Chapter 313 312. Big Adventure

Looking at the flirtatious woman beside the man, the smile on Gu Yuqing's face did not diminish at all.

But his eyes were icy cold.

"Master Yi, you didn't say that you brought a friend here."

Yi Yangbing called the woman beside him to sit down, glanced at Chen Ya's face, and said with a disdainful smile: "Mr. Gu, you didn't tell me that you brought a male friend with you."

He looked around, and said meaningfully: "And look, it's still in this kind of place."

Gu Yuqing quickly waved her hand and said: "No, Mr. Yi, you misunderstood, I'm not blaming you, I mean, since you are also a chic person, let's make it a tacit agreement, and let's go away after dealing with the adults' wishes." gone."

Yi Yangbing's expression changed.

He came all the way to the capital to have a blind date with Gu Yuqing, not because of an errand.

He really came with a mission.

The reason why he brought a woman over was mainly because the cable newspaper told him that Gu Yuqing had been getting very close to a man recently.

This woman here was actually found randomly, mainly to boost her momentum.

Unexpectedly, the momentum was not strong enough, but Gu Yuqing seized an opportunity and wanted to push back the entire blind date.

Yi Yangbing quickly said: "I still want to get to know Mr. Gu well, because when we met for the first time, I was afraid that the atmosphere would be awkward, so I brought a female friend over to have fun."

"Is that so?" Gu Yuqing looked at him with a smile.

"Yes, meeting for the first time will inevitably be a little embarrassing. If this blind date succeeds, we will be close comrades-in-arms and partners in the future. Of course, we should start getting to know each other from now on. If it doesn't work out, we can still be good friends. I don't like it either. That kind of blind date where you report each other's family background, just play and chat together, just make a game."

Gu Yuqing said, "Then let's play."

She spoke in a pointed tone.

It doesn't seem to be saying "play", but rather, "I'll wait for your move".

Yi Yangbing didn't seem to understand her subtext, and smiled: "Then why don't we start by introducing our companions to each other, this is a female friend of mine, her name is Zuo Pingping."

Gu Yuqing nodded, and Yi Yangbing immediately added:
"People in the capital may not understand that Zuo's family is a big family in our Jinxi, and Zuo Pingping is also very famous in our side. We have a small circle in Jinxi, and I am the leader of that circle. It is hard to enter that circle. The condition is that the family property must exceed 500 billion."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said, "Do you know Young Master Hou?"

Wu Qiutong asked: "Is it the host of the Beijing TV station who has been very popular recently?"

"Yes, he is from Jinxi. He has always wanted to join my circle, but we just don't let him come, because he deserves to be famous, and the hard conditions are not enough."

Gu Yuqing smiled "hehe" and said, "Then you are really amazing."

Her words were full of sarcasm, but Yi Yangbing didn't catch it, and thought that Gu Yuqing meant it sincerely, and was immediately very happy.

Yi Yangbing said that he didn't like the blind date where he reported on each other's family background, but in fact he was still reporting his family background in a disguised form.

He turned his head and asked Wu Qiutong beside Gu Yuqing, "Who is this lady?"

"My name is Wu Qiutong." Wu Qiutong put the wine glass to his lips, and simply introduced himself, unwilling to talk more.

Wu Qiutong is from the Wu family, and she is good friends with Gu Yuqing, but if she were in Shanxi, she probably wouldn't be able to enter Yi Yangbing's so-called small circle.

After all, her family doesn't have such a solid family background.

"Well, what about this one?"

Gu Yuqing pulled Chen Ya's arm and said, "This is my girlfriend, named Chen Ya."

"Oh." Yi Yang said indifferently.

Having said that, it was a bit cold, Gu Yuqing stretched out her hand to order a drink, and everyone sat relative to each other, drinking and drinking, silently silent, and could no longer establish an effective dialogue.

Chen Ya thought of Lu Aiai sitting in his car, and felt extremely tormented.

I don't know how long this group of people will have to hold this Hongmen banquet.

I hope that when he goes back, Lu Aia won't drive his car into the tree.

"Let's play a game," Yi Yangbing said suddenly, "Truth or Dare."

Gu Yuqing said indifferently: "I'm not interested in games that force people to be stupid."

"I think this game helps us get to know each other better," he said. "Come on, if you don't want to take a big risk, you can have a glass of wine instead."

Zuo Pingping beside Yi Yangbing said: "You can play, and it's more fun if you have to tell the truth."

"Of course, everyone here has status, so of course they must speak the truth."

When he said this, the pressure on Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong became even greater.

But after all, it was the first time they met, if she refused anything and would not give face, Yi Yangbing would be very upset if she chewed her tongue with the Gu family, so Gu Yuqing had no choice but to agree.

Yi Yangbing reached out and ordered 30 martinis, set the table full, and said with a smile: "The wines are all ready, today's goal is to play until you finish them all, and don't drink the wine When it's over, the stall will not disperse."

Gu Yuqing's face completely darkened.

If it was an ordinary person, she would have flipped the table long ago.

It's a pity that I can't lift it now.

Truth or Dare is a very simple game, everyone rolls the dice, the one with the smallest dice will be punished, choose truth or dare.

To tell the truth is to ask the one with the most points on the dice to ask a question. You must tell the truth. If you choose the big adventure, you will be assigned a task.

Yi Yangbing asked the waiter to distribute a dice cup to everyone, and the game began.

He shook the dice the most vigorously, shaking his head and brain, not knowing whether he was shaking the dice or trying to shake his brain evenly.

At the end of the numbers, Wu Qiutong had the most points and Chen Ya the least.

This crab should be eaten first by Chen Ya.

Seeing this result, Yi Yangbing didn't say anything, but obviously lost interest.

He proposed to play this because he wanted to have something to do with Gu Yuqing.

"The truth or the big risk?" Wu Qiutong looked at Chen Ya and asked.

"The truth." Chen Ya said calmly.

"Okay," Wu Qiutong smiled, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet." Chen Ya said.

"Not yet, but it was there before?" Wu Qiutong raised her voice.

"Of course." Chen Ya said calmly.

"Then do you think about looking for it later?" Wu Qiutong asked with a smile, and she suddenly felt that this game was fun.

"That's another question." Chen Ya said.

"Okay." Wu Qiutong said sullenly.

"Is this the end?" Yi Yangbing picked up the dice, "It's boring, come again. If everyone plays like this, we can't finish the wine today!"

Everyone started to roll the dice again. This time it might be due to the conservation of luck. Wu Qiutong who had the most points in the top pick had the smallest points, and Zuo Pingping brought by Yi Yangbing had the largest points.

"The truth or the big risk?" Zuo Pingping asked, blinking her glossy eyelashes painted black.

Wu Qiutong pursed her lips: "Let's tell the truth."

"Hey, if you always choose the truth, it's boring." Yi Yangbing shook his head, "Zuo Pingping, ask some sweeter questions, the atmosphere is heating up."

Zuo Pingping thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "Is she a virgin?"

"Wuhu! Good good!" Yi Yangbing couldn't close his mouth, clapping his hands and yelling, "Playing games is called exciting!"

Wu Qiutong bit her lip and blushed and said, "Yes."

Zuo Pingping raised her eyebrows: "Really? I don't believe it, don't be too tired to play games?"

Wu Qiutong gritted his teeth and said, "This is the truth."

Zuo Pingping curled her lips and said, "Wow, it's rare to be a virgin at such an age!"

In order to protect her best friend, Gu Yuqing interrupted and said, "So, you are not a virgin at a young age?"

Zuo Pingping was stunned by the question, not knowing what to say.

Yi Yangbing waved his hand and said: "This round of questions is over, there are still questions to be asked in the next round, let's continue."

When it comes to numbers, Yi Yangbing and Chen Ya's numbers are the largest, while Zuo Pingping's is the smallest.

"What should we do in this situation?" Zuo Pingping shouted with staring eyes.

"It's unlucky for you, you choose twice, and the two of us will punish in turn, do you choose the truth or the big risk?" Yi Yangbing said with a smile.

"Talk the truth and tell the truth, choose the truth."

"Okay, then I'll come first," Yi Yangbing said, "Do you think I'm handsome?"

"Handsome! Next!"

Yi Yangbing was too obvious to his own people, Wu Qiutong and Gu Yuqing both frowned, but couldn't say anything.

After all, that's the rules of the game.

When it was Chen Ya's turn, Chen Ya asked, "How many times has Yi Yangbing been in love?"

Zuo Pingping frowned: "Why do you ask me about him?!"

Yi Yangbing said hastily: "Isn't that good? To tell the truth is of course to ask the other party about their own affairs."

Chen Ya pretended to be surprised, and said, "Is there such a rule? Well then, let me ask you, have you ever liked Mr. Yi?"

Zuo Pingping's face turned red immediately, and she said in a low voice, "I drink."

Immediately, she grabbed a glass of wine and drank it down.

The first glass of wine was finally sold out, Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong covered their mouths and laughed.

Yi Yangbing was instantly annoyed with Zuo Pingping, wouldn't that mean she acquiesced in her feelings for him?

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this game to gain Gu Yuqing's favor, but as a result, points were directly deducted for this question, and he immediately blamed all his grievances on Chen Ya, who was listless at the side.

"Come again, come again," Yi Yangbing quickly started another game after clearing away the haze in his heart.

This time Yi Yangbing's winning streak was the biggest again, Wu Qiutong ran out of luck and fell to the bottom again, so she naturally chose the truth again.

Yi Yangbing asked with a smile: "Miss Gu, what kind of person is she?"

"Didn't you just say that if you want to ask about the client, you can't ask about others?" Chen Ya immediately said, "Double standards?"

Yi Yangbing immediately hated this person even more.

Wu Qiutong is Gu Yuqing's good friend, of course he can't ask some impolite questions, and this time he wants to please Gu Yuqing, so of course he has to ask some things about Gu Yuqing.

Yi Yangbing said: "Let me correct my question. My question is, 'In your eyes, what kind of person is Miss Gu?' Is it okay?"

He also cleverly circumvented the rules, Chen Ya shrugged his shoulders, assuming that there was no problem.

Wu Qiutong nodded her chin and said:
"Yuqing, she is a very nice person. She has good grades since she was a child, sports, and family background. She is perfect in all aspects. Boys who chase her can form a strengthening company. I am very envious of her."

Yi Yangbing said: "Does she have no shortcomings?"

"I've already answered you, this is the second question!" Wu Qiutong said with a smile.

Yi Yangbing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ask you this in the next round."

Wu Qiutong giggled and said, "The next round I will choose Big Adventure~"

In the next round, it was a pity that it had nothing to do with Wu Qiutong, Zuo Pingping was happy to be the first, and Gu Yuqing was at the bottom.

Naturally, Gu Yuqing chose to tell the truth.

Zuo Pingping asked directly without hesitation: "Are you a virgin?"

Wu Qiutong immediately protested: "You only know this question!"

Yi Yangbing praised Zuo Pingping in his heart, and brought her here for this purpose, but pretended to smooth things over: "Pingping, your questions are so coquettish!"

"How can this place not be flirty?" Zuo Pingping raised her legs domineeringly.The glass of martini she drank just now has already made her cheeks flush and a little drunk.

Gu Yuqing replied very heartily: "Yes. I am not only a virgin, I have never been in love with the opposite sex."

Zuo Pingping raised her eyebrows: "Didn't she just say that there is a company of boys chasing you? You have never been in a relationship?"

"Hehe, it's because of this that there are shadows." Gu Yuqing's face was covered with a haze.

Hearing that Gu Yuqing hadn't opened the seal yet, Yi Yangbing felt itchy, and looked at her even more hotly.

"Next round, next round."

Everyone rolled the dice again, this time, Chen Ya was the highest and Yi Yangbing was the lowest.

There was a cold flash in Chen Ya's eyes, this guy finally fell into his hands.

"Truth or Big Adventure?"

Yi Yangbing twisted his neck: "A man has nothing to say to others, I choose the truth."

"Okay," Chen Ya nodded, "Zhang Guodong from Gaoshan Capital, do you know him?"

After hearing this question, everyone looked at Chen Ya.

What kind of problem is this?
But Yi Yangbing's face turned ashen.

Chen Ya stared at him firmly.

"I drink." Yi Yangbing grabbed the martini decisively and drank it down.

"Okay." Chen Ya nodded.

Yi Yangbing didn't want to answer, but he got the answer he wanted.

Chen Ya has learned micro-expression, even if Yi Yangbing is lying, he can tell it.

Unexpectedly, Yi Yangbing did not lie, but chose to admit defeat.From this aspect, he admired him a little bit.

Zhang Guodong was the one who suddenly came to him today to find out about Gu Yuqing.Chen Ya suspected at first that he was sent by Gu Yuqing's competitor in the company.

Now after seeing Yi Yangbing, he guessed that maybe he was an insider arranged by Yi Yangbing.

Chen Ya turned around and found that Gu Yuqing was staring at him, as if asking, "What's wrong with Zhang Guodong?"

Chen Ya didn't answer her.He plans to go back and talk.

With Gu Yuqing's character, no matter what happens between her and Mr. Yi in front of her, I'm afraid Zhang Guodong, a little guy, will be in trouble.

Then everyone played a few more rounds, and everyone became more and more open.

In another round, Zuo Pingping with the highest points was the one who was full of filth, and Gu Yuqing with the lowest points.

Zuo Pingping cut to the chase: "Have you ever comforted yourself?"

Gu Yuqing replied calmly: "Yes."

"Oh oh oh!" Yi Yangbing yelled, blushing.

A goddess like Gu Yuqing can actually comfort herself.

It's just astonishing to say the least.

Zuo Pingping smiled even more happily, that smile seemed to have the pleasure of pulling the goddess down from the altar.

Blessings and misfortunes never come singly, the next round will be Zuo Pingping winning and Gu Yuqing losing.

The goddess of luck has taken care of this, so she asked the last question: "How often do you comfort yourself?"

Gu Yuqing still had a calm face: "Once a day."

"Pfft—" Wu Qiutong sprayed directly from the side.

She almost screamed in her heart.

My good sister, your demand is a bit too much!

Zuo Pingping lost her voice: "Can it still happen so often?"

"It's a bit too frequent." Yi Yangbing had an evil smile on his face, "Don't you think about that every day?"

Gu Yuqing looked calm, and put her hands on her chest: "Isn't this normal? Aren't you?"

Yi Yangbing was speechless for a moment.

"Yes, this is quite normal." Chen Ya said calmly from the side.

Gu Yuqing turned her head to look at him, just in time to make eye contact with Chen Ya.

The two unexpectedly had a strange feeling of tacit understanding at this time.

Seeing the two of them, Wu Qiutong had a strange expression on the side. It just so happened that she would ask Chen Ya the truth in the next round.

Wu Qiutong seized the opportunity and asked quickly: "You said just once a day is normal, right? Then let me ask you, when was the last time you did it?"

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "23 hours ago."

"Huh!" Wu Qiutong immediately stuck out her tongue and made a strange expression.

Yi Yangbing applauded, and put on airs: "Wonderful, wonderful! But fortunately, I didn't shake hands with you, brother, don't touch me with your right hand later."

Everyone ridiculed, but Gu Yuqing was thoughtful.

She was thinking, 23 hours ago, wasn't that just yesterday... After Chen Ya left his home, after he returned home?

Moreover, I was also 23 hours ago... In other words, two people at the same time...

"Cough cough." Gu Yuqing coughed twice, blushed and drank water, "There is something."

"Not just a little, but a lot."

After hearing Chen Ya's answer, Gu Yuqing almost spewed water. (referring to the water you just drank)

The atmosphere of the audience was also completely excited, and the questions that followed became more and more dirty one by one.

Both Wu Qiutong and Gu Yuqing were a bit on top, and sometimes when it was Wu Qiutong's turn and Gu Yuqing's civil war, the questions they asked each other were a little tainted.

At the back, everyone inevitably drank some wine, only Chen Ya kept a drop of alcohol.

When it was Chen Ya's turn to ask, as long as the other party was not Gu Yuqing, he would always ask the other party's most difficult to answer sharp questions, forcing the other party to drink.

Because of Chen Ya's special care, and Gu Yuqing's willingness to answer everything, she drank less.

But when she fell into Zuo Pingping's hands, the other party asked, "What is your biggest black history?"

Gu Yuqing, who was always relaxed, chose to drink this time, and drank a glass of martini in one gulp.

So so far, Zuo Pingping drank up to 4 cups, Yi Yangbing 3 cups, Wu Qiutong 2 cups, Gu Yuqing 1 cup, a total of 10 cups.

There are still 20 glasses of wine on the table, and it is still far away from killing them all.

And everyone was a little drunk because they drank too much.

"Okay, this round is over. I have a proposal."

Yi Yangbing clapped his hands and said, everyone looked at him.

"From just now until now, I have been telling the truth. There is no big risk. I suggest that the next one, no matter who wins or loses, must accept the big risk. Otherwise, you won't be able to get high, and you won't be able to drink all the wine. How about it? "

Both Gu Yuqing and Wu Qiutong frowned.

As long as the truth is not too much, it doesn't matter if you answer.

But Big Adventure is different.

Chen Ya said: "I disagree, what if the winner makes the loser go to the toilet to lick the toilet?"

Yi Yangbing stared and said: "Who would propose such a perverted adventure? It's simply impossible!"

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case, I will propose such a big adventure." Chen Ya sneered.

"Pfft—" Gu Yuqing couldn't help laughing.

Yi Yangbing frowned and said, "Okay, let's revise the rules. Let's propose a big adventure in advance and see if you agree. If you agree, we can play. If you don't agree, we can change. How about it?"

Wu Qiutong said, "What big adventure are you talking about?"

"In this way," Yi Yangbing rolled his eyes, "How about the winner and the loser go to the toilet room of the bar together for 3 minutes?"

The content of this big adventure can be said to have drifted past the bottom line of the two girls.

Let's say it's too much, it's nothing, just go to the bathroom and stay in the bathroom together, and didn't say anything too much.

It's not too much to say, if two people with awkward identities, a man and a woman, run into the bathroom cubicle for 3 minutes, then it's really ambiguous.

After Yi Yangbing finished speaking, he fanned the flames again:

"Please, this has to be considered for so long? All the big adventures we played in the past were more exciting than this one. If this one doesn't work, then it really doesn't count as an 'adventure'."

Wu Qiutong and Gu Yuqing looked at each other the same way, Gu Yuqing turned her head and said, "Okay, but it's not fair for you to ask for a big adventure."

"Okay, okay, let's make a suggestion for the next round, how about this round?"

Speaking of this, they could only agree, and everyone began to roll the dice.

Yi Yangbing's face almost turned red.While shaking, he prayed in his heart: "Gu Yuqing and I, Gu Yuqing and I and Gu Yuqing..."

He just wanted himself and Gu Yuqing to go to the bathroom.The two are in the same secret room, the atmosphere is ambiguous, and they drank a little wine, the relationship will definitely heat up.

He is sure that Gu Yuqing will increase his affection for him, and he is also confident that with his countless experiences in dating women, he will definitely eat Gu Yuqing.


Yi Yangbing yelled, opened the dice cup, and at a glance, everyone's scores were clear at a glance.

Then, his heart beat wildly.

Good news: Gu Yuqing has the lowest points.

Bad news: Chen Ya got the most points.

Seeing this result, Wu Qiutong went crazy with joy, patted her thigh and said, "Sister, go, go, I promise not to take pictures."

Yi Yangbing was grinning on the surface, but in fact she had scolded mmp countless times in her heart.

After planning for so long, I finally made a wedding dress for this kid.

Gu Yuqing looked at Chen Ya, she didn't know if it was because of drinking just now, or something else, her face was red:

"I said not to drink, and go directly to the big adventure, we two go in, do you dare?"

Chen Ya shrugged: "What is there not to dare?"

"Stand up if you dare."

Chen Ya stood up.

Gu Yuqing said loudly: "How dare you!"

Chen Ya smiled: "Isn't it willing to gamble and admit defeat?"

Gu Yuqing patted her skirt, stood up too, and said, "Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat, let's go!"

 This chapter is very big, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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