Chapter 310 309. Road Love Love

The girl sat there blankly, her breasts half-wrapped, her temples slightly damp, her breath was as rich and fragrant as orchid stamens, and her jade-like skin was covered with a layer of snow-white luster.

Chen Ya stared at it blankly for a long time, and his mind was full of messy things like "the crimson texture is thin and the skin is clear, and the snow is greasy and crispy in the grip".

"Have you seen enough?" The girl's cold words brought Chen Ya back to reality in an instant.

"Ah, sorry."

Chen Ya turned his back and asked with concern: "Who tied you here? Do you want to call the police? Where are your clothes?"

These words didn't elicit any response as if a bull had entered the sea. Chen Ya waited for a long time and turned around, only to see the girl's face was flushed and her fists clenched tightly, as if she was sulking.

"Turn over!"

Chen Ya turned his head hastily, and after a while, the girl behind him seemed to have calmed down.

"I'm not tied here, I want to be here myself."

After speaking many words in one breath, Lu Aia's mouth was a little thirsty, but she still asked with concern: "Did you understand?"

Having been hit once by Gu Yuqing like that, and still able to come back from adversity, Chen Ya felt that no one could beat him down mentally.

"I don't have any!"

Chen Ya didn't want to reveal so quickly that he was actually not a student of Peking University. With the status of a student, it was always easier to handle things. If he told the other party that he was just a former librarian, he might not be able to borrow.

"I didn'" She said with her tongue out.

I played with a few balls in my hands for a while, and I had to pick them up from time to time, which was not very efficient.Lu Aia kept crossing her arms, watching him from the edge of the court, yawning from time to time.

"How are you? Lu Aiai! Are you okay!"

After all, those who have been to the library should know themselves.

"But it doesn't mean that I don't agree. The tennis club is closed today. There is no one at night. If you want to use the court, I can use it for you. If you want to come in the future, you have to come after 9 o'clock every day, because everyone usually trains very actively. "

Lu Aia frowned and thought for a while, and said, "This is your first time playing tennis. I originally wanted you to experience this sport intuitively, form a simple cognition, and then study it in depth. This is also in line with the general law of knowing things. but……"

Chen Ya walked over, stretched out his fingers, and took a lot of strength to pull out the tennis ball that had been buried deep in the barbed wire.

The racket in Chen Ya's hand fell to the ground in horror.

Lu Aiai nodded solemnly: "What you said makes sense, I didn't think about it before."

The tennis ball was sent flying, and in the next second, it appeared on the net at the end of the opposite court.

"I, I...that kind of thing is in the past, and I don't mind anymore," Lu Aia said irrelevantly, "So, which department are you a student from? Why haven't I met you?"

He demonstrated a few movements, Lu Aia frowned and said:
"From the perspective of fluid mechanics and anatomy, if you want tennis to reach the highest initial speed, you need your brachioradialis, deltoid and pectoralis major muscle groups to exert force. Feel it yourself, is the force in place?"

"No... But, you can treat what I said as a tennis club and agree." Lu Aia turned her face away and combed her hair, "The tennis court turns off the lights at 10 o'clock, please hurry up."

After listening to Chen Ya's words, Lu Aia did not show admiration as Chen Ya thought.

Chen Ya recalled Gu Yuqing's actions for a while, and confirmed with Lu Aiai's "very theoretical things", and suddenly had a clear understanding.

"You want to practice tennis, don't you? All right, you have a good mentality," Lu Aiai nodded, "However, classmate, you need to change your way of speaking. No matter what you think, you should also consider how convenient it is for others? In the future, you will be in society. If you use this way of speaking, you will hit a wall."

Chen Ya smiled, and said vaguely: "I wander around the school every day, have you never seen me, junior? Maybe you seldom go out."

"I understand about half of it, but you don't need to continue explaining."

On the side, came the applause of Lu Aia.

"Oh, I want to visit our school's tennis club." Chen Ya made a swinging motion, "I want to come to practice tennis every night for a month from today."

Chen Ya turned back and smiled, "Thank you, are you interested in playing a game with me?"


If it wasn't for the barbed wire surrounding the court, he wouldn't know where he would fly this ball.

For a moment, Chen Ya suddenly felt that this girl was a bit pitiful.

"If you are being coerced, just blink, I will try to rescue you from Hurricane."

Chen Ya felt that it was extremely funny that he was lectured about social affairs by her.


"No, I'm not tying myself up, I'm..."

"Uh, have you ever considered that maybe it's not their comprehension that's the problem, but... um, your way of expressing it?"

At this time, Lu Aia had already dressed.Inside is a simple white shirt, the lower body is black tight jeans, and outside is a white coat that I don't know where to get.

Both of them stood at half court with rackets in hand. Lu Aiai took off her white coat, revealing her curvaceous figure inside.

It was a good thing that Lu Aia didn't know him - in Chen Ya's eyes, this Lu Aia was probably a student who didn't like studying very much.

She belongs to the character of the mad scientist.

"Haven't you ever thought about it..."

It took a while for Chen Ya to understand that this girl named Lu Aia was actually just sleeping here.

"What did you say?"


Chen Ya also said in a professional tone:
"I have seen a tennis player. When she serves, she also uses the wrist muscles, core muscles and lower body muscles. Is it more efficient in that way?"

However, he could also understand the feelings of her classmates.

Lu Aiai let out a strange cry and fell down. The murderer fled the scene by jumping around.

Instead, she let out a long sigh, and pressed the bridge of her nose and the center of her eyebrows, seemingly helpless.

"You still said it's okay, both of your eyes are cross-eyed."

"You have such a strong theoretical foundation, so you must be very strong in actual combat, right? The theory I used just now is limited to serve, but tennis is not such a simple game, and various situations will definitely occur in reality, so I think it is better to It would be better to constantly improve the theory in actual combat.”

"So you were sleeping, I thought you were kidnapped." Chen Ya smiled, "Then why didn't you remind me?"

Chen Ya was stunned by Lu Aiai's words for a while, and halfway through hearing it, his thoughts began to slip away.

Of course, the peak value of its curve is far worse than that of Gu Yuqing, especially the curve of the singularity point, which is too far away, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a poor resource.The graceful parts of its curves are mainly the waist and long legs.

"Okay, I can play a game with you." Lu Aia finally nodded in agreement.

Chen Ya was not worried about being bullied.Anyway, I was bullied once today.

After playing a few balls like this, Lu Aia, who was on the side, suddenly spoke.

Chen Ya was a little stunned. If he didn't have some knowledge reserves, he wouldn't be able to understand what Lu Aia was talking about.

"Have you ever played tennis before?"

"School girl..."

The reason why Chen Ya's serve looks like a girl's is, of course, because he has only watched Gu Yuqing play.

This girl obviously looks younger than him, and she has not walked out of the university, but she talks old-fashioned.


He tentatively moved his right arm to feel the muscle groups that Lu Aia mentioned, as if he understood what she meant.

"Your serving action is fairly standard, but a little awkward." Lu Aia commented, "Actually, your action can be simpler and neater, because you are stronger than a boy, and your current action is a bit like a girl."

"But you are the first one to talk to me with curiosity after listening to what I just said in so many years, so let me just tell you the exercise method in scientific language."

But Lu Aia kept staring at him suspiciously, her expression didn't change at all.


He ran to Lu Aia's side, hugged the girl's shoulders and helped her up.

Chen Ya thanked him, and then asked, "Are you the president of the tennis club?"

"It's nothing."

When he said this, he tried to make his expression hard and serious, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth-from experience, this expression is very lethal to girls.

This is the serving rule of tennis. When serving, the tennis ball must land on the designated half area, which is an area that is not too large for novices, and it will go out of bounds if you are not careful.

Chen Ya twitched the tennis ball vigorously. The ball pierced the sky, tore through the air, spun rapidly, and flew towards the half area under Lu Aia's feet.

"Wonderful. You actually applied the theory to practice so quickly. According to my rough visual inspection just now, your batting efficiency has increased by between 12% and 19%."

"Sorry, can you explain in a more concise way, what is the conclusion?"

"Are you there?" Chen Ya asked tentatively.


Chen Ya stopped his racket and said, "No, today is my first time playing tennis."

He wanted to ask Lu Aia if there was a ball machine in the tennis club, but seeing that Lu Aia didn't like him very much, and there were such embarrassing occasions before, he was a little embarrassed to ask her.

The two were silent for a while, and then Chen Ya turned his head and whispered gently:

Gu Yuqing's strength is much smaller than his, and there is still a lot of burden on her chest, so her movements are definitely not optimal.

"I didn't mean that, I mean, if you're at a high level, I'm going to give it my all."

Because there is no one else, no one can practice with Chen Ya, so Chen Ya can only practice serving by himself.


Lu Aiai was not annoyed when she heard this, but nodded solemnly, and said, "If you can understand half of it, you can be regarded as very smart, much better than the other students in the tennis club."

However, her figure itself is very good. After wearing a loose white coat, she looks even more charming, with a slender and thin feeling.

Gu Yuqing's physical fitness is different from his physical fitness.

"Didn't I just say that?" Lu Aiai said, "There is no significant difference in the strength of other related muscles that serve vigorously at different landing points, that is to say, the main thing that determines where your ball lands is me just now. Those three muscle groups."

"Huh?" Lu Aia had a questioned expression on her face.

Although what Lu Aia said was very useful, her way of expressing it made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Before serving, he asked: "Let me ask you first, how is your tennis level?"

"Hehe, go all out." Lu Aia sneered, "If a novice like you fights with me, I'm afraid others will say that I'm a bully."

"Just be quicker, do you want to swing the racket like this?" Chen Ya asked, "Strive like this, and then swing the racket?"

Hearing this address, Lu Aia's face blushed again.Chen Ya found that this girl blushed easily.

Chen Ya's scheming just now was like flirting with a blind man.

Lu Ai'ai said: "The vigorous serving action of tennis belongs to explosive force, which basically follows the principle of giving priority to large muscles. In the kinetic chain, the mobilization of muscles varies in size, but the large joints are always mobilized first. Under certain circumstances , the size of the muscles recruited by each muscle can reflect the strength of the human body in the process of hitting the ball…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… etc., the basic movements are the same, and the power is transmitted from the bottom to the top And the final "whiplash" action, but the specific mechanism remains to be further studied."



After thinking about this layer, Chen Ya silently raised his racket.

If you want to play tennis well, of course you can't just copy Gu Yuqing's movements to yourself, but you need to optimize according to your own physical conditions.

Chen Ya narrowed his eyes: "You said you tied yourself up?"

"Before, I conducted an experiment on the muscle groups used in the vigorous serve of tennis. I told the subject the range of the landing point of the vigorous serve in advance, and used the US wireless DELSYS surface electromyography to collect the surface electromyography signals during the serve process and synchronized them. 2 sets of high-speed cameras respectively record the action picture and the point of the serve, and measure the ball speed at the same time. Select the inner corner, middle road and outer corner with the highest ball speed, and the three ball speeds are the same as the analysis action. The analysis stage is the hitting stage, and the hitting stage is from the From the beginning of "scratching the back" to the end of hitting the ball. The analysis index is the root mean square amplitude value, and the difference between the characteristics of muscle force in the hitting stage of the three landing points is analyzed by using one-way variance analysis in SPSS software, P<0.05 means significant, and P<0.01 means very significant... Finally, the conclusion is that there is no significant difference in the strength of other relevant muscles in different landing points of the athlete's vigorous serve."

Lu Aia held the card with both hands dignifiedly, like a Japanese samurai, ran forward bravely with both legs, and rushed fiercely towards the little tennis ball!
The tennis ball passed Louie's racket in the air - because she had lifted it completely in the wrong place - and hit her directly on the forehead.

Chen Ya takes the ball and serves.


She looked very professional, and Chen Ya asked modestly, "Then, how should I exert my strength to be the most standard?"

Lu Aia looked at him suspiciously with her hands on her hips, and said, "Then what are you here for?"

Lu Aiai said: "Why are you asking this? You think I'm a nerd and can't play ball, right?"

"very dizzy……"

"I'll take you to the hospital right away!"

Chen Ya carried Lu Aiai on his back, put his hands around her thighs, and trotted all the way to the school hospital.

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(End of this chapter)

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