly, "Severe is the primary productive force."

The people sitting on the other side of the long table all looked at him.

"Modern society is a pluralistic society. In other words, it is a world without consensus. Any point of view will be refuted by most people, but only Severe will not.

"Sweetness will unite people. Nothing can arouse human beings' desire to protect, conquer, and possess more than cute girls and boys...

"So, next, you just need to trust my XP, and it just so happens that my XP is very trustworthy, because I have seen too many cute girls."

When Chen Ya said the last words, he kept looking at Gu Yuqing. The consultant beside him couldn't hold back, and slapped the table with his hand: "Presumptuous!"


Gu Yuqing suddenly laughed.

Laughing quiveringly.

"Okay, the last question, how much investment do you want to get?"

"1 million," Chen Ya said, staring at everyone in front of him, "US dollars."

After saying this, the air in the room froze.

"1 million U.S. dollars?" The consultant leaned out, "You are a small team of 4 people, and you dare to ask for 1 million U.S. dollars? Do you have any misunderstandings about our Gaoshan Capital?"

"No, there is no misunderstanding. Only you in China have the courage to spend 1 million US dollars in one go, so I found you."

Gu Yuqing stopped smiling, put her hand to her lips, and said, "Okay, you go out, we have to close the door to discuss for 10 minutes."

Chen Ya nodded, turned his head and went out.

As soon as the door was closed, there was a fierce quarrel in the room.

"This guy's idea is too unrealistic! Why don't you just dream about $1 million?"

"Judging from their plan, it really takes 1 million US dollars to support the early development."

"That is to say, a small team with no team, no technology accumulation, and nothing, came to us and asked for 1 million. How did such a project pass the review?"


After a long time, the discussion atmosphere in the room gradually cooled down. Gu Yuqing looked at the colleagues beside her and asked coldly, "Have you finished the discussion?"

Everyone nodded in unison, and the advisor beside him was especially firm.

"How is the result?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and the consultant said, "It's not very optimistic."

"What's your opinion?"


"I don't agree either."

After several people expressed their opinions one after another, Gu Yuqing nodded and waved: "Since everyone disagrees, then let's not pass it."

The little secretary at the side, with the seal in her hand, pressed heavily on the stack of documents in front of her: not passed.


When Gu Yuqing walked out of the room, she saw that on the bench in the corridor, those young people were squatting there with their heads covered.

Chen Ya was standing, gnawing an apple in his hand.

"If we didn't succeed this time, it doesn't mean we can't do it. It's because they have a problem with their vision, and it's not impossible to solve the funding problem. As long as we work hard on the other side..."

Those who hung their heads on the bench were Shi Chuandong, Luan Qingying, and Ge Zhang.

In the future, the three of them will also be called the Three Heroes of Beichen.

Luan Qingying leaned against the wall and said dejectedly: "Should we lower our requirements a little bit, 1 million US dollars is too risky for those companies, basically it is impossible for anyone to believe us."

"Yeah, I heard what Brother Ya said outside. They seem to be quite moved. If the capital is set a little lower, such as 2000 million US dollars, maybe it will be done."

"Come on, our team, if we can get a few million, it's a high-spirited. A few million is enough for us to squat in the basement and develop games for 10 years."

Chen Ya said seriously: "How can I do that? If I can't make a profit of 1 billion within a year, why should I still make games? If I just want to make a few million, I can just write a few books and a few songs." , why do these things?"

Gu Yuqing stood behind him with folded arms for a while, then smiled slightly, and put her fingers on his shoulders.


As soon as Chen Ya turned his head, there was a stabbing pain on his face, and his eyes moved down, just in time to see a finger poking his face.

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "The way you cheer up your team members is unique."

Chen Ya turned his head, and when he saw it was her, his face immediately changed into the business-like smile in the conference room just now.

"Mr. Gu."

Gu Yuqing waved her hand as a greeting, and looked Chen Ya up and down.

She finally understood this man now, the three-pointed sweet smile on his handsome face seemed to be a mask he deliberately cultivated, and in his daily life, he had a superior and disgusting expression.

But having said that, the mask he made for himself can really bluff people. At least if he runs to the university campus with that smile, he will definitely attract many people.

"Although our company rejected you just now, I'm still a little interested in you personally," Gu Yuqing stared at him with great interest, "How about it, are you interested in chatting with me alone after get off work?"

If it was for other men who received Gu Yuqing's invitation, they would have agreed long ago with a flick of their tails, but Chen Ya was unexpectedly determined:

"Will you invest money?"

"Maybe?" Gu Yuqing blinked.

"Forget it," Chen Ya shook his head, "I only need 1 million, so you probably don't have that much money."

Gu Yuqing smiled "hehe": "I'm afraid you underestimate me a little?"

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