Chapter 308 307. Full of Hormonal Smell

Strength is like underwear, it is often unknown before use, and it is difficult to know how big the gap is.

Once you actually make... the tail (crossed out) hands, you can see the gap between each other.

This is how Chen Ya feels now.

No one told him before that tennis can still be played like this.

Gu Yuqing's steps are light and her figure is elegant. Her toned legs under the short skirt seem to be shining in the sun, and her chest is rippling.

But the ball she hit came with a gust of wind, which made her cheek hurt.

Either the angle is tricky and you can't catch it. Even if you catch it, the ball is still spinning. You don't know where it will bounce, and you can't control the landing point at all.

Gu Yuqing, holding a tennis racket, has changed her previous image of a rich woman with big breasts, and now she is standing on the tennis court like an ancient god across space.

This was the first time in Chen Ya's history that he stood in the position of being crushed and felt the difference in strength.

"The pace is too slow, don't say you can't even run a girl like me?"

"The return of the ball is too soft, haven't you eaten?"

"Just push harder, I like to catch hard balls~~"

Gu Yuqing, who was wearing a white baseball cap, couldn't stop laughing "giggling". Under her cute appearance, she kept saying vicious words.

In a sense, if it is really defeated, it is nothing, it is just a gap in strength.

Chen Ya, who had never touched a tennis racket from birth until just now, lost to Gu Yuqing was understandable.

The strong should trample the weak, and when their strength increases in the future, they can still win back.

But insulting words are like hammering a nail into a plank. Even if the nail is removed later, a deep hole will be left in the plank.

At this time, Gu Yuqing's endless humiliation was the culprit that caused people's mood to collapse.

But Chen Ya didn't resent this woman whose mind was as narrow as the tip of a needle.

What he resents is: Why is there no tennis skill in the system?

Why is there only such achievements as entrepreneurs and writers in the life achievement system, but why is there no such achievement as tennis players?

Why is there no tennis skill in the entrepreneur achievement?
Hasn't the system considered the possibility that entrepreneurs may resolve business differences directly through a tennis match?

Among all the skills in the system, only the "reaction speed" and "dexterity" in the achievements of [Ace Spy] are comparable to tennis.

The existing points on hand are only enough to upgrade these two skills to the super level.

For tennis, reaction and skill alone are definitely not enough to beat a real tennis master.

Because the opponent also has reaction speed, skills, and more tactics and experience.

Upgrading may not necessarily win the opponent, but without upgrading, you will definitely not be able to win the opponent.

After losing three goals in a row, Chen Ya gritted his teeth and chose to add points.

【Ding!Your reflexes have been improved and are now "Super Reflexes"! 】

【Ding!Your dexterity has been improved and is now "Super dexterous"! 】

At this moment, the scenery around Chen Ya's field of vision seemed to be accelerated, and the light was constantly elongated, rotated, and distorted.

The wrists, ankles, and every joint on the body felt cold and numb, as if a slight voltage had passed through it.

Then, the body became lighter, the scene in the field of vision became clearer, and the observation ability seemed to be greatly improved.

On the treetops that I didn't pay attention to before, a few sparrows hopped, Gu Yuqing's twisting waist and hips, and swinging skirts, the trajectory of these things became clearer.

The focal length of Chen Ya's field of vision is focused on the yellow tennis ball in his hand. The rough tennis ball, the tennis racket cue wrapped in plastic, and the hard touch in his hand all make people feel friendly.

It seems that he suddenly has the experience of throwing the ball and handling the racket for a long time, and the racket and tennis ball suddenly fit the body.

He threw the tennis ball high, and then raised the racket——


Gu Yuqing let out a soft voice of surprise, as if seeing some unbelievable scenes.

Then, while she was surprised, the little tennis ball was wrapped in a strong wind and came towards her.

Surprise is nothing but surprise, but the swing has long been her instinct, she quickly swung the racket to intercept, and the spinning tennis ball flew high and slid towards Chen Ya's half court.

Wu Qiutong, who was keeping score at the side, opened his mouth wide, and then faithfully reported the score:

"Out of bounds, 15 to 45."

She turned to Gu Yuqing and said, "Why, give up a goal? You don't seem to be such a polite person."

Gu Yuqing pulled back her hair: "It's just a little bit distracted for a while, it's okay, he won't win a single ball next time."

This time it was Gu Yuqing's serve, the ball was too fast for Chen Ya to see clearly, but now it seemed to be flying extremely slowly within sight.

After Chen Ya hit the ball back by relying on his reaction speed, Gu Yuqing let out a soft "Huh".

Then, she squatted down, holding the racquet with both hands, and got really serious.






The two played back and forth for five or six rounds. In the end, Gu Yuqing relied on her experienced experience to pull the ball left and right, causing Chen Ya to miss a goal.

"Gu Yuqing won a round." Wu Qiutong reported the score with a smile.

Gu Yuqing put down the beat, moved her shoulders and said, "I was suddenly frightened by him just now, if I were to be serious, he wouldn't get any points."

Wu Qiutong said with a smile: "If you play with novices at your level, isn't it equivalent to beating a child? Are you still serious? It's ridiculous to say it."

Gu Yuqing became angry from embarrassment: "What do you know? Men's reaction speed is indeed faster."

Chen Ya was not anxious, but calmly said, "Come again."

In the second round, Chen Ya's performance was significantly better than in the first round.

Gu Yuqing stopped chatting, held a racket, looked forward, and stared closely at Chen Ya, completely in a competitive attitude.

Unfortunately, Chen Ya lost this round by one goal.

In the third game, the score between the two sides was always tight, which can be said to be evenly matched. In the end, due to weaker physical strength than Chen Ya, Gu Yuqing made a mistake in the consecutive pull-downs, and was overtaken by Chen Ya, and then fell apart. .

The final scoring result was that Gu Yuqing won two of the three rounds, Chen Ya only won one round, and Gu Yuqing won the final victory.

For this result, although the challenge still failed, Chen Ya's expression was rather relaxed.

The victory in the third round was just a coincidence, it was entirely because of Gu Yuqing's mental breakdown in the third round.

If she really used her full strength and adjusted her mentality, even if the game was changed to a 5-round system, he would definitely not be able to beat the experienced Gu Yuqing.

After all, tennis is not that simple.

As for the 1 million lost after the mission failed, and Gu Yuqing's divestment, he was also emotionally stable.

Anyway, if you lose, you will lose, so we will figure out a way next.

Compared to Chen Ya's calmness, Gu Yuqing was extremely restless.

Her whole face went black.

Gu Yuqing is quite confident in her tennis ability, let alone losing a round to Chen Ya, even if she loses to him, she feels ashamed.

Chen Ya is a novice who has just touched the beat!
A level 5.0 tennis player is equivalent to a quasi-professional athlete, and an Olympic champion is only level 7.0.

She is dignified and dignified Gu Yuqing actually lost to a novice in tennis, wouldn't she be laughed to death if she said it!

Wu Qiutong shook her head at the side, and said in amazement: "Unexpectedly, the tennis princess lost a small game against someone who was playing tennis for the first time. If I tell Cai Zhenyi about this, I don't know what his expression will be... "

"What does it have to do with him?"

Seeing that Gu Yuqing was a little angry, Wu Qiutong immediately closed her mouth.

Gu Yuqing walked to the net and asked, "Hey, have you really never played tennis before?"

Chen Ya shook his head: "No. I haven't even touched a tennis racket before."

"Really? Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

Chen Ya smiled wryly: "I haven't eaten a tiger like you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya spread his hands again and said, "You are indeed better at tennis, and you are willing to admit defeat. Let's terminate our contract."

"Wait a minute, don't worry about that, that's not important," Gu Yuqing said impatiently, "You really haven't played before? Then how did you learn it so fast? You have mastered the backhand and footwork so quickly. Learned?"

"I learned from you." Chen Ya stared at her.

"You learned from me?" Gu Yuqing gradually widened her eyes.

It was a far-fetched answer, but she realized it was true.

Chen Ya's movements are very standard, and the non-standard parts with a little style are exactly the same as Gu Yuqing.

And in the first round, Chen Ya's movements were obviously a novice, and he couldn't pretend to be, unless he was the actor.

But to say that he is not pretending, and that he can learn tennis in such a short period of time and win a round against Gu Yuqing, it only means that he is an earth-shattering genius in tennis.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya closely.

"I found that you are getting more and more interesting. But, it's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that you didn't play tennis in elementary school," Gu Yuqing said. "If you started practicing tennis at a young age, you might be able to win a grand slam. Unfortunately, if you only start learning now, it will be too late."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Win the grand slam? How much money can the grand slam make?"

"A single champion in the four major competitions has more than 1000 million yuan, but the bulk of the income comes from the endorsement fees. Federer, the king of fees, is worth more than one billion yuan. Do you think it is very little?"

Chen Ya smiled: "One billion, not much."

Gu Yuqing thought for a while, and said, "Your tone is not small. But, it's really not much."

The two were talking on the tennis court. At this time, the windows of the Jinlong Building were already full of people, and there were also many people around the court watching.

Gu Yuqing's golf game was a rare sight, which attracted many people from the company to see her pretty figure.

Gu Yuqing looked around, the blush on her face from being defeated just now gradually faded, and she resumed her previous aloof and disdainful expression.

"You didn't act according to the original script, and I don't even know how to arrange you in the future."

"What script?" Chen Ya asked.

"The original script was that I played tennis with you, and then you lost easily. When you were downcast, I told you that this was just a joke I made for you," Gu Yuqing said with rolling eyes, " But you actually beat me by a small round, and I didn't win completely, which makes me very embarrassed."

Hearing what Gu Yuqing said, Chen Ya felt very relieved, and said with a smile, "Then you shouldn't count this mission even more?"

"No, you didn't play according to the script, I'm very unhappy, so I can't play like this anymore," Gu Yuqing shook her head greatly, "Well, let's not count today's game, and we will have another match in a month's time, the official match One game, if you can really beat me, then you have passed this challenge."

"Then you are forcing me to practice tennis?"

"What's the good of forcing you to practice this, even if it forces you to become a provincial team champion, what's the good for me?" Gu Yuqing said, "I just want to see how far you can do with all your strength, and then fall Kneeling at my feet and licking the soles of my shoes."

Chen Ya narrowed his eyes, this woman actually has such a habit, Wu Qiutong beside him laughed.

"Yuqing is like this. She has always been like a queen, especially A. Many people can't lick the soles of her shoes."

Chen Ya frowned and said, "Is this worthy of praise? In my opinion, it's just a normal abnormality."

Gu Yuqing looked at him with the lower part of her eyes: "Do ordinary perverts have as much money as me?"

"That's just a rich pervert."

"Ahem," Gu Yuqing cleared her throat, and said, "Did you forget that besides this mission, we still have nine missions?"

Chen Ya stopped talking.

Gu Yuqing became proud again, and said with her hands behind her back, "The next tasks will not be such a joke, I won't let you continue to be so arrogant."

"Then I'll wait and see."

Even though he was still in a state of being completely manipulated, Chen Ya didn't feel the slightest servility.

——The main reason is that the cow was used to it before, and he didn't know how to pretend to be a grandson at all.

"What's the next mission?"

Gu Yuqing's eyes rolled around: "No hurry, I'll tell you when we meet next time."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Go up and change clothes first."

Chen Ya picked up the ball and went upstairs with them. The crowd outside the tennis court dispersed one after another. A girl broke through the crowd and jumped up in front of Chen Ya, panting with a red face, and said:
"Handsome guy, we have a little sister who is very interested in you, please leave a contact information?"

Chen Ya spread out his hands: "Sorry, I didn't bring my mobile phone."

"I brought a pen, you can write on my hand." The girl spread Bai Shengsheng's hand.

Chen Ya grabbed her tender fingers and wrote a string of numbers on her palm. The girl held her hands empty and ran quickly to a group of girls in the distance.

He got on the elevator with Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong. Wu Qiutong kept squinting at him, and finally said with a smile:
"Little handsome guy, I'm also very interested in you, please leave me a contact information too."

Chen Ya said, "Gu always has my contact information."

"Her," Wu Qiutong gave Gu Yuqing a narrow look, "she's so stingy, she won't give me your contact information."

Gu Yuqing immediately blushed and said: "Go, go, what are you talking about? If you want it, will I not give it to you? You never asked me for it!"

Wu Qiutong smiled and said: "Okay, you said this, you are not allowed to go back on your word."

"What do I regret? I'll give it to you later."

The two reached a somewhat strange deal. Back on the top floor, Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing changed clothes in turn. Chen Ya held his already sweaty clothes and said:

"I got dirty, I took it home and washed it, and I'll return it to you when I come back next time."

"No need," Gu Yuqing said, "You can stay here."

"How embarrassing is that?"

"What's so embarrassing? I don't know how to wash, just throw it away."

Chen Ya immediately said seriously: "Since it's such a waste, you might as well give it to me."

He took his clothes and was about to leave, but Gu Yuqing stopped him.

"Hey, you can't take it away. If someone sees it, they will think that I gave it to you, or that I have wrapped it up for you. If it spreads out, I don't know what it will become. Just put it here."

Wu Qiutong looked at Gu Yuqing with squinted eyes, his eyes seemed to say, "Oh, so you didn't keep him?"

Chen Ya felt that what Gu Yuqing said was reasonable, so he could only keep the dirty clothes.Before he left, Gu Yuqing made a phone call gesture to him:
"When I call you, there is an implicit clause in our contract. Whenever I contact you, you must answer."

Chen Ya shrugged: "If you don't hear it, then there's nothing you can do. You're not my girlfriend."

Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes.

Chen Ya left.

Wu Qiutong turned her head and said, "That is to say, the handsome guy might have a girlfriend, right?"

"He didn't directly say that he has a girlfriend just now," Gu Yuqing frowned, "It doesn't look like he has a girlfriend. Next time, ask around."

Wu Qiutong's face was a little tense: "Why are you so concerned about whether he has a girlfriend? You don't really want to take care of him, do you?"

Gu Yuqing glared at her best friend: "It's just curiosity, you love-loving brain. If I want to keep him, I don't care if he has a girlfriend or not. I spend money until he doesn't have a girlfriend. Are you still worried about this?"

"Wow, rich woman, please hug! I also have a girlfriend, and I can be adopted too!"

"Who will take care of your useless thing~!"

Wu Qiutong picked up the clothes on the table, shook them off and said, "Dangdang, the handsome guy has all his equipment, a sweatshirt that smells like sweat."

She kept shaking the black clothes in the air, Gu Yuqing stuck out her tongue, and said "yue":
"Don't shake it, it stinks."

"Where is the smell? Let me smell it..." Wu Qiutong leaned forward, took a deep breath, and then his eyes lit up, "Wow, this smells good."

"You're playing pervert, right?"

"Really, I won't lie to you, how can I describe it? It's full of hormonal smells, very good!"

Gu Yuqing grabbed the pair of sports shorts on the table, stretched them over and said:

"Speaking of hormones, there are more hormones in this one, smell it, smell it?"

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The two girls chased after each other in the office for a while. Wu Qiutong was physically weak, so she was naturally inferior to Gu Yuqing, a prospective tennis professional. She was quickly pressed on the sofa, but fortunately, she didn't show her shorts.

Gu Yuqing wandered for a while, and said: "Hey, just kidding, you don't really like him, do you?"

Wu Qiutong took it for granted and said, "Can't you fancy him? He's handsome and athletic. Did you see that he's wearing clothes? He has abs."

"Warning you, don't make a move." Gu Yuqing patted her belly and said.

"Why? You want to make a reservation, afraid that I will snatch it from you?"

"How could it be?" Gu Yuqing said, "I have arrangements for him, anyway, don't interfere with me, just watch a good show, and when I finish the arrangements, I won't care about you."

Wu Qiutong rubbed her hands: "What's the arrangement? Then you're almost done, I can't wait! Hehe..."

Gu Yuqing gave the female pervert a contemptuous look.



When I was young, I didn't know how to be a rich woman, and mistakenly regarded green plums as treasures.

On the way home, Chen Ya realized that if he had started to climb this "Playboy" achievement earlier, he might have saved 10 years of struggle.

If you really find a rich woman like Gu Yuqing, who is good-looking and rich, and can lie down for the rest of her life, it will feel good.

But in that case, he wouldn't meet Jiang Xinhai.

Just as Chen Ya walked out of the building, he was suddenly stopped by a man.

 Thanks to LinXiong for the reward of 530 points~
(End of this chapter)

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