Chapter 311. 310. Picked up a girl

After working in Peking University for a few months, he is quite familiar with the terrain here, and the location of the school hospital is also very clear. It is not too far from here, it only takes 10 minutes by foot, or 5 minutes if it is fast.

Chen Ya walked like flying, and ran all the way with Lu Aiai on his back.

"It's okay, it's okay, it will be here soon, you hold on..."

While running wildly, Chen Ya cheered on Lu Aia on his back.


Lu Aia groaned on his back, giving people a feeling that she would vomit on his back at any time.

Chen Ya also couldn't tell her not to spit on him. After all, she was responsible for what happened to her.

If something happened to her, she would not be able to clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Are you feeling alright?" Chen Ya asked back.



Chen Ya felt a chill in his heart.

Isn't this guy stupid?
Along the way, many people looked at Chen Ya with magical eyes.

Many people thought they were a young couple, having some fun.

But in this case, there is no need to be ashamed.

Soon, he came to the emergency room of the school hospital with Lu Aia on his back, and broke in directly.

"It's urgent, the doctor saves people!"

The female doctor who was sitting in the emergency room drinking tea and reading the newspaper quickly stood up and asked, "Is it registered? What's wrong?"

"I'll go make up the number later, doctor, take a look at her, she was hit on the head by a tennis ball!"

The female doctor walked over frowning, and when she saw Lu Aia's face, she almost spit out half of her tea.

"Lu Aiai? How could she be hit on the head by a tennis ball?"

Chen Ya looked up at the doctor in surprise, "You know him?"

It is still very rare for a student to be remembered by the doctors in the school hospital.

The female doctor was shocked and said, "It's not just that I know you... Let go of her and let me see."

Chen Ya moved out of the way, and the female doctor put Lu Aia on the bed next to the infirmary, opened Lu Aia's eyelids and watched for a while.

After the examination, the female doctor looked terrible.

"What about the doctor? Can she come back to life? Can she take care of herself? Can she return to normal intelligence?"

The female doctor's expression was serious: "You go out and wait for a while, and I will check it carefully."

Chen Ya said to the doctor with compassion in his heart: "Doctor, no matter how much the treatment costs, I can afford it. I must..."

The female doctor pushed him out of the door expressionlessly and said, "Get out!"

After getting the anxious Chen Ya out, the doctor actually locked the door behind him.

Looking at the closed door, Chen Ya sat down tiredly on the chair beside him.

There was no one in the hospital at night, it was dark and empty, only his place was lit.

In the past two days, I don't know which god is working hard. What kind of mess has he encountered in the past few days?

At the same time, in the infirmary, as soon as the female doctor closed the door, she turned around and ran to Lu Ai'ai on the bed.

"My ancestor, what are you pretending to be? You're absolutely fine!"

Lu Aia changed her slanted mouth and squinted eyes just now, and said very normally:
"I lied to him and he's now in deep guilt thinking he hit me on the forehead with a tennis ball and gave me a concussion."

The doctor glanced in the direction of the door and said, "So why are you doing this?"

Lu Aia's eyes became sharp in an instant.

"Retaliation," she replied, "he used brutal tactics to change my mood from calm to restless, and now my heart is still beating at 120 without intentionally misunderstanding my intentions , so I will follow the most primitive law of homomorphic revenge and take revenge on him."

"Heart rate of 120... have you guys had a fight?"

The female doctor did not understand.

Lu Aiai, who can be called a sports idiot, if she really fights, her heart rate is more likely to become 120 than 0.

"No, what he did was more disgusting to me than using simple violence," Lu Aiai said, "He traumatized me mentally. I was afraid to look directly at his face, and I didn't want to talk to him. Talk, but I don't want him to know this, so I can only be forced to talk and laugh with him Yanyan..."

The female doctor had a strange expression, she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"In simple terms, he has made you lose face, so you want to take revenge on him, right?"

Lu Aiai calmly turned her face to the female doctor, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly: "Don't stop me, otherwise, I will take revenge with you."

"Uh uh..."

Lu Ai'ai has always been more serious when speaking, or to put it another way, she is more naive.

The female doctor is quite familiar with her, so she is used to her way of speaking and thinking.

The female doctor felt that Lu Aiai might not even realize what was going on in her heart.

"Which college does he belong to?" The female doctor asked again, "There are still students who dare to play tennis with you? Aren't they afraid to break your national head? Besides, you are such an idiot in sports... "

Lu Aia looked as if she was extremely dissatisfied with being called a sports idiot, she frowned slightly and said:
"I told him my name, but he didn't take similar actions like a large sample of students who knew my identity. His way of getting along with me was more like treating a female college student. Therefore, after a comprehensive analysis, I think he Thought I was a female college student."

The female doctor said: "It's really rare for a university student in Beijing not to know you. Hasn't he taken a course? ... But it's true, he's so handsome, basically he doesn't need to study."

The reason for saying this is that as long as he is a university student in Beijing, as long as he chooses courses, he will definitely know Lu Aia.

Lu Aia's popularity is limited to the campus of Peking University, which may be about the same as the principal of Peking University.

Even if you haven't seen her, you must have heard her name.

Lu Ai'ai is a well-known "little teacher" in Peking University.

Lu Aiai is 21 years old this year, younger than some Peking University students, but she is already a serious associate professor in the Department of Physics of Peking University.

Since he is an associate professor, he naturally also has teaching tasks.

The elective courses she offers at Peking University are full every semester, even if she increases the scoring requirements year by year and becomes more and more demanding, the courses are still full.

Those students didn't come to attend lectures, they all came to see beautiful women.

A class lasts more than 40 minutes, and there are beauties of Lu Ai Ai's level from beginning to end. Isn't this worth paying more than going to an idol group concert?

If he doesn't know Lu Aia, at least it means that he hasn't taken the courses seriously.

Lu Aia's photos are all hanging on the course selection platform.

Lu Ai'ai said to the female doctor: "Tell him later that due to the impact of the tennis ball, my brain was concussed in the brain, and there may be various sequelae. From today on, he must take it with me every day. I'll come and check."

The female doctor was stunned for 10 seconds before hesitantly asked, "Doesn't that mean that you want him to be with you every day?"

Lu Aiai nodded with a serious face: "From the results, it looks like this."

Ever since the female doctor came to Peking University and met Lu Aia, in her impression, Lu Aia has always been a loner, even without a friend.

It is a very pleasant thing to watch genius from a distance, and there is a beauty in viewing pure intelligence, just like viewing art.

But getting along with geniuses at close range is completely different.

Getting along with a genius is a kind of torture, and ordinary people can't stand it.After getting along for a long time, one's own existence will feel worn out.

Also, conversely, geniuses don't want to be with ordinary people, it makes them miserable.

It is really rare that she is willing to have a boy by her side.

The female doctor stretched out her hand and touched Lu Aia's forehead: "I don't have a fever either... Could it be that you finally got the hang of it?"

Lu Aia frowned and turned her face towards her. Her exquisite face carried an air of otherworldly things:

"Being enlightened generally means suddenly becoming smarter in the common saying, or reaching a period of rapid improvement in cognitive level. Given that I already have an IQ of 170, this possibility is very slim, so I don't understand what you are talking about."


The female doctor suddenly felt that she was worrying too much.

Lu Aiai, a strange genius, may still have a long way to go if she wants to understand the meaning of "love".

"Since the plan has been decided, let's execute it quickly. Don't waste time. Delaying it for too long will arouse his suspicion."

After Lu Aia finished speaking, she lay down on the bed, and began to hum and whine again, pretending to be uncomfortable.

Compared with her achievements in physics, her acting skills are even smaller than a horsefly, but the female doctor is already unable to complain.

The female doctor opened the door of the emergency room and said, "Come in."

As soon as he opened the door, Chen Ya quickly asked, "Doctor, what's the matter?"

"It's very tricky..." The female doctor pretended to be serious when she came up.

Chen Ya smiled bleakly, as if he had already mentally prepared for this situation, and said:
"Call her parents, even if you want to send her to the United States for treatment, I can do it."

"Ahem, that's unnecessary, she is fine now," the female doctor tried not to laugh, "I'm talking about the troublesome thing, it's that she needs to rest, and it's best to have someone to accompany her..."

Chen Ya looked around: "Is there an inpatient department here? I can open an intensive care unit..."

"Ahem, there's no need to be so troublesome, listen to me," the female doctor dragged a chair and sat down and began to give advice to Chen Ya, "What about you now, send her back to have a good rest, and then take her with you at this time every day Come here for an inspection to see if there will be any sequelae."

"It's that simple?"

"It's not easy," the female doctor said sternly, "You must treat patients seriously and carefully..."

"Well, then I think it's better to be hospitalized."

"Don't waste medical resources," the female doctor directly vetoed, "Okay, that's it, you can go, don't affect other patients' treatment."

Chen Ya looked outside the door. The hospital corridor was empty. The hall was dark with no lights on. Where were there other patients?
Lu Aiai sat up slowly, Chen Ya lowered his head and asked, "Can you walk?"

"No. Not at all." Lu Aia said decisively, not at all like a concussion patient.

The female doctor covered herself and said: "She may have a concussion herself, try not to make her too bumpy."

"Is it okay to carry her on your back?"

The female doctor looked at Lu Aiai who was behind Chen Ya, and found that her small face was nodding seriously.

"Yes, or in other words, it's best to carry it on your back."

Chen Ya had no choice but to squat down and let Lu Aia lie on his back again. Lu Aia tilted her head and leaned comfortably on Chen Ya's generous back.

She, looking very comfortable, even narrowed her eyes.

The female doctor grinned and watched them leave the hospital.

What else could she do?I can only wish Lu Aiai's love journey goes smoothly.

Although it seems that there is no way to go smoothly.

Chen Ya walked out of the hospital carrying Lu Aiai on his back. Lu Aiai rested her chin on his shoulder with a blank expression like a rabbit.

"Where does your family live?" Chen Ya asked, "By the way, why do you sleep there?"

Lu Aiai said blankly: "My house has suffered from biological invasion. Due to safety considerations, it is no longer suitable for human habitation, so I moved."

"What the hell," Chen Ya complained, "what kind of biological invasion... Oh, you mean you found bugs in your home, right?"

"What you said is inaccurate, but I feel that you understand what I mean," Lu Aiai said, "Because that thing attacked me in the dark, and I couldn't make effective observations. Judging from its biological characteristics, More akin to a rodent..."

"Oh, there are mice in your house, right?" Chen Ya said, "That's okay, it's not tigers or leopards."

"It would be great if it was a tiger or a leopard. Their color is beautiful and their fur must be soft to the touch..."

Chen Ya thought silently in his heart, how did this simple-minded guy get into Beijing University?
"Hey, don't you live in the dormitory?" Chen Ya asked.

"I'm renting or renting a house outside..." Lu Aia stammered and lied.

"Then where is the house you rented? Show me the direction," Chen Ya said, "I'll take you back and drive the mice away for you."

Lu Aia struggled fiercely on his back.

"No, no, no! I can't go back. Everything in my house has been contaminated with the animal's biological information. I can't go back. I can't have that house anymore..."

"Okay, okay, I understand, I won't go, I won't go, don't move, the doctor said you need to rest..."

It was not easy to appease Lu Aiai, he stood still on Yanyuan street illuminated by warm yellow street lamps, and asked:
"So where should I send you?"

"The classroom of the tennis club." Lu Aia said.

"Then how is that possible? That place can't be lived in at all," Chen Ya said, and then he sneered, "Do you think that place is very clean? There are too many dirty places in that room, and the people you touched Every object that every inch of land touches may be crawled by cockroaches and licked by red ants..."

Chen Ya suddenly felt the girl trembling behind him.

He sighed, he had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky today.

"You might as well go live at my house, stay at my house for one night, and tomorrow I will find a way to help you deal with that mouse."

Lu Aia raised her head and asked, "Do you not live in the dormitory?"

"Uh, I also rented a house outside."

Chen Ya didn't want to reveal that he was not a student.

"That, that's okay..." The girl buried her head on him.

Chen Ya smiled.This guy is really not afraid of bad people in the world, he dares to follow others to his house casually.

However, he does not have the obligation to teach young girls to correctly understand the sinister society.Let her future husband have a headache about common sense education.

He lifted Lu Aia up, put his arms around her bony thighs, and walked towards the school gate.

For the convenience of work, Chen Ya bought a small apartment next to Beijing University, with 2 bedrooms and 1 living room, with its own kitchen and bathroom.

After walking for a full 20 minutes with Lu Aiai, who was still light on her back, the two finally arrived at their destination. After entering the room and putting them on the sofa, Chen Ya was already sweating.

As soon as he sat down, his phone rang. When he opened it, Gu Yuqing's name was displayed on the screen.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"The mobile phone location has been sent to you, drive here quickly," Gu Yuqing said in an unquestionable tone on the other end of the phone, "arrive within 30 minutes, if you don't arrive, your mission will fail."

Gu Yuqing hung up the phone, and at the same time, there was a notification of new news on WeChat.When I opened it, I saw that it was a location, and the address clearly said "Vagabond Bar".

Chen Ya turned his head and looked at Lu Aiai who was squinting at him, and suddenly felt that one head was two big.

(End of this chapter)

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