Chapter 309 308. For nothing, it can move

At the entrance of Jinlong Building, a man stopped Chen Ya.

"Hello, is it convenient for me to take a step to talk?"

The man was wearing a striped suit with a piece of blue rope showing his badge in his pocket. He looked like he was an employee of Takasugi Capital.

Chen Ya looked him up and down, and said, "I don't know you, it's inconvenient, I have something to do now."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Fulong Temple Street.

The man froze, he didn't expect Chen Ya to refuse so simply, but he was not discouraged, and followed immediately.

"If you don't know each other, you can start now. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Guodong, and I am the account manager of this company." The man said as he walked behind.

"Oh." Chen Ya didn't stop walking.

"I came to you to tell you about Mr. Gu... Don't leave in such a hurry, why don't I treat you to dinner at night, and we can talk while eating?"

Chen Ya stopped in his tracks, turned his head and asked, "Where to eat?"

"There's Zhou Da Xia Seafood Restaurant next to here, how about eating there?"

Seafood is not cheap, Chen Ya began to believe in this person's sincerity.

Of course, his main purpose was not to go whoring for a free seafood meal, and he was also a little interested in Gu Yuqing's matter.

"Okay, you lead the way."

"It's not far, you can walk there in 5 minutes, come here."

The seafood shop that Zhang Guodong mentioned was indeed not far away, and soon the two sat down in the shop.

To his disappointment, the grade of this restaurant is not too high, and the most expensive lobster is only five or six hundred.

Chen Ya ordered a few dishes casually, and saw that Zhang Guodong's face turned green a little bit, with a painful expression on his face, and it took a long time for him to return to normal color.

"You said you wanted to tell me about Mr. Gu, did she ask you to come?" After putting down the menu, Chen Ya asked.

Zhang Guodong said with a smile on his face: "No, no, how could it be? I can't talk to Mr. Gu. She is high above her. Even if she wants to talk to someone, she won't ask me. I want to invite you myself."

Chen Ya knew that this was definitely not the truth, but he didn't expose it. Instead, he put on an expression of listening attentively.

"I saw that you played tennis with Mr. Gu today. If I remember correctly, you are one of the entrepreneurs who came to discuss business yesterday, right?" the man said.

"En." Chen Ya nodded, "What do you want to ask?"

"Hiss... this," Zhang Guodong took a deep breath, with an inquiring look on his face, "Did you know Mr. Gu yesterday? I mean, you didn't know her before?"

"Yesterday was the first time we met." Chen Ya said, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Guodong smiled, waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, I just feel very strange, because Mrs. Gu, she mostly doesn't pretend to talk to people she knows in business, I didn't expect her to treat you differently."

"Do you treat her differently?" Chen Ya said, "What was she like before?"

Zhang Guodong said with a smile: "When many people meet Mr. Gu, they will look for opportunities to meet her and ask for her contact information. You should be able to guess it, right? After all, she is so good-looking."

"Well, it's pretty nice."

"Her usual way of dealing with it is to ignore it at all," Zhang Guodong said. "If there is someone who is particularly stalking, she will pretend to agree, and then let the employees in the company grow big and round--I It might be rude to say that, just the tank type, to meet people."

Chen Ya was speechless for a while, this woman is really hurt.

"Most people have been squeezed out, and there are even more scoundrels who have even more terrifying methods waiting," Zhang Guodong said, "So, although Mr. Gu's conditions are good, there are very few flies and mosquitoes around him, and they dare not approach. "

Chen Ya asked, "Does she not have a boyfriend? Does she not have a particularly close relationship with the opposite sex?"

"I've never seen it before. She's always been a loner, maybe she's career-minded," Zhang Guodong said, "And with her vision, I guess, she doesn't like it at all with ordinary conditions."

Chen Ya nodded, and analyzed in his heart, what is the purpose of this person telling him these things.

Zhang Guodong started another topic and said: "So, we all feel very strange that she played tennis with you today, because she has never done this before."

"Has she never called anyone in the company before?"

"I have fought, only once, so it is very rare," Zhang Guodong said, "Hey, what is your relationship with her?"

"It's okay, just to compete with each other as tennis lovers." Chen Ya said casually.

Zhang Guodong felt that Chen Ya was perfunctory to him, and continued to say: "It should be more than that? I speculate, did you reach an agreement? I seem to have heard that you were still making an appointment to discuss business last night."

"Who did you listen to?" Chen Ya turned to look at him.

"Haha, don't worry about whoever told me, just say it, right?" Zhang Guodong laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"We didn't talk about business. We hit it off right away and made an appointment to have a drink together." Chen Ya said.

Zhang Guodong's face suddenly changed.

"Did you invite Mr. Gu, or Mr. Gu invited you?"

Chen Ya propped his face in his hands and said, "Is there any difference? Why do you care about this? Are you secretly in love with Mr. Gu?"

"Where did you say that? I don't have the guts..." Zhang Guodong laughed awkwardly.

"Then why are you so concerned about her marriage status? Are you her father?" Chen Ya said bluntly, "Even if she did everything to me last night, what does it matter to you?"

Zhang Guodong froze: "You, did you do everything like this?"

"What I'm talking about is just a hypothesis, and it's not real ejaculation. Why are you so nervous?" Chen Ya said, "By the way, you have a crush on Mr. Gu, does she know?"

Zhang Guodong was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: "No, nothing, I really don't have a crush on our President Gu..."

"No? Secret love is hard work, men shouldn't do this," Chen Ya said, "Tomorrow I'm going to meet Gu Yuqing too. Would you like me to pass it on to you? If she knows, you'll feel better, right?"

Chen Ya felt that if there was no table blocking him, Zhang Guodong would have knelt down for him on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't inquire casually, please don't talk nonsense with Mr. Gu, I have a wife and children to support the family, if you tell Mr. Gu, my life will be ruined... "

Chen Ya sat down, crossed his legs, and slowly drank his saliva: "Since it's not you who have a crush on Mr. Gu, then someone has a crush on you and asked you to tell me?"

Zhang Guodong's expression froze, he lowered his head and said, "You're really sharp."

"Who is it? Who likes that woman? The taste is quite strong."

Zhang Guodong whispered: "Is this considered heavy taste? There are very few men who don't like Mr. Gu, right?"

"No, I don't mean this aspect," Chen Ya said, "I like that kind of woman, and I have a bit of M tendency."

Zhang Guodong thought for a while and said, "...Indeed."

"So, who is that person with M?" Chen Ya asked with a smile, "Is it from your company?"

Zhang Guodong wiped his sweat and said, "I can't say this..."

"If someone in your company likes Mr. Gu, it must be a high-level executive in your company?"

Zhang Guodong looked surprised: "Why do you think so?"

"Your rank is not low, so the only ones who can command you are the high-level ones," Chen Ya said while watching his expression, "I don't believe you would help a colleague at the same level to find out my tone."

"Uh, uh, uh...hi..."

Zhang Guodong's expression was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. He felt completely overwhelmed by the person in front of him.

Obviously he came to listen to the news, but he was turned into a customer in an instant. He knew about the situation, and if he was not careful, he would be picked out by the other party.

He felt that if he continued to chat with this person, his information would be dug out, and his job might be lost.

The age of more than 30 years old is optimized. If you go to the talent market to find a job like a newcomer, your salary may be cut in half.

The living conditions are poor, and my daughter is bullied at school, and she dare not speak up.

The wife feels that she is incompetent and may hook up with others. If she finds out, the wife may divorce on the spot and run away with others.

When my daughter grew up, because of lack of discipline, she could only hang out with gangsters outside every day, and she got pregnant before getting married, and then left herself and ran away with others.

Waiting for myself to be in my seventies and eighties, unable to work, lying at home full of feces and urine, thinking about my life, I will find that I used to be so beautiful, but I fell into such a mess just because I invited this person to eat.

Thinking of this, the man felt a chill down his spine.

"I'm done with this meal. I still have something to do at home. I'll leave first, so I won't accompany you. Take your time."

Chen Ya looked up at him: "Really? This dish hasn't been served yet, so I'm leaving now? What a pity."

After watching the man leave, the steaming yogurt Bolong was served, and the pretty waitress helped him remove the shrimp shells.

Chen Ya silently enjoyed the warm service and steaming seafood, while thinking in his heart that tomorrow, there will probably be many people who misunderstand his relationship with Gu Yuqing.

I don't know if it will reach Gu Yuqing's ears.



In the evening, when Chen Ya returned to the Peking University campus, he ran into an acquaintance at the door.

"Chen Ya? Why are you here?"

Miao Aoxue came over, behind her, surrounded by a group of men and women, all students, who seemed to be going somewhere for supper.

Chen Ya nodded at her, Miao Aoxue looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "Why do you feel a little different today? Why do you feel more handsome? Did you go to see your girlfriend?"

Chen Ya shook his head, and Miao Aoxue smiled again, "Why don't you see your girlfriend dressed so handsomely? You don't need to be so handsome as a librarian."

Chen Ya looked down at his watch and said, "I still have something to do..."

"We are going to go out to sing K, do you want to come together?" Before Chen Ya was about to leave, Miao Aoxue sent out the invitation, "You shouldn't be busy, right? Our friendship, playing together should be nothing, right?"

"No, I have something else to do." Chen Ya smiled politely, "You guys have fun."

Regarding Miao Aoxue, he has always adhered to a principle - he would rather provoke a gentleman than a villain.

In his heart, Miao Aoxue belongs to the category of villains.

Miao Aoxue's face was obviously disappointed, and she continued: "Recently, you haven't been to work in the library for a long time, did you find a job outside?"

"Yes, I found it." Chen Ya said.

"Don't, you're outside anyway, you can only show others the door or make screws, and you can still study in the library of Beijing University, how can you have such a good job? Why don't you come back." Miao Aoxue said business with a bit of coquettishness.

"If I don't have a good time out there, I'll be back."

"Okay." Miao Aoxue could hear that he was perfunctory, and she was a little bit uninterested, "Then I wish you a bright future."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya left in a hurry, and Miao Aoxue returned to the crowd angrily.

"Hey, Aoxue, who was that boy just now? From your class?" a girl asked.

Another girl couldn't wait to ask: "Why don't you invite him to play with you? Do you want to hide the handsome guy?"

A boy muttered: "Why are you girls so greedy? The number of men and women among us is just about equal. Wouldn't there be more people?"

"What's the matter, we're not a couple, we insist on one-on-one." A girl retorted immediately.

"That's right." Someone echoed.

Miao Aoxue smiled faintly, and said: "That boy is not a student, but a librarian of Beijing University, and a member of the society. His identity is quite complicated. I think it doesn't match our identity, so I didn't call him."

The boy on the side said: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly."

Before Miao Aoxue left, she turned her head and glanced at the dark gate of the Peking University campus.

Chen Ya had already disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, Chen Ya had dialed Shi Chuandong's cell phone, and immediately asked after answering the phone:
"Do you know where the school's tennis club is?"

"Ah? Brother Ya, I'm just about to look for you. We have everything here, and we just need you to preside over the overall situation. Why do you want to play tennis all of a sudden?"

"It's very important, you just say where it is."

Shi Chuandong had no choice but to tell Chen Ya the location of the tennis club, and told him that the general tennis club trains until nine o'clock in the evening.

Luan Qingying happened to have a roommate in the tennis club. He gave Chen Ya his contact information, saying that if Chen Ya wanted to use the tennis court, he could find this classmate and rent the court.

Chen Ya left his number as an alternative.

Renting a venue is not enough, he now needs a systematic training method to improve his tennis strength.

Just having a venue is not enough, you also need people to teach and practice.

Besides, wouldn't it cost money to rent a venue?

Just kidding, I am so handsome now, and it costs money to use a venue, isn't Bai Chang so handsome?

The Beijing University tennis court is in the second gymnasium, and the tennis club is in one of the classrooms in the gymnasium.

According to Shi Chuandong's introduction, Chen Ya walked into the gymnasium.

Slogans such as "Complete Personality" and "Primary in Sports" were hung on the court. Chen Ya entered the side corridor, walked through classrooms with basketball club, track and field club signs, and finally found the tennis club.

According to Shi Chuandong, the tennis club usually trains until 9 o'clock, but now it is less than 9 o'clock, but the door of the classroom has been closed, and it can be seen from the window that it is pitch black inside.

The door of the classroom is the most old-fashioned wooden door. Not only is the style old, but it is also old, and the door handle is almost rotten.

It took Chen Ya a little effort to open the door. If someone is locked inside, it might not be easy to get out.

After opening the door, it was pitch black inside, and Chen Ya was a little disappointed.

It may be that there is a special situation today. The students in the tennis club are all out and not in the classroom.

Chen Ya casually turned on the light on the wall next to him.

If no one is here, find the keys, try to use the tennis court, no problem, right?

Unexpectedly, just after turning on the light, I saw an extremely horrifying scene.

I saw that there was a mass of white unknown objects on the ground, and it seemed that he had entered the house and was cooing on the ground.

The word "cuckoo" was used because Chen Ya didn't know how to describe it.

Because this thing looks like a silkworm chrysalis, about to hatch, writhing on the ground.

Chen Ya took a closer look, only to find that the white chrysalis on the ground was actually a layer of tulle curtains, and the reason why the curtains moved was because there was a person wrapped inside.

Chen Ya leaned over to look at the ball of "chrysalis", and asked:

"Hey, is there a person inside?"

The chrysalis wrapped in curtains was like a living thing. It was startled suddenly, and then froze.

"Hello?" Chen Ya asked again.

The chrysalis, however, stood still there as if it had died suddenly.

Chen Ya squatted down and observed the "chrysalis" carefully, only to see that it was not dead, it was moving.

It is trembling slightly, if you don't observe carefully, you can't see it.

Chen Ya poked it with his finger, and the place where he was poked sank softly, but immediately bounced up again.

And the reaction after being poked was also very interesting, the chrysalis shook even harder.

Chen Ya put his hand on it, the tentacles were soft, "chrysalis" immediately let out a strange cry, like the sound of a cat being touched by an ice hand after eating too cold fish jelly.


It was a girl's voice.

Chen Ya approached and said, "Are you bound inside?"

The pupa moved twice.

"Do you need me to help you?"

The pupa moved violently.

Chen Ya felt that he understood, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let you out, and you can move yourself."

Chen Ya grabbed the curtain and began to look for where the head was.

This curtain was wrapped very tightly, and I don't know how it was done, and I couldn't untie it.

Untie a layer of curtains to reveal another layer of sheets inside, and untie a layer of sheets to reveal another layer of quilts inside.

Just peeling off layer by layer, Chen Ya became more and more surprised.

On the campus of Peking University, there are still such vicious people!

How could such a prank be tied up inside the curtains!
If Chen Ya hadn't come over to take a look, if this person was tied inside like this, what would have happened overnight!

Throwing away the body?Kidnap?robbery?

Countless thoughts emerged in Chen Ya's mind one after another.

But who would choose to commit crimes in a place like a tennis club classroom?
While Chen Ya was trying to untie the curtains, the wrapped person was also struggling violently, probably cooperating with Chen Ya's actions, but Chen Ya always felt that she might as well not move.

It's a complete disservice.

In the end, it was almost like wrestling with the people trapped inside. Finally, Chen Ya lifted the ball of cloth off.

The person trapped in the ball of cloth, appeared.

It's a girl.

The girl's long-haired shawl flows like a waterfall, and her smooth hair covers her slightly raised forehead. Her eyebrows are like two soft swallows, and her nose is high and straight, very delicate.

Her two slender legs were spread apart, the duck was sitting on a mattress, and her two white arms were propped on the ground.

And her eyes, like the bottomless lake, stared straight at Chen Ya.

It's a beautiful picture.

It would be even better if the girl didn't only wear a hollow suspender underwear.

At least it won't be as embarrassing as it is now.

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(End of this chapter)

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