Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 304 303. Jin who likes to play tricks on people

Chapter 304 303. The daughter who likes to play tricks
"I'm afraid you underestimate me a little?" Gu Yuqing smiled politely.

Politeness is the etiquette that a lady of the Gu family should have, but politeness is also a kind of arrogance of a big family.

If Chen Ya is smarter and translates this sentence, it should be:

"1 million? Who do you look down on?"

Chen Ya looked down at Gu Yuqing's chest, and said, "I dare not underestimate you."

Of course, Gu Yuqing also felt that he was suspected of driving, but this made her even more excited:
"Then do you accept it? Or, must you leave the company and not accept personal investment? What's the matter, will you be worried about risks if you inject funds from me personally?"

Her words were very strange, but Chen Ya chose to ignore them:

"The people you inject funds are not worried about risks. I am the only one who has been injected. What risks are I afraid of?"

Gu Yuqing smiled even wider: "Okay, then it's an agreement. After I get off work, you will wait for me downstairs in this building. You will be alone. Let's talk about the injection."

Chen Ya nodded and asked, "Then, when do you leave work?"

Gu Yuqing smiled sweetly, and instead of answering him, she turned around and left gracefully.

After she left, the three of Shi Chuandong stood up excitedly.

"Ah! Brother Ya, there is still a turning point!"

"Even better, next, as long as Brother Ya can handle her, we will have money!"

Unlike their excitement, Chen Ya narrowed his eyes.

Luan Qingying saw that his expression was not right, and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Ya? What are you worried about?"

"There's something wrong with this person." Chen Ya frowned, "I can't see through her, and I don't know what she's thinking."

Shi Chuandong said ignorantly: "Why do you need to know what she is thinking? It's fine if she is willing to invest money, as long as the money is in hand, who cares about her..."

Ge Zhang slapped Shi Chuandong from the side: "Hold down, this is in his base camp!"

The three of them quickly turned their heads to look, and found that no one was paying attention to this side, and they were a little relieved.

"Then, Brother Ya, are you going?" Luan Qingying who was at the side asked in a low voice.

"Of course, there is a big difference between having this [-] million and not having this [-] million." Chen Ya said.

Shi Chuandong whispered: "In fact, with the existing capital, it is enough to develop a profitable game."

"What's the use of light energy for profit?" Chen Ya frowned, reaching out his hand to catch Shi Chuandong's ear, "Remember, it's meaningless if you can't become the largest giant company in the industry. Remember it for me."

Shi Chuandong grinned his teeth and nodded repeatedly: "I remember, I remember, Brother Ya, I remember, it hurts!"

Chen Ya let go of his hands and said to them, "Okay, let's go back and get busy, there are still a lot of things to do, the new batch of resumes have not been read, the studio has not been renovated, don't be idle. "

Urging the three of them to leave quickly, Chen Ya touched the front desk by himself, and asked the girl at the front desk, "Excuse me, what time does your company close?"

"6 o'clock in the afternoon." The girl at the front desk blinked and stared at him. Because of her good looks, she basically had a good impression of Chen Ya.

"Then, Mr. Gu, will you get off work on time?"

The girl at the front desk wondered: "This... I can't explain it clearly. Sometimes Gu always has entertainment, and sometimes there are other things. If there is nothing to do, of course I will leave work on time, but most of the time there are things..."

Chen Ya frowned.

"If you have made an appointment with Mr. Gu, I suggest you wait a little longer. You will get off work in more than two hours. You can wait for her downstairs or nearby, and it won't be long."

"You also said that there are more than two hours left to get off work. I can't afford to waste this time." Chen Ya said.

The girl at the front desk stared blankly at Chen Ya, and couldn't help but feel that Chen Ya was a little too big for a start-up company with a small team.

In order to wait for Gu Yuqing, how long is two hours?In the past, an executive of a certain company stood downstairs for a whole day in pursuit of Gu Yuqing, and it was no big deal.

Chen Ya whispered to her: "Well, you can add me on WeChat, and if there are rumors that Mr. Gu is leaving, you can send me a message."

The little girl at the front desk nodded, blushing and told him "you sweep me, I sweep you".

After adding WeChat, the girl at the front desk hesitated to talk to Chen Ya, as if she wanted to tell him something.

But after brewing for a long time, he still didn't say anything, just looked at him silently.

Chen Ya didn't notice her emotion, so he put away his cell phone and went downstairs to find Shi Chuandong and the three of them.

These three people were all three talents he found while using his time to collect papers and system points when he was an administrator in the Peking University Library.

Ishi Chuandong is very talented in IT technology, and he is very stupid. He is a treasured technology geek who knows nothing about technology.

Chen Ya plans to train him to be CTO in the future.

Luan Qingying is very good at observing words and emotions, and arranges things in an orderly manner. Chen Ya has no doubt that if placed in ancient times, he would become a figure like Xun Yu and Fazheng.Is the perfect candidate for CEO.

Ge Zhang is a student of finance and accounting, with a clean background and a clean family background. When he was young, his whole family died in the earthquake and he was the only orphan left. With his strong self-management ability, he was admitted to Beijing University, highlighting his loyalty.

Chen Ya is going to make him CFO.

This small team of three was the original team. Of course, Chen Ya formed this team not just for making money, but for revenge.

Aihua Company, the monopoly tumor that drove him out of Haiya, which he founded with his own hands.

If he wants to defeat this kind of family and company head-on, even if he has a system, his foundation is too weak.

So in the past few years, he has been desperately making money and saving capital.

He actually didn't save much money during those years in Haiya, mainly because he had lost the motivation to make money at that time and lay flat.

Fortunately, after a year of hard work, the recording income plus the Nobel Prize plus the income of being a JX abroad, he has now scraped together 1 million US dollars.

With a base of 2 million US dollars, he will be able to build a super fast-growing company, enough to compete with Aihua in a few years.

Chen Ya took the elevator to leave. When he walked out of the building, he didn't know that there was another pair of eyes looking at him from above the tall building.

Holding a cup of coffee in her hand, Gu Yuqing took a sip slowly, watching Chen Ya's movements downstairs, a smile that couldn't stop appearing and disappearing at the corner of her mouth.

"Mr. Gu, that person is gone." The secretary behind reminded her in a low voice.

"I know, I saw it." Gu Yuqing said without expressing any attitude.

For some reason, she was silent in an unusual way, which made the little secretary shudder.

Gu Yuqing asked the small team to meet in private, and this happened under everyone's noses, but no one thought it was strange.

Even the consultant team didn't feel uneasy, feeling that their judgment was different from Gu Yuqing's.

The reason is that this is not the first time Gu Yuqing has played like this.

In the name of private investment, she often invites some small bosses and small entrepreneurs to go out alone for chats.

Those people are all very excited—but after that, they will feel like falling into an ice cave.

Gu Yuqing is not an angel at all, throwing an olive branch to them, but a devil, who treats them as entertainment after get off work, to amuse people.

Among them are self-confident entrepreneurs who lost confidence after being hit by Gu Yuqing, and went back to their hometown to get married and take an exam;
There was also a team that was originally united, but because of Gu Yuqing's instigation, they fought violently;

What's more, he mistakenly thought that his amazing charm had fascinated the rich woman, and when he went home to divorce his wife, he was brutally ridiculed and the police arrested him...

All in all... Gu Yuqing really likes people who feel confident in themselves.

And she prefers to tear these confident people apart.

In his heart, the secretary broke into a cold sweat for that handsome boy.


After get off work, when Gu Yuqing found Chen Ya, he was reading at the Joint Publishing Store across the street.

Standing alone among a group of people sitting on the ground, straight as a flagpole.

Gu Yuqing walked over carrying her bag, the automatic door of the bookstore moved silently and automatically, and her pointed high-heeled shoes stepped on the smooth tiled floor, making a pleasant sound.

"I've been waiting for a long time, you didn't wait here all afternoon, did you? What book are you reading?"

Gu Yuqing lifted the book in his hand with one finger, and glanced at the cover, it was "Norwegian Forest".

Chen Ya closed the book, turned his wrist, and looked at the time:
"It didn't take long, and it only took 20 minutes. I didn't expect you to get off work so late."

Gu Yuqing stared at him with beautiful eyes, her expression seemed a little incredulous.

She was actually being polite just now.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ya actually dared to think that she was late.

In her capacity, shouldn't it be right to wait for her all afternoon?
"What do you see me doing?" Chen Ya asked suddenly.

He felt Gu Yuqing's gaze focused on his face.

"It's nothing," Gu Yuqing laughed.

"It's not that we got off work late, it's that I took too long to get off work, sorry."

"It's okay." Chen Ya replied solemnly, which made Gu Yuqing want to laugh even more.

That's right.

Gu Yuqing suddenly felt that the more she looked at Chen Ya, the more satisfied she became.

It is more interesting to be so original, simple, and newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse. If it is obedient to let it be eaten, it will be boring.

"Then let's go, find a place to chat directly?" Gu Yuqing took out her phone, "Where is Xingqike?"

Chen Ya said, "Don't you want to find a place to eat?"

Gu Yuqing was taken aback, then giggled and said, "Ah? Didn't you eat? I usually don't eat at night."

Chen Ya pursed his lips: "If I had known, I would have eaten the meal first at school...then let's go to Xingqike first."

"Oh? Aren't you going to eat?" Gu Yuqing raised her eyebrows slightly, her smile still on her face.

"It's important to talk about business."

Gu Yuqing turned her face away, the expression of a successful prank on her face was fleeting.

Of course she knew that Chen Ya didn't have dinner.

I usually make an appointment at this time to talk about things, and I don’t know how to eat, and I deliberately keep my stomach.

But to ask if she didn't tell Chen Ya that she didn't have dinner appointment on purpose or accidentally...

That must have been on purpose.

Gu Yuqing likes to trick people.

It is not a need to maintain authority as a superior, nor is it a means of controlling people.

She just simply enjoys teasing people.

She likes to admire the way those people struggle in pain.

Chen Ya put the book back on the shelf, Gu Yuqing looked at him and said:

"Aren't you going to buy it? I think you looked very seriously just now."

Chen Ya shook his head.

Gu Yuqing took out the book, looked at the cover and said, "Haruki Kawabata, is this a Japanese writer? I seem to have heard of it. There is something on fire."

"It's really popular. The Nobel Prize in Literature just passed was awarded to him. But he didn't go to receive it."

"Really? I just heard that this man is very proud."

"Generally average."

Gu Yuqing tucked the book under her arm, took it to the cashier to pay, bought the book herself, and then drove to the parking lot.

Although the company called for energy conservation and emission reduction, Gu Yuqing couldn't get enough of nature's festivals. She couldn't take the subway, and she still drove a large-displacement sports car to and from get off work every day.

The two got into Gu Yuqing's Porsche, and Gu Yuqing drove.

The red Porsche 911 streamlined body, the engine is full of power, within half an hour, the two arrived outside the third ring road, Gu Yuqing parked the car in the garage, got out of the car and clapped her hands, and said to the bewildered Chen Ya:

Chen Ya looked around for a while, and said, "Are you sure, this is Xingqike?"

"This is my house. Coffee, where do I go to drink it? My house also has it."

This is a three-storey villa with a small yard and its own garage, and a row of various flowers are placed along the balcony.

If the weather is fine, this place will really be a small bungalow as picturesque.

Chen Ya looked at this exquisite villa, and the corners of his mouth twitched:
"Do you usually call people to your home so casually when you talk about business?"

"No. I pursue a dual-track life where work is work and life is life. I never bring work into life."

As she spoke, she shook off her long hair and walked to the door of the villa.

Chen Ya followed: "Then why..."

"You are different, you are more handsome."

Gu Yuqing said it as a matter of course.

As if that was a reason that needed no explanation at all.

Chen Ya: "..."

Opening the door, Gu Yuqing turned her head and said, "Come in."

A pair of eyes are shining.

Chen Ya entered the door cautiously, and a maid stood there with her hands down, bowing respectfully to Gu Yuqing, but when she saw Chen Ya, she showed a surprised expression, as if she was surprised that Gu Yuqing had brought someone back.

Chen Ya was even more surprised.Judging from this performance, what Gu Yuqing said just now is true.

She used to rarely bring strangers home.

"Aunt Wang, I'm hungry, help me make a bowl of yokan." Gu Yuqing said, raised her eyes and rolled her eyes, and added, "I want a grilled sausage."

"Miss, you already ate grilled sausage yesterday," the maid said lovingly, "It's not suitable to eat more, may I make you a piece of milk tofu?"

"I want something salty... Forget it, milk tofu is also fine, let's add a shortbread with meat floss."

"Okay," the maid nodded, "Do you drink yokan with tea?"

"I don't want to drink tea today, I want milk with coffee."

"Isn't that greasy? Let me make a cup of freshly squeezed Guozhen, which can relieve the greasy."

"That's all. Oh right, I suddenly want to eat Xue Mei Niang."


Chen Ya watched the maid leave with dumbfounded eyes. Gu Yuqing, wearing high heels and not taking off her shoes, went straight to sit outside the terrace.

Chen Ya sort of understood how she developed so well.

 A little later, sorry.

  This chapter is from yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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