Chapter 312

Chen Ya put away his mobile phone, looked at Lu Aia with sharp eyes, and said:

"I have something to do right now. I have to go out immediately. Out of trust in my classmates from Beijing University, I decided to keep you here. You probably won't steal my house while I'm out, right?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya was about to leave, but Lu Aia hugged her arms and braked the ground with her heels.

"Placing cats in an unfamiliar environment can cause stress reactions in cats, such as anxiety, nervousness, depression, anxiety, stereotyped behavior, severe and even circular alopecia areata..."

Chen Ya turned to Lu Aiai and said, "I see, but you are not a cat."

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave again, but Lu Aia hugged his arm again:

"Bringing a cat to a new home requires the owner to give the cat enough company and patience, so as to gain the cat's trust and dependence as soon as possible, and help the cat adapt to the new environment as soon as possible."

Chen Ya turned his face again: "You mean you want me to gain your trust and dependence?"

"I'm talking about cats."

"Are you feeling better? You don't look like you have a concussion at all?"

Lu Aia held her chest, and read it exaggeratedly: "Ah, ah, my head hurts so much, it's so painful, I feel like I'm going to die."

"Why are you clutching your chest when you have a headache?"

Lu Aia hesitated for a while, then stretched out her hands to hold her head, a bit like the emoji of "It's so strange, I feel like I'm going to grow my brain".

"I'm sorry, I really don't have time." Chen Ya pulled her arm away, turned and left.

Gu Yuqing only gave him half an hour, she didn't know where the location she sent was, and she didn't know if it would be too late to drive there.

Lu Aia stood there dumbfounded, with a weeping expression on her face for a moment.

This fragile expression appeared on her beautiful face, which looked poignant and shocking.

Chen Ya opened the door, thought for a while, then sighed and stepped back, grabbing Lu Aia's arm.

"Look, here's the bedroom, here's the kitchen, here's the bathroom.

"You rest in my bedroom at night, the sheets and bedding are clean, if you are hungry, there is food in the kitchen refrigerator.

"Here are two new towels and toothbrushes, there are many behind the mirror in the bathroom cabinet, take whatever you want.

"The left side of the faucet is hot water, and the right side is cold water. If the water is not hot, just wait for a while, and the water heater will turn on automatically.

"If you have any questions, you can call me."

Chen Ya took her around his house, getting her to know her well, and then looked at his watch, 5 minutes had passed.

At this moment, Lu Aia's little hand suddenly reached out and grabbed his palm.

Her hand was as soft as boneless, as delicate as satin, slightly cool, it was a small one in Chen Ya's palm, obediently motionless, like a young shrew lying in a nest.

She seems to be used to this action.This movement is also a movement that most people are used to in childhood - when facing the crowded world, they naturally put their hands into the generous palms of their parents, as if this is enough to fight against the strangeness of the entire universe.

Chen Ya suddenly felt that for no reason, he seemed to have picked up a guardian.

He sighed, patiently, and said to her: "I'll take care of you and sleep before I go. There is no change of clothes for you at home, so just wash your face and private parts, and then go to bed, OK?"

Lu Aia stretched out her hand and said OK: "OK!"

"Okay, then you go and wash your face first."

Pushing Lu Aia through the door and closing the bathroom, there was a sound of running water in the bathroom immediately, Chen Ya leaned against the wall outside the door and waited for 5 minutes.

The sound of water in the bathroom didn't stop at all.

Chen Ya finally couldn't bear it any longer and knocked on the door: "Are you alright?"

"Hurry up..." Lu Aia's voice came from the door.

Chen Ya felt very strange, opened the door and looked, and immediately called out:
"You're not washing your face, you're doing your laundry here!"

Lu Aia's head was covered with water, and her white lab coat and the white shirt inside were all soaked, as if she had walked out of a car wash.

"What are you doing..." Chen Ya covered his forehead.

"Wash your face." There was no other expression on Lu Aia's face, as if she really believed that she was washing her face.

Chen Ya grabbed a towel from the side, wrapped her up, and brought a hair dryer because her hair was also wet.

He really understood now why he saw this guy sleeping in the tennis club's classroom in the first place, wrapped in all kinds of curtains and bedding.

She really doesn't have any ability to take care of herself!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chen Ya really wouldn't know how such a guy was admitted to Beijing University, and how her parents dared to send her here with confidence!

Now that she was like this, there was no need to worry about any male and female defenses anymore. Chen Ya took off her clothes, leaving only her underwear and a small white suspender.

The girl Bai Shengsheng's two long legs were wrapped in the bath towel and could be seen from time to time.

But she looked like she didn't care at all, and she graciously let Chen Ya read it all over.

After a lot of tossing, she finally dried Lu Aia's hair and wiped off the water on her body.Chen Ya put on his own clothes for him again.

Putting on Chen Ya's baggy T-shirt and sweatpants, Lu Aia now looks like a young hip-hop boy who secretly wore her father's clothes.

Chen Ya pressed her whole body onto his bed and covered her with a quilt, as if trying to seal her up.

"Okay, don't move, close your eyes, go to sleep now, and don't do anything until I get back."

"Yeah." Lu Aiai nodded lightly and closed her eyes.

Chen Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

He is really scared now.He was afraid that when he came back, his home would be blown up by Lu Aia.

After Lu Aiai settled down, 20 minutes had passed, and there were only 10 minutes left before the time set by Gu Yuqing.

Chen Ya quickly went out, got on the elevator, got out of the garage, and started his own Wuling Hong light.

This car was a business model, and it was Chen Ya's first car in the capital. It was a means of transportation to succeed his little electric donkey, so he didn't consider face at all, and focused on cost performance.

But this car is surprisingly easy to drive, with sufficient power and stable body. As long as you get used to it, it will float on the road no worse than a big-name sports car.

Just after fastening her seat belt, Lu Aia opened the co-pilot's door, got into his car naturally, and sat down.

Chen Ya stared at her in astonishment.

"What are you doing? How did you get down?"

Lu Aiai didn't even look at him: "I can't sleep."

"How do you know my car is here?"

"I'll follow you."

Chen Ya was speechless.

Say this person has no self-care ability, she can follow her here, and she is completely unaware.

Chen Ya glanced at his watch, and another 2 minutes passed.

If Lu Aiai is sent up again, then Gu Yuqing's mission will fail [-]% of the time.

"Fasten your seat belts! Hold on to the handrails, I'm about to start racing!"

White light, a white light, flew out like an arrow.


After 9 o'clock every night, Tongtian Road in the suburbs is a playground for local dignitaries. Passing by here, you may see the scene of various sports cars competing for beauty under the night.

Guo Qi lit a cigarette and leaned against the Koenigsegg beside him. The body was sexy. He treated this car like his own wife.

The rumbling sound came from afar, Guo Qi squinted her eyes and said, "Who is this again?"

"That venom last week, I like to pretend." A person next to him said.

"It's not the sound of the engine."

As soon as Guo Qi finished speaking, a Wuling Hongguang rushed past like lightning, and the cigarette butt in his hand fell to the ground.

"This, who is this person, who hangs like this?"

Chen Ya drove Lu Aiai and ran wildly all the way. It only took 7 minutes to arrive at the location indicated by Gu Yuqing's positioning.

Fortunately, Lu Aia was sitting in the co-pilot. If she was sitting in the back seat, she would definitely vomit in the car by now.

"Just wait in the car and I'll be right back."

After speaking, Chen Ya got out of the car, locked the door, and walked to the bottom of the signboard of the Rogue Bar.The parking lot was right outside the door, and he saw Gu Yuqing's Porsche sports car at a glance.

Pushing the door open and walking in, his ears were numb from the surging music and drumbeats, the crowd made deafening noises, and men and women writhed in various places, creating a lewd atmosphere.

Chen Ya frowned, and when he found Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong, they were sitting in a dark and secluded corner drinking cocktails.

"Is it your usual hobby to come to this kind of place?" Chen Ya sat down beside the two of them.

"I've never been to a bar. This is the first time. If you want to blame it, you can blame this guy. It's her who wants to experience it."

Gu Yuqing pointed to Wu Qiutong and said.She had a straw in her mouth and her eyes were shining.I sold my best friend in an instant.

Wu Qiutong immediately resisted and said: "Obviously you said that you want to find a place where you want to get rid of your image, okay? Am I not cooperating with you?"

"But I didn't expect it to be such a flirty place. For a good girl like me, this kind of place simply surpassed my imagination. Who did you play with?"

"What are you playing? I asked my brother, he was recommended by a player..."

The two were noisy, but the louder speakers in the bar almost drowned out their conversation.

Although Gu Yuqing had been talking to Wu Qiutong, she kept staring at Chen Ya when she was talking.

Today Gu Yuqing is wearing a long black dress. The long satin skirt hangs down from the clavicle to the calf. Under the skirt is a delicate and lovely ankle. The instep is white under the thin strappy high heels, and there is a healthy touch near the side. pink.

"Exactly 30 minutes." Chen Ya said to Gu Yuqing, "Can I go?"

"Why are you here?"

Gu Yuqing took Chen Ya's arm smoothly, and after the physical contact, both of them were moved. Gu Yuqing immediately let go of her hand again, pretending to play with her hair, and took her hand away.

"The task you set for me was to arrive within 30 minutes. Now I have done it. You didn't stipulate that I must stay here. I have something to do, so I will leave first." Chen Ya said.

"Hey, then I'll give you another task, stay with me, okay?" Gu Yuqing said quickly.

Wu Qiutong had never seen her best friend so deflated before, and she sniggered aside.

"Okay, but please settle the bill for the last mission."

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes speechlessly, but obediently took out her mobile phone and opened the mobile bank.

Wu Qiutong giggled and leaned into her ear and said, "Are you really playing with him? Why do I feel that you are being played with?"

"Say a few words less." Gu Yuqing's tone was irritable, and after she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Ya with a smile.

"Okay, the money has been transferred, now, can you listen to me at ease?"

Chen Ya nodded.

"In a moment, someone will come over for a blind date with me." Gu Yuqing said, "It was arranged forcibly by the family. I don't want to go on a blind date with him at all, but the other party is quite high-ranking, so I have to come..."

Chen Ya interrupted her, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Bring you here to strengthen your courage." Gu Yuqing said.

Chen Ya looked her up and down: "Do you still need courage?"

"Did you misunderstand me? I'm a girl." Gu Yuqing circled her hands three times in the air, and then put them on her waist.

How big is the sense of disobedience of the action.

Seeing Chen Ya's disgusted face, Gu Yuqing said seriously, "Okay, seriously, that guy is someone like the young owner of Xiongfeng Industry. Do you know Xiongfeng Industry?"

Chen Ya said, "Isn't that an enterprise from Jinxi? Why did it come to the capital?"

Gu Yuqing said: "They have been active in the capital recently, maybe they want to establish a relationship. A while ago, somehow they hooked up with my old man, so..."

"That's why you were arranged to come on a blind date." Chen Ya said for her.

"That's right." Gu Yuqing took a sip of her cocktail.

"Xiongfeng should be a company that started out in heavy industry. To be able to do this business, you must have contacts in the capital. Why did you suddenly come here to run connections?" Chen Ya asked.

"You are very perceptive," Gu Yuqing said, "It is true that there was a relationship before, and it was very strong, but that relationship has receded, and things are always cold as soon as people leave the tea, so they have been shrinking in Jinxi in recent years. "

Chen Ya said: "The decline of heavy industry is the general trend, and they must be anxious."

Gu Yuqing looked at Chen Ya's eyes getting brighter and brighter, and asked, "I didn't expect you to have a big picture."

Chen Ya smiled, but did not speak.

Gu Yuqing handed over a glass of cocktail: "It's for you."

"No, I drove." Chen Ya shook his head.

"Then I'll leave the driving to you," Gu Yuqing covered her mouth and smiled, "So your task today is to be a flower protector for the two of us."

"If I can't protect myself, I will run away." Chen Ya said decisively.

I still can't afford to provoke a person of this status.

Even if the four Nobel Prizes and JX's identity are thrown out, it is hard to guard against this kind of tyranny who wants to mess with himself.

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "You really don't save yourself any face in front of girls."

"You can't make fun of your life to save face." Chen Ya said, "So, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Blind date," Chen Ya said, "Being married to the young owner of such a powerful company means a lot to you and your family, right?"

Gu Yuqing looked down at him with the upper part of her eyes, and said with deep meaning: "I like to live as a chess player, not as a chess piece."

"is it?"

Chen Ya thought for a while, then suddenly smiled.

He remembered that today that strange employee of Gaoshan Capital suddenly invited him to dinner and asked him about his relationship with Gu Yuqing.

That person might not really be someone who takes orders from within the company.

While talking, a man in a bright blue casual suit appeared at the door.

There is also a flirtatious woman beside him.

As soon as he saw Gu Yuqing's side, he walked over, then his eyes fell on Chen Ya's face, and he narrowed his eyes.

Chen Ya glanced at the man whose hairstyle was intentionally messy and who wore high-end perfume as soon as he smelled it, and then looked at the flirtatious woman beside him.

It seems that Gu Yuqing is not the only one who wants to give the other party a bad start today.

(End of this chapter)

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