Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 306 305. Your Charm Raises to the Top Level

Chapter 306 305. Your Charm Raises to the Top Level

After Gu Yuqing sent the message, the voice message came from there almost seamlessly:
"What treasure did you find again?"

The woman's voice was ruffian and a little lazy, but she used a cute anime girl's avatar, which seemed a little out of place.

Gu Yuqing pressed the voice message button, the excitement on her face was still there: "He is super handsome, and he is also very charming when he speaks. When he is teasing, his reaction is super funny! I have never seen this before!"

The woman on the opposite side sneered disdainfully, and came back to message: "You have been out of touch with the world for so many years, I thought you were out of humanity, but I didn't expect you to be attracted to sex today, you also have this kind of woman's side. "

"No no no no," Gu Yuqing repeatedly denied, "The point is not that he is handsome, of course being handsome is a plus, the point is that he is not afraid of me!"

Gu Yuqing said again: "Do you know how hard it is to find people who are not afraid of me? People who know me are submissive, meaningless at all, only him, who doesn't take me seriously at all!"

The best friend was obviously stunned: "You are so happy that you don't take you seriously, are you afraid that you are not an M?"

After sighing, the best friend said again: "And there are too many people who want to find someone who is not afraid of you. You go to Xia's house and find a few guards, one or two are not afraid of you."

Gu Yuqing said: "People in the Xia family are not afraid of returning home, but I can't handle them either. This one is not only handsome, but also easy to handle, smart, and not afraid of me. This is the best."

The girlfriend was stunned over there: "Are you an S or an M?"

Gu Yuqing ignored her question: "Anyway, that's the end of my sharing, I just want to tell you the joy I'm feeling at the moment."

"Okay, then you have to take it easy and play, don't spoil the little handsome guy, you won't have anything to play in the future."

After the girlfriend finished speaking, she shook her head, sighed, and said, "It's so pitiful."

I don't know whether I feel sorry for the handsome guy I have never met, or feel sorry for this best friend who has been dazzled by strange sexual fetishes.

At this time, Gu Yuqing hung up the phone with a serious face.

Regardless of whether the girlfriend can understand her joy at this time, at least one of the girlfriends is right to worry: they can't be too aggressive all at once.

If you lose people, you won't be able to play in the future.

I was a little bit too teased just now, and now in the other party's heart, my image is probably terrible, now it's time to make my debut and restore my image.


In the early summer in the north, at night, the cool wind still makes people feel cold all over the body.

Especially when Chen Ya was sweating all over at Gu Yuqing's house, the clothes on his body stuck to his body like over-fried rice cakes, which was very uncomfortable.

Because of hunger, 'the stomach is like a weight.Before, there was "cuckoo" and protest three or two times, but now there is no movement, and it is probably dizzy.

From time to time, vehicles roared past behind him, bringing sand and gravel and gusts of wind from behind.

All this made Chen Ya couldn't help thinking about a question:
Why am I here?What good is it to believe in women?
Chen Ya blamed Gu Yuqing for all the misery she was going through at this moment.

Chen Ya sat down on the big stone pier by the side of the road, and his mobile phone made a clear and pleasant voice, and someone took the order for the online car-hailing car he called earlier.

When I turned on the phone, I saw on the screen:

【Master Gu】

[Vehicle model: Porsche 911]

【Number of Orders Received: 0】

[Praise rate: -]

Seeing this information, Chen Ya had an ominous premonition in his heart.


A sound of lightning came from a distance, and as far as the eye could see, billows of yellow dust rushed towards Chen Ya.

Afterwards, a bright red streamlined sports car rushed towards Chen Ya with overwhelming momentum, and stopped in front of Chen Ya with a "squeak".

The car window rolled open, and a pretty face appeared in front of Chen Ya.

The woman's face was delicate and charming, she could be happy or angry, she looked very cute, but in Chen Ya's eyes, she looked extremely hateful.

"Are you a mobile phone user with the end number 9197?"

Chen Ya: "..."

"Passengers, please get on the bus. Master Gu, the driver of the express bus, will serve you wholeheartedly." Gu Yuqing who was in the car saluted Chen Ya solemnly.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want to take you back!" Gu Yuqing pretended to be surprised, "Come up quickly, it's not safe to park here for too long."

"Cancel it for me, don't affect my calling for a car."

Gu Yuqing smiled and said: "Don't be stupid, even if I cancel, you won't be able to get a taxi at this point in this place. Why don't I take you back? Come up quickly."

Chen Ya sneered and put his hands on the roof of the car: "Do you think I will still trust you?"

Gu Yuqing couldn't laugh or cry immediately: "This time, I really can believe it."

"You're upset that the conversation broke down just now, so you came out to get revenge, right? After all, you are a rich second generation, and you are so stingy. Unless I am a short-tailed koala, I will not be fooled into trusting you again."

"How can I have such a big desire for revenge? Also, what is a short-tailed koala?"

Seeing that Chen Ya was already on guard, Gu Yuqing decided to change his mind and talked about business in a serious manner:
"Let's talk about business again. You were too upright just now. I said you wouldn't talk to me if you didn't compromise? There is no way to talk about business like this. You have to grind it out."

"I don't like chirping."

"But you have to consider my mood! That's 1 million US dollars. If you just throw it at you and let you spend it as you like, isn't that equivalent to throwing your newly married sexy and beautiful wife to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old energetic woman?" Big boy, why are you two locked up in the same room and not allowed to peek at what you're doing, do you think I'm at ease?"

Chen Ya turned his head to look at her, thought for a while, and said, "Although your metaphor is very inappropriate, it conveys your feelings."

"Is that right? Business should be like this. You have to see each other. You can't just turn around and leave if you don't accept a condition. It's like going out on a date. When a girl asks a boy what he wants to do, and the boy directly says he wants to fuck you, then it must be porn. Gotta go see a movie first."

"It does make some sense. What do you mean, just now, when you said you would not compromise, did you want to welcome or refuse? You said no, but your body has already betrayed yourself?"

"Your analogy doesn't sound normal, but it's almost understandable."

Thus, Chen Ya, the short-tailed koala, got into Gu Yuqing's car and sat down on the passenger seat. The small space suddenly became calm.

"Let's continue the conversation just now." Gu Yuqing took the lead to break the deadlock, "After 1 million US dollars is invested in you, I can't intervene in the operation of your company, so how do I know, what are you doing with my funds? gone?"

"It's not that you are not allowed to participate in decision-making, but that there is only me, and only me, as the top decision-maker of this company," Chen Ya said. Opinions differ."

Gu Yuqing put her hands on the steering wheel: "Then here comes the question, you, a person with no business experience, how can you prove that you are right, while most people think they are wrong?"

"Unfortunately, unless the future has come, it cannot be proven, and I can only say that the truth is in the hands of a few."

"But what a few people grasp is not necessarily the truth."

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Okay, if you invest, I will invite you to every important meeting of ours. Needless to say, I will also copy you the flow of funds. However, you only have the right to know. I have the right not to hear anything from you."

Gu Yuqing waved her hand: "What's the use of just knowing? Isn't that equivalent to me giving you Ruhua's beautiful wife, and I have to watch how you use it, and I can't object?"

"I will help you use your sweet wife better, and you will have a bottom line in your heart, knowing that she lives well with me."

"..." Gu Yuqing rubbed her forehead and said, "I know your persistence, and I am actually very interested in the idea you mentioned, but correspondingly, I also have some conditions here."

Knowing that he was closer to achieving his goal, Chen Ya immediately said, "Say it."

"You have to make me believe you. To put it simply, we have to be with mature people." Gu Yuqing said, "I will divide the 1 million dollars into ten parts, each worth 1 million dollars. In the next month, we will at least see each other. Ten sides."

"Continue." Chen Ya said.

"I will give you a challenge for each of these ten meetings. If you can complete it, even if you pass the test, I will give you money. If you fail to complete any of them, I will immediately stop it, and the previous funds will also be returned. will be withdrawn."

Chen Ya hesitated for two seconds, then nodded immediately: "Okay. However, I also want to see your sincerity."

Gu Yuqing took out a black card from her pocket, and smiled sweetly: "I have a standard contract and other documents at home, we will go back and sign the contract now, you have passed the test today, I will transfer 1000 million to you first, you see how?"

Chen Ya naturally had no objection.

"Starting tomorrow, you come to my company alone," Gu Yuqing said, "We officially start the challenge."

"Okay." Chen Ya said.



"What!? You actually spent [-] million dollars to pick up men! You have too much money and burned it!"

On the other end of the phone, my girlfriend's exclamation came.

Gu Yuqing said displeased: "What do you mean by being a man? I am a normal business investment, business investment, do you understand?"

"I don't see where this 'business' is," said my best friend. "It's clearly hanging him with money, and it's a huge sum of money! Oh my god, if this news gets out, you won't be in the industry." Big injustice?"

Gu Yuqing looked disgusted: "What do you know?"

The girlfriend on the other side suddenly took a deep breath: "Wait, you don't mean to think that when you have had enough fun, you can just find an excuse to say that he failed, and then withdraw the capital on the spot, making him lose his wife and lose his army, right? Hello! Hard heart!"

"That's not the case, but you finally found out that I occupy an absolute dominant position in this contract," Gu Yuqing played with her earrings, "As long as I don't want to play, I can leave at any time."

"Besides, his company may be ruined by you at any time," said the girlfriend on the other side. "For a start-up company, if you withdraw tens of millions of dollars in investment midway, the company will have a liquidity crisis in minutes!"

Gu Yuqing didn't admit it or deny it, but let out a cheerful voice: "Hey."

"You did it on purpose, didn't you! I heard it!" My girlfriend said over there, "You can control him better in this way! You are so bad! That handsome guy is so pitiful!"

After finishing speaking, my best friend sighed again: "However, that handsome young man is really not suitable for doing business. He jumped into such an obvious trap."

"He's betting." Gu Yuqing shrugged, "If the bet is right, it will take off. If the bet is wrong, it will crash and crash on the spot."

"With an investor like you, I feel that it is possible to take off, but it is only a matter of time before the plane crashes." The best friend made a judgment.


Chen Ya was sitting alone in a dark room, and in front of him was a faint blue screen flickering brightly.

Except for Chen Ya, no one could see the content on that blue screen.

And that screen now says:

[Current Achievement Title: Entrepreneur]

[Achievement Level: Level 3]

【Achievement Points: 0】

[Note: The current total deposit of 71132606.14 yuan can be converted into achievement points, is it converted? 】

Chen Ya squinted at the screen, his fingers were hanging in the air, and he was calculating in his heart.

According to the rules of the "Life Achievement System", the funds at hand can be converted into an equal amount of achievement points, and the points can be exchanged for some skills and commodities.

The 7000 million he has now is the 1 million US dollars that Gu Yuqing sent him just now. According to the current exchange rate, it is converted into more than 7000 million RMB.

In another column of shopping malls next to the screen, the following items are neatly arranged:

[Elementary project management, price: 10 points]

[Elementary plan management, price: 10 points]

[Junior public relations, price: 10 points]

[Intermediate financial management, selling price: 100 million points]

[Intermediate personnel management, price: 100 million points]

[Advanced system optimization, price: 1000 million points]

[Super technological innovation, price: 1 million]


Looking at the vast number of projects, Chen Ya sighed.

"The money is not enough to spend..." He smiled wryly.

The title of "Entrepreneur" is definitely the most expensive title he has ever earned.

In enterprise management, there are countless skills and aspects, all of which can be bought with points in the system.

At first glance at the superficial text, I don’t know what the purpose of buying these things is, but after careful study, you will find that the things given by these systems are awesome.

For example, [Personnel Management], as long as he buys the skill, he can come up with a personnel management system that is most suitable for the current situation of the company.

Not only that, but he can also intuitively "see" what each person is good at, as well as their ability value in enterprise work.

Moreover, this skill is not only added to the individual, but also to the main body of the company.

As long as this skill is obtained, the entire company will gain an atmosphere of immediate results in terms of talent development, team morale, and fighting corruption.

Just like the influence of a magnetic field, once you join this company, you will naturally become more aggressive and better able to integrate into the company atmosphere.

The same is true for other skills. Chen Ya exchanged points for a [Technical Innovation] skill before, and directly reached the advanced level.

With the blessing of this skill, the development speed of the entire company has been increased by 600%, and as a technician, Ishikawa Dong's technical ability is skyrocketing every day.

This is one of the reasons why they made the game demo so perfect in just one month.

It can be said that the system mall is full of magical skills, but the problem is that it is too expensive.

He can't afford it.

10 yuan for primary skills is okay, and 100 million yuan for intermediate skills is also reasonable.

1 million for advanced skills is now affordable, and 1 million for super skills...

The most outrageous thing is that above super skills, there are also top skills, and the price is 1000 billion...

There are a total of 10 such top-level skills, and if you want to buy them all, it will cost 1 trillion yuan.

Last year, the GDP of the entire Jiangcheng was only 1 trillion yuan. If you want to master all 10 skills, you need 1 trillion yuan of funds.

The little money Chen Ya saved in the early stage was used to recruit employees and buy workplaces, which was still a small amount.

Most of the money is spent on buying system skills.

And he has calculated that if he wants to make the game at hand a hit in the short term, at least 7 super skills are needed.

This is also the reason why he approached Takasugi Capital to attract investment, and the investment was 1 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, he can also pull less investment and let the team develop slowly.

2 million RMB, after 3 years of development, this game can also take shape.

But he doesn't have that much time.

The problem is not his identity as an entrepreneur.

And in his "scientist" identity.

On the line of achievement of a scientist, he has already produced some amazing things through liver papers.

Controlled Fusion...

If this thing is thrown out, it will either be a great achievement, or... a dry bone in the grave.

This technique can not only make him famous in history, but also make him die without a place to bury him.

On the night when this technology was spawned, Chen Ya stayed up all night thinking about it.

In the end, he finally figured it out.

He must improve his own strength in order to protect himself.

Now that he controls this technology, he is like an urchin walking through the downtown with a daughter in his hand, ostentatiously.

He must have enough strength to sit on the negotiating table and ensure his own safety.

This is why he was eager to open up the [Entrepreneur] achievement line.

Always stay with me.

Incubating this technology one day earlier may be enough to rewrite the entire history of civilization.

Moreover, the king bomb in his hand is more than that.

For personal safety, for world peace, and for being responsible for Chinese civilization...

He must deal with this rich woman Gu Yuqing now.

Chen Ya switched the achievement system, and on the interface of the [Playboy] achievement system, clicked hard to buy skills.

【Ding!If you consume 1000 points, Charm (Advanced) will be upgraded to - Charm (Super)! 】

【Ding!If you spend 1 points, Charm (Super) will be upgraded to - Charm (Top)! 】

[Due to the influence of charm skills, your persuasion power +500%, same-sex favorability increase speed +500%, opposite-sex favorability increase speed +500%, attraction to opposite sex +1000%, clothing and appearance modification...]

[Your charisma skill has reached its peak and cannot be improved any more. 】



Jinlong Building is located on Longfusi Street, which is one of the most lively neighborhoods in the entire capital.

Across the street, there are two large supermarkets, two shopping centers, three residential areas, and a central square.

However, in this place where every inch of land is very expensive, besides the parking lot downstairs, there is actually a tennis court downstairs.

This tennis court is never open to the public, it is only for the entertainment of people inside Takasugi Capital.

It is said that the company responded to the call to save energy and reduce emissions, and promoted public transportation for commuting to and from get off work. In order to ensure the implementation of the initiative, the downstairs parking lot was specially reduced.

This made the company's car owners miserable, but the compressed space happened to fit the size of a standard tennis court, so driven by such a magical fate, it was changed into a tennis court.

And it just so happened that Gu Yuqing, the newly appointed CEO of the company that month, was a seasoned tennis fan and was also the ace of a certain club in the capital.

Among these coincidences, there are naturally some unspeakable parts, but no one dares to suspect that it is tricky.

What's more, ever since Gu Yuqing made an appearance in front of the men in the company, everyone has become her fan.

On the third day after Gu Yuqing arrived at the company, she played tennis on this tennis court, which caused all the men in the company to come out to watch the match, seriously affecting the company's operations.

At first, she wondered why there were so many tennis fans in the company. When she returned home and threw the sweaty sports bra and short skirts to the maid, she realized that these people were not here to watch her play.

It was clearly to see me.

After that, she never played tennis with the company again.

She doesn't hate being looked at by others, rather, she has been used to being focused since she was a child.

She mainly felt that no one in the company could make a difference with her.

Whether it is deliberate handing over the ball or simply lacking in strength, most of the financial migrant workers in the company are nerds, and they are not her enemies.

These are not the only troubles that Gu Yuqing brought to Gu Yuqing when she was too well developed.

Every day after get off work, her shoulders are sore and swollen, and her chest is heavy. It is difficult to wear any style, and she feels uncomfortable after working for a long time.

On average, she asks a masseur for physical therapy three times a week to relieve the burden on her shoulders and spine. The soreness of each physical therapy makes her grin her teeth in pain, and at the same time, she is extremely happy.

So Gu Yuqing knew very early on that with her physical fitness, she was destined to be unable to do mechanical work.

She is only suitable for some high-net-worth jobs, such as retiring with a huge sum of money at the age of 30, and then eating, drinking, having fun, and being happy all her life.

Up to now, her life goal has basically been achieved. She already has more than a dozen small goals, which are enough to support her eating, drinking and having fun.

However, she also intends to earn a few more small goals.

These extra small goals are intended to be reserved for the possible future husband.

"Is President Gu here?"

The girl at the front desk looked up, and when she saw the speaker, her eyes lit up and her face turned red instantly.

"Yes, yes... Oh no, do you have an appointment?"

"I made an appointment with her yesterday, you can ask her."

"Okay, wait a minute, wait for me to make a call."

The girl at the front desk dialed the phone, but during the process, her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her.

So handsome.

Chen Ya changed his outfit today, although it wasn't particularly trendy, but... the whole person looked very different.

"President Gu said that you should go directly to her office." The girl at the front desk said to Chen Ya.

"Thank you." Chen Ya nodded and walked towards the elevator.

When he passed the office area, the noise in the office area seemed to decrease by 20 decibels instantly, and more than [-]% of the people turned their heads to look at him.

 Sorry, this chapter is not easy to split, 6k words, just merged together.

(End of this chapter)

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