Chapter 307 306. Wear My Shorts

Gu Yuqing's office is at the back of the top floor. The elevator needs to swipe the work card to be authorized to go to the top floor. Visitors have to ring the doorbell, and Gu Yuqing has given permission to go to the top floor.

After Chen Ya pressed the intercom doorbell in the elevator, Gu Yuqing immediately hung up after connecting, and then the button on the top floor of the elevator turned red.

After a while, the elevator door opened, and Chen Ya was already standing on the highest floor of Jinlong Building.

Facing it is a cultural wall and lush green potted plants. On the ground, solid-colored stones are used to form Tai Chi patterns, which may be due to some Feng Shui considerations.

On the side wall hangs a remnant of ink and wash by a master of Chinese painting, which looks very abstract. Walking deeper, the silent automatic glass door opens, revealing a magnificent leisure area and reception room.

Only Gu Yuqing worked on the top floor, and she occupied the first floor by herself. From the various luxurious decorations on this floor, it can be seen that she usually leads a luxurious life.

Reminiscent of the cramped workstations downstairs and the busy ordinary employees, Chen Ya shook his head and secretly lamented the class differences for a while.

Follow the door plate to the deepest part, and stand in front of a high-tech glass door that automatically adjusts the visibility. The door plate on the top reads a few small bold characters: President's Office.

Reach out and knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

The door was silent.

"Dong dong dong."

Except for the sound of knocking on the door, the entire top floor was silent. Perhaps it was an illusion, Chen Ya felt that there seemed to be whispers in the room.

Suddenly, Chen Ya seemed to feel a burning sensation on the side of his face, and the amygdala on his forehead also felt a faint tingling pain.

It seems that I am being scrutinized and spied on by someone.

He suddenly turned his head, and between the tightly closed shutters on the side, a dark eye protruded from the gap, staring at him firmly.

For a moment, the empty top floor seemed to become a horror film shooting base.

But that eye disappeared in an instant, leaving the shutters swaying in the air, and then, Chen Ya heard a messy sound from inside the door, like rummaging through boxes and cabinets for a while.

Then, there was a "click" sound from the glass door, and Gu Yuqing's pretendingly calm voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Chen Ya recovered from the horror just now, and then became speechless.

This woman was actually peeking at herself just now.

He pushed the door open and entered. Gu Yuqing, who was wearing a white shirt and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, was sitting upright behind a huge desk.

Today, she looks more like a senior white-collar worker than yesterday, and her thin-legged gold-rimmed glasses add a lot of charm to her, quite intellectual.

Besides Gu Yuqing, there was another woman in the office, wearing a blue dress, dyed blond hair, with plump and moist lips, looking up and down at Chen Ya with great interest.

The woman sat on the side table next to Gu Yuqing relaxedly, with a casual posture, and it was obvious at a glance that the two had a good personal relationship, not a work relationship.

"You keep your promise," Gu Yuqing cleared her throat, and said, "This is my girlfriend, Wu Qiutong."

Chen Ya nodded at the woman as a greeting, and the woman nodded back, but kept her eyes fixed on him.

That look seemed to want to swallow him alive.

"I have something to do, you sit there first, right on that little sofa, sit there, wait a minute, I'll finish the matter, and then I'll tell you about our business."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing turned around and went to chat with Wu Qiutong.

Chen Ya sat at the side and listened for a while. The two of them were talking about celebrity entertainment gossip, and there was nothing serious about it at all.

Chen Ya was suddenly upset, this woman, she didn't care about her affairs as much as talking with her girlfriends.

The point is, she is not afraid of having thoughts in her heart at all, so she just chats in front of her face.

Fortunately, Chen Ya was not idle, took out his mobile phone, edited a message and sent it to Yang Changshuo.

The other side quickly sent a message back, Chen Ya smiled, it seems that the university professor is really free.


Just as he was sending the message, he suddenly heard a slight sound of the phone camera.

He raised his head, just in time to see Wu Qiutong put down the phone in a panic, and before that, the phone was undoubtedly aimed at him.

Gu Yuqing secretly looked at Chen Ya, and Chen Ya happened to look over there, the two eyes met in the air, and Gu Yuqing was inexplicably flustered.

"Oh, look, the pimples on my face are so obvious under the camera..." Wu Qiutong handed her mobile phone under Gu Yuqing's nose.

Gu Yuqing pointed at Wu Qiutong's phone screen, and said, "Yes, look here, it's so obvious, I suggest you use the skin cream I used, the effect of removing acne is super good, and the brand store is still doing activities recently..."


The acting skills of the two are quite clumsy. Chen Ya can be 12 percent sure that Wu Qiutong was definitely not taking a selfie just now, and the photo on the phone must be his own photo.

However, he didn't intend to break the double spring between the two.

The behavior of the two of them is easy to understand: after investing points to purchase the top-level [Charm] ability yesterday, his attractiveness to the opposite sex has increased by 1000%.

Wu Qiutong obviously couldn't hold it anymore, maybe after taking Chen Ya's photo, he would show it off to his little sister later.

The two of them kept a close watch over there, obviously they were also discussing Chen Ya's appearance.

There is a good saying on the Internet: If you feel that the opposite sex around you is not friendly to you, then nine times out of ten it is because you are not good-looking enough.

People who haven't seen it with their own eyes can never imagine how active the opposite sex can be when facing a good-looking person.

Chen Ya had bought the primary level [Charm] before, it was for the convenience of dealing with people while brushing achievements.

He is handsome in himself, and with a little dressing up, coupled with the blessing of junior charm, he has always been invincible.

But after meeting Gu Yuqing, a tough opponent, he realized that junior charm alone is not enough.

They agreed yesterday that if they solve the ten tasks proposed by Gu Yuqing, they will get her investment.

Even her best friend Wu Qiutong can think that whether Chen Ya can pass the test is a matter of Gu Yuqing's words.

Gu Yuqing was both a contestant, a referee and a tester, so it's no wonder Chen Ya won.

Chen Ya is not a fool either, what Wu Qiutong can think of, he can naturally think of it too.

So the crux of the problem is not whether Chen Ya can complete these ten tasks.

On the surface, Chen Ya needs to give full play to his personal ability to complete the test, but in essence, he is actually trying to get Gu Yuqing out of the way.

If Gu Yuqing is satisfied, then she is satisfied. If Gu Yuqing is not satisfied, it is useless no matter how good you are.

Therefore, when Chen Ya was already short on achievement points, he insisted on spending a lot of points on the [Charm] skill.

As long as he can get Gu Yuqing through "charm", he can get a full 1 million US dollars in investment.

...He had seen quite a few top-level skills, so he was already mentally prepared for the effect on the top-level [Charm].

Unexpectedly, the effect of this top-level [Charm] still exceeded his imagination.

Today, on the way from home to here, he has been secretly photographed by various girl groups more than a dozen times.

Today's weather is exceptionally warm, the sun is exceptionally bright, the men I meet on the road are pleasing to the eye, the women are charming, and some people ask him if he is a star and want his autograph...

The effect of the skill is so good that he doesn't know what to do in the future. Will he be the focus of the crowd for the rest of his life?

...I will think about it later.

He seemed to have glimpsed it before. In the [Ace Spy] achievement, there seemed to be a prop called "ordinary person glasses". After wearing it, he would become an ordinary person without any characteristics.

The big deal is to swipe that achievement in the future, and just wear that pair of glasses every day to live life.


After all, Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong are children of famous families, and their status is not low. Even if Chen Ya's appearance aroused their feminine side, they still tried their best to maintain the restraint that a lady should have.

After Chen Ya glared at the two of them just now, the two of them restrained themselves a lot, and the content of the chat became serious.

So Chen Ya bowed his head and continued to send text messages to Yang Changshuo.

Not long after he lowered his head, the volume of the conversation between the two women weakened and gradually became inaudible.

After a while, another "click" sound came from Wu Qiutong's cell phone.

Chen Ya raised his head, Wu Qiutong fiddled with the phone with a black face and said:
"Didn't I press mute?! Why is it still so loud!"

Gu Yuqing said: "Where did you buy this phone? Fruit X."

"I bought it in Tokyo. It was a pre-emptive version. When I was traveling in Tokyo, it happened to be available in a duty-free shop, so I bought one."

"That's no wonder, mobile phones made in Japan have a secret camera function, and the volume of the camera cannot be turned off."

"Ah, so that's the case, no wonder it's always so loud, but I was taking a selfie just now, and I can't turn it off, these days are too stiff, hahaha..."

"Yeah, my mind has always been like this when I was young, even my mobile phone is stupid and wretched, hahahaha..."

The two people's recited lines came over, and Chen Ya couldn't bear it. He stood up and wanted to go out to take a breath.

"Hey, that, Chen Ya," Gu Yuqing stopped her smirk, and suddenly said seriously, "Let's talk about our business."

Chen Ya turned around: "Oh? Are you done with your work?"

There was a bit of irony in his tone, but Gu Yuqing was cheeky and unmoved at all.

"Well, I'm done, let's get down to business. Last time we said that as long as you complete the ten tasks I set, I will invest in your company... what is it called? Invest 1 million US dollars, based on the current exchange rate."

"Beichen Company. My company is called Beichen Company." Chen Ya nodded and said, "Yesterday you did say so. After completing your ten tasks, you will receive your 1 million US dollar investment, and you cannot withdraw the capital and break the contract at will."

Chen Ya repeated every word very carefully to prevent it from being recorded and taken out of context.

Wu Qiutong at the side heard his thoughts, and stared at him with narrowed eyes, admiring him a little more.

"Okay, let's start with the first task today, let me think about it..." Gu Yuqing raised her head and put her fingers on her lips, looking quite cute.

Chen Ya didn't believe that she hadn't considered it before, and she definitely wouldn't treat such a large amount of investment as a joke.

Chen Ya didn't panic now, he had already made all the preparations.

After adding points to the system yesterday, his current "entrepreneur" ability is quite promising.

Moreover, 1000 million yuan was reserved for the money received yesterday. If Gu Yuqing made any difficult request, he could quickly krypton gold through the system to prepare countermeasures.

"Then, the first task will be..." Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "Play tennis with me."


Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "Play tennis with me, if you beat me, you're done."

A strange expression appeared on Chen Ya's face.

Originally, after receiving 1 million from Gu Yuqing yesterday, he still felt that Gu Yuqing might be serious.

As a result, after hearing today's "task", he began to feel unconfident again.

What is going on in this man's head?
"Wow, you've given the little handsome guy a run for his money since you came up, so you didn't want him to win at the beginning?" Wu Qiutong on the side made an exaggerated voice, "You are a level 5.0 tennis player, are you bullying people?"

Gu Yuqing raised her head: "I am a girl who plays tennis with boys, and my physical fitness is not good enough. How can I bully others? Hey, Chen Ya, are you going to play tennis with me?"

Chen Ya stood there depressed. This was an area he had never been in contact with. He had no idea what a 5.0-level tennis level really was.

"Little handsome guy, you should be careful, this woman is very good at tennis." Wu Qiutong reminded from the side.

Gu Yuqing folded her arms and said with a smile: "You are a boy, right? Don't tell me, you still don't have the confidence to beat me in sports."

Chen Ya thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Have you received professional tennis training?"

"No." Gu Yuqing shook her head, "But when I was in high school in the United States, I was a good player in school football."

Wu Qiutong on the side wrinkled his nose.

This woman is simply lying and not drafting.

The high school that Gu Yuqing attended produced a batch of seedlings for the tennis tournament every year. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the youth training for the US Open.

She said that being a good player in school football means that she at least has the potential to become a professional player!
But she hides half of her words and reveals half of her words, as if her strength is only calculated in school.

In fact, this concept is not at all!

Chen Ya mused, "Since you have no professional training, I have no excuse for not being able to beat you. Besides, it's useless to refuse. I'll fight you."

"Refreshing." Gu Yuqing gave him a thumbs up.

"However, I didn't bring any sports equipment, tennis shorts or anything like that," Chen Ya said.

"I have." Gu Yuqing said, "You can wear mine."

"What do you have? Are you wearing shorts?" Chen Ya sweated.

"I have shorts." Gu Yuqing bent down and rummaged through the closet next to her, "I actually think men's shorts are more comfortable to wear, and I usually wear shorts when I train in private and no one else sees them. "

After a while, she really took out a pair of shorts, held them up in the air and said, "It might be a little too small for you to wear, try it first, if it really doesn't work, it's not impossible to wear it like you are now."

Chen Ya pursed his lips, and took the shorts that Gu Yuqing handed over.

Gu Yuqing didn't mind, what else could he say?

"I still have a pair of sports short sleeves, which I plan to give to my dad. Since it's a coincidence, I'll wear it for you. I'll buy another one later." Gu Yuqing found another short sleeve and threw it to him.

This pair of short sleeves and shorts felt brand new, with the smell of new clothes just coming out of the show.

Wu Qiutong pursed her lips and chuckled.

Gu Yuqing's father is almost sixty years old, how can he go to exercise?
And where would she wear men's shorts? With Gu Yuqing's harsh attitude towards her image, if she was killed, she would not wear men's shorts.

This set of clothes was clearly bought by her this morning and placed in the office.

She had planned for Chen Ya to play tennis a long time ago, and even prepared her clothes.

I just don't know what other tricks this guy has.

Both changed into shorts.They changed in batches, first Chen Ya went out to wait, Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong changed inside, then Chen Ya changed inside, and the two girls waited outside.

When Chen Ya changed his clothes and went out, he clearly felt that both Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong's eyes lit up.

The suit is a slim fit for a great fit.Chen Ya himself insists on exercising at ordinary times, and his body contour is very good. After wearing short sports clothes, his figure is even more visible.

The two girls stared at it with their throats rolling for a while, Chen Ya waved his hand, and they came back to their senses, and took the elevator downstairs together.

Standing on the tennis court downstairs, the two girls finally became normal.

Gu Yuqing slapped the ball twice, smiled and asked across the net, "You should know the rules of tennis, right?"

"It's about the same as table tennis. My understanding is table tennis on the ground." Chen Ya said while carrying the racket.

"Well, almost." Gu Yuqing said, "However, there are some differences in the hitting area and the marking line, and the scoring is also different. Let's try playing a round first. Qiutong, you help score and pick up the ball."

Wu Qiutong said with a sullen face, "I'm Qiutong, not a caddy. I don't run around picking up balls."

Of course, Gu Yuqing didn't really intend to let her be a caddy, it was just a homophonic stalk she deliberately played.

While explaining, she played a round of serving and explained the basic tennis rules to Chen Ya.

While listening carefully, Chen Ya was also observing Gu Yuqing's movements, trying to imitate them in his mind to prepare for the next official competition.

Regrettably, because she was playing while explaining, Gu Yuqing was obviously not serious, and Chen Ya was struggling to return the ball, but she caught it leisurely and hit it back.

"Okay, that's about it. Let's start now. It's too tiring to play 5 rounds. Let's play 3 small rounds."

Gu Yuqing threw the ball over and said, "I'll let you serve first."

Chen Ya closed his eyes and took three deep breaths.

His motor nerves are pretty good, but he has never touched tennis, and he doesn't even know the correct posture for exerting force.

I can only rely on my memory and imitate the posture of the players in the tennis game that I occasionally glanced at.


Gu Yuqing's eyes lit up, and she said, "Strong shot, good serve!"

Then she slapped her backhand as if she was holding a samurai sword, and the yellow tennis ball flew past Chen Ya at a very low angle like lightning.

"Inside, 15 points." Standing aside, Wu Qiutong faithfully counted the points.

Chen Ya turned his head to look at Gu Yuqing, who was looking up at him with a proud face.

Even though Chen Ya had never played tennis, he could tell that this woman was very strong.

And she didn't hold back at all.

 Thanks to book friend 20220713162908446 for the 500 point reward! ~
  Thank you for contracting my family Shatiya, LinXiong, Xuanyuan丨Chopper, and book friends 20230201202257009 for your rewards! ~
(End of this chapter)

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